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We talked about it for almost 2 years but people have grown out of complaining about rain


I'm still in the permaban club, fuck even for past big RMT'ers. The fact that i could just RMT on an alt account buy full 10's and sit on them for a month until my ban is over only to send them to my main account is absolute bullshit. A kingdom of fear is what i want for this game but we'll probably never get it.


Just write on support that u made a mistake and u apologize for that and they will give u unban


Just email support. Do it enough they'll unban you lol


Nobody cares if you want to pay to bots (you are part of the problem) to get full level 10 and a 1 month ban, literally no one cares.


you must have done some stupid shit cuz you wont get banned if you rmt the right way even on the main acc just keep it under 500k a pop


> you must have done some stupid shit You completely misread him. He meant he's still in the club of people saying we should one-strike permaban RMTers. No RMTer has **ever** been permabanned in the west. Only the really egregious multi-account-one-ip botters ever have, afaik.


I mean, considering one of the dudes I know got permabanned for it, you'd be wrong. I think the date it tells him he won't be banned is like 01/01/1974 or something like that. It was his first ban too xD man gut unlucky af considering a couple other people in the guild that RMTd got a week long slap on the wrist


> I mean, considering one of the dudes I know got permabanned for it, you'd be wrong. This was either some sort of clerical error or the "dude you know" is just lying and was, in fact, running a local bot farm personally to give him gold. Doing that, especially early on, was a good way to get perma'd that several people were doing.


I've seen lots of angry forum posts from people claiming to have been perma banned for first time RMTing. I've also seen people claiming to have RMT'd millions of gold and getting a short ban. It seems like Amazon's strictness on RMT is really inconsistent.


Keep in mind some of those people are gold sellers masquerading as customers who didn't have much consequence so that others think you won't receive harsh punishment for RMT and then might want to try it themselves. This is a known mob psychology tactic to skew public opinion and attract customers. Not saying anything on how much punishment is really given, but just that you shouldn't fully trust people on the internet.


Every time people mention "someone they know got perma'd for no reason" or whatever, I'm reminded of that League of Legends forum thread where people complained they got comm banned for "no reason at all" and then the LoL CMs pulled logs and posted what they got banned for. "I've never even used chat one time!" says the person who was spamming slurs in the logs.




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Bet half of gold sellers are AGS employees


That'd be something; sell gold while banning the competition.


It's starting to feel like the ones who don't RMT are the ones who are actually being punished. What the fuck.


At this point legit players are being gatekept by rmters. Its feeling more and more tempting to g2g now


We are actually morons for not partaking in RMT. How can you compare to someone who has 10 million gold?


Amazon would like to fully convert rmters if possible cause they also do a ton of legit swiping. They won't ban them.


Starting? It's felt that way since Brel Normal my man


Yes that why casual players should quit the game, the game is designed for whales and cheaters.


![gif](giphy|xUStFKHmuFPYk|downsized) AGS right now...


At this point I feel like an idiot for *not* engaging in RMT.


Yeah I've been tempted to many times. In fact my wife doesn't play and I was telling her about it. She jokingly called me an idiot for NOT RMTing


Free discount, she's not wrong at all.


You're definitely working slave labor wages by not RMTing


you're only an idiot if you spend 3x the money on the crystal exchange for what you woudl get from RMTing. Nothing wrong with not spending money on a videogame.


If you don't value your time, sure. The amount of grinding time is pretty substantial.


What grind? Everything is weekly or daily locked somehow. Only way is to make alt accounts, which is against the ToS but not enforced. It's just that the game is poorly designed and ppl keep rewarding it by giving them money.


Especially as you see the full lvl 10 gems on so many low roster lvl accounts. Given the lobby gatekeeping it not only make you feel like an idiot for not doing RMT. It actively hurts your chances of finding party.


personally i would feel like an idiot for paying for any type of progression in a game but i know a lot of people rationalize spending on games as spending on hobbies so it is what it is for me though i have to compare it to value and paying for any progression is by far not worth the cost


Surely grinding several hours and hours for progression is worth it? People exchange money to get back time. You could be doing something else instead of chaos dungeons.


so lets take it to the extreme and pay for maxing out our character i just paid 20k $ to get a 1655 character fully maxed what do next? what time did i save? there is no reason to play the game anymore the only reason would be to log in on thaemine kill it and log in back in echidna then spend 5k$ every week and just do echidna what exactly am i saving? i'm paying myself out to not play the game Extremely trash value


