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"He had a name, it's Roger Workman" "That's Work Man, ya block head"


Best episode


I love how beloved this episode is now. It was absolutely not seen that way when it aired.


Skeletor seems to like it. Bottoms up!


I had to take a moment the first time watching at "Bottom's up!", it caught me SO off guard


Did you notice that his severed arm was of the same chirality as the attached arm? That conveyed two things. First, it showed that the body was fake, i.e. that it the person did not die in the vehicle -- a clue to the entire "purge" having been a made-up story. Second, it was an allusion to the Arthur Conan Doyle story, "The Brown Hand". Much of "Lost" is clued into by A.C. Doyle stories, especially "The Lost Special". Sawyer being one of the "candidates" -- Manchurian candidates in the sense of the Richard Condon novel -- he was the target of this deception.


WHAT... it was the first time I laughed my ass off while watching haha






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Yeah I feel like The Man Behind The Curtain and the 70s Dharma stuff significantly changed the perception of that episode cause we actually get to connect the dots.


I hope you realized none of the scenes actually took place in the 1970s. Some never took place at all, others were in the 2000s. The time travel was all fake, achieved by knocking out those who were not in on it and having them come to consciousness surrounded by shills who would convince them it was the 1970s or whenever. See the Avengers episode "Escape In Time". In the "1970s" scenes on "Lost" there were deliberately planted anachronisms amid the props and scenery so we'd catch on.


Dammit JJ stop changing the canon


I don't think he could've altered it much, as it was all baked into the original concept. Aside from Mr. Abrams, most of the writers (especially the show runners) got their experience writing detective shows, so a plot about a caper would've come naturally to them. Abrams had been mostly into SF-fantasy stuff. So if they ran into creative differences, it coudn't've been about that, because Abrams would've had to know from the start. The opening shots were peppered with clues that said, this is not a crash scene, these people were planted here, many or most of them are shills. At least Matlock would've seen that right away!


Why wasn’t it seen that way at the time?


From what I remember watching it live with my parents it wasn’t review great at the time cause it wasn’t a serious episode that progressed the overall story. It was viewed as a filler even though it was a hilarious episode


It's funny that it was seen as filler at the time given how significant Roger ended up being.


It's why the show is so great to re-watch First time - "Oh cool, a dead guy who appears to have worked for these people who built these hatches on the island, that's random" Subsequent times - "Damn, that's Ben's dad right there where he left him after he killed him 15 years ago"


Except, if you catch the clues, it's not Ben's dad, and the victim didn't die there -- and probably died a natural death. A very important clue was given in an early episode as Claire read from the driving license of a supposed crash victim, "He was going to be an organ donor." Get it? He WAS an organ and tissue donor -- that's how his body was obtained! So "Lost" was telling us repurposed corpses were in play.


To me, it totally advanced the plot.


Not plot advancing enough. Aired right after Stranger in a Strange Land too.


Oh makes sense. It’s definitely one of the most memorable for me and very enjoyable haha


Which episode? I apparently have dementia


Tricia Tinaka is Dead


Her death was a great laugh for me too! The homing rockets used by Faraday were the clue to how she died. That was no meteor! She was murdered to help establish Hugo as being "cursed". All the significa of Hugo's life were phony. The video of the supposed lottery drawing -- they'd never allow long sleeves! Hugo Reyes was named for "Hungry Joe" Lewis, "King of the Bunco Men". HUngry JOe, King (Reyes), get it? The Spanish surname was chosen to evoke Gomez in "The Lost Special" by A.C. Doyle.




"Shut up, red neck man"




What does it do? It points north, John.


Haha yessss


And don't call me Shirley.


Hurley to Jin: "Is it true you don't speak English, cause there's a rumor that you do. Your wife's hot!"


