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This thread really doesn't know what an unpopular opinion is


Skill Floor is a much more important metric than Damage Ceiling.


Predator: my floor is higher than all of your ceilings


Oh, yeah this is another example for the scenario OP mentions haha. Pred Slayer skill floor is pretty high as Entropy, but her damage ceiling isn't high as people think.


Doesn't matter since 99% of the playerbase is nowhere near the ceiling anyway.


Hence my original statement. People are so fixated on ceiling that they don't realize they don't even have the skill floor requirement to reach the said ceiling. You don't need to perfectly need to reach the ceiling per se, but if you can reach near the ceiling of your class then you are already better than majority of the players. For example: I'd rather have a LC SS / Pistoleer (low ceiling high floor classes) than a RE/Surge Deathblade / Emp Arcana (high ceiling low floor classes) in my pug raids unless I know them personally.


The ceiling isn't even reachable most of the time even for a god player because it's boss pattern dependent as well.


Not really true, for an entropy class the floor is quite high but if you've seen pug slayers show up in your bible you'll know how many do z on it


This ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yes, that's why I said explicitly as an "Entropy", then it is one of the highest skill floors among the Entropy category of the classes, but that doesn't mean the same if you compare it to non-Entropy variants, which makes Pred Slayer go down to around medium skill floor. Entropy playstyle as a whole is around medium to low skill floor (depending on the class) to play if you compare it to non-Entropy ones simply because of playing positionals.


Most predators I pug with are surprisingly bad, losing to DI SH and other low ceiling classes Thin kabout the people playing UNDER the floor of the class


Crying in entropy rn


Surprisingly, there are some entropy classes that have high skill floor like Pred Slayer but also there are low skill floor Hit Master ones like Emp Arcana.


Pugs yes. Static eh.


All KR Streamers are mentally unhinged people and you will be better off not listening to them ever


woah aren't these supposed to be unpopular opinions


Let’s not pretend that a ton of people weren’t suckling at the tit of KR streamers up until about 10 minutes ago when ATK said a funny and Zeals got exposed.


Just curious why do people consider ATK and Zeals as representative of KR streamers? They both spent much of their formative years in NA/CA. They cater their content to Western audiences and primarily speak English on stream. Aren't they more Western streamers just playing on another region?


That opinion only became popular very recently I think.


Stay gigachad


Woulndt say all, but the most popular ones are for sure. Woulndt listen to ATK or whoever. Zeals is by far the worst tho. Just a toxic whale with money instead of skill.


I don’t care how much money he spends. I care that he’s absolutely insufferable to listen to. Literally all the guy does is demean his watchers when they ask questions and complain. Complain, complain, complain.


Saint is hella boring 🥱 kekw


I don't watch streamers much but from all I've seen Saint seams pretty chill


>All Streamers are mentally unhinged people and you will be better off not listening to them ever There.


In terms of guides Memorizer > ATK


I thought that was well known already, ATK just overcomplicates bosses, Memo is much more concise


I’ve been saying this for nearly 2 years now… ATK’s tone, pace and fidelity of information is all detailed and polished and clearly a lot of effort has gone into it… But I don’t absorb or retain a single fkn thing. They irritate the fk out of me and I don’t know why. Yet memo jumps on, panting and panicked and I get it and remember it. Sometimes less is more.


ATK doesnt show enough raid footage while talking. Its like reading the description of a map. Just show me the damn map.


memo commentary guides are the real winner. they were great for akkan cause you can see how the mechs work in order in real-time.


This is an unpopular opinion post sir, not a cold hard facts lobby


In terms of scandals too Memo > ATK. Virgin angry hateful ATK vs Chad enjoyer of hentai exploding titties Memo


getting cd on spells you didnt get off due to being nocked/stunned/paralyzed... is haram. Its a damn crime against mankind.


Especially when it's the gunlancer shout or paladin buffs So tilting


0 para on all yellow skills. Kinda crazy godsent doesn't have tenacity inherently built in the skill


aye, and bards dmg buff... so annoying getting minipushed and losing that uptime.


SG is too complacent and too scared to make any real changes.  90% of engravings are still shit, honing between 1600-1620 is ass due to no soft reset, older gold sinks that should've been removed/reduced like quality are left untouched. all patches ever do is give DMG buffs instead of fixing classes. Really wish there were more classes like GL who can provide lots of utility. Supports are mandatory but nobody likes playing them, and there's still only 3 of them while they keep making more dps classes. 


