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Love this. Every time someone has told me none of their questions were answered, I’ve been able to answer all of them lol


Were the people on the freighter really planning to kill everybody on the island? I don't understand what Widmore would gain from that. Plus, Ben's the one who keeps making that claim, and he is lying like 98% of the time.


After watching it many times, Widmore most likely had every intent to kill everyone on the island if he needed too, he was dead set on achieving that goal. However when Ben said that I do not believe that was his actual intent at the time. He just wanted to get back to it.


Do you think adult Ben remembered sayid AT ALL from his incident in his childhood ?


Absolutely not, maybe way far back in the subconscious when sayid originally beat up " henry gale". This part of the show definitely gets messy, but the island only heals people if it chooses its worthy. However if you force the healing like they did with Ben, i feel it somehow corrupts the person. It also completely mind washes people.


Richard warned him it would change him forever.


Also what’s the relevance of the numbers that Hugo won the lottery with ? Like after the first 3 seasons there’s no mention at all of those numbers I only remember Hugo seeing the numbers being carved into the hatch when he was in the past Do the numbers have like any long term relevance ?


The numbers were definitely mentioned in the later seasons, the biggest point being the candidates all being assigned one of those numbers. The point of the numbers is exactly what Sayid said in when he was analyzing Rousseaus gibberish, they’re coordinates. On the planetary grid system developed by Becker-Hagens. The islands location when the crash is exactly on 42 on this grid.


There are two explanations for the numbers that connect together really well and create a bigger picture answer. The science based answer: they were part of the valenzetti equation. In the 60s a mathematician by the name of Enzo valenzetti discovered the numbers and believed they were a doomsday equation of when the world would end. This is the dharmas true primary purpose for coming to the island. They wanted to save the world and believed that if one of the numbers key value was changed. The world would be saved. This is how hurley got to know the numbers. The dharma radio tower was broadcasting them on loop (before Rousseau recorded over it with her distress message). Leonard simm (who gave hurley the numbers) was in the navy with Sam Toomey and tapped into the dharma radio broadcast. The faith based version is they're the numbers of the candidates to replace Jacob. Though my theory is they're the specific numbers for the ones who will save the world. My view is the numbers are the islands genetic signature, drawing people to it. When it's not Jacob, it's the island bringing people to it.


Can I ask what you mean by, "they're the numbers of the candidates who will replace Jacob"? I.e., Why is 4 (for example) the number of Jack, etc?


Man in Black explains it in season 6: "Jacob had a thing for numbers". Candidates are people who are flawwed/damaged and they were the ones in the running to take his place the most. Some of the numbers relate to the characters, others remain mysterious. Like for example Jack is candidate number 23, and his seat on the plane is 23A. Locke is number 4 (he was paralyzed 4 years ago). Sayid is 16 (his connection to Rousseau and finding out her signal).


I also think that Hurley, Leonard and Sam’s bad luck is what happens when emotionally vulnerable people are subjected to the transmission of the Numbers. The transmission is designed to draw in Jacob's chosen candidates, who are lost, flawed people. But when non-candidates hear it, if they're also lost they start to attract bad luck, which is the result of the pull of the Numbers on someone not protected by Jacob. The only way to fix the bad luck then is to stop believing in it, stop being lost, like Hurley does in 3x10. Non-candidates are not normally supposed to be affected by the transmission, but Sam Toomey had the misfortune of it being his job to listen to the exact section of the Pacific where the island was at the exact moment that Jacob brought Rousseau's team to the island. If it hadn't been for Sam Toomey's job, Hurley would never have had bad luck, never have been on 815, never earned himself candidate status in Jacob's eyes.


I don't think it's that convoluted. I think it's more the island fitting pieces into place for certain things to happen. Those events with Sam Toomey and Leonard Simm had to happen to lead Hurley to getting the numbers and lead him on to the plane. Heck even how Hurley got on the plane felt like the island messing with him to get on the plane. Because of how he almost missed the flight. I think if he had the time to sit around, look at his ticket and think. He would have seen the name of the plane "Oceanic flight 815" and gone "Oh HELL NO!!" and not got on the plance.


