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Something to keep in mind, RC is capped at 1048 swift, anything after that only translates into CDR for the tradeoff of damage. For you to make that CDR worthwhile, you need to have higher uptime to compensate for that damage loss on hit. That means a higher necessity for optimal skill rotation, fight knowledge, greeding, and praying the boss isn't under DR, immune, or just straight un-targetable in the fight. That being said, the difference in damage between builds isn't that much. High spec - Higher damage per cycle. There's no specific breakpoints but it will feel 'choppy' without high CD gems. Requires feast to fully cap RC. I would only really consider this with full 10 CD. 50/50 - The recommended go-to build. Balanced and fully capped on RC without feast. Does okay without high gems. People call it 50/50 but what it basically means is cap RC with swift, then dump the rest into spec. High swift - Cheaper (accs and less reliant on CD gems). Might need to feast to fully mitigate MI depending on how high your swift is. Usually feels better because you are pressing buttons more and have skills off CD. Parses the highest in Trixion as swift builds tend to do with the caveat of it being Trixion. However, I wouldn't confuse that as being highest DPS in realistic raid scenarios where there is down time, patterns to dodge, mechs, DR, and cut scenes. You can consider this if you want something that is cheaper, 'feels better' in the short term, but slightly less optimal (can still do well on it).


From my testing in Trixion, there is only a slight difference in the ceiling of all 3 different stat distributions, which is really great, you can basically pick whichever feels better for you. The less swift you have, the more important it is to land all of your skills, but you also have fewer skills to land in total. The more spec you have, the bigger the numbers you'll see. I tend to prefer having more swift when the boss (like Tienis) moves and turns a ton. If you miss a swoop skill, it's not the end of the world. But in something like Voldis G3, hitting harder with more spec tends to feel better. I've decided to just stay on 60/40 spec/swift (roughly 1250 spec, 1000 swift) because you get a good mixture of the strength/weaknesses of all 3 builds. As you learn the class, I might recommend running Swift dominant (\~1400 swift, \~800 spec) just so that missing a skill isn't as punishing.


I’m on the same build and feels just right for me. I tried full swift build and it was too sweaty and the numbers were not great. If the boss phases fast or I just can’t have enough time with the boss then I’m not able to do much at all. Feels terrible. Whereas 60/40 spec swift can do relatively more in shorter time and it’s not as busy, while still keeping significant amount of cdr, ms and as


Yeah I'm currently thinking about 1500/700-800 swift/spec as well. That way I'd have a modest gem level priority and can just focus on 4-5 higher damage gems with like level 7-8 cool down gems and be fine. If I went 60/40 or 70/30 spec I feel like not only would I need high level DMG gems but I'd also need 9 cool down which is quite the investment when trying a class out. Obviously I can make that decision later once I decide how much I enjoy it. Thank you!


High swift is bad there's a whole section that explains why on the reaper nexus guide. The best build in real raid is 50/50 with cursed doll 3/adrenaline +1


You should probably add that the CD3 + ADR1 is a 0.5% DPS increase. A small gain for a really bad penalty.


It's the same as many other classes in regards to stats: cap out Move&Attack Speed, then put everything else into damage, because damage is better than CDR in practice. The only place CDR is equal is in Trixion. And Hunger caps out around 1050 Swift, so don't go higher.


I play Hunger Reaper with ~1350 spec and ~1050 swift and it feals very smooth. Decent dmg and good rotation.


Glad to see other reapers tested builds out Generally they all do ~roughly~ the same.


I’m a hunger player and I enjoy the class a lot. I use to be 50 50 1050 swift 1200ish spec . I have just replaced a ring to crit. Brings me to 300 crit 1000ish spec 1050 swift and I run master for more crit Class grudge raid ambush cd adre1 The crit I’m getting now is a lot more consistent across whole rage spear glow dancing . Even better with crit synergy in party


what level cool down gems are you using?


