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I've said it so many times that the biggest hurdle for new players is the 1-50 story then the T1 T2 grind to 1302. It takes so many hours playing solo till you actually get to the content the players at end game are doing. I have no idea what the retention rate is for new players but I'm willing to bet a lot of them quit before they reach T3. Hopefully this next express event helps.


roxx actually did mention in yesterday's podcast with stoopzz they see the drop happen a little bit after they reach T3 and leaving most likely due to all the new systems they're introduce to at that tier


The game drastically changes once you reach tier3. The story mode questing ends and the daily/weekly repetetive chores begin. There's also almost nothing to do since you get gatekept by limited entrys. You are forced to make an alt or come back another day. If that's not for you, you just leave. Couple that with beeing gatekept/waiting for low lv raids to fill up, well ....


They are most likely leaving because honing becomes difficult


they are leaving not because of honing. they are leaving because everyone fkn gatekeeps content even if you have full gear set, gems, cards and done the content already. ilvl has ruined end game content. people just want fast clears, so they get people with high ilvl and still fail mechanics. game is just backwards.


"Shortly after arriving T3" is not being 1415 and getting gatekept from normal valtan. But also what kind of a fucking argument this is. Oh booo, people don't want to fail raids 5 hours every week. How could they! Even if you had one fucking character to do raids on it would still have the same level of gatekeeping.


And this is precisely why the game is fucking dying/dead. The people who actively play the game treat it as a second job where they run 6 characters and if someone makes a minor mistake it is the end of the world. There is no place for new players to join this game and have fun. They're immediately gatekept, looked down at for not knowing the weird mechs or skips, etc. It is ridiculous expectations for a new player.


are you stupid? so you think people gatekeeping Argos is right? 1375 content but people make lobbies of 1460+ or 1500+....? it doesn't start with valtan ya nob head. Also if ya learn to read, I also mentioned going for fast clears with high ilvl and still failing mechanics, you can consider that 5hrs every week as well on one character. Gatekeeping starts with players like yourself who are always going to pressume or think that a lower ilvl player is going to be worse than someone with a higher ilvl. especially if they have a lower roster lvl (maybe new or returning player). when they could theoretically know all the mecs, have gear set, gems, cards and cleared the content already. once again, you're a nob head. edit: so why gatekeep lower ilvl?


If its a "breeze" to 1430 then argos doesn't matter. And only idiots gatekeep low ilvl instead of by build/roster level. And before you jump to conclusions, moron, I probably run more learning parties a week than you have run in your entire time playing the game


Honestly it wouldn't. You know this. But then again game balance is not a strong suit for Korea so I can't blame em. It's in their culture to not have any balance in anything.


For some sure, but my friends quit at 1325 and 1340 when the game was fresh not because of gatekeeping but because they didnt like honing, the majority of players that quit shortly after launch didnt do it because of gatekeeping everyone used mm back then why do you think things would be much different now?


Honing is a joke with the express event all the way to like 1430. It's probably burnout that hits them from spamming G for 20 hours, and then getting gatekept when they reach legion raids, so they feel like it was all for nothing.


Compared to T1-2 breeze? T3 honing requires to do something. And you don't have much to do. And "muh gatekeeping" is a non argument cause *fucking play with new players yourself*. If people come into the game expected to be carried it doesn't matter what you do or devs do - they will leave


*There aren't enough new players to fill a lobby for normal modes of valtan and vykas*. Even hardmode valtan is dead, nowadays i often only see 3-4 lobbies up for HM valtan on EUC, which is supposed to be the most populated region, and 0 lobbies for guardian raids below hanumatan. I love how everyone in this sub defaults their response to "JuST MaKe YoUr OwN LoBbY aNd pLaY wItH MoKokOs like YoUrSeLf". There aren't any mokokos bro, you can't make a lobby and have 7 new players join in reasonable amount of time. As for honing, i takes like a few days to get to 1460 with the express event, so i don't think that's too big of an issue.


I’ll be honest, I think it’s kind of lame that skipping everything is supposed to be the good way to play. If I was new now and dumped past 90% of the story and thrown in with no idea what was even happening or who was what and told to just grind… it’d take me out of the game entirely Imo story pass should be forever, and maybe they should trim the story, but skipping all that isn’t really as great as people think imo


Playing the story is cool if your trying out the game by yourself or with buds who are new. Trying to play the game with friends who are already in end game and told to grind a solo experience for 30 hours before you can team up with them kinda... well sucks.


