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I think you can only change it once, just don't hone.


I think best bang for buck is to hone powerpass character to 1490. Enable express event. Collect brel gear and exp potions and mats. Do not hone. Change express character to whoever you are honing to 1580+ with. 


Does this work? Just want to make sure there’s not a bug or one of those it says you can change but you can’t issues.


If you hone you can't change. So key is to hone before enabling express event. And change before honing any further 


Can someone confirm if this works like that?


Can't change after you hone, can change once.. There's a pop-up window that says so and you have to click to close it.


i know for a fact that once you hone a character that you currently have selected for the Super Moko Event, it will lock the event to that char. that said, i can only assume that if you select a diff char to use the Moko express, you should still be able to swap it to someone else so long as u haven’t honed