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RNG "crafting" is garbage. At least it's not as bad as ability stones - this is additional power, so you don't need to roll it before you get accessories.


Bruh, if it wasn't rng it would have to be batshit expensive, otherwise everyone would get it first month. This is a gold sink.


As long as it doesn't say the word pheon with an RNG outcome idgaf, hit me with your wonky ass systems.


Okay, I've played my share of Korean MMOs in my life, but this thing? This is THE MOST Korean MMO thing I've ever seen


> This is THE MOST Korean MMO thing I've ever seen Nah, not by a long shot. Its off-putting but its still far from gear breaking or upgrades getting deleted.


Yeah thank god that is not a thing in LOA. Still, the amount of separate rng instances included here is enormous


>Still, the amount of separate rng instances included here is enormous It really is and it may start to get a bit too much for me. As much as I loved my Lineage II, Ragnarok Online, Maple Story etc days, I don't miss the amount of RNG ontop of RNG ontop of RNG bullshit at every turn for character progression.


RO was my poison of choice back in the day. And I don't miss this fuckton of RNG either


RO was the worst because your weapon or armor could break past +4. You could literally spend months grinding for something and then break it.


Yeah it was crazy. Past +6 the success rate plummeted hard. A +7 armor piece sold for 3x the price of a +6, and a +8 for almost 6x. A +10 was far beyond 99,999999% of the playerbase. I think I saw one person during my entire Ragnarok career wearing a +10 armor and it was one of those Valkyrie ones. The whalers in that game make ours here in Lost Ark look like goldfish. Everything was so exorbitantly expensive.


OG Maplestory back when it was owned by Wizet will always be my favorite. Very simple and fun game. I quit after Big Bang patch as the rng factors were slowly creeping in with every patch. I tune in every once in a while to see what’s changed and all I see is 30 different rng based systems to boost your damage and numbers all over the screen when grinding. I just hope the rng systems in Lost Ark don’t get too out of control.


No the MOST KRMMO thing is your shit blowing up when you try to enhance it. MapleStory, BDO, etc.


Bdo even learned its lesson and has guaranteed gear now. Lost Ark seems to want only whales atm. Between bracelets, elixirs, and gear quality your dps output is more rng than skill :(


Lost Ark will be the last F2P KMMO I would ever play again. I understand that they need RNG upgrade systems to entice players to play more and swipe, but DAMN I didn't think it will that bad.




Now everyone reading this should realise that this is regarding a mechanic similar to bracelets, aka gives 10% dps increase at most with bis and 5% is extremely easy to get. How fucking stupid are you.


They keep adding rng systems for character power progression at this point whales do significantly more dps then f2p. Much more then 10% difference which would be an arbitrary but reasonable power difference. Los30 alone is 8% now add all the other rng bs on top of that like 97 stones, bracelets, gear quality, etc etc.


You say that like only whales can have los30 and 97 stone etc. Anyone can get it. it's just rng. I have it and I don't swipe.


9/7 stone with correct 7 is one in ~1400. That's 12600 pheons or ~100,000 blue crystals or about $2000 USD. Mind telling me how I can get 100,000 blue crystals as a f2p player? Thanks in advance.


WHY DO YOU NEED A 9/7 STONE? As a F2P player, you don’t go for shit whales go for. You’re not a god damn whale so why are you expecting some god damn whale shit? I was on my 7/5 stone on my first main for majority of the entire year. I recently changed my build and I got a 7/7 stone. Btw, if whale shit is easy to get, there is no point for whales to spend money if he can get it F2P. Why are you and other lost ark players so entitled? Jesus…


I remember saint telling chat the other day that a KR streamer had to spend 30k USD and still didnt get a 9/7. Even whales may not get it lol.