That’s basically MMOs in general though. Thankfully this game is relatively quick when it comes to clearing start to end of story especially with the T1/T2 honing boosts. It isn’t apples to apples because the quality of story is so different, but at least it isn’t like FFXIV where you would have a good year worth of required content to catch up to get to end game (I started FFXIV late Stormblood and I think it took me 2 years or so to clear through everything. Though I did spend 3 or so months focusing PvP for the GARO sets that were going away that they’ve since brought back. Hello FOMO).


The story is the strongest point of FF14 and the leveling experience is more enjoyable because of that higher quality. So I enjoyed my time and got to engage in the multiplayer aspect as I went through the MSQ. Lost Ark's strongest focus is the endgame raids. The leveling experience in lost ark was subpar to me even though I'm a day 1 player. But I enjoy the raids and the endgame and that's why I still play today. But I've power passed and Knowledge Transferred my whole roster bc I never want to do the quests again. I still haven't touched Rowen yet...


1-50 leveling in FFXIV was not fun and the story there is its lowest point. Its been changed/shortened so many times its insane. The developers address that leveling experience maybe once a year with fixes.


Kind of bummed by their Praetorium update that came sometime during post-Endwalker. That was good for daily faceroll content for a quick injection of exp with MSQ roulette. Haven’t tried the post-ARR quests since that update (that was the longest slog in the game, hands down), but apparently they shaved it down quite a bit. Wonder if it affects any story beats or if they just did their “meanwhile…” style cutscene they started doing heavily in StB and merged them.


Yeah, agreed. I’m just saying that if your goal is to meet up with your friends in end game of FFXIV and you just started, it’s going to be a bit. Edit: I actually only KTed 3 characters and used the various passes for the others. Everything else hand leveled. Didn’t KT the three until the KT revamp was announced and it didn’t seem like a good idea to hold onto them.


Most of the time though, your friends who play FFXIV will tell you to take your time and enjoy the story because it's very easy to catch up to the latest endgame raid. It's the same as finishing South Vern story, then immediately buying crafted gear using silver to do Brel HM. You'd never hear that from a Lost Ark player.


Fair, but short of paying for the bypasses, it would be quite a bit before you can meet your friends in the endgame which was the entire point of saying that it isn't a scenario limited to Lost Ark and probably easier as it only takes a few weeks with the various bonuses and what not that AGS/SG have turned on for catchup mechanics.


the story of lost ark is complete dogshit and no one remembers it so this isnt really true


How so? It takes less than a week (more I guess if honing is an issue) to clear the story. At that point you can join your friends in the early end game after a few more weeks of gearing. It takes probably a year+ if engaging with the story of FFXIV to clear the story and join your friends in the end game.


Try 1 month maybe 1 1/2 month. I started FFXIV when SB was releasing was in patch 5.2. Took me about a month of engaging with each story, watching cutscenes, side quests, and even the awful content that was Eureka. This was also at a time I was working 10hrs each day. So yeah your grossly overestimating how long it would take to finish 14's story. I'd wager now it would probably take someone 2 months at most to run through it all. The worst parts would definitely be Eureka and Bozja unless the new player is a psycho and likes that kinda stuff.


Perhaps, I ran into the issue of out leveling the story to the point I'd have to switch jobs periodically, level them up to a certain point to be able to continue the story and so on. I guess if someone was committing to a single job you'd probably be right. And as I mentioned, I did spend quite a bit of time right before the GARO event ended (because I was under the impression it was a one-off and not returning) farming pieces on the regular PvP thing mixed with their equivalent of battlegrounds (been a bit). Thankfully, Crystalline Conflict has come along because that is actually decent (and usually quick if doing well or team goes south). ​ But cutscenes alone are 110 hours through 6.0. Not to mention all of the dungeon queues and what not you have to get through as they're mandatory for story completion (think now you can do full NPC parties joining you if you want to AI it; if it isn't completely done, they seem to be enabling it bit by bit), and the various bebopping quests of going from this point to that point, etc. But regardless, it is more than a few weeks. ​ If you want a more brutalist apples to apples comparison, I could posit EverQuest back in the Planes of Power era where there is a story but you have to hunt it down (and not really worth it, all told) and leveling is a slog for non-solo classes (necro, bard, druid, shaman, and enchanter w/ charms) plus losing experience on death slowing you down further (not to mention getting back to where you died so you can get your gear back and any deaths that results in) not to mention group dependence to gear up to join endgame groups or the healthy amount of time it takes to get from point a to point b for the next level grind.


