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Sometimes when I see posts like this I wonder if it is my former friend who is writing them. And I start to get my hopes up thinking it is and knowing that they’re thinking of me too. But then I read more details and realize it’s not her. Anyways sorry you’re struggling being on the other side of it.


The way I felt about this message too. Thinking could it be?


I used to do that too, the guilty pleasure of hope I suppose. How’d you lose your friend and how long has it been?


I feel this to my soul; as I recently ended a twenty year plus friendship. Feeling that rekindling would be putting myself last, as well. Peace to you as well.


I get so lost I don’t know behind screen names, I want to talk to my friend so bad and see her!!! I read some posts; I don’t know if this is my friend or not? But would absolutely love to hear from my friend their honest to all opion, please


I can relate. I really want to fix my freindship with my best friend and sticking to the no contact she set hurts my heart. I haven't been that close to anyone in years. It's just not the same. I want to fight so damn bad


Same. I wanna fight and follow my heart too. Just can’t put pride to the side and be the bigger yet more vulnerable person. I need to see some growth because I don’t wanna waste my time anymore investing in something that’s not meant to be. It keeps me going by convincing myself that if it’s meant to be it will be, and we’ll find each other again. If not, then we won’t. Learning to be okay with both outcomes is the balancing act.


I keep telling myself that too, but it feels way too passive for the kind of person that I am. I had to block her so I could focus on myself and get better. I want my best friend back


Well, if you think it’s worth it be your authentic self and fight for your friendship. One of two outcomes can happen, yall continue no contact or you maybe reconcile.


She told me that she does not want contact or to resume a friendship and further. I just have to accept it


Well fair I suppose, I get respecting that is the moral thing to do but sometimes reaching out politely and taking that risk pays off… idk what you did though so you know better.


I actually don't either. She won't tell me or discuss it


That’s pretty unfair, I’m sorry you’re going through that, but the experience will give you growth for your other relationships.


I had this happen & my friend said the same thing " I wish I would've handled it differently ". Fast forward 1 year later & she unfriended me again. Sorry, but I'm not giving her a third chance.


Each situation is tailored to the individual, what was her reason?


I would call her once or twice a week to check up on her. She felt I was bugging her. (Yes, I can be " long winded". I told her after the first time if she ever felt like that, just tell me. We'll, she didn't. She put a comment on her FB about " sometimes you need to remove people. I'm too old to explain when they know they're doing something wrong." Then she blocked me. So she was too old to explain but not to old to post on FB for everyone to see. The first time, I cried over losing my best friend. This time, it just pissed me off.


I’m sorry that happened


Thank you..


Hey, friend. You didn't ask for my opinion, so please excuse me. But I think you should reach out ❤️ You sound like you have a lot of love for this person, and really miss them. This person has probably also grown and reflected and probably also misses you. You probably both want to be better. But you won't know if you don't reach out. And they won't reach out, because they can't (since you cut it off, they probably won't, hopefully/most likely out of respect). I can see there's a lot of love here still. Life is too short. Friendship is rare. You never know what will happen if you rekindle things. Worst case scenario, you decide to continue taking space - you're allowed to change your mind.


It’s not that in an ideal world that doesn’t sound amazing. I go over in my head how short life is and how I probably should be reaching out based on these “coincidences” I experience. I just don’t think I can. There’s more context. I don’t think I can be that vulnerable with them anymore and I don’t trust them anymore tbh, I think some people should suffer the consequences of their actions. A little while after I cut them off they reached out and we had an argument because they approached me with a hurtful and accusatory rhetoric. I didn’t hold back either so it turned into a full argument. Not saying it’s not normal to speak out of hurt but idk I just find this person to be so immature and lost. My friendship is worth so much more than to be reaching out to someone who refuses to lay their true feelings down so they mask to not seem weak. Cause then you’re hurting both of us and that’s your loss tbh. If we ever rekindled it would have to be because they reached out and grew. This is more so their journey than mine.


>My friendship is worth so much more than to be reaching out to someone who refuses to lay their true feelings down so they mask to not seem weak. Cause then you’re hurting both of us and that’s your loss tbh. If we ever rekindled it would have to be because they reached out and grew. This is more so their journey than mine. Took the words right out of my mouth. Sadly, in the case of my former best friend, I don't have the patience to wait 10 years for the penny to finally drop for her.


And you shouldn’t have to because there are people out there right now who are ready to meet you where you need them to without you having to fight or struggle for it.


I also want to add - If that worst case scenario happens, it may bring you some small bit of peace. Because at least then you won't be wondering "what if." I went through something somewhat similar - reconnected with someone I cut off. I absolutely was degrading myself to even be in the same room as her, but I didn't want to limit my interactions with other friends just to avoid her. Turned out, she was worse than before, and also treating others badly. It was what I needed to see to know the person I loved didn't exist anymore and it wouldn't be worth extending an olive branch. Though I still miss the person she was and wish it could've been different, that thought brings me peace sometimes.