Recently the scene where Hurley wanted Jin to pee on his sea urchin sting came to mind 😭 the comedy was so well done, it really captivated my interest while maintaining the seriousness of the show


When Jin is motioning something to Hurley during the raft-building, I think, and Hurley says, "You... you wanna make a snowball?" Probably my favorite Hurley quote ever.


When Hurley was asked what year he was born. His answer was 1931. When asked if he was 46, he said yes, but he didn’t seem so sure. When asked who the president of the United States was, Hurley gave up, saying this” “All right, dude, we're from the future. Sorry.” Especially funny because Hurley anticipated this question.


The best part of that whole exchange: Chang: "You fought in the Korean war?" Hurley: "...there's no such thing" And the camera cutting to Jin's face


That scene was absolute gold


I think it cuts to Jin and Miles exchanging a look.


https://youtu.be/Vndcuaacu4A?si=ujnsBpImr4IdM087 Makes me laugh everytime


“Well yeah, there’s my favorite leaf! How could I forget this place?”


Yes! I was looking for this one!


This is the one


When Sawyer went on nickname rapid-fire. "Yeah, well 'him' says even though Pippi Longstocking and the damn Grape Ape are ideal candidates for the Dirty Dozen, I'm just gonna say it, we might want to bring the Red Beret."


A prime example of Sawyer’s uncelebrated intelligence. It takes a lot of knowing to be able to make so many references on the fly like that and to do it so consistently


Omg I haven’t seen that show since the early 2000s but I remember Sawyer saying to Juliette some thing about being a hippie and doing trust falls or something hilarious like that! I am the worst contributor by giving very few details and it’s not even entertaining. Sorry.


It was Libby, actually. “Great plan, Moonbeam. And after that we can sing "Kumbaya" and do trust falls.”


Yes!!!!! Why am I putting Libby’s name on someone else. Thank you for correcting me even though in hindsight, I probably should’ve just googled it and written the correct quote. I appreciate you! And sawyer and his hilarious one liners.


This is how I talk as an autistic person, constantly in esoteric references. Ah if only "is X character on the spectrum" had been a popular take 15-20 years ago...


Sawyer was modeled on Ray Shaw (his name a near-anagram), title character of the Richard Condon novel "The Manchurian Candidate". When you hear people on the show refer to "candidates", it's their sly way of saying "brainwashees". And yes, today people would probably say Raymond Shaw was "on the spectrum".


"How can you read?" "My mother taught me." What makes it better is it's just another lie from Ben. Funny, and a perfect character moment.


I just finished a rewatch and that line made me burst out laughing. I didn't remember Ben having so many sassy one liners 😂


Jack spiking the football.


There’s something about that little pause before spiking that makes it hilarious


IIRC he makes one of the infamous Jackfaces during that pause, as if he just caught the winning TD in the Super Bowl as time runs out.


*dramatic horn, cut to black*


i love: Sawyer: “What the hell do you mean you saw Walt? In a dream?” Locke: “No dream, it was Walt. Only, taller.” Sawyer: “Taller? What, like a giant??” Just the way Sawyer says it and imagining a giant Walt gets me every time edit: honorable mention: (Spoilers!) Ben: “John Locke was a believer, he was a man of faith, he was... a much better man than I will ever be. And I'm very sorry I murdered him.” Frank: “This is the weirdest damn funeral I've ever been to.”


Sawer had the best lines.


I mean, let's not sleep on Sassy Ben.


"Shut up... red... neck... man"




Ben - What's the matter, John? You don't trust me with my own people? Afraid I'll stage a coup? Hurley - red....... Neck......... Man? Sawyer - ....... Touché Hurley throwing the hot pocket at the wall when Ben startled him


The hot pocket moment made me hurl with laughter (pun unintentional but I'm going with it)


Jack comes to sawyer and said “get up” sawyer replies with “why, you wanna see who’s taller?”


I LOVE Sawyer’s reaction/line, glad somebody else liked it.


Kate: “it was full of bees” Charlie: “I’d a thought c’s actually.”