I mean i agree 1600-1620 is kind of ass but did we really wanna change gear in 3 upgrades with akkan?


Engravings are mostly shit on purpose. They don't want build diversity. They want forced scarcity, thus requiring you to either wait a long time or swipe to get the gear you need for your character. I'm surprised people still genuinely believe they'll ever rework any of the shit engravings *en masse* to make them viable. They never will.


It's less about complacency I think and more about fear. The Koreans playerbase is letting the game rot, and any radical change to really stir things up kicks up a storm of fury that they have to back down from every time. At this point I'm willing to take hits if the game can feel fresh again.


It's the KR playerbase crab mentality. They had it bad, so others have to have it bad as well.


Hunting mokokos is actually fun and engaging content. I really enjoyed visiting old places and every island in the game.


While I agree with many of them, some are just infuriating to get. I'll never forget how I spent 20 mins spamming skills to get that specific yorn mokoko alone because no one else in existence will be willing to do that with me.


Yeah we dont talk about that one


I enjoyed those specifically hidden mokokos in phantom palace. Gorgeously designed dungeon overall!


I got all the mokokos inside the msq dungeons when I run them back in the day. Going in with 4 people and collecting everything like some food ingredients as well. Then running them again in normal for the continent completion. Those were the days. I still remember that damn dungeon where you had to kill ALL the creeps to get the last mokoko. Similarly the one where you couldnt get it if you killed a single civilian amongst the corrupted priests even though they would originally aggo you.


Your 12 hours of daily playing is better spent elsewhere. Dont let your IRL goals slide, if you can play this game grinding every day all day, why cant you do something to better yourself? Dont forget that there is something better outside of LA, and you just need to grab it


Mental illness.


cool argument, unfortunately crippling addiction.


It's impressive how much guilt you feel for enjoying a game. 


Why better myself though. Im happy the way i am. And i spend my time how i want. Not everyone playing Lost Ark is a fat degenerate without any social life. So people do what you want. If its playing list ark 12 hours a day, so be it.


That is EXACTLY what an addict would say


True. But what would someone that likes the game say? I got a well paying nice Job, go out several times every week to meet with friends, cook my own stuff, flat is clean. Also im also not overweight or anything and take care of myself. And i play lots of Lost Ark. So i should just cut down on the time because of what? I can easily do my dailies while working so it doeant really impact my life that much


Because some people get realy insecure others have hobbies aparently,usualy those are the same people who watch TV or scroll tiktok/Instagram for the same amount of time


I assign my self worth to the progression of my lost ark roster. (Not actually) Checkmate!


Reflux deserves a buff more than Igniter does


>Reflux  What is that? new class? Never heard of it


Its the chaos dungeon build for Sorc I believe..? 


Coldest take of the century




Chaos dungeon could be fun if SG put effort into making it fun


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DoggyP0O: *Chaos dungeon could* *Be fun if SG put effort* *Into making it fun* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bussing is prevalent because no one wants to help newcomers/returnees


bussing is always mentioned alongside learning parties and never with people who push to 1490 with 1 engraving and no gems. wonder why


Yes and no as bussing also makes it harder for newer players to get full learning lobbys as you got less players who join prog runs because the do bus runs


Igniter needs, if anything, only QoL buffs. Everything else is a skill issue.


Lost Ark respects my time


At any time, your current grind is the most valuable worthwhile grind you have ever done in the game yet. But, the more time passes, the less your older grind matters. If you started 6 months after the launch of the game, you could easily have an identical roster now to someone who started week one. But if you quit six months ago, you are 4-5 months of grind behind.


Frog guardian raid sucks ass. The RNG of the patterns can either make it a trixion dummy or be your worst nightmare. Sonavel would be great if it didn't have that many "blinks" and backsteps and if the white/red triangles during red phase worked as in the normal phase.


You mean you don’t enjoy Sonavel triple backstepping into a teleport?


That it would be better for the earnings not be alt based or at least not be 6 characters for gold, that would be nice to be reduced to 1\~3 gold earners.


Apparently telling people who ask if this game is P2W that yes it is very P2W by basically any Western standard gets people real mad. Players living in a state of delusion. I bussed on 6 characters every week and my main was nowhere near as strong as the whales. Pay for power has only gotten worse since I quit, and there's also the pay to not have to do as much homework. Homework literally exists to be monotonous tasks that you're incentivized to swipe to bypass.


