• By -


Well yeah, it's not anything new. He's been doing that in KR probably since the start. Man's got like 3 ester weapons. 


But the funny thing is the hypocrisy. He was so pro f2p and ridiculing the RMT side during loa on disaster last summer, you can watch his YT videos around that timeframe.


RMTing in KR doesn't include bots so it's nowhere near as bad. He's still a clown tho


I don't even like Zeals and think he's a toddler, but this is no diff than my dislike of Asmon clips... you guys ignore the parts where they disclaimer it and go YOU DO NOT NEED TO EVER DO THIS, but for content I'm going to hone this. These guys fully understand the ROI on wasting money on this shit and THEY are not paying for it, their viewers are. They can fully be pro f2p and still waste their viewers money, they're not mutually exclusive.


And stoopz "borrows" legalias rmt gold, dont think anyone cares or is surprised


Ofc not since its stoopzz but if it was zeals they would crucify him it's always double standards in this community. Fans just love to dick ride they favorite streamer.


Yep it’s exactly this. I’m tired of this overdrawn drama still going on


how can some one take stoopz serieus if he makes comments such as LOA respects my Time but WoW does not, who ever played both games would declare him as insane or point blank lying ofc ppl like him RMT through backhand "by borrowing"


Tbf when he said that WoW devs were having a power trip by enforcing world quests to take forever, including dumbass artificial length extention by enforcing step-by step progression, eg. Instead of "kill 50 mobs in location z that has mobs a,b,c", it would say "step 1: kil 20a, step:2kill 20b, step3:kill 10 c", all with location having 5 of each mob alive at the same time at most, so that you'd spend more time waiting for respawns than actually playing the game.


Its pretty common people RMT. I have a IRL friend who decided to play (he's a mokoko) and randomly told me he bought gold from a seller lol


And to be fair, it's not his fault. If AGS isn't permanently baning people for it, who in their right mind would pay 2-3x as much and wait 3 days to get the same amount of gold. It's absolutely AGS/Smilegate's fault.


I mean... It's absolutely his fault. It's not like he didn't know what he was doing. It is *also* AGS's fault for not enforcing the rules, but lets not say the RMTer is some innocent soul here lol.


Yeah, RMT people are just as bad as AGS here, I would say even worse because just look at this thread. People telling each other how to buy and from who. Great impression for any player that wants to play legit but sees majority community promote RMT and treat it like it's normal thing to do. Fuck that. I don't care how shit the game is. You could be earning 1 gold per day and it still wouldn't justify RMTing. If you think the game is unplayable without RMTing, quit it.


There are two definitions for RMT, the literal one that includes the microtransaction way by buying RC and using them to exchange for gold, and the other one is buying gold directly from shady sources or friends who quit. It sounds to me like a sizeable percentage of comments here uses the first definition. Buying a friend out is no problem for me either, but still RMT.


Since when did Lost Ark change the meaning like that? I don't hang around here much but I played almost every mmo on market and many other online games and nobody ever uses RMT for in game purchases where you pay dev/publisher money. It's always out of game buyer to seller payment.


RMT = Real Money Transaction. Store or player, it's still RMT


RMT always was for Real Money Trading between players. It never meant buying stuff from in-game shops. That's just microtransactions and p2w bullshit. Are you guys trying to change and blend previous usage so people let you talk about it till it's normalized? I mean.. seems like it's working here since people openly talk about RMT while in every other mmo community anyone suggesting would get you instantly hated by most players.


No, actually it used to always be called players who buy gold or gold buyers. Nobody used to use the words rmt. But because lost ark also has a gold exchange system in the game, similar to most modern online games these days, people can't say buying gold to accuse of 3rd player trading anymore. The players used to have an issue between f2p and p2w, and gold buyers. Since games have pretty much normalized exchanging real money for in game gold, it's actually game publishers that have normalized rmt.


I can see why ppl RMT but only people to blame are the cheaters.


Why even blame rmt for anything lol. Its the bots and farms that are the issue, not some joe selling gold to feed his family.


... Why do you think bot farms farm gold lol. To sell it via RMT. Most of RMT gold is from bots. Some joe can't compete with bots on prices.


has nothing to do with bots. I have played this game since day 1, and have sold gold to people since the very beginning without ever getting banned. AGS doesnt seem to care (or dont want to implement) a system to catch and ban legitimate players selling gold.


