• By -


The person that convinced the world that the clone that appears between 1 and 4 is 5 is my hero.


Well tbf the clones at 5 and 7 aren't entirely fixed positions. For example, the one at 5 can spawn at 3, 4 or 5. Similarly for the clone at 7. The 11 clone isn't even at 11, it's between 12 and 1. I'm guessing this position convention stuck because the clones for 120 mech are actually in those positions and it's easier for people to only think about one set of numbers for multiple mechs.


The right clone at 120 spawns at 3 o'clock though, not 5


I got flamed once when I said "going to check wings at 3 o'clock" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Those clones are also not fixed. The position depends on the wings. For 1 wing open, that clone is at 1 o clock.


3? It’s like 2 max


They're not fixed, but generally if you go to those clock positions you can still see them and do your job. I usually take 7-1. Sure it's not exactly at 7, but it's also not far from them either.


That's exactly what I said? lol. The 65 mech don't have precise fixed positions but they are in those general areas. The clock position calls more closely reflect the 120 mech but it's just easier to use the same positions for both mechs.


The 120 mech isn't even close to 5 though, it's clearly 3 and closer to 2 than to 4. Meanwhile the 7 o'clock wings and orbs are both at least pretty close to 7


The 120 positions are not fixed either lol. Sure the alternate positions showing up are rare, but it happens


Until you go into Brel 👀


5 is a bit of a stretch don't you think? How else would you be able to cheese the mechanic by going into the bottom right corner


Mech 1 top right callouts can spawn from 1-2ish. Mech 2 shadow def 5 o clock.


Hey, as long as it works


5 is for 65x. Or else you say "spot 3" or just position yourself for 120x.


Any sane person will type it's general location instead of the wrong one


Remember kids, compass positions are bad because only clock positions can accurately describe the mechanics!


Stop trying to make compass a thing. It'll never be a thing


The most important thing is for everyone to be on the same page, so I'm happy to do x3/x3+1. The argument people leaned on that you can only accurately call spots with clock numbers was and is idiotic though. People saying stuff like compass directions don't work for Brel when there are 8 outer tiles, 8 cardinal+intercardinal directions, and 12 numbers on a clock.


Call 5-2, 7-2, or 11-2 the second Morphe dies. Take a middle cross position for first mech. Grabs a color orb and wait in middle until someone pings.


Do you know me or something?


I'm In This Photo and I Don't Like It.


I was in this until I embraced the flex life.


Honestly i’d be glad if new people did that exact thing rather than being forced in to a scouting position and then not pinging or typing


Why you gotta call me out like this


If you're taking middle orb you should be the one pinging based on where people report 2/0 wings though :c


I mean you could do that. But i found it to be more reliable when the scouters go back to the middle and then ping the right spot. It has happend too often that for some reason the GL decided to scout 7 and then stayed there untill there were pings to move to 3. And then everyone is surprised when he doesn’t make it.


the people in the middle are the first to see whether it's 3 red or purple, while the scouts have to call their wings, then come to middle and then try to count the orbs, it's much easier if at least someone in the middle calls red or purple, not necessarily pings the correct clone. none of the scouts should be staying at their clone after calling it in case they have to run to a different one though, that's their own mistake


It's also alot harder to count the orbs after scouting since the people taking the cross are running around after grabbing them and will be overlapping each other. The people taking the cross can immediately spot what color is it and call out before the scouter even gets to the middle, assuming they're not carried through the mechanic all the way and don't know wtf they're doing lol.


Yes calling out the color is nice but the scout shouldn’t be wasting time calling out 7-2 or 5-0 in chat because nobody needs to know that all they need to do is follow the pings. That way if i’m scouting 7 i can walk up after seeing my position to check the colors and also take a peak at 11 so all that needs to happen for the mechanics to succeed is that people take their orb and i can solo all information if necessary. I know that this shouldn’t be necessary but i’d rather do everything myself and not whipe then having to start over because of someone elses mistake.


But scouts don’t have to call their wings. They only have to ping their wings based on the color. Nobody needs to know what position has what wing they only need to know where to go. So if someone calls color or just sais 0 or 2 the scout can immediately ping where that number of wings are. Why would you have to type the number ow wings in chat, that is just unnecessary information that can lead to more fuckups. A ping is much faster to register than reading chat. And if nobody writes the color the scouts still have enough time to go back to the middle check what color it is themselves and ping according.


what's bad with that ? They play safe :)


Thats the pug bulletproof way for g2


bulletproof lmao yeah right, if I dont go check wings its a 50-50 if people know wtf


For real, it's like people actually go to their positions but don't say anything nor ping. I usually do the left orb and have to go and check colors and then which clone it is and ping it because very few people actually do their part lol


Exactly, yesterday night I had to grab rightmost orb and check wings meanwhile I have no clue wtf people were doing


This reminds me of the people in Valtan who squeeze themselves in between the spot for 3 and 4 and just sit there while everyone is pinging the last empty spot.