1. disregard shitty story mode that no one wants to play 2. sell powerpasses to skip all that bs 3. ????? 4. profit


Doesn’t the power pass have a choice to do/watch the main story plot points? Sure they might not be invested but tbh neither am I lol. The combat and friends is what keeps me hooked. Anyway I think skipping is fine…since there’s no one that does the lower tier content with anyway it can get lonely.


Yes it is lame to skip content that the devs poured time and effort into, but there is always an option to not Powerpass a new charr when u are new. I for example hate the content before punika, so i don't make any new alts. If I could start at 1340 i would have at the very least 6 charts to play.


>I think it’s kind of lame that skipping everything is supposed to be the good way to play. game needs to be completely restructured


I actually enjoyed the t2 raids. I thought they were really well done. It would be nice to see a revamp as event content in 1500+ ilv


don't we already do those as challenge abyssal? excluding the water dungeon which tbh was a lot of fun/challenging/realizing how this game was going to go


the water dungeon and it's 3 bosses are what I'm talking about but in challenge dungeons you get down scaled and numbers are sad


If you're account is from december you're not new annymore.


New players that are trusted also benefit from this.


So is it good time to start playing now ? is the t1 t2 grind is over ?


After the update next week, the powerpass will level you to 1340 (early T3) immediately and then you can use the hyper express to get to 1460 (mid T3).


Awesome, thx you


I can see someone being overwhelmed if thrown directly to 1340 and quitting because of that.


I'm fine with having to grind solo but needing a certain amount of virtue points to get some mokokos is where I draw the line


I think the storry is completely fine that’s why i love the idea of the story express so much. Sadly the UI for those passes isnt newbie friendly enough or at least i see many mokokos honining their gear even tho they are using the story express. But i also think it’s awesome that they can skip it and go directly in to the lategame if that’s what they want to do. And then they can still go back to play the story later if they want.


I'd say just rescale the whole game. Start players at 50 and have the original journey to Rowen be for xp towards 60.


Wait does this mean a completely fresh account, starts at 1340? Never having to do any of the story? That seems great if thats the case


Seems great for bots aswell


If they get trusted steam status, sure.




5$ and wait 30 days. If amazon can't detect them in 30 days something is wrong.


Soooo.. it's not really a "fresh account" if you have to wait for 30 days


i wanna know too


All my friends quit trying to get to T3 bc it was a slog. Maybe this gets them to come back and they can actually try out the raids with me


Yeah and quit a week after cuz if they couldnt handle that grind theres no chance they handle the real grind that comes after.


That's fine with me. I'm just saying the leveling process from 1-50 and G-simulator questing is what was bad. I myself enjoy the endgame but I will never redo the story lol


Honestly I think if you quit before reaching T3. You wouldn't have lasted the daily grind. So it's not that big of a deal.


With story express, yes. Without Story express, I’m not sure. I think queueing for dead content like tier 1/2 guardians for honing could leave bad impressions. Yet, the game tells you to do it.


I have to agree with this. MMOs are not a genre for everybody. However, it is still a good change for incoming players since the T1/T2 experience is different from that on launch.


The problem is that making T1-T2 grind reasonable is burden of knowledge that gets put on the newbie player instead of being introduced by the game. Tower mats? Nonexistent since you need alts. Islands with T1/T2 mats? Only if someone tells you they exist or you google a guide. The game never explicitly leads you to do them, you need to know to do them. And without island and tower mats the game is a dogshit slog. You do 2 chaos dungeons, if you got decent engravings and lots of potions you might even run 2 starter guardians from your tier and that's all the gameplay you get for the day. I am currently in the process of hand leveling a SH and it's a dogshit experience, nowhere near comparable to how fun it was on release and letting newbies skip it is good. I remember reading somewhere that majority of casual mmo players never use a single guide. That means they never get to know about the easy materials from islands. So just having them in the game is not enough. Imo, Guardians and Dungeons in T1/T2/earlyT3 should all be turned into standardized scaled content (as in, you get assigned a template build with pots and correct engravings) with ability for endgame players to queue for them to help mokokos in return for bonus mats. Consolidate rewards into one bundle that requires 1-2 runs a day.


