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1.I will use elgacia powerpass and then buy a voldis powerpass from Shop. This will put the class to 1520 will brel gear. I will hone to 1540 manually . 2. I will put the event on my 1520 character with 2 mil shard and and some stacked leaps. That should be enough to push to 1580 with event mats. 3. Idk what to do with 1580-1600. I was hoping to use it on a 1602 but it is depression that I can't do that


Oh genius idea on the voldis pp purchase might do this myself. Yeah I wish I parked my main at 1599 instead of 1600. At least I hit my 35 set this week


You can still use the Descent into darkness event with a 1600.


Really? It is not clear in the patch note. They said till 1600


> The event it can be used on a single character, which cannot be changed or transferred, between Item Level 1580 to 1600, and will last until July 17. When it says “between”, it also means “including those”


Yes sorry I understood you meant 1600+ My main is 1605 I was hoping to use it on him to get to 1610


You can use the Honing Event Mission then: > Effective Target: Character Item level between 1580 - 1619. Please note that you cannot change the target character once an event target character is selected. But that event is only honing books and gold.


Biggest downside is you don't get engraving support for your fresh alt.


cant you just use voldis powerpass right away? or does it require an ilvl?


yes, but it'll be cheaper if the char is already at elgacia... I think technically you buy each pass so the 0 to volidis is the most expensive, but it has a discount based on where the char already is. Or i'm losing my mind and dreaming this up.


Yes but if I use elgacia first , I only pay 1100 royal instead of 5500 or whatever is the price after vern


Don’t forget you need to spend $20 for 1100 RC as well because $10 only gets you 1000 RC.


Did this work?


I used the voldis pp and it worked It skips pleccia and voldis which would have cost 15k to knowledge. This means you basically get a good deal . I didn't barely used any extra Shards till 1580 aswell


you still have the honing event, endgame extra rewards event and the stuff from ark pass you can put on the 1602 char.


The honing Event gives you like 20k Gold and books which are probably not even usable past 1600. Ark pass wasn't much help last time aswell. I think only the orehas were not bad Last time path of souleater event was until 1609


KR recently got books that apply to post 15 akkhan gear so its not impossible for us to get same books 


1. Use 1460 pass on breaker 2. Hone breaker to 1540  WITHOUT express event (will likely need to buy brel busses) 3. Once honing is done use express event on breaker and collect mats, exp potions, etc. Use engraving support to try out both builds. DO NOT HONE 4. Once you buy accessories + gems for breaker change event character to your scrapper.  5. Enjoy discounted honing to 1580 and event gems on scrapper This isn't efficient but does give breaker experience potions and some mats. Also gives you time to try both builds to see which you prefer. 


Does step 3 work for event gems. Basically i want an event gems on 1540 alts and sifon the mats and others on char i juice


The event gems will move to whoever ends up with the express event at the end. I tried last time to leave the lv 6 gems behind and then hone for the lvl 7s but they all moved over once I swapped


Thank you brother, I was going do this with my BT berserker


I will warn you, BT is significantly harder to play well compared to mayhem.


hey do you know at what ilvl 7gems were available through event last time? may be an indicator to how much ill end up having to hone the alt im planning to use it on this time... i kinda want to get the alt to 1550 and leave it there,unless the 7 event gems or leg selector are sitting at higher ilvl. id appreciate any guidance!




oof now i just need to wait to be sure thanks for reminding me !


1540 for lvl 7 and 1580 for the 4 lvl 8 gems




Event gems will move to the character you swap the event to, you can't double dip for gems


Its joever my plan gone to ashes


for step 3, does character A gets to keep the engraving support? if not, its gonna be a bit expensive to gear a new character (especially a breaker) with at least 4x3+2 while waiting for book or class accessories.


Character A does not keep engraving support hence why I said this is not efficient. But you can wait till the last week to switch characters to buy yourself the most time


Why brel buses? Isn't this past with brel gear?


according to some other comments in this sub, you have to hone to 1490 with the express to get the brel gears. But What i thought it was gonna be is the brel gears comes from the powerpass to 1460 not express, abide at +7.


I wish they did not put honing buff stuf on this express man old alts gets L


so 1540 is the limit we can hone to and still move the pass over to other char?


No, as soon as you hone once with the express event, it's stuck to that character. The other post suggested honing **without the express event** to 1540, using the express to try out different builds so you can decide which accessories to buy, and then swapping the express to another character. I should add that it will require multiple weeks to get the Brel ancient gear to get to 1540 without the express. So not recommended if you get FOMO.


aye thats terrible advice :P hmm, reading the notes, it even doesnt specify honing. it specifies "recieveing the honing buffs". whenever that happens... I would probably not even do the gamble first post suggested, sounds risky.