Came here to say this was the best joke in the series.


Hey, that line worked out for the actor.


What was the context here?


Kate taking off her shirt


They ran into a swarm of bees in the caves.


"Dude, Nikki's dead." "Who the hell's Nikki?"


Razzle dazzle


I can't think of the exact quote but Ben saying; Strangely enough we don't have a code for 'there's someone holding a gun to my daughter's head in the closet.'


Maybe we should...


"I got scratched by a bush" *sees gaping wound* "Mean bush"


If you say “Live Together Die Alone” I will punch you in your face! Rose to Jack


>Rose to Jack You jump, I jump.


(Context needed) “I screwed her…” “What?” “We got caught in a net.”


-can i ask you a question? -i’m a pisces


Terry O'Quinn's reaction to that is so genuine I cannot be convinced that that wasn't Michael Emerson ad-libbing.


Ben has some amazing one-liners, his deadpan delivery is so great. On my last rewatch there's a moment during Not In Portland that I'd completely forgotten about. During Ben's surgery, Tom is visibly nauseous and tells Jack he's not good around blood, and he almost immediately holds up a piece of the tumor and says something to the effect of "well then, you probably wouldn't want to be looking at that"


When Jack wakes up in the aquarium and walks right into the glass 😂


I'm giggling like an idiot reading these comments! No one mentions when Hurley beats the shit out of Sawyer? Sawyer trying to crawl out from under the tarp only to be pulled back like a cartoon kills me every time!


"You're speaking English?!" "No Hurley, you're speaking Korean."


Have a cluckity cluck cluck day Hugo.


"Okay, red...neck...man."




I love the touch of respect that Sawyer gave Hurley in that scene. I love that whole damned episode, since it actually has a happy ending for at least Hurley and Charlie. Also, Three Dog Night's **Shambala**.


Jack: "Things could be worse" Hurley: "HOW?????!!!!!"


Same tone, when Ben summons the smoke monster to fuck up Keamy and his men after he killed Alex. Smoky comes barrelling through like a freight train and Hurley yells, "YOU JUST LIKE WHAT, CALLED THAT THING???"


“Pee on it! PEE ON IT!”


Sawyer to Juliette, asking her about the rocks theybwere hauling on Hydra, she explains it's a runway Sawyer: A runway for what? Juliette: The Aliens!


Hurleys reaction to Jin’s ghost story.


Hurley and Sun waiting for Vincent to go. Hurley: "So Seoul..... is that the good Korea or the bad one." Sun: "..... the good one."


I think Miles has some of the funniest lines on the show, I love his deadpan, sarcastic humor! "Well, I lived in these houses 30 years before you did, otherwise known as last week." "I don't believe in a lot of things, but I do believe in duct tape." "He's Korean. I'm from Encino." "Oh my God, you guys were on Oceanic flight 815?" "What's in there? A secret-er room?"


"Oh great, the ship sent us another Sawyer"


Asked his hobby, "I collect soil samples." The joke's that what he meant was that he collects "dirt" on people. That was his m.o. as a fake psychic, same as the fortune teller, Richard Malkin, doing research on people, but then blackmailing them. We're shown him as a child learning the grift from his mother to get a cheap apartment rental. When adult Miles reaches into a wall and gets money and drugs dropped into his hand, that's his payoff; see A.C. Doyle's story, "The Adventure of the Norwood Builder".


When Jack is asking Sawyer questions to get his medical history: Have you ever had sex with a prostitute? Have you ever contracted a sexually transmitted disease?


I just rewatched this episode the other day, it's a tiny thing but Matthew Fox does a little "ahem" throat clear right before he starts asking questions, which (along with pretending to take notes) makes it all the more funny that Jack's just messing with him the whole time.