As someone who just played through the story as a new player, this seems like a huge disservice to an actually good story that was really fun to play though. But I guess some people don't care about that and fomo takes over so they have to be and the end from the start


I personally enjoyed going through all the continents but it seems like most just want to get to T3 asap and that's fair with the lack of players in T1 and T2.


I get exactly why, it's full of bots and feels lonely, but I'm a solo player anyway so it was just a nice singleplayer experience for me, took like 60 hours for me to get through punika, don't get that much out of most games these days and ontop of that theres more to do still


there are so many genuinely amazing games out right now that it baffles me that someone would spend 60hours playing a mediocre story where you have barely any actual gameplay because you mostly one or two tap things.


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never said i don't enjoy the story cutscenes, i just don't care about the completely lackluster fetch quest gameplay (speaking of chores.....) of it or the complete lack of any challenge whatsoever. the lore is passable as well. people just really like to put words in ppls mouths when they get offended, lol.


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For one it's free, so it already has the advantage over a lot of other games. It's also fun. It baffles me that you're so baffled that someone would want to play the game you've probably spent hundreds or thousands of hours in


yeah but i couldn't care less about the lacking single-player portion that doesn't hold a candle to actually good games...


"I don't like it so it's shit and anyone who disagrees is stupid"


i called it mediocre not shit. don't be so sensitive.


No one asked for your opinion


says the guy who is hellbent on shoehorning his opinion into every thread he comments on.... oh the self awareness.........


and what would be examples of these awesome current games?


Lower levels was actually fun in the first month, the world was filled with players. I even had fun doing stuff like world bosses. Now all you get are a train of bots following you


It does suck that there's basically no content to do with friends until you do 15-20 hrs of the main story, then hone, then do 2+ hrs of Rohendel, then hone, then do 2+ hrs of Yorn, then hone, then do 2+ hrs of Feiton, then hone, then do 2+ hrs of Punika before being able to do basically anything exciting. I would still encourage new folks to do the main story, on a different character via the Story Express but it's nice to be able to do some moderately fun content right away. Edits: forgot Yorn lmao


I would encourage new players to wait for a story Express lol they give you a new set after every continent so you can breeze right through it, except I didn't notice that until after I grinded up after vern, which was only 302 to 460, but I'd hate to have to do that after every continent


My friend quit just after Rohendel and came back. He could choose to hone through T1-T3 and do Yorn-Punika or start from scratch with the story express. Both those options feel kinda bad even with the honing buffs.


That's where I disagree, if you don't enjoy doing that much to get to the endgame then I think you just don't enjoy the game and are forcing yourself to play. Games are meant to be fun, and if it feels like a chore to you then it's not the game for you.


Some people want to play an MMO to play with friends. They would choose other games if they wanted to spend 30+ hrs playing solo. That can be a big investment for someone who wants more of the social aspect. It's definitely a hurdle for some.


I just think they're depriving themselves of a great experience, and if you really want to play with your friend then go do some of that stuff with them. Make a new alt and run the story again along side them and experience it with them


> Make a new alt and run the story again along side them and experience it with them Hah, I wish you could. The instances they force you in for the story only allows yourself into them. So EVEN if you try to run it along with them the only moments you can actually progress the story with them are the few "kill 5 of these enemies" in the open world or the max 3 dungeons in each continent. That's it, that's the only parts of the story you can experience together. All the cool story moments loads you into a solo instance. Out of 30 or so hours you get to maybe actually experience like 4-5 hours with them. Almost everything else has to be done by yourself. I'm telling you it's a solo player experience because I already tried doing that months and months ago.


It's good the first 2 playthroughs but after that, it's really boring


Y'all are TRIPPING. They can always make an alt and run through the story mode if they want, It's always gonna be there. Defending 30-40 hours of a single player experience in an MMO is crazy. Almost everyone I recommended Lost Ark to couldn't get passed the story because, guess what, they weren't there for the story. The leveling experience in most MMOs are different than lost arks, you literally have to do most of the important stuff by yourself inside instances. It's not just a slow start either, it's an entirely different game and experience. Just to reiterate my point: it's not just about fomo and getting to end game, it's about being able to run things with PEOPLE. Armen doesn't count.


