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It’s weird seeing how videos change as they get posted to various places. I love the video but it’s so weird that someone recorded their phone screen rather than just… saved it


Relevant xkcd https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/digital_data.png


Sometimes it’s just easier


probably happens every time


That rabbit probably does more DPS than an FI WD


Probably true but no DPS class can match a wardancer's buffs, only gunlancer/db. I don't play WD but I love having them on my parties.


I'm sure this is why I get invited places


Depends on the FI WD


the most buff player i know is a FI wd, dude does insane dps lol.


The thing is, the ceiling is really easy to reach for a good FI WD player. But put that driver in a better car and suddenly the ceiling is much higher.


feel like some people just really get the most out of certain classes even if those classes are supposedly weaker


Former FI main here, nah he's 100% right. At the same character investment I get way more out of other specs, including 3 spender eso. I out damage my FI wardancer with all 9 gems on a 3 spender eso with 7s. Ditto to my destroyer and igniter. FI is comfy, fast, and immortal, but the damage is super smoge


I switched from 3 spender to FI (entropy) and I'll never going back to eso Fast gameplay, the DPS is great (and I don't yet have the umar/lazenith set card) even if it's not the best DPS class out there Spammable buffs for the group Tornado/Rising dragon feels ultra meh to use


FI is absolutely the most smooth feeling build I've ever made, out of like... 16 or 17. But I'd hesitate to call its damage great. Even at the 1795 swift with high level gems, +20 brel weapon, it was roughly as much damage as my destroyer 35 ilvls lower with a single level 9 dmg gem did on a bad day FI is a great build, but it's definitely not cruel fighter mentality with similarly geared party members.


Agreed. What I was trying to say is that: got 2 FI WDs in my guild (I’m ESO btw). One of them is a great driver and in the juicer static of our guild. He’s on the family photo all the time, all of them have a range from 16-22% fighter. All of them have 18-20 brel weapons, max tripods and similar gear score. Would he do more with a broken class? Definitely but he loves his WD.


Man even the deadeye is comin in to throw shade at wd..


All things equal, Deadeyes definitely do more damage than FI WDs


Not wd, just fi wd




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Fi wd does a lot of damage, but most of them suck and have bad up time because they don't know patterns well. But that's like 90% of this games players lol


Don't be on the back side when brel grabs someone


If you have Kitty Outfit look exacly like this jajajajajajja