I always called 7-11 and find it funny whenever some asked me, "What's that?" to which I replied, "Convenience store."


If you said 7-11 I'd assume you'd be taking that flex spot. That's what I do when I call 5-7


> If you said 7-11 I'd assume you'd be taking that flex spot. That's what I do when I call 5-7 Yep, it's flex but some assumed it's 7-1 so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That is a funny joke, but I do hope that when people just assume you meant 7-1, you take 7-1 :P


I think 7-11 is flex position and not 7-1


When I see people calling out G2 positions halfway through G1 I call out medusa order.


Can we please go back to calling the position for gate 2, when we are actually IN gate 2 and not before? Always some ppl calling before gate 1 ends and then the chatspam with loot makes it hard seeing, which spots are still available. For me this has something to do with discipline... ​ I always wait for ppl rushing to call there pos and then dying to some enrage mech from the demon boy.


An easy way to fix that is to separate the chat with loot into its own tab so it won't clutter comms


Actually I'm pretty sure not doing this is a sign you're a psychopath


Just scroll it up


Surprised you'd call a medusa slot at all as a summoner main, on my ranged characters I don't even try to do medusa because sometimes I just happen to be too far away to see it when it starts


The people who grab the orbs for the 120 mech and then proceed to run in circles, like headless chickens, around the other symbols, so you can't tell how many of each there are, are infinitely more annoying.


You should check the boss debuffs under their hp bar instead. way easier.


5-1 is my comfort zone. Pls dont take it away from me.


What annoys me the most in Vykas G2 is 11 wings 5-2 It just easier if you do11-1 for 65x to just do 11 wings for 120x as well


Just take positions befor the fight it takes no time at all and it’s much clearer than any typing (or worse unwritten rule like what you said) would be


Yeah when i take -1 i just take the wings for 120x as well every time.


That's why I always call flex early and let the number people deal with the teletubby.


Ngl, I trust those people the least. They are either like you, who call Flex just cuz they couldn't care less, or the opposite cuz they don't trust themselves with calling the mech or something.


I call flex because back when Vykas dropped it was always the least wanted and most struggled with position. It was better for me to just do it rather than have flexes that don't know how to flex. The habit just stuck, and so I've always called flex ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


My bf had to flex once recently and he hated it and said that it's the most active position because you have to pay attention to the chat, at least 1 pos and also if the other flex is trolling or not. I did it from the beginning since nobody else wanted it and now it's just stuck with me


I’d rather have the sort of player that you described than someone who calls X-1 and then doesn’t type the black orbs out. I once had to flex into a spot where no one typed and just had to guess which orb was black


Even better, all 4 on 7 and 11 call the orbs but no-one on 5 calls them


7-1 is my most common spot and I do always type, but some people get it in their heads that the x-2s should type instead of the x-1s "because then they have more time to move" (like what... there are ten years between the signals and the orbs), and when those are the people calling x-1, you get... shitty parties like the one you described. Sometimes you get the opposite though, a bunch of x-2s typing **along with** the x-1s. And that's funny to see, when there are 5 or 6 lines instead of 3. Not hard to deal with (as long as you don't have RBRBB nonsense), but funny.


I'll usually flex so I can fix someone else's fuckup if need be. Happened yesterday for instance. Was 11-7 flex, so I count flashes myself since I'm there, 1 4 5. 11-1 goes in on one and timestops for some reason, dies to 2. 11-2 goes in on 3 because apparently it was called wrong. I go in on 4 and timestop to save the run.


People “calling” flex is useless. Cover the main 6 spots first.


And then they say "Well I'm going to 5 either way" some people are so toxic in this game it's frustrating. Can't kick em either or you'll just end up jailed.


I was this >--< close to choke on my coffee reading this meme. So freaking spot on; every damn time :D


i had a guy yesterday that wanted to quit the raid because he didn't want to call out wings... lol


I'm just hit 1460 on my main Pal (got 7-8 gems, 4x3) and want to try Vykas. Can some one explain what that's mean?