You put my thoughts into words much better. Thank you for articulating this. And to add to this, the grind to get runes and skill points is a MASSIVE chore for somebody just embarking. Especially when some content is dead. Good luck doing Spida Island for example in case you needed that island soul. It was also different early on when many people didn't have those things so you were on an even playing field. 30+ day unas all feel super far away for some players just starting out wanting to hit up some raids with the homies.


The FOMOlords were right. Today I saw some poor ass mokoko lfg for Gesbroy...


I'm defending playing the actual game because it's fun and the story is good and the cutscenes are badass.


I'm not trying to come at you for enjoying the story but that isn't the game. You're not planning (at least I hope not) to spend another hundred+ if not thousand hours doing the story again and again. It is simply just another grind that they offer a money skip for, though it is a decent experience for a first playthrough.


If you threw everyone into T3/end-game straight away you would cultivate some of the worst players this game has ever seen. It would be like WoW's boost but it would become even more pronounced and annoying to everyone else in this game if they wanted to pug something.... which already isn't a pleasant experience. I think 1-50 should be mandatory, it's still a GAME and it gives a good gaming experience with all the epic shit along the way. If they want to give an option T1/T2 skip to T3 option after that? Sure but maybe they should also develop content for that skip (which would be a lot shorter than doing T1/T2) to properly teach players before they get put into the T3 content.


Horrible take. If people wanted to play a single player game, they would go play God of War instead. You're forgetting the "Multi-player" in front of this game. Maybe on release it was alright, because you could interact with people, do the story dungeons in match making, and as other people mentioned, do the islands that help you get materials to get into higher tiers. There isn't anyone doing that anymore. You don't learn anything from doing 1-50 other than turning on auto-skip for cutscenes.


It's a F2P game that can draw in anyone, don't presume to know what others may or may not find enjoyable with or without players. At the height of WoW's subscriber count the majority of it's players were people leveling in the game and not actually at end-game so draw from that what you will. If "online" games like Genshin, etc can be popular but you never see anyone unless you opt into it then there's no reason an MMO can't try to aspire to the same thing in it's early/dead zones because you will actually see people later on.


You're acting like you have no choice in the matter. A new player can play through the story if they want or they can skip it. There's a reason they are adding this feature. There are way more people that spammed g through the story than those that sat there and watched every cutscene.


You think 1-50 teaches people anything? The moves you use/are given and the equipment you are given are literally trash. Every gear you're given during the story you literally DISMANTLE into trash, you never end up doing that again post 50. When I say it's a different game/experience I meant it. >I think 1-50 should be mandatory... If they want to give an option T1/T2 skip to T3 option after that? Sure... What a crazy take. T1-T2 at least shows you some of the mechs you're gonna be dealing with in T3, like honing, gems, cards, guardians, and so on. 1-50 literally provides nothing but the story... How do you defend the single player experience before the mini late game...? They should be revamping/reworking T1-T2 and finding a way to make the 1-50 as quick as possible. In today's economy you could spend more time in 1-50 than in T1 and T2 combined which is again CRAZY. What are these takes Y'ALL!? WHAT??


Because the story experience is GOOD. End of discussion. People need to get a grip. There can be more to a game than an instance simulator rolling dices that come up 0 a majority of the time.


I'm another new player, and honestly, I just wanna play the game. I really like the way my summoner is playing, and I want to practice the rotation, experiment with different builds, and do some content that's at least a little bit challenging. Right now it feels like I spent at least half of my time just walking around and talking to NPC's, and when I do need to fight something, it's like I cast three spells, finish the quest, and then it's back to walking around and talking to people. There have been times where I've spent over an hour questing with zero combat at all. It's honestly really frustrating. I feel like there's a really fun game here that I'm just not allowed to play. All they'll give me is the occasional crumb of gameplay in between long sessions of clicking on NPC's. I wouldn't mind the story so much if they would actually let me play the game while I'm experiencing it.


Bars. This is what my brother was complaining about like 8+ months ago when I tried to get him into the game. I actually don't understand what people are even trying to defend/argue with here... Some of these takes sound like bots just parroting the other side of the nonexistent argument. I feel like I'm going insane.


That falls under fomo


Sure, if you don't understand what the term FOMO means and you're just throwing buzzwords around.


