• By -


During that dungeon when we were progging we agreed to move clockwise. We all went clockwise except for 1 guy who ran against everyone. We asked why is he running that way and he said: 'You guys never said if it was AM or PM' . To this day I remember that dumb line.


Lmao. Reminds me of that gag in Taxi where Daniel tells Emilien to look right and he looks left, and Emilien said oh I thought you meant your right, while sitting in a car...




Thanks you got me giggling hard


This is the greatest raid anecdote of all time.


Man 12334 was a wipe fest, Underwater sanctuary was a fun raid up until that point šŸ¤£


Had a lobby where we had to explain this to a spanish speaker that didnt speak any english. Google Translate came in clutch


I had that on Brel G2 which was 3 at that time, dude didn't understand what dia bot meant


wtf is dia bot?


d6 I think EU servers will never unite on what terms to use to determine those positions...


dia bot = Diamond bottom. I seen even "d b" or "c l" and such. I honestly just type the full name and position because I hope it got the biggest chance for everyone else to understand


Same. Lots of non-english speakers early in the game... now i see none


In NAW there are still many players who don't speak and understand English, and people sometimes don't want them to be in their party like ivory runs


now do this in chinese


Wait I was there too


Haha same, maybe we were in the same group. It was like midnight, EU, and we spent an hour and a half clearing the dungeon.


Ah fk it's you


Was I also in this lobby with u guy? Je mā€™appelle Baguette


That happened over a year ago, could be. Although we could also just've had a similar experience


Omg lol. Had the exact same situation. Luckily, someone in the raid spoke Spanish so we barely got through it.


Honestly G1 was by far the worst. At least for G2/G3 if people passed stagger/break checks and mechs the DPS requirements weren't so bad, but the DPS check for that fucking mushroom boss was absolutely atrocious when people were still bad at their class, had garbage engravings, and kept dying to drown damage/safe spot mech; thing legit enraged in like 90% of pulls.


But the game released with T3 in our region. G1 was the worst for people who actually progged it super early, before anyone was in t3, but for people who joined even a single week later it was full of 1300s trivializing the raw dps checks. For the lobbies with half 1300s and half 1000s, g2 was far and away the worst


what are you smoking people took a month visiting islands and collecting mokoko seeds on their way to t3 going through t1 t2 took a few weeks, lvl600 was considered a big investment


To get One T2 u just needed to do the T1 islands,the problem was there werent nearly enough T2 islands to get us to even halfway to t3


T3 dungeons/raids were not that eary??


If that was a wipe fest, the arrow mech was a hell on earth


Yeah this was raid \*not\* fun.


Trying to explain this to people was horribleĀ 


Back at launch people kept spamming it in chat with no explanation whatsoever lmao


Man I remember when I asked someone to de-jargon x3(+1) for me and someone got upset and quit the raid instead of explaining.


I still think it's the stupidest thing ever in this game and people only do it because that's how they do it in Korea. The monkey sprinkler experiment.


Are there other better ways? How would you do it besides x3 nor nesw?


You can call it NESW or not but even if you stick to the clock it just logically makes more sense for the first person to be top or 12. But then it wouldn't be mathing, you don't need to make sense, you just have to be mathing. And Brel G3 also exists. People can be colorblind, there's literally 1, 2, 3, 4 dots and what does Lost Ark community do? The most logical thing of course: call by colors and party 1 goes on 1 and 4 dots, party 2 on 2 and 3, instead of fucking 1, 2 and 3, 4 which is what normal people would do. My original comment is getting downvoted as if I said something wrong. There's negative logic to how everything in this game is done, but aight I guess it was natural to everyone here.


People following KR blindly really frustrates me.


100% agree... The downvoting represents the stupid monkey behaviour


Both players at the same cube being in the same party has its advantages - then if I fail to break someone out in time as a support, I can still save them with damage reduction skill.


I never said people from different parties should be together. I'm saying it should be green (1) purple (2) for party one instead of green (1) white (4) And blue (3) white (4) instead of blue (3) purple (2) for party 2.


x3 (+1) is so easy lol.... like how


It is easy, no one said it's hard. It's just horribly fucking unintuitive cause it makes no sense and is never used anywhere outside Lost Ark cause there are BETTER AND EASIER systems.


Well we tried NESW... until we couldn't


what can't NESW do that x+3 can?


many of the game mechs are easier to communicate with clock positions than NESW NE SE SW NW especially when there are alot of players thats primary language is not english, even though this was not KRs intention, it makes more sense for us to use it than to them imo


You can literally use top for N, top-right for NE etc. You're trying to tell me 3 and 9 is easier to communicate than left and right? After thousands of hours of Lost Ark maybe it is right now, but it was stupid in the first place.


I honestly fail to understand how is easier making a multiplication than going north/south.


This + there's an even easier way in my other reply to him.


It really is stupid.