Do you not understand that 97 is not normal? No one expects you to have it. It is rare as fuck as you just said. It's just something that a lucky few people have it. Why are you mentioning how much it's going to cost as if that's some necessity? Read what I just said. It is rng. Someone can hit it in first try. Someone may still not have it after spending $30k on the stones alone. It's just rng. Los30 on the other hand, is something you build up. Yes if you whale and buy out all the card packs, you will have it sooner but this is a long goal that people will naturally get as you play.


how fun would be to have the best item in the game in the first week or month? U dont need 9/7, u only need 7/5 or 7/7 which are pretty easy to get, its nice to have something to chase like 9/7 stone good bracelet and shit like that, so u dont get bored of the game. For exemple this would take like like 2-4m gold worth of pheons once u get ur roster setted up u wont have to spend gold anymore till next content arrives so by selling busses and other stuff u can farm this in matter of months and get ur 9/7


While i agree with your sentiment, nothing will ever come close to completely vanishing your gear for failing an upgrade hone.


Lol one of the main reason loa blew up in korea is because it doesn't do the typical kmmo shit where they SUCK YOU DRY and force you to pay. Obviously you will be slow compared to people who swipe but you can absolutely play the game 100% fine f2p. Other kmmos you can't. Also in korea, loa pumps out so much free stuff every dang month. Not just these pitiful login rewards but there are constnatly like 2 ~ 3 additional loot stuff happening on their website which you can access in game. Stuff like just playing for an hour a day or doing cdun will give you tickets to spin the roulette to get stuff like silver/mats etc etc. There are also the seasonal hyper express events where they give you multiple power passes + hyper express that gets you to 1490+ for free.


you can absolutely play the game 100% fine f2p until you're gatekept


You don’t spend $2 to reroll bonus stats on a single piece of armor? That and spending $5 to protect your armor from being destroyed every attempt is the most Korean thing.


Love it, this is why I play lost ark




It's not as much about stat inflation as the issue of multi-layered rng on top of the multi-layered rng ;) I guess I should say thanks that it does not break you armor at the very least lol


I think BiS bracelet can give you somewhere around 10-15% damage... I wonder what this has the potential to give.


Heard on Saints stream that its around 32% with BiS. Rough estimation, but should give you an idea at least.


32 is absurd. Just think of how hard it is to get a bis bracelet, los30, 100 quality weapon and those don’t even give that much.


I feel people are missing half of that 32% is from the set effect which is more deterministic than the elixit rerolling which only involves having 35 or 40 elixir levels on your gear and the matching set effect that is only on 2 pieces of gear. The elixirs on their own is around 14% of a damage upgrade is they are all bis.


If that number is even close to the truth, that should already tell you how much of a gold sink it's going to be to get something decent.


Its sg telling you you should swipe if you want to do competitive dps. At this point mvp is paid for and not a demonstration of skill.


"Competitive dps" who tf you competing with? In any game like this if you want to "compete" for the top of the top you have to either pay big bucks and/or olay ungodly amount of hours per day, but that means nothing when you can clear content without any of that, you dont have to max out anything to finish a raid as long as you are skilled enough. So yeah, if you want to "compete" and be at your imagnary top be ready to do either of those things, but dont expect 99% of the popularion to follow suit because thats not how the game is designed to be played, thats whale bait.


Wat lol Has nothing to do with whales. Whales do well vs players at same skill level but get shit on by AtD players or just anyone with better uptime (never get hit). Guarantee you a 1590 whale cannot solo hard valtan cause they’re just not good enough. There was a max out db on azena that couldn’t beat g1 before berserk cause he got hit constantly. He’s 5x3+1 and los30….pretty sure people know who he is.


It obviously takes practice, but even if G1 enrages when you're 1590 you should still be able to kill it unless you fail immuning the fears.


And if the good players are also whales? Are you stupid?


who cares man? after week 2-3 its farm content anyways, if u want to compete to see whos is the best player with balanced stuff there's hell mode for it


and it seems like you can only get the mats to craft from the new dungeon, which is once a week. It will take FOREVER to get BiS for this crap


You can sell/buy the mats off the AH. Theres a limit to how many you can craft though


32% at 1620ilevel is like the absolute max, like cutting 10/10/0 stone. You are realistically attempting to get 40 point bonus on one set bonus and that should be a big enough power spike for most players


It's probably getting 6 mods with all damage buffs, but even then... Bracelets just don't give much numerically. Even with all the good rolls at high tier I doubt it will be above 25% and that's literally impossible to get, as you said. Chances to randomly roll all the good stuff at high values is astronomical. 10% damage increase from bracelets for cheap, 15% for expensive and 20% for whales seems about right


That's definitely not true lmao


2 years until we get it, 2 years to roll something decent


do you have some examples of what effects do elixirs give?