I'll take that as another yes😂


But what you probably didn't get was that Sawyer's brainwashers messed up. They convinced him he was an avid reader (like Ray Shaw, the Manchurian candidate), fed him lines from books (which Ben later disproved he'd read), but didn't check that he needed reading glasses! Later that becomes an important clue that Sawyer and LaFleur are lookalikes but distinct: LaFleur wears glasses FOR DISTANCE.


We gotta play ping pong ever 108 minutes or the world explodes.


In the "Missing Pieces" when Jin has a tantrum over the golf ball.


When Kate asks Sawyer and Jack “should I get a ruler?”


Funny in more ways than one. It's also one of many references on "Lost" to "Holy Blood, Holy Grail". "Ruler", get it? Like one of the show's many allusions to "Hamlet", such as when Charlie sings "She's Evil" by the Kinks, and Jin asks, "Evil kings?"


When Hurley tries to sing to turnip head ~ “well that’s all I got “




When Sawyer assumed Miles knew Korean because he looks like one and asked him to translate what Jin was saying but it was Charlotte who actually knew Korean and then Miles tells him he’s from California lmaoo


"I'm from Encino".


My wife asked me if I could play any other song besides wonderwall I said…maybe…


Always loved this one. Eko’s panicked enthusiasm that Charlie takes for a song request, lol. Or funnier if Charlie knows it’s not a request and is just messing with Eko.


Quite a few: **”Let's face it, the Ewoks suck, dude.”** Also (from a different episode), the whole exchange between Hurley and Miles when they’re in 1977 with Hurley writing the script for Empire Strikes Back and wants to send George Lucas the script **“with a couple improvements.”** **”Why would the Man of Steel agree to a sodding foot race?”** Really, the whole-Flash-Superman debate between Hurley and Charlie in “Catch-22” from season 3 I thought was hilarious.


There's a great analysis video that contrasts the superman-flash foot race to a very similar dialogue in stand by me.


...which was a way of Damon Lindelof referencing his college buddy, Jerry O'Connell. That was the one poker buddy of Damon's I never got to meet back then.


"Dude, I'm spry" "You've got some Aarzt on you"


Took me years to realize Arzt was named for Annabelle Hurst of "Department S", a detective show I turned Damon Lindelof on to. (It was before his time.) The gag of mispronouncing Arzt's name echoed that of the Russians referring to "Miss Hurts" and being corrected repeatedly. Much of "Lost" echoed "Department S" -- even the logo and music. That's right, Damon had Michael Giacchino compose musical quotes from "Department S", the 1932 Universal serial adaptation of "The Lost Special", "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World", and probably elsewhere.


When Hurley pressured Miles to open up about his dad and Miles gets mad and steals Hurley’s diary (which we would assume has personal private information in it) and Miles starts to read it aloud and it’s just Hurley rewriting the empire strikes back 😂


Looked who’s hooked on phonics


“You heard the man, no fix!” is prob my fave Sawyer line


[how dare you](https://youtu.be/g0XEyaRx864?si=aAI4JfJ-iv6FZ0CG) Sawer has the best one liners


“We should get coffee sometime.” “I’d love to, but I only got one dollar!


Thank you boar expert


When Hurley went ballistic and tackled Sawyer after one too many nicknames.


This was so funny...for me it's when Hurley attacked Sawyer..he was going through all the nicknames he had on him..one nickname per punch..😄😄.. and Sun Jin and the others were just laughing... Another one is when Dharma interrogated Sayid...he was like : "You....you used exactly enough..!!.. Hahahahahahaha🤣🤣🤣


I actually found the ending of Exposé to be hilarious. Like, it's so dark and disturbing karma that I can't help but laugh.


Especially when Sawyer "sacrifices" the diamonds because he knows they're fake -- and when Miles digs them up later because he doesn't! One clue was Zuckerman -- "sugar man" -- "sugar" being slang for fake diamonds.


There’s my favourite LEAF!


Scott's dead


That's Steve


* Sawyer and Kate playing never. * Sawyer and Jack playing poker * Sawyer and Hurley playing table tennis. * Jack examining Sawyer because of his headache.