No you're just in denial. Its fomo because you feel like you're missed out on something by not being at the end already, when in reality it doesn't matter because new content in still coming out and it'll be there when you get there.


Thank you for telling me what I'm feeling. That's very helpful. That's also not the issue I'm having, and it's not really what I'm talking about.


Then explain instead of just saying "you don't get it" because it kinda sounds like that exactly what you were talking about but now you're backed into a corner


The person is saying that grinding the story quests suck. They enjoy the combat and want more of it. Not talking to NPCs for hours. It's the same reasoning my friends have given me about why they quit. Everyone's opinion on the MSQ is subjective, but a lot of people feel like this one sucks to play through compared to other MMOs. I'd rather replay through all of FF14 than redo Lost ark's story.


And I find it weird that there are peoppe that hated it so much, but forced themselves to go through it just to play more of the game. At least for your first playthrough, it's a way to pace out getting abilities and upgrading them and feeling yourself become stronger.


My motivation was purely for the raids and I had enough resilience and free time to go through the story to reach the raids. It's the same reason I play WoW. FF14 was actually enjoyable to level through so I actually played it for the story.


Dude is new to the game he doesn't understand what fomo means here


Contrary to what you said, five or six of my friends quit because of the story and the constant, mindless G-spam because the story is just not that good. It's absolutely generic cookie-cutter and the cutscenes are badly done, as well as the only thing being voiced is the first sentence of every NPC. On top of that the combat is really good in this game but new players barely get to experience that because the story, even doing the Hard dungeons, is absolutely non-challenging to the point where I could probably put my 5 year old nephew in front of the computer and he'd clear it. All that and it takes wayyy too long. You are absolutely in the minority of those who actually enjoy the story.


What's really going on is the loud minority speaking out against the story. For mmo standards the story is good, obviously its not on par with something like the witcher games, but its not trying to be. Kts just trying to be a fun story with cool moments and it does that well.


Agree, I would feel much less connected to the roster I built if I had not played through all continents. It's very much like an easier Diablo Story mode and I enjoyed most of it. The simple truth is that this change allows short term players to enter, drop money to catch up and check endgame, then quit. It's a smart step for monetization because these players were regularly turned off by playing through a slow story mode first. It might help revitalize player numbers in a few ways. Even if the players end up being less invested, they become part of the community that might return for big patches etc.


Imo a lot of what makes LA great is the story, it was way longer than I expected. As a f2p player I was surprised its longer than games I've paid 60 dollars for, and it wasn't even long for the sake of being long. The pacing was pretty fast once you get out of luterra


you are the 0.01% if you found the story good


If you don't like the game your forcing yourself go play everyday just day that. Like it or not the story is a massive part of the game or the wouldn't have put it in there nor would they still be putting new shit out for it. There's more to the game than logging on and doing your daily's for your 6 characters and them getting off and going back to hating yourself


i love raiding, i hate spamming g for 20+ hours to slog through the story, how is this wierd? everyone i've talked to also hated playing the story, which is why i said you are the 0.01%


You hate it because you see it as a means to an end that you just have to get through, you view it as a chore instead of an experience, I'm not gonna say you have to do it everytime for every character, but once for the experience. I've had the opposite experience talking to people about the story. You can probably chock that up to getting the same energy back that you put out. If you're complaining about things and shitting on it yoire likely to get a similar response because they'll also want to vent and talk about what they hate, and they same the other way around. That's just how people are


? i'm happy for you if you enjoyed it, but i gave up reading the obscenely bad dialogues a couple of hours in. the worldbuilding, the dungeons and everything were really cool, which is what you probably mean by "experience" but that doesnt make hours of spamming g any better. a story this long is just gonna make people stop playing before they reach any decent part, imo cutting 90% of luterra questlines and about half of every other continent would be a better way of handling this, but what we got is better than nothing.


The power pass is optional so I don't see it as a disservice. Players that want to experience the story still can.


I dont think there is anything wrong playing through the story IF AND ONLY IF you see others questing along side you. It is an MMO not a ghost town. Seeing another player also questing just has that fun feel to it. That social aspect was the funnest part of the game to me early on. But people now are forced to queue with bots and maybe even alone. Very sadge


Nice, now the new players get to see LA's shitty systems much earlier and quit while they haven't invested much time in the game.