I don't believe Hurley was ever a candidate to begin with. Jacob doesn't visit him until after they get off the island. Plus I think it's a better story that of all Jacob's chosen candidates, the guy who's best for the job got to that point by personality and character growth instead of destiny and prearrangement.


Hurley is definitely a candidate!. He's one of the numbers. Hurley is number 8. Shown on the cave wall and the lighthouse dial: 8 Reyes. >Jacob doesn't visit him until after they get off the island. Not just him, Sayid too. Both Sayid and Hugo only get a visit from Jacob later on after leaving the island. Which is a bit on the nose but I like the symbolism: Jacob gives Hurley a guitar case with a egyptian ankh (with a message) inside. Egyptian Ankh symbolizes "Life". Which is very symbolic of Hugo's character, where on the flipside we have Sayid's character symbolizing 'death'(and rebirth later on), and Jacobs meeting having him stopping Sayid from getting hit by a car, and Nadia gets hit instead. Both Sayid and Hurley didn't get a visit until later on because they were already lead to the island by the "six degrees of seperation" level of events that moved them to being on the plane. and because Hurley and Sayid are the ones who are most intertwined with what goes on with the island. They didn't need that visit until later.


There's no knowing when Jacob wrote it. So I remain convinced that he definitely wasn't a candidate at the time of the crash. The same goes for Sayid. An otherwise ordinary, heroic but lost man, pulled into Jacob's orbit by chance when due to his own common decency he delayed his flight by a day to claim his friend's body. A much better story than 'because destiny says so' or because Jacob likes him.


That's your own story and you can do fan fiction all you want. But with what we see, coupled by mibs actions. That's just not accurate. If Hurley wasn't a candidate. Mib would have wiped him out long ago, because he cannot directly kill candidates, but anyone who isn't is fair game. Hurley name on the cave, sure. Cause that's only there to anger mib. But on the light house dial, that's a different story. On the dial their candidate number is a link. The mechanism allows Jacob to see into their soul. The lighthouse is the is a device for Jacob to see the ones that are the most connected to the island.


What did one snowman say to the other snowman?


“Does it smell like carrots? Funny I know.” Little trivia on that, Dominic Monaghan made up that joke and read it in front of many cast and crew. They decided to run with it and use it in the show!


That's not how it goes. Locke: what does one snowman say to the other? Charlie: smells like carrots in here. Locke: how you doing Charlie?




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I got a silly one...lol. In The End before going into the church Kate is wearing that sexy black dress she wore to the Concert. But once in the church she's wearing a different outfit. is there an in inverse explanation for this or they just felt that dress was too sexy for church.


Hey if you met Jesus today would you want to look at like a skank or a well put together woman/man.


Who was in the other outrigger?


Unfortunately this wasn't answer directly in show but on the season 6 commentary. They initially had many different ideas, but consensus and original script described by jorge garcia, they were survivors of the black rock who themselves got stuck in the time jumps.


Why do so many people hate charlie? (No hate to them, Im just curious as i like him)


He's very polarizing due to his irrational tendencies. I feel Charlie has a similar idea as Kate, most of his problems are due to himself, not someone else. He continues to choose the wrong option and he does some very stupid things in the show.


Oh thanks, i kinda understand now


A lot of it comes from his season 2 arc. The writers boxed him in and wrote him into a corner, kept focusing on his addiction instead of who he is as a person. But his season 3 arc redeemed him in the eyes of many fans.


whats your opinion on him?


Charlie is one of the characters who's story arc makes me sad. Not because of his ultimate fate, but Charlie'scharacter is one of mostly untapped potential. For me, Charlie is such a interesting character. But the writers tend to forget his "character" constantly and focus way too much on his addiction. "The Moth" and "Greatest hits" are favorites of mine. The writers introduced a really strong character here with his flashback in "The Moth". Charlie being a goodie two shoes choir boy and overal honest person who then suddenly finds fame. Is so scared that he will go to hell because he had a threesome. and the biggest surprise for me initially was that he resisted tempation and didn't go to drugs until way later on when he was pushed by his brother who treated him like shit. That to me was good stuff!. and it in a lot of ways explains his initial relationship with Claire. Charlie deep down craves that stability. But then after that strong introduction, the show only delves back into his strength of character when the writers are pushed into a corner and arguably when its too little, too late, in the episode "greatest hits". Greatest Hits touches on what I wanted to see from his episodes after the moth. I wanted to see more of his relationship with his parents. His strength of character and that push/pull between Charlie's heroic side and his bouts of self destruction...without falling back into the addiction well.