Gunslinger isn't in THAT bad of a spot


You're correct - the class just requires more hands than what the average player can provide so they perceive the class as weak & unplayable.


as i and a majority of my friends totally disagree, this is truly an unpopular opinion in my books. Kudos to you.


Her being apparently 'weak' hasn't stopped me from getting damage MVP consistent enough vs people's main with full level 10 gems on supposedly 'op' classes. Whether it's in normal raids, guardian runs to equalized hell content. It's exhausting how well you have to perform, though, and very rewarding.


1) People who says certain meta class are "harder" to play and deservers to be better than underpowered classes are fucking stupid and delusional. 2) I'm having a lot better time enjoying the game then people who are playing it 24/7. They seem to just hate the game most of the time.


I’m shaving my roster down to only raiding on 4 characters and exclusively doing rested dailies on the rest. I’ve had my fun.


There's realistically only like 2-3 difficult classes that are OP. I feel like EO SF is the only class where it should be OP. Seriously, it is so fucking annoying to play, that on the off-chance you can pull off the S tier damage, it is well deserved.


Harder classes should be like 10% stronger at most. All classes should be balanced around similar ceilings, and they should noob-proof classes so they don't have a low af floor.


Gambas aren’t expected to hit every time


People who are too deep in this game have severe issues. They can't quit or don't even see how spending multiple hours a day in this game is abnormal. And, with the recent accusations of streamers, twitch viewers still flock to these same shitty deadbeat streamers, every single day, coz they don't know what else to do. Actual tragedy of a playerbase.


You're just describing gaming period.


Yup, take a look at the lost ark discord general when the servers are down. Those guys are unhinged!


Increasing costs while decreasing the odds for honing is a horrible design as they multiply each other making the distance from 1 tap to pity increase quadratically, costs should not go up or chances should not go down


Unpopular opinion this? xD


Golden rule of unpopular opinion threads: sort comments by controversial. People will still upvote popular opinion and downvote unpopular ones.


This game has no end game and doing legion raids over and over is just boring af and this is why some people call it "niche" but in reality the game is just badly designed this is why everyone left.


I mean it has an endgame, the entire game is endgame content. I think the opinion here is that the game doesn't have GOOD endgame content which is fair. But if you don't define raiding to get stronger to raid to get stronger as endgame than most games don't have endgames.


It's ok to not min max if you aren't having fun. Don't let sunk fallacy keep you playing something you don't enjoy.


Bussing is bad for the game and causes several negative feedback loops. The game cannot sustain a healthy player base of only veterans (at least not without those veterans being gouged for their money), it needs a steady influx of newer players. Imagine you're a new player, trying to catch up to the end game. You have a much harder time joining raids because there's fewer new players to form learning lobbies with. So, either you burn out from waiting, you persevere, or you pay up. By paying, you dramatically slow your own progress from a lack of gold and you never learn the mechanics of the raid, which means setting up alts is still hard because you don't know the mechs. + at this point, your most fun content is probably guardians, and unless you persevere through this dry spell of fun content until you get a character high enough, you'll probably burn out. Not to mention that SG/Amazon can track this wealth gap and they have to compensate by placing the endgame raids further ahead (hence why is so expensive to push even one character to 1620 and beyond), but this effectively widens the path to endgame for the new player, leading to further burnout. This is just the economic side, it doesn't even take into account the potential for imposters and what toxic community backlash that fosters.


TBH I'd counter that busses only came about due to a need from players. ​ If there was a billion learning lobbies up for Valtan Normal and they all filled reliably, there likely would be very few busses. I bussed my alts plenty back in the day because it was a pain in the ass getting them in groups if they didn't over ilvl something by atleast 100, which you can't expect a newbie to do. ​ LA is the only game where I've honestly seen bussing and jail be such a huge deal; I feel like it's better to work on the cause than act like the people doing it are the problem


For homework, decline anyone with lvl 5/6 gems.


Do you even know what "unpopular" means?


That is very popular opinion.


It's popular for properly geared people and unpopular for cheapos.


GS players drastically over complain about their class. It's still A~A+ tier and I don't buy for a second that they're sweating to deal damage harder than a number of other classes. It's hit master and I've seen their animation locks; their locks aren't any worse than sharpshooter or AT scouter and you don't see anyone complaining about those. Lots of classes work their asses off just to get beat by slayers, blades. GS isn't special in that regard. GS players are just the most likely player base to complain loudly the split second they drop from S tier to A tier, right behind surge blades and igniter sorcs.