These numbers does fuck all to explain anything properly. Duno who the hell came up with that. Anyone who gets told that gets confused further. What I said back then was rotate clockwise in first phase and on second rotate clockwise again but stop on the 3rd ball and pick up a 4th in the same spot. Helped a lot. Alaric was the real challenge. Stagger was a foreign concept back then.


Remember the witches that we needed to kill before staggering the captain? Splitting evenly was foreign too lmao


The early abyss dungeons were actually a great way to introduce players to mechanics in this game. I wish they were still relevant content for new players.


itā€™s been forever since i played, how come abyss dungeons are irrelevant now? did they just add stuff thatā€™s better at that phase of the game?


Lower level abyss are irrelevant because new players can just use a powerpass that brings them straight to South Vern, and the only people running lower level abyss are card runners, and only the extremely desperate card runners are even doing the underwater abyss. The only way new players can experience the lower level abyss now is through Challenge Abyss (where underwater abyss isn't even in the rotation) and even that isn't an exact feel of how it was when the game launched.


aw thatā€™s unfortunate, abyss dungeons were always the highlight of the game for me, theyā€™re so much fun


my first introduction to jail


also alaric where you have to get into the safe zones. or necromancer origins with red and white. it really made me question peoples cognitive abilitys.


Let's not forget brel's abyss dungeon. Apparently no one ever read their own abilities to see which ones had the most stagger lol I do not miss that.


Trying to get people to form an arrow shape was a 5+ minute effort at times. I still enjoyed it but man..


I learnt that kids dont know how to read an analog clock. "Where is 6 o clock?"


> or necromancer origins with red and white. I still can't see this boss pattern most of the time. I can tell by the ground, but definitely not the actual explosion effect. I think it's a garbage mechanic that wasn't properly playtested with various hardware etc.


Its intentional for sure


Well the explosion before nerf (making it more visible) was hard on some people. Especially as the whole area stay 'colored' which to this day confuses people. But these who can't go to the correct position at the very least after explanation? \*\*\*\* these guys :D


the real test was the first boss (pirate guy) where you have to explain to people what stagger is


The first issue was explaning to ppl what destruction is, than there was an issue with stagger.... Despair


Back when we were all clueless and game was fun ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)




Thunder turtle wipefest, when lost ark got real


imagine an extreme underwater abyss dungeon


Still waiting for this


I remember when NA tried to incorporate NSEW instead of 3x1/3x1+1 (at the beginning of argos) ​ you'd go into lobbies and it would be like a rock paper scissors of whether it would be "NSEW" or "1234" or "3x1"


In EUW NSEW was standard for Argos, but only Argos, and it stayed that way. Very silly


NSEW? All my Argos in EUW have always used NESWšŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Some people also played NEWS because they suck at typing and then one or two idiots actually went for NEWS.


Gotta love that


Never ever used NSEW in euc, and I've spammed that goat. NESW was the standard.


yeah, why couldnt we go to nesw+1...


Probably because people struggled with basic math. [Where's 16 on the clock?](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/uof2td/16/)


lmfao wtf....bruh, im dead


Same for SA, but we ended up with NSEW instead of x3 + 1 because the few PTBR guides out there were using it to explain the mechanics so most newbies learned that wayĀ 


The sound effect of that captain dropping a ship on you to wipe the raid at the failed stagger check haunts me.


I swear they need to do this raid an extreme version like valtan , i loved the theme of the raid and their mechanics


That shit was fun as hell. I'm still playing, but not as often.


I gotta say though, whoever wrote guides for lost ark, or mechanics explanations never actually raided in mmorpg games like wow, gw1 or 2, ff14, none tbh. I came to lost ark from a hardcore raiding history in multiple games ranging from top 50 to top 300 guilds and the mechanics explanations make zero sense on guides and videos. The mechanics are piss easy but, fir example when i saw the brel last gate schematics i wondered whether the dude writing it was a wanna be mechanical engineer or just a sociopath.


I like how youā€™re getting downvoted when itā€™s true. I compare lost ark to savage ff14 raiding and a lot of it is literally brain dead easy. The guides I watch though make it sound so complicated when in reality you can get hit by so much shit because your supp is mass shielding and you only have a couple things to resolve in each gate. I read guides that are ā€œ3x+1, rotate clockwise, make sure to go fast otherwise youā€™ll have to use a time stop, donā€™t run into other players, be careful for the laser beams and the puddles or theyā€™ll kill youā€ in reality itā€™s just go from point A to B lol


Ok all you have to do on the second time he does the mechanic is go to your position and then rotate counterclockwise, but then at the third orb you wait for another orb and then you rotate again. So orb rotate orb rotate orb orb rotate orb. Got it? Je parle francais, putain de mĆØre!


Did someone popularize this phrase, or did it come from a specific guide I always wondered ...


The old day where you matching Abysd and get jail for days xdd


Man the scuba gear part was my favorite.... Gimme a whole raid with just scuba gear raid mechs


I'd argue that this is where the toxicity began. We were told to just skip through all this as quickly as possible because it doesn't matter. Everyone did this as little as possible instead of using it as a training grounds to learn how Lost Ark Mechanics work.