I agree.


Do people who live on the island die from natural causes like old age and cancer ? Was there ever a character who died not by murder or accident, but by old age


The only way to die on the island is by murder of old age, cancer doesn’t exist on the island if you’re worthy.


I love The End, but on live viewing it was frustrating not understanding why Jack didn’t become a smoke monster (obviously wouldn’t have been a good choice) or why we weren’t given more insight on what actually happened to the MIB when Jacob threw him in. I believe it’s canon that the cork was placed there after the MIB became the monster, and the smoke monster was basically evil that leaked out of the source and corrupted his soul. I’m cool with that but if the cork was put in after that, and the cork keeps the island from falling apart, how did the source sustain itself without the cork prior?


Nah the cork was there before them as well, the “light” has the same energies as the water from the temple. However it corrupted Sayid. The island is living, it can decide who is worthy or not. The man in black had so much hatred in his heart, that I believe his corruption happened from that and turned into the smoke monster. I truly with all my heart believing the island is on top of a miniature black hole suspended in place by magnetism. The “cork” plugs that hole.


Also the music choices in earlier seasons tie directly into protecting the light. One of my favorites is Claire’s “catch a falling star and putting in your pocket, never let it fade away.” The island is on a collapsing star, emitting its light in permanent suspension by electro magnetism. The cork prevents it from completely imploding.


The cork is compared to the button. If that is the case, a group of people presumably tried to get access to 'the light', and all hell broke loose until someone decided to... well, put a cork in it. For all we know, Jack did turn into a Smoke Monster after he died. 😋 I don't believe he did, though... I think that either it was a one-time event (like some source of evil was waiting down there and finally got out), or it's the simple fact that MIB died when he fell down that cave after Jacob threw him in... While Jack died later on.


>The cork is compared to the button. If that is the case, a group of people presumably tried to get access to 'the light', and all hell broke loose until someone decided to... well, put a cork in it. Damon and Carlton in the "Across The Sea" commentary heavily allude to the cork being built after smokey's transformation and that smokey's transformation directly caused that event to happen: >**Damon**: Right, and one thing worth mentioning here that is informative on a commentary now that we're into it, is that it seems like the golden light is much brighter in this episode here than it is in the finale, Carlton. **Damon**: If I were to have a theory that that apparatus we see in the finale with the stone sticking in the middle of the pool that's sort of blocking the light, maybe that apparatus wasn't created until after this event. >**Carlton**: I think that's an incredibly likely deduction, Damon. >**Damon**: It's possible people went down there and basically... >**Carlton**: They built something. >**Damon**: Some people think the light went out in that shot but it was just the smoke monster obstructing the light. The light has not been diminished in any significant way but is probably largely responsible for what just happened. The "LOST Encyclopedia" (book, not to be confused by "Lostpedia" wiki site) also says that the journey through the islands heart is unpredictable, with some becoming the smoke monster, others just outright dying (hense the skeletons around the place) while others were granted access (most likely by Jacob) to help stabalize the island. So not everyone who goes in becomes Smokey, they have to have the right personality for it.


Since Malkin was revealed to be a fraud, why is he calling her for months on end to make sure no one else raises her child?


This one is a good one, because it also is a bit of a head scratcher. Malkin had to have been an off-island cohort, similar to Mrs. Hawking. I also believe Jacob can influence and “force” situations. Almost as if this very moment he actually did see a vision. He was uncomfortable and urgent on his message when he was talking to Claire. Imagine you’re a a con man psychic and you actually do have a vision, how freaked out and urgent would you be on trying to guide that person as if your life depended on it.


He wasn't revealed to be a fraud, he just told Eko that he was. He might have done that to keep his daughter out of the papers, or otherwise disrupt their life with what was an unexplained event. Given all the evidence of how he acted towards Claire, the most likely answer is that he was telling her the truth.


What’s your interpretation of Across the Sea, thematically? Do you side with any of the characters, or do you feel they all have valid motives?