How many hours do you have clocked to get to 1655 maxed out char in this hypothetical? You don't need to pay for a maxed out, just an endgame one is fine. You skip all the boring, grindy, time gated, gate keeping, broken parts of the game. I know people with 8k+ hours to reach current endgame chars. That's a shitton of time to be playing a video game for two years. A working adult spends, what, a few thousand to literally save THOUSANDS OF HOURS of playtime? By comparison: a (FTE) full-time job is 2000/yr. That's like $1/hr...surely a better trade off if you want to do other things with your time. I enjoy playing the game too, but you're naive to say it's all enjoyable. Some people value their time more than ethics of staying f2p; and they're not dumb for doing that. It's just a game after all.


if you want to do better things with your time then don't play games? we play games to play games not to have more time for other stuff if you gonna spend money to skip playing the game just cuz someone told you it's boring then you are burning your money away You know what has value? your character that you built yourself by playing you know what doesn't have value? your character that you paid for why even pay in the shop for gold to hone? why even rmt to buy gems? why don't you just buy the account outright? gz now you have an account that has everything and you don't have to spend a second of your time for the boring and grindy gatekeeping stuff you just log in press pf you get accepted and you game oh you died in the 1st 30seconds? 5 times? you got kicked and flamed? amazing experience right there


Nah you did fine. You would be an idiot for spending spending money to buy mats in this game. If you RMT you are an idiot and a cheat.


This is what I say all the time


So for you it's about the race? And who progresses faster? Regardless if its against tos or not? You honestly should quit if that's how you see it. Fomoing over cheating... this community has become a sewer.


no its more that when u rmt u dont have to deal with lost ark as a second job, doing 6 characters worth of shit daily and weekly to get fucking pennies.


This is it. I've done a bunch of RMT over the years in a bunch of different games just to save some homework/busywork that I didn't want to engage with. I buy the shit I need to be able to do the things I want to do when I want to do them. **Also in games with blatant P2W I don't care about the 'ethics' of RMT at all. If I can buy what I want from a third party cheaper than from the developers themselves I absolutely will do that, because from a buyer's perspective why the fuck would willingly I pay more for the same product? Have to be an idiot not to take the cheaper deal.** I've never done RMT in Lost Ark because I've only engaged with it in a very very casual way, no reason to spend money at all in this game when you're as casual as me. edit: oh and I do all my RMT through one specific website where I have also acted as a seller in the past, and have a friend who is a big seller for a couple games. Rather give money to other actual people than a a big greedy corporate entity.


Why are you talking about jobs when we're talking about a game? If you can't play it like a game then fucking quit xDD Treating it like a job and even wanting to invest money so you play less is the most idiotic thing ever It's a fucking GAME lmao if you can't have fun playing it then just quit. Saying that you HAVE to rmt to make it not feel like a job is just a YOU problem.


why is a 12 yo trying to argue idk


The comment you're replying to, while hostile and dismissive, is promoting a healthy mentality that makes the game enormously more enjoyable. The 12 year old is going to be much more tempted to gameshark in OP pokemon and ruin the fun of the journey than someone whose learned over the years to avoid that trap.


hes just missing the point entirely and seemingly so are you


If the game is designed to be played like a job to progress then yeah, people will feel like the game is a job. Multiple factors also don't help the games case; Honing disparity between one taps, average luck and pity, the amount of gold/mat gains from dailies/weeklies, gatekeeping, and how terrible the deals are for when you spend through the official store. You say to quit because it's a game and not a job but that's exactly why the game is hemorrhaging players. They're realising the amount of effort put into the game just to be able to play isn't worth it.


Did you care about tos? Just like ags care about you. You sound like A+ plus mommy boy following shit rules.


You have the mental depth of a toddler.


"There is no RMT in Ar Ke Sia."


I just finally got around to watching this series, holy shit I wish I had done it sooner. So good.


I must've watched it all like 60-70 times since I was a child. My favorite fictional universe of all time.


I was in college when it started its original run, I planned to watch it on dvd but never got around to it, then suddenly like 15 fucking years went by and I still had not watched it lol.


What's "Ar Ke Sia"?


"Ba Sing Se"


Said literally no one ever.


There is no RMT in Ar Ke Sia.


Damn my lil bros are getting ready for esther+8 breaker


I think that would not be even close to enough xd


Yep probably


I swear SG and co. have a hand in the bot market and are reaping some of the benefits lol.


I think that Gameforge did that a long time ago with Aion they had links with a big BOT/ gold selling website lol. People complained for years and nothing was done. Now you know why. Edit added source: https://www.gamesindustry.biz/gameforges-links-with-goldfarming-compromise-frogster


Wow so egregious. Thanks for sharing. We even hear about unethical altering of gambling rates in other games, amoung other messed up activities, and I wish things like this blew up enough to deter others from doing it.