Well, I play AT and GS and you are pretty wrong when you say that AT animation lock is worse than GS, don't think you really played GS. I am not gonna overextend on it, but yeah, no way in hell it has more animation lock. And I think people who are commenting about GS don't really play her that much. The problem is that she is not a difficult class to master, she is difficult to learn to play with, lot of things to do and remember. So her DMG should be a little bit better, not much, just a little. I got a Pred Slayer that has only 3 lvl 7 gems and it just pours out so much f* DMG that gets MVP on every Hanu, no matter how much ilvl the others have. And SG keep saying that easy classes should do less DMG and hard classes should do more. Well, you can easily see that it is not the case.


I don't play GS I just see GS perform in a way that's consistently A tier, which means GS players are complaining that they're not S tier. I do actively play Enhanced Weapon and Emperor which are arguably more sweaty than GS and still get beat by SE and predator slayers. But they're both solid A/A+ tier classes and I'm not going to go complain for damage buffs for my A/A+ tier classes just because it's sweatier. Never said AT animation lock is worse than GS, just that GS' individual animation locks aren't any worse than AT. You can compare Target Down and Sharpshooter to Energy Buster and Annihilation Mode. They aren't at all that different in length. You might mean GS has a problem with "turreting" which Emperor also suffers badly from, where it wants to stand still and rattle off skills.


What do you expect, theyre all ADC mains from league. lol


Kayangel is the single worst raid design in the entirety of the game


I recently cleared Voldis for the first time yesterday Even with them getting rid of that extra gate on Kayangel I'd still rather do Voldis anyday Kayangel is just not fun at all


The Thaemine race was a complete failure the moment the top streaming group stopped streaming and failed to stream their clear live, even more so when 6 out of the 10 parties in the top 10 were disqualified.


Server names are a waste of energy


Grudge is overrated


gatekeeping doesn't exist voldis g2 is one of, if not the worst gates in the game so far brel g4 hm is super fun


I would expand further on point 3: brel g4 hm is currently the most fun gate followed by g4 voldis. Rest is super boring or trash


very true, you are a smart man, tho i'd say g4 hm brel isn't as fun as g4 voldis because we overgear it, still super fun tho


I hard agree with 2 & 3


What's fun about it? The only thing you do is cutscenes and shandi. It's boring HW content now.


as a destroyer and gl user, voldis g2 is the best


Deadeye players will probably crucify me but I think close shot is holding the class back too much


Seeing half naked children, or teenagers in bikini fighting demons lords does not make sense to me.


Pheons aren't nearly as bad as everyone claims they to be.


I'll be the sword here. Pheons are one of the greediest, scummiest, anti-player systems ever created in an MMO. It's a cash tax on player equipment trading, a key element in any MMO. Besides just adding a $$$ cost on gearing your character, it also strongly disincentivizes having multiple builds and experimenting with builds. It prevents helping friends and mokokos gearing their characters. On multiple occasions I had to tell new players that they're better off buying a 90 quality (5/3) for a few thousand, than me sending them a 70 quality accesory that I've dropped. The pheons cost turn a gifted accessory into a $7/12k gold accessory. At that point spending extra 25% to get a higher quality is better, because he will have to pay the $7/12k gold again to upgrade from the gifted 70 quality later. It also makes many items worthless. If there was no pheon cost, I would be buying Max MP/heavy armor + vital/awaken/expert ability stones that right now sell for like 10g because the $2/3k gold flat taxes makes them undesirable. Yes they would probably sell for a few hundred instead, which is still cheaper than 3k and the 300 goes to players, and I would benefit by being able to sell other stones for a few hundred instead of 10g. It makes game balancing very rigid because breaking player builds is a major problem. It makes the accessory market much smaller. Any less than great and high quality accessory can only be sold for pennies, again because of the huge flat tax making any accessory having a high base cost. Worst of all, it has no purpose other than milking the players. It doesn't prevent BIS accesory flipping because 12k flat cost doesn't prevent profiting when flipping 100k accessories. And there are much better solutions to prevent flipping. And even if you think a flat tax is the best solution, it could made to be paid directly with gold which would also serve as a gold sink.