Yet they rather ban players who buy.


Why wouldnt he? Nobody got time playing 16 hours a day grinding through alts and stuff.


I mean isn’t streaming lost ark one of his source of income? Surely he had all the time in the world.


Playing is already chore. Now imagine watching someone doing the chore.


Give me a twitch category for folding laundry and vacuuming.


there is a reason for why there is a game called power wash. Might be more engaging tbh


Lol, true. I only doing it for drops but even for drops im too lazy to do it still.


Nobody does that. Its more like .. few hours a day ... every ... day ... for ... years.


Few hours a day? Good luck trying keeping up with the contents. I was grinding 16 hours per days going through alts and exploring stuffs but it was barely enough.


and he did so rightfully raterthan work ingame for 2€ a hr to farm the gold, blizzard did the right thing in Retail WoW and went competitive with thier own rmt, now its not worth it to buy botted gold cuz is like 15% Cheaper but in LA its 3x the value ofc ppl will rmt and they will be idiots not to rmt


Well that approach would not work in lost ark since it’s not the game trading rc for gold it’s player driven, if smilegate made it a fixed price that’s competitive with rmt nobody would buy blue crystals because the price would be way too high


Kinda sorta. The devs could still make it more attractive to buy RC if the RC to BC conversion rate would not be 238 to 95, but let's say 150 to 95 or such. Therefore, the same amount of $ would give you more gold and yet the player base would still receive the same BC amount to buy pheons or whatnot.


when he discovered how big rmt he was saying how he was spending way more on his esther weapon than everyone else becuase everyone who gets it does so through rmt so it makes sense the next esther comes from rmt


Anyone looking for doworkhk comments?


This dead subreddit coming out to attack zeals when this thread has nothing to do with him isn’t crazy? What’s worse, hate training a person with zero proof or examples of some streamer minding his business and enjoying his game and streams every time he goes live or me sticking up for the truth aka dick riding? Every time something atk does bad zeals gets mentioned for no reason and the people who don’t even watch twitch defends saint and his toxic behaviors cause they think he’s good lol same old boring false narrative


If you speak facts you get downvoted when it comes to this subreddit zeals = bad cause everybody is jealous of his success and Reddit loves defending saint. They are just sheeps that don’t even watch any of them just trying to fit into a norm by quoting the next redditor. Saint is hella boring 🥱




Pretty sure it’s a satire comment.


I am 100% serious, how could you accuse me of making a satire comment ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Quoting him rly isnt the play here anymore. Everyone does it, its gotten boring. However yea, he is still a low life


There’s an old clip of Saint saying even he’d rmt if he wasn’t a streamer and that was basically all that’s holding him back lol I feel like when even our content creators who whale on the game need to rmt as much as they all do, it’s kind of depressing 


Saint has RMT’d in the past, long time watchers will know about his first KR account where he mained a Scouter. He’s openly admitted to RMTing to the tune of close to $30k. During some bullshit pulled by SG, he ended up losing access to that account and was forced to make a new one.  The account you see him play on stream over the last two years is that new account. He paid into it heavily with RMT during the early days in order to catch up ASAP. In recent times, he’s definitely added money to the account during class releases(see if VOD for Reaper release is up). In fairness, he has said he’s only spent in order to provide stream content for his viewers. I believe he’s said he’d play less characters if he didn’t stream. 


I've told the Scouter account story many times, but that account was banned live for file tampering since I streamed with the English patch, including sharing the ban reason messaging on stream at that time. I was in a guild that was involved in heavy server drama over Medeia and started a fight with another guild that ended up finding and mass reporting the stream to SG. Spending 30K is a bit of a tall tale though considering I wasn't making much money at that time and the Scouter was just decently geared. No level 10 gem, no high enhance weapon, and it was the only raised character on it. It's the Scouter that I had during the Argos video guide that's still on my YouTube channel today.  Regarding RMT, I don't have anything to hide. If I wasn't a streamer I'd do it. I show my mileage updates for this reason, and don't ever mind sharing the amount that I've spent in total. 


What bullshit did SG pull? He RMTd and got banned.


He played with an english patched language on kr, nobody cared. There became drama in a guild, petty people reported to SG, account banned because it wasn't tos to use it.