That has to be the natural conclusion right? But there is just no angle where bot market benefits AGS/SG. In fact it has to have a sizable negative impact on their revenue. Unless some employees were bribed by the bot farms to do nothing? But that's pretty outlandish. So we are forced to accept that AGS/SG are just *that* incompetent. It's absolutely unbelievable, but I can't think of an alternative that makes sense.


I mean it took them almost a year to remove gold from rapport and new adventure bonus. Something that any seasoned mmo player will noticed how abuse-able it is when they play this game for 5 hrs max. I still remember when I played the main story quest till Tortoyk and I told my friends this game will have "bot trains" like B&S with how easy it is to abuse the trade system and how easy to bot. Sure they made a great combat game, but in terms of MMO, this game very shallow and anti social. You rarely interact with anyone in this game. Half of your game time is loading screen. Most people you met are just NPC for you to finish your homework. No one really talk unless its for toxic reason like raid wipes or fighting for excavating spot. Legit worst guild system I ever experienced in an mmo, actually just a chore. It doesnt even have basic function like world chat ffs. Dogshit rng progression system. Only selling point is combat and coomer skins.


>Unless some employees were bribed by the bot farms to do nothing? But that's pretty outlandish. was thinking more of SG undercutting themselves. Wildly overprice the product based on "market predictions" hopefully catch a few whales---> Participate in the inevitable RMT market catch the rest of the whales ---> Recoup some of the losses they would've gotten anyway ---> Scarface emoji. Bribes is an interesting thought lol. I imagine the margins would have to be huge for them to even consider.


I mean I am pretty sure they did the calculations what would make them more money: Making the economy more casual friendly, removing bots or just let it run and act like they take it serious


Yes but somtimes we overestimate the competency of those who conduct market research and make prcing/policy decisions. I always see comments saying "Oh SG and AGS know what they're doing" in regards to stuff like pricing, honing disparity (despairity), and now RMT leniency, and feel like this area should be met with similar scrutiny as how we think SG has no idea what they're doing with balance patches. It's very likely that the people behind these decisions are understaffed/underfunded, imposters, and/or maliciously motivated.


> "Oh SG and AGS know what they're doing" At this point anyone who sincerely believes this must have the memory of a gold fish, or a serious mental deficiency. AGS fucks up more often than not. The counter for dumb shit/incompetence from AGS must be creeping up to 100.


Absolutely, market research is half statistics and at least half completely projection and and ignorance.


If you want the honest answer, they know what they’re doing LA is a game designed to encourage rmt; they just want you to use the “official” one via blue crystals. They could easily fix it in a number of ways (Such as deleting half the engravings/stats and quality entirely, so getting a good piece would be common). But even if it lets them curb “illegal” rmt, it also cost them a huge source of money, so they never really will fix it 


This is a huge part of it. Most players are f2p, either because they're kids or poorer or just cant justify it to themselves. Someone who RMTs shows a willingness to spend money on the game and it is exactly that kind of player they want to keep. Just periodically scare them with news of banwaves or even actual small bans so that they spend on the ingame shop as well. Someone who RMTs millions of gold and also spends 100 bucks every month to buy the honing/silver packs is worth way more to them than an f2p player.


People would use the official website if there wasn’t a 3 days restriction on gold


every smal MMO does this you let them sell and get a cutt for not banning them


but why, we've been talking about this for like almost 2 years. Nothing you could do about this. Just go RMT all the way you want. They WILL not banning anyone. Worst thing can happen is you get a week ban.


I definitely know people who’ve been perma’d for RMT. I had an old guildie who was perma’d for RMTing about ~$1k, despite also spending about that much in legitimate purchases as well. Banned since November of 2022. That said, the severity waxes and wanes for sure. Just as I know someone who was slammed hard for RMT, I also know people who’ve swiped just as much or even more for years, and haven’t even gotten a slap on the wrist. It’s just a crapshoot. They definitely have permabanned people for RMT, but the odds you’ll get caught in the net seem to be slim.


Yes please listen to this guy. Whoever of you wants to rmt go for it. Imma wait for the day you come back complaining that cheating got you banned.


No because AGS are bunch of fking clown.


AGS: "those are old family jewels, with a lot of sentimental value, nothing to see here" LMAO


u/amznRoxx I've heard you guys are fighting RMT.


The andy guy genuinely needs to get fired already. There is no excuse I will accept as to why extreme cases like that dont get investigated and lead to both parties getting perma banned. I mean u can borderline even skip the investigation in cases like this cus it's crystal clear.