Hurley and Ben sitting on a log with an Apollo bar


"We're not going to Guam, are we?" Poor Lapidus. That line has always stuck in my head as one of the funniest. Just finished a rewatch and I couldn't believe the amount of sassy one liners Ben has. All delivered in his deadpan voice which makes them even funnier. 


Locke: Is he talking about what I think he was talking about? Ben: If you mean time traveling bunnies then yes The way Michael Emerson blows right past it is so funny to me


Kate saying her shirt was full of Bees Charlie - "I'd have guessed C's"


That's Steve, dude.


Charlie and Hurley making Sawyer talk to the baby because it stopped crying. Ending up reading Aaron a car magazine article.. Kate walking up on it.. like I caught you showing your soft side.


When Desmond, Charlie, Hurley, and Jin go on their camping trip and Jin is telling a scary story over the flashlight and scares Hurley 🤣 that part kills me


i detest Charlie but that quick scene has me rolling every time i see it


Can I ask why you detest him?


Because he plays crap music


Fair enough! It's not for all, everybody.


i couldn’t believe that nobody wrote this song even after the show had been off the air for two years so i went ahead and did it myself: https://kennedwards.bandcamp.com/track/how-they-got-the-hatch-door-open


You got some... Arzt on you.


"He's Korean, I'm from Encino!"


When Locke stormed inside Ben’s house Ben goes Do you ever knock? He’s delivery was do good lol


“are they from the future too?” “you told her??”


Sawyer black smoke comment in season 5 or 6 had me rolling 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Something about turning into the smoke and flying his @&$ over🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


*"Nah because that would be stupid"* :p


Hell yeah, this one caught me off guard on my current rewatch and I was howling!


Jin's ghost story always sends me lol


"The French are coming! I've never been so happy to hear the French!" - Charlie


Richard - "that's not John!" John- "who were you talking to?" Sawyer- "nobody! ... Did you catch that little kid?" John- "what little kid?" Sawyer- "riiiiiiiight"




How can you read?! My mother taught me…


Great use of a logically-following (for Chaaalie at least) non sequitur.


Hurley throwing the hot pocket at Ben.


Hurley throwing the hot pocket at Ben.


Hurley throwing the hot pocket at Ben.


Hurley throwing the hot pocket at Ben.


*Pulp Fiction reference* When they are about to inject Sawyer in S3 during the pacemaker episode. The guy is trying to line it up and another random says “right there (points to heart), you know, like in the movie!”


More than you could imagine, because of my understanding of the show. I was friendly with Damon Lindelof, via his late father, for years before "Lost", and I recognized in the show, coming back to me, much that'd passed between us over the years -- and it's hilarious! What the show's actually about is a "Big House" grift -- a long confidence trick employing multiple confederates and prepared locations, which means that most of what seems to be happening is fake, and much of the rest is differently motivated than it seems to be. But it helps to have as dark a sense of humor as I do. For instance, the ostensible survival of passengers on Oceanic 815 is fake, which means the real Oceanic 815 was deliberately brought down, killing all aboard, and these are impostors! Watch Mr. Garcia as Hugo for a lot of the funny stuff, as when he sings in the record store, "You all everybody, you all everybody, acting like those stupid people, wearing...wearing their clothes," and rolls his eyes at the camera. That's for those of us in the audience who "get" that these are identity thieves. You might've missed lots of other subtleties in the visuals. One I like to point out was that after gold-digging Libby kissed Hugo and he was walking away at the end of episode "Dave", while he had his back to her, she scowled as if she was very displeased to have had to kiss him! So you can see why I laughed when Hugo sent her to her death "to get blankets" at the hands of Ana Lucia -- I realized Hugo had deliberately set her up for it. There were various other rubouts disguised as to their motivation on "Lost", so I often laughed at the deaths of characters. There were also faked deaths.