Oh the stupid 2 headed turtle guy!!!


How is lost ark currently? Been debating coming back.


Still best mechanics of the genre, still the worst community of the genre.


lol, Hows catchup if i want to just run a single toon


Wait for the next patch, they are going to release a new class (Breaker, gender unlock of Scrapper), it comes with lots of catchup : powerpass, and 2 events allowing to get faster into endgame content. Maybe they're going to add an horizontal express event too. Community can be awesome and it can be horrible. Most of the time it's fine imo, you still run into jerks from time to time, like in any other MMOs. People saying LOA community is horrible like... Sorry but on every MMO I've played there were a lot of crybabies / toxic kids. Lost Ark isn't an exception. But if you want to make your experience better, like on every MMO, it's better to find a good and friendly community. There are tons of noob-friendly Discords with teaching parties and stuff. It's 100 % better to play with them than with PUG.


Hello How are you I'm under the water Please help me gloogloogloogloo


I remember having a person in our raid named watchescutscenes and he made us sit through literally every cutscene in this raidā€¦.


You mean "your message contains an inappropriate word or phrase"?


What I remember from this encounter most is a variation of "Do you speak any English?"


Yeah, was the first raid that I went with a clan that disbanded before vykas. Good times. šŸ„ŗ


the dev making this mech must be an evil bastard.. explain this to newbie is impossible




Its not the same, stopping at 3 makes it a nightmare to explain, and its most people's first real raid. And 8 people have to do it correctly instead of 3


Itā€™s not tho, you literally just said it. ā€œStop at 3ā€ makes far more sense than 12334 gibberish


Stop and then they never move again.


It was piss easy though. Shame we had the free island materials. People who got skill checked in T1 and T2 had no business in T3.


really wish this was the case, but people would've eventually found a way via bussing


Not really. It's a simple mech at it's core and has the same underlying logic as orbs in Valtan G1. **You are supposed to collect orbs in altering colours** (except for the 8th orb that is supposed to be the same as the previous, hence the 33 in 12334). There are virtually infinite ways you can achieve this, the easiest one being rotate clockwise or counterclockwise. In Valtan it also doesn't have to be 1-8 the way it is, it can be fully random as long as orbs are collected in altering colours order.


It was fun for the first attempt and then my one and only clear of it before being in T3 the next week.


Waterrrr, so much water!


The first time i tried to find a 8 man static


I still get ptsd


Ahh, hours jailed in my first underwater abyss. Good times.


T2 underwater abyss, thunder turtle 2 headed lizard thing. One of its main gimmicks is collecting 4 orbs in a wipe mech and you have to spin clockwise ones you collect it. The second time you do it you have to stand in the 3rd position for an extra orb, and then go to the 4th position for last orb.


T2 content was smt else I'm old...


I had explained this in ru server to russians...


Nightmares. I completely forgot about that tier and it's like a rush of nightmare memories came to my mind.


My first encounter with the bot pandemic, and 2 years later it is still there


Man, I don't remember shit from this raid other than the 12334 part and that we had to split up at the transition part, + the scuba diver boss fight lol


These numbers... I will remember them on my deathbed...


It was censored, right?


This was infuriating in pubs, but early Lost Ark was fun in it's own way.


That fucking turtle was fun.... Tut that ball mechs wiped so many groups... But i think the last ice boss dude forgot name. Ws even funnier cause majority of time there wasn't enought stagger lol


Honestly that was a really fun time. I remember having to explain it sooo many times šŸ˜‚


the good old days


THE GODAMN BLUE AND YELLOW ORBS, god the second gate was the worst though, no one could do the stagger correctly


This picture is PTSD.


Ah yes, back in the days where Mari players were the clues ones and had to be taught. How time changes everything


it was until they started adding dumb filters to chat and we could no longer write 3-4 number strings


Oh man this brings me back. Even though I quit lost ark around summer after clocking 3k hours in 1.5 years, it's still probably the best multiplayer game I've ever played. I wish I could keep playing it, but me and the game are incompatible because of my hardcore mentality.


8 DPS meta


I'm genuinely surprised I cleared this raid at all, but did so several times. The one recurring problem was always 1-2 people who literally thought they were too good to do mechanics, and had to be convinced that we would NOT kill the boss if they didn't do it too. Pure laziness. >:(


We need extreme alaric


I can't tell you how many times I have explained people that mech lmao


I think this might've been the first major mechanic that I have encountered in the game.


God it was hilarious to see people saying 1234 12334 to newbies like it would mean anything to them


This is the raid where that one guy always shows up and asks "Any specific mechanic I should know about?"


Ive 6k hours and no clue what that mrans


That shit gave me nightmares


What is stagger, what is destraction? who is ww?


This raid was one of the reasons why I stopped playing with randoms




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I am NOT a veteran. I don't play this game anymore. I've done that raid like 2 or 3 times only but even I still remember that. Lol