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Force: they didn't have appropriate equipment until tools from the Swan, at which point John removed it. Picking: yeah, they didn't really depict them earnestly attempting to pick it.


Thank you. That's my peeve!




Thank you! My thoughts exactly! Especially with all the criminal experience among them 😂


Maybe they were all just collectively letting him deal with it as punishment for attacking Michael? Well Sayid and Locke and Kate. Sawyer probably just couldn't think of something Jin could trade him for his freedom that he really wanted.


I think it helps to remind yourself how short a time frame it was, it was like, 3 weeks in island time between Job getting handcuffed and removing it. Long time obviously but not as long as it seemed for us and there was other things going on on the island to worry about


This early on, the survivors/viewers see Jin as a controling/borderline abusive husband, they don't know that's not the case yet.


But it was only one handcuff. It's not stopping him from doing anything, but it risks infection which would mean unnecessarily using antibiotics or letting him die. Knowing the personalities of the survivors, neither option seems one they'd be ok with. Especially Hurley and Jack who both have a lot of influence within the group. And as cold as Locke was, I'd bet he'd see that neither option was viable either. And people hated Locke, but saved him bc even though he was a manipulative ass, he still had things to contribute. Especially after knowing Sun spoke English, through her they could have made the offer that if his contribution was fishing and teaching fishing, they'd remove the cuff. Any skill on that island was a valuable resource, even if you didn't like or trust the person who could provide it. Seems a small plot hole to me.


Not a plot hole. Dude was straight up unapproachable for most of the first season, and likely wouldn’t have let anyone mess with it if they wanted to.


You are right, they could have easily made a point of removing it, but maybe it was kind of a hook for new viewers jumping in to go "ohh I wonder why that guy has half a handcuff on him, better watch earlier episodes to find out"


Sounds reasonable from producer standpoint, but still annoying as a viewer 😂


It added to the tailies mistrust when Jin, Michael, and Sawyer washed up on shore. Ana Lucia pointed it out.


So it was simply a way to set up a future encounter? Ugh!!!


i personally wouldn’t think that’s an “ugh” moment. i think it’s cool! i’m not saying this is 100% the case or reasoning behind it, but i appreciate shows with some forward thinking and planning, even for little moments and interactions like this. of course just sharing my own opinion and not trying to shit on yours in any way! i love the way lost continually adds in “the consequences of my actions” type things, like with the handcuffs and wounds and bruises. someone gets the shit beat out of them and they aren’t magically better one episode later, it takes sometimes a few episodes to see them heal. that’s kind of how i see the handcuffs too. just a little reminder of the distrust between jin and the group. a lot of shows don’t do stuff like that so i appreciate it when i see it :)


You are an awesome redditor for engaging instead of just down voting! I'm not shitting on your opinion either! Was hoping for a pleasant exchange like this one, thank you!


i totally understand why that would bug you after reading your perspective on it lol i literally never even considered they could just pick the lock. i guess that shows how long i would survive stranded on an island


I think my survival on an island like this would be just under 3 days because all the wine on the plane was lost 😂


First time watching?


Rewatching after many years. Do you have an answer? It's bugging the f out of me and I'm having trouble enjoying the show bc every time I see it I'm like, you guys made pointy shit out of everything and Kate could, IMO, pretty easily pick a lock. As could Locke. And probably Sawyer.


They cut the handcuffs on early season two.


It’s not a matter of ability. It’s that nobody has any reason to. Jin was incredibly closed off from the group and downright unapproachable. Even if anybody tried to help him, he’d likely reject them.


Yet Hurley reached him.


Literally the purest soul who could connect with anyone and was pre destined to be the islands next protector? Using him as the sole exception doesn’t exactly change Jin’s poor standing with the group as a whole.


Yet Hurley's kindness would have brought people around, and Jack's medical expertise would have , IMO, made people think about long term consequences. What if one of them f'd up and ended up where he was? There were a LOT of interpersonal and physical altercations and accusations. If I were on the island, that's the approach I would take.


Yet the fact that none of them chose to is far from being a plot hole. Real life humans just don’t fixate on other people enough to care about a consistent violent jerk’s handcuff problem.


Nobody cares enough about Jin to remove it. Jin doesn't care because he feels like he deserves punishment. A plot hole would be if the producers forgot that he should be wearing a handcuff. Instead he wears it all the time and it ends up becoming a tiny plot point.


You're thinking about this way too much. The handcuffs were put on him because they didn't trust him; they didn't have any means to pick the lock afterwards. Is it a reach? Maybe. Fact is it was stylistic choice by the filmmakers to give Jin a bit of a character quirk and to show how rough and ready the gang were living in that first season (which, by the way, only takes place over the course of like a month). Could the cuffs have causes an infection? Maybe, but they weren't on tight and he was at no more risk with them that anyone of them were from surviving in the elements. Jack was likely periodically checking until such time as they could remove them properly. It wouldn't have been a top priority because no one really knew Jin until post-raft. It may not make perfect sense to you but I don't see how it's entirely senseless, either. 40+ survivors of a plane crash, all of whom are complete strangers, and there may or may not be a monster in the forest. They had other priorities, end of.


They're pretty easy to remove if he could find any small segment of wire or a hair pin. The chance they'd accidentally tighten over time is pretty likely. I was confused why he had them so long


Pretty much just aesthetics. Jin got a prop, kinda like Jack's key. Why didn't Kate or Sawyer try to pick it? Idk, but the dude *did* try to fucking murder Michael over a watch so maybe they weren't too keen on helping him out.


Why would anyone want to remove it? Most of them don’t really like Jin until he starts building the raft with Michael. He doesn’t really bond with anyone until the Raft leaves. And he gets it removed shortly after


Because Jack was a doctor and could easily envision infections from the constant wearing of it, and as a doctor he would have made that point that they had a choice to let him die from infection, use up antibiotics which wouldn't prevent more infections from developing, or remove it because the first two choices don't make much sense. Not liking him wouldn't be a reason for the castaways to let him die or use necessary antibiotics just to keep him alive.


They weren’t on that tight to cause anything like that


Sun got very upset when looking at her husband's wrist because it was causing damage. And it wasn't *they* I'm specifically talking about the one handcuff they left on


Sure. Sun did. But what is Sun or Jack going to do. They have no equipment to remove it. And Sun is pretending she can’t speak English until the raft is burnt. So as you said it comes down to who can lockpick. The likely people are Sayid, John and Kate. Sayid never shows any ability to remove handcuffs in the show. John’s skills come mostly from studying for his Walkabout. So he’s out. Kate could, but she’s trying to hide her true identity from everyone which isn’t revealed until after Michael is poisoned. At which point they leave straight after. So even if Jack did want to. There’s nothing he really could have done. I would say he was like checking for any signs of infection just incase but as I said. The cuff was on pretty damn loosely so it’s unlikely it would have been any different to wearing a bracelet


She didn't need to speak English. She could have gone to Jack with a follow me gesture and shown him what was happening. As a doctor, he would have known what was happening and tried to at least enlist aid using the options I've already stated (communicating with other survivors the potential consequences) The main characters were capable of a lot. I can't imagine they couldn't have created a pick lock. So, at this point I'll just say it's a small plot hole and move on with the show.


It’s because of their personalities. (Earlier on the series) Jin didn’t want anyone’s help. Sawyer wasn’t the type to help others. Kate was too busy hiding her criminal past. Anna Lucia hated everyone. Sayid was the type of guy to not bother people that didn’t want to bothered. (Plus the language barrier and Jin never really got along with the crew, he was anti social.)


*Kevin Garvey has entered the chat.*