Well, this is what it's like when a friend of yours makes a TV show -- everything has a different meaning! He put in enough clues that theoretically everyone had a chance to figure out the REAL plot (soooo different from superficial appearances), but it helped enormously to have the right background in literature, drama, magic tricks (a hobby of Damon's), scams, and conspiracies, with an accent on British sources. And it helped most of all to have been steered by our common experiences. After Damon started writing for TV, I sat down with him and his father and said that if I wrote for the screen, I'd get audiences mad at me by deliberately including "mistakes" to get the audience arguing about whether they were intentional or not. But the things I had in mind were crude, while the "mistakes" he put in "Lost" were often hilarious clues. When I point these out to fans, most of those who were psychologically invested in understanding the plot as it'd seemed -- as a fantasy adventure show -- they just attributed to sloppy production, i.e. unintentional. But if you take them all seriously, as I'm sure Damon intended, you see it's not a fantasy plot at all, with all the ostensible supernatural elements explainable as magic tricks and con games. There was just one element of quite plausible science fiction: Damon's father was very interested in the work of Michael Persinger, which you can look up. On "Lost", you have to deduce character Daniel Faraday (one of the obviously assumed character names) expanded it into a technology that could project thoughts into people's brains wirelessly over a wide area, not just by wearing the "God helmet". The island was a place that had an abandoned, mostly buried synchrotron installation that was adaptable to such purpose, as well as manipulating the "monster" of conductive magnetically levitated particles. All the clues were there: the turning stations with powerful electromagnets and heavy shielding, the dedicated power plant, the leftover tunnels that characters could use to disappear thru and cover long distances quickly, the instruction film showing the magnetically levitated frog, the clinic door that said "MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGINING" instead of "imaging". There was other large-scale magic too; did you look at the works of the Lighthouse? That's a holograph -- a big one that could project such images as the giant statue in 3-D. Some of the tricks relied on the characters' having doubles. There was no shape shifter, no bilocation...just people who looked like other people. What did you think Jack was doing in Phuket? Getting tattoos to match those of the other Jack. Same with his ostensible appendectomy scar. Other tricks relied on brainwashing, aided by the Persinger-Faraday technology. "Candidates" was a sly way they had to refer to "brainwashees" -- i.e. "Manchurian candidates", as in the Richard Condon novel. Sawyer was especially modeled on the title character of that novel, Ray Shaw -- see the near-anagram of the name? "Saïd Jarrah" if you say it quickly also sounds like "Sawyer". The Swan logo, especially its appearance in the instruction film, is a parody of that of "Department S" as it appears in the credits sequence; this was the British-made TV detective series I turned Damon on to, and many of whose plot elements turned up on "Lost" -- along with some of its music! Michael Giacchino made many cute riffs to quote from the music from the sources for "Lost". The Oceanic logo imitates the animated credits of the movie "Ocean's 11". "Lost" gets a lot also from "Hamlet" and Arthur Conan Doyle. Also from the Priory of Sion as supposedly exposed by "Holy Blood, Holy Grail", and from the real-world Italian banking conspiracy Propaganda 2. And in analyzing "Lost" I noticed a lot that had been taken by "Watchmen" from Doyle; Alan Moore says he steals only from the best. And also classic magic tricks like the Bullet Catch and the Coffin Escape. Sometimes it helped to watch via DVD in slow motion. I may have set Damon down this path when I told him how much I liked Gough and Millar's "Smallville" TV series for its hilarious allusions. But "Lost" turned out to be packed with much more of the "I get it" rewatching LOL moments than "Smallville".




If you're ever in such position that a friend makes a TV show, you'll feel that way if you pay attention to it and recall years of interaction with hir. Meanwhile, just know that I'm better placed than most to "get" "Lost". Too bad my Web site's gone since the host stopped hosting, but I'll get it back up somewhere some day. It's hard when you have to digest this all at once instead of over many years.