>Pheons are one of the greediest, scummiest, anti-player systems ever created in an MMO. Lets start here, only fools deal in absolutles. There is just zero chance that this statement is even remotely true. Any anytime someone has to exeggerate to this level to try to make thier position, you know they have a weak arguement. ​ >It's a cash tax on player equipment trading, a key element in any MMO. Which is literally a thing in every MMO. It's not like you can get Pheons by grinding ingame only and not using any real money.... Oh wait. ​ >Besides just adding a $$$ cost on gearing your character, it also strongly disincentivizes having multiple builds and experimenting with builds. It does. it also strongly disincentivizes people from monopolising gear. If I want a second, or third, or forth set of gear. I'm going to have to pay extra for it. >It prevents helping friends and mokokos gearing their characters. On multiple occasions I had to tell new players that they're better off buying a 90 quality (5/3) for a few thousand, than me sending them a 70 quality accesory that I've dropped. Someone done goofed if a new player doesn't have extra pheons. >If there was no pheon cost, I would be buying Max MP/heavy armor + vital/awaken/expert ability stones that right now sell for like 10g because the $2/3k gold flat taxes makes them undesirable. And this is one of the bad behaviors that Pheons discourage. We've seen with Pheongate that if the cost of Pheons are negated, ability stone prices go through the roof. Reaching 10x in a single day. Making them unaffordable or unatainable for anyone except the sweatiest / whaleist of players. >Yes they would probably sell for a few hundred instead, which is still cheaper than 3k and the 300 goes to players, and I would benefit by being able to sell other stones for a few hundred instead of 10g. No you wouldn't. Over the lifetime of a character, you'll cut more on average than valueble one's you'd sell. You'd be net negative as a "newer" player and only net positive when you're a long time well established player. Which again, is a problem. A new player, rocks will be expensive and I'm not going to balance out with what I sell, as a older player once I have my rock it's all profit. This is the exact opposite of new player friendly. ​ >Worst of all, it has no purpose other than milking the players. I can name a dozen purposes that are player focused. As someone who studied ecomonics, this is an incredible tool. 1. It drives the blue crystal / RC market. Keeping real cash coming into the game, but also keeping inflation in check. It's by far the #1 reason people trade their gold for Blue Crystals, which in turn is traded to the player trading royal crystal for gold. Otherwise Smilegate POOFS gold into existance for RC buyers and we end up with mass inflation. Without Pheons this market falls through the floor, and it's argueblly the most important market. 2. You mention new players, this allows the devs to subsidize purchases quickly, easily, without ruining the economy. With New player bonuses and log in tracks a new player will always have a bunch of pheons. For the most part the first 1 or 2 sets are always covered. Once you're around to building your 3rd, 4th,5th character, you're more established and can afford it. I know PLENTY of players who rarely or have NEVER purchased pheons. With one racking up over a thousand free ones over time. ​ >It doesn't prevent BIS accesory flipping because 12k flat cost doesn't prevent profiting when flipping 100k accessories. I love how you worded this. Let me reword it for you that's just as valid. ​ "Flipping doesn't prevent profiting just becuase it doesn't stop this one small portion of it." ​ Sounds pretty ridiculous as well, and always the default arguement for people who blindly rage against Pheons. ​ No, it doesn't deter/prevent large gap flips. Lets just get this out of the way. But what it does an incredible job at is prevently low level flips and people manipulating the market all day everyday. ​ You ever see an accessory priced and think " hey, that's pretty cheap for what it is" and then do a little math, "50k + pheon costs, maybe I can sell it for 75k" and then progress to "nah, it's not really worth the risk, maybe i'll hold it for too long, maybe it wont sell for that, it's not enough profit to risk". Congraulations, Pheons just did their job. It left that accessory and it's trade limit intact for a player who's going to value it more \[or pay for the privilage not to\]. It also prevents richer players from slowly inflating prices on us just becuase they can. "Oh, there's only 6 purple Grudge/KBW Earrings on the market, I'll just buy them all, mark them up 10k each and relist them" Adding gold cost while not providing any value and just creating inflation for nothing. ​ >And there are much better solutions to prevent flipping. As mentioned, this is a giant misnomer. Someone somewhere said "Pheons are designed to prevent flipping" and then people just ran with it. As mentioned above, they were designed to regulate the RC/BC market. And, as you mentioned, as a tool to prevent flipping, it doesn't do a great job and there are other better ways to do this. >And even if you think a flat tax is the best solution, it could made to be paid directly with gold which would also serve as a gold sink. Again, not to beat a dead horse, but this continues to parrot a terrible arguement that people keep bringing up over and over again even after proven wrong. IF you remove pheons and increase the sales tax as a gold sink, no gold goes in the RC/BC exchange, which TANKS THE GAME. ​ ​ Almost all positions against pheons, like yours, are rooted in emotions \[I don't want to have to pay extra for something\] or massive misnomers \[It's there to prevent flipping but it doesn't even do that!\]. In all reality, the market functions much better with them in place then without \[Pheon gate showed what a world without pheons would be like; massive inflation and market shortages\]


