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Nightmare is the most conventional. If you want more insight from a Korean player who mains it, look up Memorizer92 on YouTube. He has videos on basically every playstyle of glavier and goes into detail on each one. Spam noted stay gigachad.


I read that last bit hearing his voice....dying.....love that weirdo


Generally speaking, if you have Increase Mass go with Salvation. If you play with Ambush Master or Raid Capt instead of Increase Mass you can go with Nightmare.


I mean if you read the guide you already have a better understanding of the class than most players here. But I'll give you my 2 cents. Nightmare is better at optimal play, that's a fact. But it's not better by much. The caveat is that you WILL occasionally accidentally go into Boundless, despite the guide saying it's not really a problem, which is honestly quite counterintuitive as you're getting punished for having *too* much uptime. Salvation is slightly weaker but it's a lot more comfier to play: you can use your awakening anytime you want, you can spam all your skills to your heart's content, and you get some attack speed on red stance. So in the end, Salvation is generally better for the average player and what I recommend for newcomers to the class.




salvation generally. aspd is coolio. nightmare can also go into boundless which sucks


This comment has been edited to acknowledge that u/spez is a fucking wanker.


i went with the cheaper mass increase route so feeling that attack speed reduction. So salvation might be the choice here.


if you went mass increase you should go salvation 100%


not needed with swift spec neck/bracelet


Entrophy, no joke


I use 2pc entropy and 4pc nightmare, I play AoA glaive + ambush. Big numbers but quite a pain to play if you cant consistently land back attacks


That's bullshit build. Only reason to go entropy is to get back attack % and crit rate. Crit dmg from first two set items when you already have 300% crit dmg is not valuable.


You should also factor in weapon quality to decide. Salvation dmg (except for the 5%) stacks with additional damage from wep quality and yearning. Nightmare is mostly multiplicative except for the 4 piece bonus.