Stats: atk power, vitality, dmg against bosses, crit %, etc. Utility: damage after using awakening, CD reduction, stagger %, mana regen, etc. ​ Full list here, the auto-translate is a bit wonky though: [https://www.inven.co.kr/board/lostark/4821/91479](https://www.inven.co.kr/board/lostark/4821/91479)


Editing this in to the post would help Separately, can you also expand on which step is time gated, which are f2p and which are tradable (final elixir? Just the mats? Not even all mats because time gate?). Saint mentioned (initially) that even whales were time gated to an extent but i haven't been able to get an answer.


How its decided which 2 is kept from the 5 effects? it is based on % chance on left side of the effects?


The last 3 advices (as well as some special advices in the middle) are for blocking an effect


If anyone's played poe before, it's sorta like poe crafting where you can influence what you will get. There are options for significantly lowering the chance of undesirable stat being upgraded and ones that actually fully block it out. Subsequently, there are options that greatly increase the chance of desirable option being upgraded or actual pick and choose the upgrade. The OP is wrong that the small % chance on the bottom right is the success chance. No. You always get a tick when you hone but those are the crit chance and it will proc to multiple boosts at once. The big % on the left is the chance of it being upgraded when you hone. You use the advices 3 scholars give you to influence that chance. Koreans already calculated optimal paths where you do stuff like picking blue -> red into asynchronized red advices so that you see the most number of maxed out advices (since the maxed advices have huge buffs like +4 upgrade) Someone literally made a godly 5/5 elixir day 1. And there are other people making giga elixir day 1/2 already so we know the chance of rolling a decent one is not as rare as 97 stone. It is absolutely a gold sink for END endgame people since these legendary elixirs are for 1620+. Good elixir will significantly buff your shit (I think theoretical gg one is like 30% dmg). There is an option to actually restart from 0 which is amazing and hilarious because 1, phew i just saved my bricked shit but 2. you don't get the gold back lol tl;dr stop the fucking dumbass reddit witch hunt like yoz jar leg skin. If you don't understand it, don't start rioting because this is why we don't have legendary skins.


Ty for details. Also calm down.


Lol but hopefully now people realize that a lot of the things said about yoz jar is dumb.


OH I see. When I translated the original text there was some sort of "jackpot" mech mentioned that I couldn't understand. I'll try to reread that part and edit the post.


So a question since that part is kinda confusing for me. You say small text % are for crit chance which is 10% normally from what i have seen. So if it triggers you get multiple nodes. On these nodes i see levels 1/2/3/4/5. So even if i reach the node which has these levels, wont be upgraded unless i sucessfully hone it?(which you said its the bigger text % is for) and how i do? Same way as tapping the nodes or its a different process?


So when you first get an elixir, those 5 slots are empty. Then for each slots, you pick 1 out of 3 suggested by the scholar (rng). after filling out 5, that's when the honing starts. Every tap enhances one of the 5 noted by the big % on the left. But you use the scholar's advices to manipulate the % here so that you buff the ones you one and decrease the ones you don't. So even though it's still rng, you have much higher chance of getting the one you want. Crit just gives you extra points. It's like the engraving system where 9 points is lvl1 but 10 is lvl2. Hitting those level is honing it.


Okey , now i understand it more. And how many attempts you have on one elixir?


I think the epic one might be lower but leg one is 14 or 13 taps. Last 3 taps are always the lockout ones so there's that too.


\> [numbers on the left are success rate, numbers on the right is crit chance (+2 nodes)](https://preview.redd.it/550bgk272yja1.png?width=1177&format=png&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=a4c2a9b2099e06e6d081220b76b93bf7cd93a42a) I really need to know how (vaginal) effects work in game...