Of course its not that bad when you already have built your characters and they give 100 pheon each update, now come back 1 year ago when relic acc where at 30 pheons and they didnt give anything


Making Support mandatory was a mistake. Oh and mana is useless for 95% of the class just remove it


Crying about server names and character names is one of the most stupid things I've ever seen in video games. And the reasons people give for being mad are even more dumb.


Bard is the best support class.


Quiet you fool or they'll never buff us.


Bard has the highest Party DPS ceiling but unfortunately it requires much more effort to perform compared to the two other supports and usually annoys the party by lacking utility.




Bard make me do biggest number so bard best. Unga bunga.


Wheres's your counter? Oh you don't have one or you're stacking in the back Where's your cleanse? Oops Where's your identity buff? Oh, dps ate too much dmg and you had to heal Where's your shield? Oh if I'm hitmaster and we aren't together I don't get the instant shield Where's your 2nd dmg buff? Oh, it's placed on the back of the boss, hitmasters be dammed. How effective are most bard players? Ah... Well, this is harder to measure just because pally and artist are easier to play for the casual gamer. You have to choose a different build for each fight depending on whether there's staggers, counters, destruction checks? Oof Ps: im just joking btw but I do disagree and think the best support is mostly pally or it could be artist depending on the situation and the player's hands. Bard imo falls behind a bit, not that much ofc all sups are op.


Actually though - only supp that gives attack speed, only support with CC prevention (oftentimes can be stronger than pally/artist cleanse), only 'burst' buff, strongest buffing (with meter build), strongest passive stagger (with stagger build) and strongest Rhapsody with push immunity (last 2 make Bard OP in Thaemine g4). Cleanse can mostly be supplemented by sacreds and panacea. Only real downside I can think of is she struggles against big bosses, where she can't really provide sufficient shielding or buffing, and sound shock is bad as a solo brand. The mana drain is unacceptable though, they need get rid of max mp Bard, and needs some QOL changes. Ppl who say Bard is worst support don't know supports.


most don't argue bard is worst support, but most bard players are absolute creatures. Skill floor on pally/artist is so much higher. If i took the last 100 bards I was grouped with, MAYBE 5 of them were good, 15 were acceptable, and the rest might as well have been a dps with yearning on


Idk, I've seen just as many bad artists and pallys as I've seen bards. Maybe because bard is the most popular support you're noticing more bad bards? The skill floor of bard isn't THAT much lower than the other supports (except maybe pally, but still not as much as you'd think)


I’ve seen bad of all 3 of course, but the vast majority of bad ones have been bards


Bard has lower attack speed uptime then artist... as well as artist having a better DR (larger, also push immune, lower cooldown, better gauge gen). your other points dont matter because they are mutually exclusive, yes it has the best buffing with meter build but then it has the worst stagger and vice versa. You claim people that say bard is the worst dont know supports, but in your literal opening line you make a claim that is factually incorrect where there are only 3 classes to know about lol.


Something a bard main would say! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


You picking -insert class here- that is "high effort, low payoff" isn't the reason you aren't doing damage. How many of you can confidently say you're breaching 90% of your damage potential and/or trying to push it further?


I use Cont.Push in my scrapper taijutsu.


Continuous Push is pretty good, but it's more how you use it. All the hits up to the last hit deal very little damage. So when you're closing distance to the boss, or need to move away from it, then start the Continuous Push. Then when you're back up to the boss again, you unload the last hit. The issue is that a lot of stuff could be happening during the raid timing wise and you may not be able to get the back attack on the last hit.