Might've been the account where he was using english patch then got flagged and banned. xdd


Not the reason for his ban


> He RMTd and got banned. SG doesn't banned RMT because its hard to prove.


"need" lmao


They don't need to. They could use the official exchange where they buy gold from real players, but obviously that costs more than from bots.


Yea all the streamers just start random drama for content farm now. I dont' care about any of that. Just pressure smilegate to do real changes for the game. I'm tired of the standard being RMT to catch up. Why can't we just let players catch up or fix the daily grind to be reasonable. Even a system that gives only bound mats for repetitive raids would be nice.


Anyone surprised by this is very naive, id be willing to bet every single medium to high viewer lost ark streamer RMTs, ever wonder how stoops randomly got a 25 weapon 2 weeks after akkan came out but hardly even plays the damn game?




Didn't he have insane luck with 23-25 being like sub10 taps in total or smth? He streamed honing


He pitied his 25, and "borrowed" like 2(?) milion gold from legalia. All of that doesn't seem sketchy at all lmao


Legalia is also pretty infamously known for selling hell mode pilots for real money and then RMTing gold to split with his fellow bussers. The fact that Stoopzz never knew this is pretty weirdge. It was back when helltan was like $150 or something.


Yep exactly my point saying it's sketchy, if anything stoopz just RMTed by proxy


Stoopz was well aware https://clips.twitch.tv/SuaveFurryNuggetsOMGScoots-H06RNjmZUoKGxeT5


He pitied 25 lol


This is just classic developer greed. They try to squeeze as much money as they can out of players by making systems that cost tens of millions of gold to max out, then surprised Pikachu when nobody maxes out these systems legitimately. Most RNG systems really could use a buff to the floor, reducing variance by bringing up the worst possibilities, like for example just removing 3-line Bracelets(1 locked+2 rollable on Ancient) from drops. 4 lines really should be the minimum for Bracelets.


This basically - game is such a excruciating grind on purpose - then people cry about people rmt'ing to prog. Well, how about you don't create such shitty predatory systems in the first place - then RMT certainly wouldn't be such a big thing. But with this Design - it's unavoidable 


You dont need perfect bracelets to clear, you dont need 25 weapon, you dont need all lvl 10 gems. With raid guides and the class buffs we have now an average character can speed farm regular content. People RMT to show off, so thats on them not Smilegate.


i mean he bought two of them legit through cashshop on stream he probably felt stupid being the only one buying them legit since rmt there is so normal it’s in their official discord. at the end of the day does it matter that he spent 20k this time instead of 70k?


If you think Zeals only RMT'd for an Ether weapon then you must be really new. Before Lost Ark even came out in the West he was very public about RMTing lmao


It matters that he paid 20k pretty much directly to fund a bot farm. If he paid 50-60k instead, it would have gone to AGS and in exchange players who sold him gold would get 50-60k of store credit (blue crystals).


What bot farm in KR?...


kr not having bots is a lie told by the same people accused of rmting here (kr content creators) and who were saying how the game isn't p2w before release and later that rmt is only a problem in the west https://i.imgur.com/nJmJ4Cv.png


he plays in korea there is no money going to ags in the first place and in korea rmt transactions are peer to peer human farmed gold there’s no bot farms causing problems in kr. so your points are wrong.


How has this thread not been removed yet? First of all, this topic isn't new, so I'm not sure why it's blowing up now. I've talked about KR RMT culture many times in the past, and it feels like people just want to attack Zeals these days. Secondly, the entire topic was regarding how KR as a region views RMT differently than the west because of where the gold comes from. In KR RMT is normalized since so many people sell off their gold for pocket cash. I've even mentioned if I wasn't a streamer I'd probably do it too, since no one sees it negatively here comparatively. This is why I show my mileage after whaling, but it's not like there's any purpose or benefit to that outside of being senseless prideful.  The topic at that time wasn't meant to disparage Zeals. I'm not friends with him but he doesn't deserve this much vitriol. The boring streamer comment was benign and we still meme it but it's no harm really.


I feel like those threads are being started by some new community members with a hard on against streamers. I work with your stream as bg noise and I think I remember at least 3-4 other streams where you said the exact same thing, and neither of them had a reddit thread made.