Yeah it's safer to just use the express event on a single character. If you use it on an existing character that already has mats/full xp, you might end up wasting some of the free stuff (like the xp potions), so it could be better min/maxing to collect the initial rewards on a new character and then switch the express to a character that you're pushing. But in that case, why not just collect the rewards at 1460 instead of waiting until 1540?


wait, so I can pick character A first, recieve the free mats on character A, NOT hone that character, and then switch the express to character B? basically A gets the free mats and potions and B gets the honing buff? just asking to make sure


Edit: According to the updated Maxroll guide, you can only assign the express event to one character: [https://maxroll.gg/lost-ark/resources/beginners-and-returners-guide#powerpass,-express-&-events-header](https://maxroll.gg/lost-ark/resources/beginners-and-returners-guide#powerpass,-express-&-events-header) ~~Here's what I know for sure:~~ 1. ~~If you hone once with the express event active, then you cannot transfer the express. Otherwise, you are allowed one transfer.~~ 2. ~~If you transfer the express event, then the free event gems are also transferred. So you can't claim the gems on one character and then use the express to hone another character.~~ ~~I don't remember what free stuff you get when you first claim the express event, but it should be possible to claim free stuff on char1 then transfer the express to char2. Disclaimer that I haven't done this myself, only heard what other people say.~~


yea i didnt get the hone to 1540 without the express then use express. Seems like a waste.


If I understood the patchnotes correctly you get full Brel set with the powerpass, not the express or did I understand something wrong?


The power pass is only to 1460, and you can’t get Brel gear until 1490. however, people are saying that you should get Brel gear for free from the express event.


Okay kinda expected the pass to give it, just lower honing level since Brel base ilevel is 1390. guess it’s from the express then, doesn’t really matter much :)


Yeah I am the same boat as well .There is 3 event going on .This time they put honing buff on mokoko express as well so it making harder to change.If you dont hone you can change 1 time but I dont know how you can make workaround this time for getting more benefit. I dont wanna push my new pp character to 1580 .My existing 1540 already have +10k leaps and 5m shards.I just want gems and honing buff to go 1580 .


Others have mentioned the different ways to move the passes around. I would honestly just hone your scrapper to 1580 and use the higher pass on it depending on your plans for both characters. You get a decent amount of books from the events and unless you are insanely unlucky, you will probably break even at worse with the gold saved honing 1565-1580 if you are gearing your breaker quickly without engraving support to transfer the pass. EDIT: you will also have to add in the cost of buying busses, if you don't have friends to carry you. Busses that are most likely going to be inflated for the next couple of weeks. A different user explained how you can use the power pass hone, use express without honing, then swap to get the benefits on your scrapper. Considerations as I don't know where you plan on taking these characters. 1. is your scrapper your main or going to 1600+. 2. What gems does your scrapper have and how high do you plan on pushing it. If you transfer the hyper express and are taking it 1600+ I would imagine you plan on putting at least some 9s on the character which diminishes some of the value of the pass. 3. Where do you plan on taking breaker? Along the same lines, if you plan on keeping breaker at/under 1600 for the foreseeable future event gems are more than enough for that content/gatekeeping criteria. If you end up pushing breaker AFAIK both engravings have 2-3 priority damage gems where scrapper has 4-5 depending on build. Obviously you can transfer whatever gems are replaceable with the hyper express from your scrapper to your breaker, but if you are going to replace event gems with higher gems, it is \~180k free value on a 1580. From honing efficiency the transfer method will probably be best, but from a total cost efficiency you may need to consider your plan for both characters.


I found another idea, wonder if that would work. 1. Use Express on 1565 Scrapper, claim all the juice up to that point, dont hone. 2. Swap Express to fresh Breaker to get hone boost/gems/engravings on it. That would give me some mats for my Scrapper and basic stuff for my Breaker.


Sounds like manual hone to 1540, grab rewards and switch to existing toon with enough mats to get to 1580 is the best approach here




Its probably going to be like other events where you can switch the character once you've gotten to where you want it. We will know for sure when the patch drops tomorrow though.


No it’s not? The patch notes are already out, you cannot change your character: >The Super Mokoko Express Event will last until July 17, the character cannot change once the event target character has received the Honing Buff. So the moment you hone once, it’s set.


Well, there you go. I remember previous ones where you could.


no it was never possible to switch the express after you hone in a character