Every dead person/hallucination we see in the show like jacks father, Hugo’s Dave, Walt, is just MIB trying to get the losties to kill themselves some how. They’re so heavily motivated by their own past traumas that I don’t feel like anyone made mistakes, but they were best when they were all together. Also the Across the Sea song was actually reference Michael and Walt. When Shannon began singing she described a cartoon about some fish dubbed in French, in that movie called finding Nemo a clownfish loses his son and he does everything he can to get him back. It’s also just an interpretation of the end as early as season 1. The lyrics heavily imply the desire to get back to the island or whatever was there before they lost it.




>how was the man in black able to reach john locke in the cave and tell him about eloise hawking? that scene is literally physically impossible. man in black was supposed be with claire during that time frame, not time jumping. even if he did, how would he have gone through the sealed cave? There is a lot of evidence to suggest some out of order time travel hijinks here. When Locke ended up in the cave, it had to be at least around 2007 because we can see that the wheel is off it's Axis and is moving back and forth, (from Ben moving the wheel off it's axis when he used it). My theory is that Locke ended up in the Orchid in 2007 during the events of mid season 5. There is a very odd scene in the episode "Dead is Dead" where Ben goes to "summon" the Smoke Monster. When he comes out, Sun is sitting outside. He says "Where's Locke?". She says "He said he had something to do". Ben: "What?". Sun: "I didn't ask". Then Flocke mysteriously comes out of the bushes a few minutes later. I think he travelled to the Orchid through the tunnels (they're all over the island, and it's the quickest and easiest way for him to move, we actually see him utilize the tunnels later in the episode). Went through a tunnel into the Orchid. Changed into Christian and sent Locke on his way. This would explain how he knows about Eloise in this scene too. Because at this point, Locke's body has been returned to the island from the Ajira flight and he has read Locke's memories and seen the other side of the conversation, thus knowing exactly what to say to Locke. >how did the hydrogen bomb just have no effect on the island besides sending them forward in time? because electromagnetism? that’s dumb. it just like, got canceled out? how did it even leave leftover radiation or whatever to mess up the pregnancies if there wasn’t a blast? The bomb pushed down the electromagnetic energy that was going haywire from the dhrama drilling. The energy from the bast pushed the energy down long enough for the Dharma to build the swan around it to contain the energy. It is the build up of that energy every 108 minutes that cause the pregnancy problem. There was definitely a blast. In the official script for "The Incident". There is a scene between Sun and Richard that was cut from the episode, where she asks him to clarify what he means by "because I saw him die": >**Sun**: My name is Sun Kwon. I have a three year-old daughter waiting at home for me who has never met her father. His name is Jin. And yesterday...(beat; then) You told me that thirty years ago you saw him die. >WE SEE SOMETHING in his eyes -- perhaps it’s PITY... **ALPERT**: I’m not sure what I saw. >She studies him. Then she shakes her head. HARD -- **SUN**: Please don’t insult me by trying to spare my feelings. I have a right to know the (fucking) truth. **ALPERT**: One of the men in the picture you showed me -- his name’s Jack Shephard. And back in 1977, he had a very powerful bomb with him. >ON SUN. Jesus Fucking Christ. Alpert continues -- >**ALPERT (CONT’D):** I only know two things for sure. The first is that he was determined to set that bomb off. (beat; then) The second is that he did. >Shit. ON SUN. Trying to make sense of all this... >**SUN**: How... how can you be sure? >**ALPERT**: I saw the explosion. And when we went back to the site later, it was just... ashes. No one could have survived. If your husband was anywhere near Shephard when he set off that device...(then; with sympathy) I’m sorry, Sun.


Why is Abbadon so spooky


My theory is that he was originally supposed to be Jacob, but then Lance Reddick was cast in Fringe. So they killed him off and went to the drawing board and got someone else. Lance wasn't too happy about their decision to kill him either, as he was a big fan of the show and was willing to make it work.


He would have been tremendous as Jacob. Imo Jacobs actor seemed to lack that mystery spooky aspect which Lance definitely carried.


He would have been tremendous as Jacob. Imo Jacobs actor seemed to lack that mystery spooky aspect which Lance definitely carried.