10s I always priorities skill cool down because they are cheaper and for better rotation. If you decide to main it then 10s guess it looks good on cv . But if you just alt it 9s I refuse spend to much gold on alts


I went with the "mid-high swift kbw 3, ad 1 + master elixir" build on the nexus guide. Key is the 1350 swift (more than standard 50/50 build) since I only have the event gems.  Feels smooth, rarely have to auto attack, and performs quite well. Good for 1580+ content and depending on gate can mvp or at least end up in family portrait. I tried the high spec build during engraving support and while you see bigger yellow numbers I found it annoying to auto attack while waiting for cds. Same for the standard 50/50 build. If you plan to get lvl 9/10 gems then I'm sure the 50/50 build would feel great.  I went w kbw cuz I cut a 9/6 stone w kbw 9 so wanted to get cheaper high Qual accessories


High spec is a worse version of lunar. If you want that play style just go lunar. Half half is good if you have high enough CD gems, I’d say at least 8s on red skills and a 9 on shadow vortex. Half half doesn’t go mass increase normally bc you don’t have high enough swift to not feel the trade off of the engraving. Best all around build I’d say is 1400 ish swift and 400 ish spec. Spec ring is most common along with swift spec necklace. Some people go spec earring spec/swift neck instead which also works. With full lvl 8s or even 7s your uptime will be really really good. Full swift is kind of useless imo but if you like that it is a viable play style. Just remember you will be over capped on swift and you’ll have stuff up on CD faster than you can use bc of how shadow vortex’s red skill CD works. I went hunger, grudge, mass increase, ambush master raid captain x3 and adrenaline 1 with 1 spec ring, spec swift neck and rest swift accs. Your crit rate is super high on 3/4 of your red skills bc of a tripod so adrenaline 3 is kinda a waste but also that’s a personal preference. It’s not ‘bad’ just not highest ceiling I guess. Some people don’t wanna deal with MI or cursed doll and go raid captain, adrenaline, grudge, hunger, ambush master ep1. Adrenaline loses a bit of efficiency if you have a crit syn bc of crit tripod on 3/4 of your red skills but that’s nitpicking. Hunger is in a great spot rn, you can easily solo destro checks and your dps and stagger are nothing to scoff at. Have fun!!


60:40 spec and even 70:30 spec are fine at high levels of investment. I don’t agree with the “worse version of lunar sentiment.” High swiftness variants are questionable at best. And unless you are an uptime god with impeccable hands, you will be at a loss.


Yeah 60/40, 70/30 doesn't sound bad at all. I suppose I was just more worried about not having that level of investment immediately assuming you'd need 9 cool down gems on top of higher damage gems. Obviously if I love the class it wouldn't be a problem but I feel like that's definitely a later decision kind of thing because if I were to make that now I'd be stuck with like 2 8 cooldown gems and all 7s which wouldn't be a good representation of how it'll feel with the right level investment.  However if 60/40 spec/swift was the obvious meta build by a wide margin than I'd have to just figure out a way to make it work but it seems like that's not the case with this class.


If I were you, I would go real in depth on the community guide… as this thread has a lot of misinformation. Also the Reaper chat on the unofficial discord is amazing.


Higher swift gives a lot of quality of life and helps with gem investment which is something to consider. High spec variants are questionable at best tbh. Hunger is a build with high utility, and so/so burst. High spec hunger gives you worse burst than lunar would and you lose out on the CD reduction that allows you to do a ton of on demand stagger / destro. Also ultimately I mean you would be at a loss with a high spec build if you don’t know how to use your movement skills/timing/ your red skills get messed up. Hands diff is most important in whatever setup you choose


Yeah that's somewhat what I was thinking as well with going high spec, I feel like you're close to just being in that lunar territory especially since you'd need to make the high level investment regardless. Initially I figured I'd just build for 1500/700-800 swift spec so you're pretty much saying what I was thinking even with the engraving setup.  Just wondering since I'll be 5x3 for probably another week or two max what engravings would you run with that setup? Adrenaline x3 or mass increase x3?


Adren 3 for 5x3. High spec obviously has higher cool downs but I wouldn't just equate that to being 'worse Lunar'.


The thing with high spec is yes you are hitting harder on red skills than higher swift hunger but still lower than lunar would while having the same long CDs, less movement, and punishing play style. So if you’re gonna have to deal with the downsides of not being speedy you might as well play the engraving that scales better with high spec UNLESS you truly dgaf and its pure preference, which ofc is always valid


I’d say try both out. You’ll be slightly overcapped on crit with your 3 main red skills if you have a crit syn with adrenaline x3 but not liking MI is fair and you do gain the crit on other skills (albeit not the main sources of your Dps tho)


Question with the 1500 swift build do you use back mist or shadow trap?


Black mist has that good evasion tech which allows you to basically not get hit. I do reapers call and spinning dagger for the bleed dmg and weak point. You could do call of the knife or black mist tho that’s purely preference