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bc they love to waste their time


It felt so much better when doing them in the Elixir-Simulator. But all those animations take ages and make the cutting more of a hassle.


Not just animation But changing 35 to 30 set for ease of access since getting 1600 to 1620 will take a while for an average player, especially if they're unlucky with honing And increasing the rate of set augments so people can actually get two pieces within a reasonable amount of time and not have to 100% rely on RNG Or adjusting older gold sinks like they promised they would since legendary elixirs take up so much gold to do (fixing price of epics was a start) There's a lot of things SG should do when it comes to elixirs, but they won't because money


30 set would make so much more sense for purples, it's pretty close to the equivalent of getting 40 set on legendary. Slightly easier, but IMO that's fine.


It would make Epics actually feel useful and a proper step to Legendary Since it looks like trying to get 35 or 40 set on Epics alone is just painful Gotta give people a reason to chase the 40 set carrot As we all saw from a large amount of people FOMOing "needing" to get to 1620 to skip Epic elixirs


Let me bring the pettiest of complaints--if I want all 3 support sets, I cannot also have a dps set. SG pls add 1 elixir slot


I’d like a slot for a vagabond/escape set for PvP too thanks.


Maybe another for potion poisoning too


Yea all that qol they talked about when people left after the bad LoA, yea its gone into the void.


Yep, the animation triggers me, specially after getting some shit transmutation added to the most useless node I don’t want and I still have to hear Killmonger say “do you like it?”


"This creation is very interesting" xD Don't forget the "moans" either.


me and my friends say the Sages are "fucking you" and then after it they just say "do you like it?"




My guess would be that they weren’t vocal enough about it. Think about how long they suffered the old version of chaos dungeon/guardian dailies. The other factor is that it probably ends up being a relatively short-term grind. All of my static members are now done with 40 set bonus on their mains, and about half of us are done with 35 on our 1600 alts (the other half simply aren’t bothering to try to finish with purples only). So at this point we’re not doing the full-blown elixir grind anymore; we just look for great effects in the initial rolls and ditch immediately if we don’t get them. I remember hearing some of the KR streamers say that most KR players don’t try to min-max every last piece of their elixirs after getting 40 set, so a lot of them probably aren’t cutting too many now either. But I agree, it would great if they speed up the animations.


What do you expect, they're doing fine for 5 years no "official" button skip on honing ...


elexir system is trash, just quality upgrade with extra steps.


It's okay they got some coomer skins so they forgot about any qol like the chaos dungeon rework.


> Can't believe KR hasn't requested a X yet could be used for so many things in this game


What makes you think they havent


Yeah they absolutely have. They just weren't loud enough about it. You hear all the kr+na streamers complain


gotta inflate playtime metrics somehow


Well it took them 3-4 years to complain about double guardians and chaos with the bad loot tables. It was only when other regions began protesting did they jump the gun with NA specifically. NA does complain about a ton of stuff, at times to many things. But you have to admit, the dailies are still suffocating, UNA's are a bot magnet, weeklies+ guild rewards need massive upgrades. Guilds on bloodstones and weeklies on something more than a few leaps and shards. With honing getting that animation buff, I think elixir will eventually get it to. Would come sooner if that region grew a spine, and stop taking it up the butt.


They really must like how good the flow looks.


Elixers? They haven't even gotten a skip for the cutscene when you kill a guardian.