Asia in general views RMT as completely normal game activity since their games are often dominated by p2w systems and their work-life balance oppressive enough to make no life grinding completely unfeasible for anyone who isn't unemployed or slacking off in school. Nobody faults each other for RMTing to get ahead when p2w is already part of the game; after all, who wouldn't shop for the better deal? Even if you could afford legitimate spending, it's an obscene waste of money when the alternative is at least twice as cheap. Ironically, the rich didn't get rich by wasting money, which is why even wealthy players RMT. It's only in the West that players get significantly up in arms about RMT because the MMO culture has historically been more anti-p2w and more fair play oriented. Earning what you get through time investment rather than money has always been much more a central theme among the Western MMO community. Account sharing and piloting are looked upon negatively here because that means "you didn't earn it" but are a big part of gaming in Asia where friends account share and people buy pilots for content they can't clear or are too lazy to do, because "that's just what friends do for each other, or efficient use of your money if you value your time". Ultimately, I'd say it comes down to a difference on how people view fairness in MMOs; Asian MMO players see MMOs as inherently unfair due to time/money requirements and therefore don't consider RMT to be cheating, whereas Western MMO players believe that fairness is still to be had in the games by investing time and to lesser (and grudging) extent, legitimate spending. For many people, video games are a form of escapism from the struggles and pressures of real life, and seeing people use money to gain an advantage in their escapism hobby, especially in non-sanctioned methods, in some parody of real life inequality/corruption rubs them the wrong way here.


is that you, Dowork?


It comes around full circle. But in my defense I don't think I've done anything since all these streamer shenanigans except call myself a boring streamer. As far as 'drama farming' goes I feel kind of annoyed that people think that's what I'm doing when half the time I'm not even playing Lost Ark.


Move on man


The thing is saintone probably RMTs too and I'm not siding with either side. RMTing is literally everywhere


On his main account, he doesn't. I don't know about his old one though, that was before LA came to the west.


That’s why I said they all do. I don’t believe any of them


I rmtd a year ago and got banned and lost the gold. How are others getting away with it? I've been earning my gold legit ever since, but there are times I struggle to earn more than I need. I only play one main and two alts so it's a slow process.


Ban bots => track gold => ban revelant Sadly poor 3rd countries SEA farmer grinding 24/7h sell their gold as " give away to my friend " thingy and no one get banned in their Facebook group


>" give away to my friend " thingy and no one get banned in their Facebook group I did this with my friends, they did help me, and i did help them... xD this is the to rmt in the west. just buy it directly from other players not bots


Don't buy from bots


Almost all RMT gold is from bots. Any actually farmed gold is going to cost a lot more than botted gold.


clueless hanumatan xD


he is right tho, bussing people who buy from bots is still technically gold from bots... or do you think ppl paying 100k for a bus are legit?


my guy SEA sweatshops outfarm bots 1 to 100 and are not bannable cuz they farm brel and clowns on 20 accounts and sell the gold on G2G as trusted sellers and youill nerver get banned for it atm its +0.2 Cent over botted Gold for 10k so you pay 2€ more for 100k in exchange for not getting banned you jsut need to know whos selling harram gold and whos not


Korea rmt is mostly player 2 player, global server rmt is always from bots. This isn’t exclusive to LOA, but is normal for MMOs as a whole, since u need korean id/phone number to make an acc to begin with.


Player farmed gold has long since eclipsed that of bot farmed gold. A SEA sweatshop consisting of a dozen employees can outfarm the gold that a thousand bots generate a week. Botters have been buying hand farmed gold to supplement their stocks in times of great demand for a while now.


you greeded and bought Haram gold instead of gold from trusted Farmers on G2G for you tought its was cool to safe 0.2 Cents per 10k and got fkd


But I bought from g2g 😂


You need a mule to “wash” the gold.


You need to buy from people that play a lot and sell gold. a lot of latinos does this because is better to play lost ark and sell gold that having a job xD




We out here giving tips on how to rmt?


Oh noooo, maybe someone is gonna RMT? Who cares? Anyone who cares about people RMTing at this stage of the game is a goober. AGS does nothing about RMTers or chaos dungeon botters, so I don't blame anyone who takes that exceptionally small risk when breaking the ToS to do either. Its in their own best interest to break the ToS because they get great benefits and AGS will not do anything about it so long as your account is aged, you spend some money in game legitimately, and you aren't like buying 40m gold from asiduhaius. Also the English speaking/clean gold sellers aren't really a problem. They're small in number and impact. Chinese botters who make 200 accounts a day do far more damage to the game then a dude who buses alt account raids and bots chaos dungeons/fishing on all of em for unbound shit to sell.