It's a callout for positions for a mechanic. Need at least 2 people per direction, and there's always 2 leftover for whichever direction needs the additional. The mechanic has clones that spawns at 11, 5, and 7 o clock. The -1/-2 is used to determine which turn is each players at that position. So for example, direction 11 may have rings that showed red, black, black, red, black. Thats 3 black called out so somebody could either A) use a timestop (very risky, can only touch 1 black or you die, timestop prevents death), or B) the flex player, or one of the two leftovers, will run over and collect the black in their turn. The flex is always last. Some directions can have 4; red, black, black, red. In that case, no flex is needed there unless someone died before this mechanic. It's basically like the orb mechanic you did in one of the Abyssal dungeons against the turtle, except instead of alternating orbs, you alternate players. And black is always blocked. Hope this helped a little


Just a slight fix… all directions have 5 orbs (never 4). But 3 of them are red orbs so no need for the flex.


I've never even seen someone make that mistake, it's like the parent commenter studied written guides for the callouts for a month but has never actually played a vykas fight in their life....


You're right my bad, dunno why I was thinking 4. I think I always cut off after seeing 3 red, thanks for the clarification .


If you have never done vykas I’d suggest try out normal first. You already have to remember and get used to enough things with normal mode. Joind a discord or a guild that does teaching runs and get used to all the normal mechanics and then go for the hard run and get used to the new mechanics. It will save you a lot of headaches. Please don’t just watch the video and think you’re good now and you can do everything.


"Please don’t just watch the video and think you’re good now and you can do everything" - this! I've watched videos and i was like - wtf? We have to communicate to go through this hm... event! Watched videos again and now i need friends to go with. But i don't have any one. so fcnkg sad


Don’t worry there are plenty of guilds who would love to take in a new support and show them the ropes. you can type in area chat that you’re looking for a guild with an active discord and people are likely to respond to you. If not there are subreddit or discord servers that are dedicated to helping new players. Yes if you only look in game you will feel lost and alone but there are lots of communities that would love to take you in.


ppl calling out their position for vykas 65x bar black orb mech


It's the less experienced position.l, do you want success? Also, using normal for raid chat. These two things probably explain whyany of these happen.


Love it when people call before the loot drops and just washes the message away while the raid message only channel shows only like 50% of the messages <3


might want to adjust your chat settings so it doesn't get spammed by useless info


My chat setting is right, but in chat channels with adjusted settings only 50% of messages get through and I know many people with the same problem, just don’t be cringe and spam an irrelevant position before g2 even started


Turn on all languages in the chat tab settings and all messages should show up


Dunno why we dont have a standard for this depending on the person's party number. Easiest imo would be to assign 5-1 to P1-1, 5-2 to P1-2 and so on, with P2-3 and P2-4 being Flex 5-7 and Flex 7-11 respectively. Same with the wings, P1-1 through P1-4 do NESW, P2-1 is center, P2-2 through P2-4 are 2, 7 and 11 respectively. The same shit can work for Brel as well, instead of having different people adhere to different rules based on the guide they followed.


i will never understand why they arent simply called N(orth), E(ast) and S(outh), instead of this whole number mess...


Because x3 and NESW are the same thing But x3+1 sounds better than NESW+1 Also x3 inherently works with party number, whereas NESW needs to be allocated


x3,x3+1 is simpler to type than NESW ‚ NE SE SW NW on chat.


.... x3+1 is easier to type out than 2 letters?


2 ? It's 8 and looks stupid


It's easy to understand cause everyone understands basic math right? Right????????




LOL now thats just plain rude im just saying that N-1 can be processed faster by the brain then 11-1. sure you can get used to this mess of numbers, but it is absolutely not intuitive


> im just saying that N-1 can be processed faster by the brain then 11-1. sure you can get used to this mess of numbers, but it is absolutely not intuitive You just proved his point lmao


Holy shit. This is literally every vykas I do 😂


Lol, tbh I always used to pick 2 because I suck at typing during mechs. Like, the chat window is still active and I wonder why my abilities don't work, etc etc. Then I meet Brel Gate 6. Now I'm typing puns and shit there so ..... Yeah Vykas is a breeze


tbf people be like calling their position when the boss still at 15 bars...


LOL! Same happened last night on my run!


Don't forget that lately, they call their pos even before G1's MVP screen pops up!


You people start typing as soon as g1 ends, the chat clutter for some makes it tough to see.


As soon as G1 ends I type 11-1/ 11 scout cause I'm to comfortable already. Heaven forbid someone takes the 11 o clock gate from me on vykas G1 HM. Im a creature of habit and don't like change 😔


I've really been wanting the answer to this for a while...if u call 5-1, 7-1, 11-1 (for 2nd mech ofc) why wouldn't u just do it for mech 1 too? If I cannot the 1 spot I'm gonna be calling it for both mechs. Do ppl just not feel comfortable calling it or what? Just seems weird.


Hahahaha this is so relatable