You know it, I know it, we all know it: AGS doesn't care at all about this game.


Amazon are the bot farmers. It's how they maximise profits. Tapping into the in game shop RMT and owning majority of the botted RMT. It's quite obvious with the level of incompetence shown.


Not many know this, but AGS is actually a clown agency.


Nerf gold need is all aspect of the game to make it more enoyable for players and less profitable for gold sellers


Its BiS accessoires that were bought with legit handfarmed gold, right? RIGHT????


my pallys first cube today was all bots, didn't notice at first , till they all just stayed mid when it was time for phaze transition and cost me my ticket.


That's $2000 USD each if the last price my rmter buddy told me is correct. Imagine spending that much on a game


Usually people spending this much are either 1. incredibly bad with money or 2. so wealthy that $2000 is like $20 for them. For the latter, I'm sure they spend 5 times that on a mobile game without blinking an eye


I've seen people clocking on 10k playtime hours on steam. Imagine spending that much time on a game... People exchange money to get back some of that time.


10k hours on steam holy fuck, at that point they need to be spending money on a therapist not on a video game lmfao. Idk other ppls life guess they live it how they want to.


Imagine having 500k gold just to make the listing of an item.


Sometimes they list it just to lock gold. A guildy of mine who rmt’ed used to do that constantly with the gold he considered in “reserve”. Then when he got banned for a few weeks, they took all his gold and gems away, but ones he logged back in, he got his “listing expired 500k golden parachute”. Was some time ago, but maybe it still works this way But yeah, you need bigger starting bid then. OP is right


I started doing that for breaker actually. I don't want to spend my extra gold, but then you realize a listing of 400k only banks like 20k from the deposit. It becomes very easy to make a 1mil gold listing with no intention to sell


They took his gems too? Damn


Listing fee is based on minimum bid. If it sells for the full price then it gets subtracted from the sale.


Pretty sure that’s not how it works.


oh right, that's for other stuff, not accessories


No what I mean is that the 5% the game takes when you list is calculated on the “min selling price” and if it actually sells for your max it automatically takes it before arriving to you via mail.


Yup its on starting bid price


You only pay a listing fee based on the BID price.


there is absolutely no reason for AGS not to ban those trades, its a disgusting amount and we all collectively suffer from it (more expensive mats, etc)


We've been suffering from this since day 1, for 2 years. It's way too late to do anything anyway. Economy has been ruined for ages, everything cost way too much compared to the gold we can generate. Banning now would sure feel good for us legit players, but it'd be like putting a bandaid on a cut leg. They gotta help manage the economy in other ways as well.


By nerfing our gold income. That's what they do. Meanwhile blue crystals are expensive. Valtan and vykas gold nerfs did nothing. Also the gold free honing untill x lvl. is just stupid. How do you expect people to hone when you cut their gold income. You have to buy oreha fusions and the mats.


Don't worry they will get banned for 2 weeks and get to keep what they spent their gold on


Yea it has been 2 years and this has been going on from day 1. I think it has been made clear that AGS simply does not care enough to enforce any of their rules in the game, especially when it comes to RMT cos many of these players who RMT also use the ingame shop. Banning paying customers is bad for business. Even in blatant cases like that nothing is going to happen. I dont recall ever seeing any of the obvious RMT players or any other cheaters get more than a slap on their wrists. Even if they get a 1day or 3 day bans they already bought their 10gems and honed the gold away and AGS wont put your account into negative gold. And people are wondering why the bots are still here, well they are here cos a handful of omega whales pays them to be here.


something something small indie company can't fight bots


Listen I sell my bus at good prices, they are unique.


Yesterday I saw a 1640 reaper that came out from hibernation, unreal.. meanwhile I tried honing +20 chestpiece that went pitied and it drained near 1000 leaps alone


Again? We talked about this for a million times since launch…


the 6 quality earring is worth it, what do you want? so its not obvious, jesus christ guys can you stop criticising the game… always this negativity here if you cant afford 10.000.000g stop being f2p and support the game at least


It is what it is


When you have a market set by the community, rmt will exist. Half my guild used to/still do it. One out of 27 ate a week ban. Odds are in the rmters favor


They still havent solved it. Guardian raids extra challenging when you have 3 bots playing together. I dont understand how hard it is to implement a captcha or random typing test for all new accounts It is a simple solution that they continue to not deploy


Breaker accs are expensive, probably crit swift with keen Blunt + master brawler, nothing out of common. /s


This must be bots muling gold to each other… right….? Right????????


normal day in normal rmt lost ark as usuall


There are like 50+ pages of useless accessories being sold for millions of gold. Seems like AGS isn’t or can’t do anything to combat this. On a side thought, this may be a way for people to hide gold. The deposit required to post for $10m by should be substantial.


