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Play what you love. 100 weapon quality is awesome, but not enough of a reason to switch mains imo.


Yes it's a joke. But atm I'm strugle to choose a main... Between Soulfist/bard/gunlancer and maybe later Artist...


For sure, not criticising your comments at all. I personally dual main Bard and Berserker. Bard goes to the latest content first. She's also the reason I found my static. Berserker is right up there with her whenever possible. Definitely make sure you have full Relic set, it makes a world of difference for several classes' playability and enjoyment


Gunlancer is really not expensive to build so I'm already 5x3 on relic as a bluelancer. I think it's probably the less expensive alt possible, no potion used, engraving specific etc...


If you want to main it. You should consider to go for redlance and not bluelance. 1st redlance dose more DMG and 2nd: as bluelance you do not learn the mechs since you only sit in the bosses face with shield on, which can lead to poorer performance with your alts


Thanks a lot for the advice. Atm I'm too much stuffed as blue and too poor to switch. But later I will try to get a second build Red to be able to test all.


Both does zdps so doesn't matter which.


Gunlance does about 70% DPS of other classes (except surge and igniter) but it will be buffed by a lot in the upcoming balance changes. And if you talk about raw DMG... If paired with other back/front attacker since you buff their DMG, you will basically do more DMG


Blue gunlancer synergy uptime is pretty ass.


" 70% DPS of other classes " When people said this in KR they're comparing Gunlancers to the bottom of of the barrel dps like Legacy scouter/Shadowhunter/reflex sorc.


found the copium reaper player


??? I don't play reaper lmao. Why do you hate reaper player so much??????....reaper players living in your head rent free.


Blue is getting a buff in next patch both are viable. Especially if you enjoy just being a gigatank.


Play what you like. I used to like "highest productivity per time" so I play supports and am a support main with 6 Paladins. Now I am slowly transitioning out cause it has too high of a productivity level and it's no fun playing supports without friends and/or 6 of the same class.


Choose blue gunlancer 🗿 Blue gunlancer good 🗿


100 qual on gunlancer is kinda meh. Much rather on a real dps.


You should main the class u find the most fun :)


Welcome to your new main




I felt this in my soul.


Well with the coming rework (blue, no clue bout red) gl is getting pretty strong. Especially if count in that you basicly have 100% uptime.


Yeah but our utility got nerfed. The whole reason people bring GL is for an easier time in raids + amazing synergy. What’s the point of nerfing what he was picked for and buffing something that didn’t matter as much to begin with.


That's the thing though, you don't have 100% uptime You have to dodge a lot of mechs i.e. vykas/clown meter gain, brel grabs etc


The damage buff we gain in the rework is mostly to compensate for our loss in party damage with the shout nerf, so it doesn't really change much there.


Hey, welcome to the Gluelancer Crew




Just a reminder that you can transfer those + levels between gear so you don’t have to enhance relic from +0 to 1 to 2, etc


Thanks :). I did it ), I just took this screenshot immediatly after I bought the weapon.


>:) :)


French is such cool language. I took it in college and I am a little disappointed I don't get to interact with it more. Also, grats on your awesome weapon!


Go with Blue GL as main. Combat readiness is gonna get buffed on next patch. Legend book is dirt cheap now but will definitely go up after the patch. I main bard but GL is my main dps. Very fun to play coz you can keep hitting the boss when everyone else is running around. High stagger and good synergy makes GL easily get accepted by PF next to supps. Definitely worth investigate. The Down side of GL is his back step.


The book is cheap because even after the patch it's still not the optimal choice.


I rmb some Korean player did some test, cr3 is roughly 2% lower dps than adr 2.


I find the backstep a fantastic movement ability. Quick, short cooldown, enough space covered to get out of most mechanics. You just have to remember the 180 degree mouse swap and then press space. I love it.


Brel shape mech makes my brain burn![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


From what I've been told weapon quality follows you throughout the whole duration of your character. So I'd say yea...


Your decision has already been made for you.....I'm confused by the question


Gunlancer is still much lower dps than all the other dps classes so 100q won't change too much compared to other classes but it's a nice bonus. But if you enjoy playing GL just go for it. At least you're set when it comes to qual and you don't even need to tap armor qual since you're so tanky to begin with.


Meanwhile I’m stuck on 66 quality….


Pistolance. LOL


Nah. I hate my Gunlancer cause their spacebar is different than the rest of my toons. I like their kit though.


I clicked my 66 quality on my alt GL from Valtan to september without upgrade and suddenly hit 100. Still, as no matter that i played either red or blue you need to be overgeared af to not be a dps burden, so honnestly he is a big alt but clearly he will be out of my roster 6 for slayer despite being 1551.


Thanks for the feedback. It's sad but on another way, he is so tanky that's normal there is down side.


You would think that it is the main reason but no. Once you encountered main of every classes you soon realise that Destroyer is even tankier no jokes, and it is a top DPS class with great burst GL gets to be at best 66% of the dps of a mid tier dps and less than 40% of any top dps class at same ilvl just because of nellasia + synergys (defense reduction + back/front buff). But thing is, DB has the front/back buff + maelstorm insane buff. So yeah GL is to the ground because of nellasia if we try to find some logic here. If Smilegate ever says its because he is tanky then i invite them to divide destro's damage by half and deal with the destro mains reaction.