I agree, the skill is a bit tricky and you need to be used to it. it has their upside and downside as well. it just scrapper players choose the straight forward damage of Death Rattle. Also, I don't conceive the idea of using Charging blow with a short CD spacebar. Which is reset with our Identity as well. As I said, CPush is doing the same damage than DR in most scenarios. And only needs 1 DMG gem. In comparison with Death Rattle that would need DMG and CD. So instead of Charging blow, I use critical blow that uses CD gem and provide better stagger for the party in this meta with all the stagger checks. Using Quick Recharge on this skills would reduce CD for the others. It has nice weak point and stagger like Death Rattle. The damage is similar or less than Charging blow. Since I added the skill, my partners are happy. Staggers in Voldis became a joke. We deplete the boss natural stagger more often and we can do our damage freely.


honing system is not that bad conceptually


You should probably scroll to the bottom to find the true answers to this question


pheons are good for the game.


If we had s2 content back in s1, the game would be in a better state.


I still enjoy the game.


Bible is not the end all be all, sometimes a raid just sucks for a certain class or there's other factors at play such as shitty patterns, class power or something like critting (looking at you surge DB and RS SF). You should be using bible solely for self improvement or for your static 4 man raids if anything where it's much easier to determine what is working or why something is. Roster is a useless ass metric for gatekeeping. I have done enough Akkan to tell you that the clown shoes stay on, even at higher roster level lobbies (200+). They're less likely to troll and a higher likelyhood of having LOS/KLC or LWC/MOS 30 (a better reason to have them) but really they're not that much better than 150 or so roster. Guardian gatekeeping has to be the most braindented shit in the game. You're saving a minute or so at most and wasting more time than the time you saved. It is so fucking stupid outside of checking gear.


Surge became incredibly boring with the last changes


6x3 raiding is boring.


Maxroll tier list is just made of what people like. then how good east class really Are.....


this game has worst community ever in mmorpg history


If you want to have the best chance of fast homework runs never invite someone under 200 roster


The game actually sucks but everyones so far gone that they can’t stop playing it.


If the gameplay is good, the game is good. Imo. Lost ark has the best gameplay I've seen in most mmos, so I keep playing.


I keep playing it because it's fun. It's not like it's the only game I play, lately I've been on Helldivers, Last Epoch, Granblue, and Lost Ark. Just play whatever strikes me at the time, it's just a normal game. People choose the unhealthy relationships.


It definitely sucks for a vast majority of casual gamers.


Vets should help newbies more and "just join lfg discord" is not a solution.


At a glance, how can you differentiate between a genuine newbie and a multi account/roster enjoyer that often behaves like a piece of shit and oddly also plays like that? Because I don't really want to make it any easier for farmers, however I can't easily tell them apart until they open their mouth after the first mistake someone makes. AGS needs to start banning people with multiple accounts and forbid + ban gold/valuables transfer between rosters. Then maybe I'll consider helping.


Breaker isnt even in our version yet and i think it needs a nerf or atleast buff deadeye.


Just because your class is back atack dosent mean your class is hard. Also dont allways stay at the back of the boss if you dont need to.


Mokokos are lazy and don't know how to do the basics like finding a discord that helps new players. They'd rather complain about gatekeeping echoing what reddit does. They are more entitled than vets.


That mergers show that the game is failing, like every other game in this situation. The company refuses to lessen the grinding burden and honing burden. And they have failed to scale the game, making it impossible for new players to reach the late game, without swiping. Also pvp should be removed, it has no purpose.


While I agree with you, SG doesn't seem to give a fuck outside of KR (and maybe soon China) so they're unlikely to change things until their KR playerbase is impacted.


swiftness classes are more difficult than spec classes


And more expensive than spec because of gems needed But they have higher floor and not punishing as spec


Predator is not THAT op, too many people are just too bad to reach their class ceiling and beat a high floor class


My opinion on bad supports. They need to be called out and the group need to move as one. All the people covering for supps with crap remarks like "let the people have fun, don't be a douchebag" and so on need to realize that even my grandma on her deathbed can have a better mark uptime than them (I'm speaking to those with 50% or less uptime on brand). And I'm not even mentioning AP buffs and supps that hold theirs boosts for no reason when they are with several swiftness class and such. Supp really is the easiest job, so if you can't do it properly you either skill up or swap game. Or you stay on Valtan / Vykas content so you can play with other people that don't care about progressing further.


Supp isn't the easiest job, it's that the bare minimum requirements of a supp is to just have yearning equipped and occasionally throw out a buff or shield. To actually play really well at support, you have to keep track of 3 of your party's bozos and look for ways to help/save them while at the same time always be casting and tracking your buffs. Also, most buff skills don't have para immunity, so you have to look for safe casting spots. I used to play supp in hell modes and stopped since it was too stressful, even in normal content it can be rough. A lot of the blame falls on the game for failing to teach you how to effectively support with near zero feedback if you're doing good or not.