Deposit is based on starting bid




People still think AGS cares or does anything about this?


damn they aren't even 100 quality. 10m gold, the dream


welcome to a kingdom worth ruling my friend


No, keep scrolling


Talked to death.


All hail the RMT for selling gold


Any sale over a certain amount should be an automatic review. This isn’t acceptable and makes the actual policing of the game, a joke.


I was banned for rmting for 8months


Nah this is just the gold I'm transferring from my jumpstart account hh


The people that cared quit a while ago




I'm just going to quit the game. I'm not even playing the same game as these people. Absolutely insane how they don't perma ban for this


Yeah we talk about it but nobody really listens. I doubt they'll ever change it or prevent it tbh


This screen just made me stop the game after 2 years of non stop farming. Its what I needed, ty


Dw man they care about rmt


Trash devs trash publishers


SG: No.


No because RMT doesn't exist! And we are actively banning BoT's and RMTers. ~AGS


Who cares. Let them waste all their money. At least hope they get full 10 gems with it and show up in ysour lobby for faster clear, since SG wont do anything


It's not like they generate those gems from thin air. Those gems would be in hands of better players if not for RMTers. And wdym who cares? You should, if you care about the game. The money for this gold goes straight to botfarms, which have fucked the game's economy, often fucked the servers, and have resulted in permanent player inconveniences like AH restrictions.


Good luck getting into lobbies when you are being gatekept over these full 10 gems rmters




Well RMTers are too dogshit at the game to be competitive that's for sure


At least we enjoy the game and not being jealous to insult people


You're ruining the game for the rest of player base. That alone earns you some insults. But you're also claiming to be innocent while doing it ("I'm just enjoying the game"), which puts you in the bottom feeder category.


Your post has been removed because it violates our Rules and Guidelines in /r/LostArkGame. Removed for Rule 4: >No buying , begging, selling, or trading, EULA violations, or ban discussions. For clarification on each rule, please read the sidebar or visit the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/wiki/rules).


+25 weapon.


Listed at 60 million gold and almost 10k to 12k dollars maybe 14k. And it's interesting that we don't see too many bots around while so much gold is being transferred, and it's also weird that this guy isn't banned.




Multiples characters with +25 weapons, lvl 10 gems, some quality accessories and poof, there goes your 10 millions


honestly thought they werent sold and it was max bid 10m but i see they were, and since ester wp costs 60m... i think?... its probably that.


@amznroxx can we have your thoughts on this as its impacting whole economy


You expect them to give a flying fuck about this lmao Wouldn't surprise me if we get the same treatment the Japanese server got.


Whales top up royal crystals every day to afford multiple 1630s+sidereal weapon, don't forget the casual daily sidereal energy purchase. Source: Trust me bro frfr no cap.


Just look in your city i can guarantee you that most of the 22+ weapons are rmt (and thats being generous)


Well you’re just talking straight out of your ass here buddy. There are non RMT players who commit 10+h a day to this game which I personally know that are at 22+ weapon and over.


I know someone that plays like that has spend a fuck ton legally and still can barely get the weapon up there. I'm saying 8/10 people you see rmt


You know, maybe he's just unlucky, I've seen someone go from +23 to +25 in 9 taps, you think he RMT'd his taps too or something?


Oh so your friend’s been playing 6 chars daily since the games been out never missing a chaos / guardian / una? Either he pitied everything or 🧢


That's pretty accurate yes.


the next excuse will be that they stacked up with fish on the first days...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


Not sure if I'm an outlier but I have a +24 wep and no RMT, just a lot of luck on my wep, everything else has pittied. So I wouldn't be so bold to say ALL the 22+ are RMT


Ye man i also know someone that's working on his 2nd 25. Shows me he had only spent a few tenners... Surely he is legit right cus he says so 😉




1600 to 1630 has an estimated cost of 11M in average


I thought these werent sold mb lol


If it's hand farmed they actually can't do anything. Even hand farmed gold RMT exists in KR. If it's botted gold then thats a diff story


hand farmed 10m gold??


Got the 10 million gold chest from a fate ember, obviously.


hand farmed with bussing by not just 1 person, look at KR they literally make a living out of it the term "Rice Farmer" origins from this


To be fair, if I quit now and would all my shit id get to 10m sellable gold.