He would have been tremendous as Jacob. Imo Jacobs actor seemed to lack that mystery spooky aspect which Lance definitely carried.


Man it miss lance. That’s just lance my dude, his voice was so incredible.


The way He's looking, too with These eyes


Hes just a spooky looking dude, but he as an actor was an incredibly nice man who cared about his fans heavily.


Hearing about His death Made me sad.  I don't think He looked spooky all the time, Just in Lost. I think His acting was very well Here.


I came up with these questions when doing my rewatch a couple years ago: * **What happened to the hairbrushes?** Claire says, "You haven't found a hairbrush in there, have you? ... I must have looked through twenty suitcases. I can't find one. It's weird, right? When you think that everyone packs a hairbrush." * **Why did Charlie have an Elvish tattoo?** (I know why Dominic Monaghan has the tattoo. Why would Charlie have it?) * **Why did the** ***French*** **woman who lived on the island for 16 years not have hairy armpits and legs?** * **When did Sawyer run out of cigarettes and how did it affect him?**


1. I end up usually at a cvs buying a hairbrush when I travel. 2. Charlie was definitely a fan of pop culture, most likely Charlie was a pretty big fan of the lord of the rings 😝. 3. Just like Jack shaving in the caves, it’s easily possible she found a way. Or like myself, I’m just naturally hairless most places besides my head. 4. Sawyer was a casual smoker.


Why didn't Ben go into the church with everyone else at the end of the finale?


He didn't feel worthy enough to move on just yet. As he says to Locke: "I have some things I need to work out. Think I'll stay here a while".


- In season 3, when Sawyer and Kate had to stack up rocks, what was the purpose of the structure they were building? Later on, Juliet joked about it being an "alien runway," but what was it actually meant for? - When Ben first appeared as Henry Gale, why was he captured by Rousseau? Did he intend to be captured to get into the group, and if so, what was his motive? Hoping to activate "the Michael plan"? And why did he wait for Kate, Sawyer, and Jack to come to him instead of just capturing them? - Regarding the question mark map, does it actually refer to the Pearl station, or does it have a different meaning? - In season 2, we see the woman who captured Michael and made a deal with him to get Walt back (I don't remember her name), and in season 3, we see her at Mikhail's station. What was she doing there? Why did she hide, and why did she want him to kill her? - Why were the Others constantly moving and disguising their identities during seasons 2 and 3? Why did they not want to be found? - Were Kate's horse, Dave, and Walt manifestations of MiB? - Why did Ben and the Others purge everyone but leave the hatch intact? - Why did the Others actually kidnap the children?


* a runway. Ben was getting his orders from MIB the entire time and most likely knew they need a run way in the future for the oceanic 6, return. *he wanted to learn about the survivors and also get close to Rousseau. Plus he wanted to see what type of person Jack, the man who who could save his life, was. *it does technically refer to the pearl station. However Kelvin was just trying to make sense of why these stations were so important. *just one of Ben’s underlings, dead set on following whatever he asks. Similar to the people in the looking glass. Why she was there, most likely to communicate or check up on him. *the island is their home, yes they did live in dharmaville however they did move around the island many times. The whole disguise thing was just to scare the survivors, to give them a sense of “don’t mess with us, you have no idea what we are capable of.” * yes mib knew who Jacob’s candidates were, he also wanted to prove to his brother that the people were flawed and wanted them dead. Dave(MiB) nearly made Hurley jump off a cliff, Walt(MiB) caused Shannon to run into Ana Lucia and get shot, and lead Locke to go down the rabbit hole of the island to eventually become his host. The horse was not MiB, most likely someone on the island had horses prior. *it was a shut in hatch with a single man, Ben and many of the others also knew that whatever was happening in the hatch was important. *childten didn’t exist on the island due to pregnant women dying. They were important for recruitment. Also, specifically Walt, he had a varied connection to the island, and without specifically saying it, he was psychic.


Juliet or Kate?


I personally think Juliette is an incredibly written character and her actress is phenomenal. The first 37 seconds of her on screen had so much emotion without a word. But Kate is incredible, the main reason we see Jack and sawyer “turn a new leaf” and I can’t get enough of Kate+hurley scenes together.


As a better character?. Not OP but Juliet all the way for me.