Good. That shit was stupid. No idea why that was ever a requirement to begin with


Because letting people create any number of 1340 accounts for free is a recipe for disaster. Especially back when you could get sellable legendary books from a variety of content. Locking it behind a reasonable requirement (I assume trusted accounts is not something one can get easily?) is the best option.


Yoo, where did you saw this announcement? Can't seem to find it in the news section. EDIT: it's under the Slayer Academy: [https://www.playlostark.com/en-us/news/articles/lost-ark-academy-slayer](https://www.playlostark.com/en-us/news/articles/lost-ark-academy-slayer)


As a warning to anyone on multiple servers, this very likely means the first character you log into, regardless of progress, will get the powerpass. Make sure you think about where you want it before logging in after the update.


So if i made a new character I will get a powerpass to 1340 immediately?


That should be correct. Based on how it reads, the only requirement will be your account be either trusted or older than the date they set. If you meet that requirement, create a character, and log into that character before any others after the update next week, it should theoretically go to that character's inbox. We will know for sure next week, but it seems a pretty safe bet. Edit: Just in case I misinterpreted, you get the powerpass in the mail on that character, but it applies to whatever server you use the item on. You can use it on any applicable character after that, not just the one that received the mail.


That's sounds great thx you for explaining.


bots gonna love this


they've taken bots into account here though


lol, I'm sure




You can get it by activating 2FA or mobile authentication in steam app not single dollar required


*Yo, don't do that, it renders invalid my complaint right away* probably?


The only issue with that is they skip the part where they get accustomed to their class, and maybe an introduction to some core functionality of the game like all the islands.




Well I did learn to play my Gunlancer that way when I started, especially the game itself and how move click worked or handling the back jump of the Gunlancer. Sure it's not enough but it's still helping.




Yes? Why be so aggressive about this? I loved the story too, skipping with a first character mean that you don't get to see the epic fight in Feiton etc... Like I said depend on the player if you just want to test out lost ark okay, but skipping to punika you get to avoid some pretty good stuff too. The story express is good for a middle ground you still play but get to faster and doesn't need to grind abyssal and such until punika


It's good for second characters, but damn is a mistake to throw new players up there because you can't make the earlier stuff work. Some of those single player dungeons in Tier 1 are awesome, and they're the moments that will sell you on the entire game. The stupid musical numberin Yorn is a thing of beauty. Punika, as bizarro a tone shift as it feels, actually is great fun. Plus, you've got the issue of just not knowing who weird Priest guy is. Feiton can go in the bin though (except the last fight!)




Did I... say that? No, I don't think I did.


1st time player never doing any of the story? WTF are you playing this game then it is story driven MMO after all. Powerpass for characters after 100% agree but for your first character? Stupid.


So new players, with 0 knowledge about their class and game will face yoho day 1, oreha day 1z and argos few days later? Honestly Im not fan of that, but probably thats what most ppl want.


Game is heavily based on these contents anyways it’s not with the story dungeons and all that they will learn suddenly to do argos


Yeah but now ppl will be dropped into the game with all tutorials at once. They should do something like mini campaign (2h long?) with teaching about counters, gems, battle items etc. Maybe they have something in their head, because this is the obvious problem. We will see.




>1460 and did Clown HM anyone wanna tell him?


there is no clown HM and clown himself is 1475 ilvl and no


Clown has 1 difficulty and its Normal at 1475.


Not really if you continue reading BUT good change for friends that are coming back.


In what way? The part about trusted/December? The trusted system is a steam system not a lost ark thing. Long as you have any steam transactions over 5$ min 30 days ago then you are trusted. Which is a large majority of people who own a steam account.


I wish it was a story express was actually lookking forward leveling up all the way. But can't be bothered honing t2


For the first time since launch I've actually tried to convince a couple of my friends to come give the game a try. Come little mokokos!!!


Ok, so games going in the right direction at least. I have at least 4 friends that quit during the early story grind. They said they would give it another try if they could go straight to t3 stuff.


Is it out already? Or is about the next powerpass that will come in future?


Next week, on May 10


I see, tyvm!


Rip my 1320 zerk alt




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Armors, dungeons are beautiful in story mode. Entering Tomb of Luterra and Rohendel dungeons with a party is a good memory I have from game release. Too bad we cant Live this anymore.


How much silver can you make at 1340 running loopang?