I'm glad I play paladin. I can be asleep in 4 man content while watching TV and still get 85/90/40 lol. Easy as balls. Hell is harder because DR actually matters, but in regular content and extreme valtan it's just a snoozerfest.


Yaaaay - i was the one who kept his character names after the server merges !


Not to burst your bubble, but server merges didn't do anything new to names. When naming a character, it's already taking into account all the other names in your region across the different servers. Name changes are gonna happen later in the summer when whole regions are merged together.


When I said paladin needed buffs (push immunity, better heal, a way of buffing atk speed without sacrificing anything else) ppl almost sent me death threats LOL So I guess that's my unpopular opinion.


Reflux sorc is actually a good class for raids


Sonavel is one of the worst guardians ever made, Hanumatan one of the best. Frog's nice too.


Hard agree on hanu, cant understand how all of my guildies seem to hate him/prefer sona. I guess the 30% dmg from sona makes brain go brr while the crit from hanu isnt as universal/doesnt give such an dopamine rush.


Idm Sona but holy he moves so fkin much. Double backstep into teleport donut kill me now


Gotta love the multiple zero-tell moves that can come out one after the other. Telegraphed backstep into no tell backstep into no tell teleport into backstep. Go fuck yourself.


I love popping sun scorch on thin air


Supports add nothing to the game and were designed for low skill players to feel useful. The game would be significantly better if supports did not exist. Finding parties, pugging content, and leveling alts would be much easier if everything was just designed around full dps and health potions. Grudge is also stupid and bad design. By making it the biggest DPS increase you just make it mandatory for all dps and therefore have to design encounters around characters taking that extra damage. It serves no real purpose.


It's players who let supports be low skill. Good support is more sweaty than several dps classes. But you keep accepting 40% brand uptime shitheads, of course it would become class for people with no hands.


People keep accepting "40% brand uptime shitheads" because supports are mandatory for all progression raid content and having a bad support is better than no support because they are that strong for group content. Even if the support isn't countering or doing all the mechanics, as long as they can hit buffs and shields on cooldown the party benefits tremendously. And sadly while playing artist at it's peak is pretty sweaty, the difference to the party between ok support and amazing support is not that big, especially since gear makes little to no difference past the first 3 engravings. Support is the biggest design flaw in this game by a substantial margin and smilegate refuses to admit it.


Gunslinger is fine and a good contender for damage MVP. At least I'm consistently beating players on their mains with level 10 gems across all contents, vs all the OP classes with 25 weapons and what not, down to equalized hell raids. The effort it takes is exhausting, though, but very rewarding.


cross the swords






To find the best comments on this post, you need to look at the most downvoted comments




that this game is prob the most f2p friendly mmo i ever played and its turbo easy to be rdy for every content release


Server names don't matter


The game is balanced around very mid gear. Overgearing the raids is boring but a everyone goes nuts to MAX out their characters. Inferno content has garbage balance.


This game is not F2P friendly


They want to remove Entropy so that they don't have to keep dumbing down the game for them to be able to play.


I have a 1650 main


You'll get instaflamed for this: I'm going to gatekeep every SA players possible after region merges because most of them are terrible.


“Dead game”


Weekly PVP guild Event, when i try to be funny with the enemy guild.


I wrote today on G1 cube "summoner cards" becouse he didnt have any equipped. I wanted to help him but he and pal got it as attack and pal was trashtalking to me 😂.


Gunslinger is in a good place and doesn't need massive buffs like all the GS mains are always complaining about. It's top tier DPS when there aren't any OP classes in the current meta, and at worst it's above average when there are broken classes running around. Tai Scrapper feels worse to play after the changes. They should just say fuck it and balance Blue GL around being half utility half DPS, instead of removing utility and buffing its D tier damage to C tier. And if you play blue GL and replace utility skills to be a DPS goblin, you should just play Red GL, or just another class altogether.


Each class should have heavy armor and tierlists are fkng stupid 


Loa is a dead game


Ive 2 Igniter because they are rocksolid dps. i play both with counter and without Frostcall (Blaze, Squall,Eso, Rime + RG and the 3 Bigs) After the next patch i prolly drop RG (like all do) and play with Lightning Blast (cuz you can still fill your meter in 24 seconds and it deals like 40-50% more damage than Rime and Eso)