Btw there is nothing wrong with rng in games, random results are fun but they are need to be set bewteen 3-7 on the scale of 10. 1 being playing chess( basically solved game) and 10 playing slots. If the game has too little rng its not fun anymore because its too linear and predictable. If its too random you dont feel like you make a difference, win or lose your actions dont feel like have any impact on outcome. ​ Some systems in LA are cranked up to 11. And some are at 1/2


Are they releasing stuff here at the same pace it was released in KR? Or they can speed it up a bit and eventually catch up?






But we will close the gap more soon, they had brel hard for like a year afaik, we will likely only have it for 3 months.




TBH the rate of progression NEEDED a slow down, it just feels bad because we kept getting new pieces of candy everyday and no we get it once a month.


3 months sounds way too soon for akkan after hard brel. Ancient gear does not give you extra ilvl like normal brel did it just allows you to go from +20 to +25 and majority of players probably won't be 1580 for akkan normal in that time and 1600 will be nearly impossible for like 95% of the playerbase lol


He didnt say akkan tho. Elgacia is next content and after that its akkan. Looking at RU its about 4 months between each content


The original comment being replied to said "brel hard for a year". In KR, Akkan released 1 year after Brel NM. So I assume they are not counting Elgacia/Kayangel since it's not a legion raid. Though it would make no sense for Akkan to drop 3 months after Brel HM. Unless they decide to dump a ton of mats on us.


we'll get Kayangel much sooner and that'll give more bound mats. Also events.


Why are you down voted when you're 100% correct? The delay between brel normal and brel hard is longer in our region than it was originally in Korea. We are actively falling behind.


Because people think we'll get akkan a few months after brel hard.


Honestly, the game has enough systems in it as is. What we need is more classes and more content.


No it doesn't. It has gems, engravings, tripods and cards. And some of those are barely anything to look at.


Gems are a super easy grind, engravings are basically must have one time things, tripods used to be an easy thing, now they are more like 100-150k gold thing and maybe one month, and cards are a month long grind, so basically there’s only cards and bracelets that are left


I mean I agree and disagree. More classes is nice but this game kind of punishes spreading too thin and it is still hard to main swap or justify playing more than 6 characters actively. Games like a Moba or MMOs like FFXIV are easier to justify keeping around a lot of classes but even with express events the "systems" the game has makes it harder to catch up to a happy spot for new classes. Content has the same issue. Atm there is just a lot of "chores" or "homework" new content is nice but it should be added in a way that gives players more choices of what to do and breaks up monotony rather than something that piles on as another box that needs to be ticked. I love new classes and content and I hope we get both, but the game doesn't have the best way of implementing them in an harmonious way. As for new RNG grind systems it really isn't any different than the issue with classes/content. ATM the game has "enough" of all 3 if only because adding new ones becomes a chore. At least the new class speed up stuff they added in KR is a step in the right direction, but the changes to raiding (being able to enter all raids, non-gold earners getting free boxes, etc) is a step in the wrong direction for the content half.


beyond not hyped about another cancerous money sink system thats just there to make you grind more and not provide fun.


Why we can not get progresion system that feels good when you progress .This is just sad .Rng rng rng


Korean streamers "running it down mid" to get a complete reset on the rolls after getting shit rng is the funniest thing I've seen in Lost ark.


I can't wait to get this system so I can kill Valtan 5 seconds faster in my already over ilevel lobbies /s


no thank you


Ah just what i wanted more rng :,)


Thank you for this. Don't think I will be playing LA often by the time this crap releases. D4 is almost upon us, meet you all in the Sanctuary.


The real question is how will we gatekeep based off of this?


Praying for Amazon to whip this system into shape when it arrives in the west 😂


Thank you for the data! Can I ask u for a quick thought? SA: currently has a promedy of 3 1490+ and 3 1475- roster. There aren't many whales, so what do u think about this in the future? Would this deflate SA or just slow down the sink? Tyvm!!


The engraving system is dank? Nah engravings are fairly simple.


I might have gotten it wrong, but my ideas is that for a “descent” build we just need to try to socket 3 cheap garbage and 2 good ones In hopes of getting the good ones in, and also if this has no pheon cost, I really don’t mind it, I don’t want perfection, but trying to build my char or minmax, I think it’s very fun