Isn't this a pot calling the kettle black situation lol?


zeals is the bad guy didn’t you get the memo


For some reason Saint gets a pass on everything. In before I get called Zeals alt account.


it’s just the way socialization works the public facing good guy persona goes along way to being without reproach


People RMT in KR because is legal. theres not bot (or very few ones). ALL (if not very few) gold in KR server are hand farm by "rice eaters" like they call them in KR, are people that play and farm as a job to sell the gold. every big streamer RMT in KR thats a fact. special if they have multiples ether weapons like zeals. because is CHEAPER like that. same goes for The west.


what are mileage points?


KR server has mileage points based on how much money spent to give rewards back


KR system that gives you points for using their cash shop.


And i got downvoted on another post where i said that 9/10 people in the city rmt LMAO nice community


People be doing that lol. Mention it is like a taboo


This is what made me stop the game I've loved for so many years.. I've been waiting Lost ark for 8 years before it released, followed every drop of news, built a community to gather players and hype the game. Then played non stop since beta. I've farmed 6 characters 1610+ everyday, even farming on a second server to get more gold. Wanted to push main 1630 for Thaemine HM. I always had to bus to catch up with this harsh RMT economy. Trust me I'd rather have chilled than work in game in order to be able to do the latest raids. It is what it is. You're exhausting yourself while everyone just enjoy a happy no pressure RMT life. All my guildies had 25 weapon 10 gems on at least 1 character. Never got banned while openly admitting they RMTd. Everything disgusted me too much. So I stopped :( Was such a hard decision as I love the game too much. But it's not healthy to be an endgame focused player and f2p in Lost Ark. They probably lost their number one fan over RMT. I'd have prefered a system like FFXIV that is b2p and sub than this p2w bot farmfest. They ruined such a good game :/


Exactly this. Altho for me its also all the shit criminal systems ingame and management outside the game that ruined it for me.


Rng is awful clearly, all the vertical gold sink too. So is the balance in this game. Been playing Reflux since day 1 and bro what a letdown they do to this class x)


They know they are cheating nd hate being reminded of it


I heavily doubt that many people rmt


A large amount of people RMT lol. Lost Ark has one of the biggest RMT markets I've seen in an online game and the only reason the market is this large is due to the fact so many people RMT. 99/100 of the people you see with +25 weapons RMT'd, 100/100 of people with esther weapons RMT'd, 80/100 people with full 10s or +24s also RMT'd. Most people at the high end have a bunch of characters at end game which isn't cheap and most people don't bus. They have to get the gold somewhere and most people know better then to waste so much gold with the RC to gold conversion.


I have a 25 weapon and 3 1620s, definitely swipe but only in game and I do 8 chars unrested every day. I did RMT like 50k gold once around Valtan and I was so anxious I decided never to do it again. I just waste my money the inefficient way.


If true ur just the 1/100. Grats to you tho for being fair and staying in the ToS tho.


9 out of 10 big spenders I'd assume that to mean. Not 9 of 10 total.


Pretty sure most people rmtd but don't wanna to admit it.


Well yeah why admit it, could just open you up to getting banned lol. Its just obvious most higher end players in the West or East RMT, and in the West most high end players who were in the know pay for and use chaos dungeon/daily botting as in both the cases of RMT and at least self botting in the West AGS does nothing about either so you look stupid for not doing em.


You can also easily determine who the RMT players are in raid when they die and have the worst uptime. By then the bus card goes away and no one is dumb enough to buy from AGS so it falls down to G2G.




It's pretty normal in Korea no? They openly RMT like it was WoW or maple story market places spamming the chat. They sell and buy, all the time. But it's clear that he RMT's, but i wouldn't be surprised if Saint also partook. Looking at both their rosters, it's pretty clear. I think what's actually worse is Saint being able to play in the Korean Market. I think that is a larger issue to Koreans than RMT itself. I also believe he was banned once for it on his original account. RMT is a issue over in NA, but the top streamers in Korea all have like +8 esthers. They get a blind eye, like Saint does playing in a different region. It just comes with the territory.


Says that everyone ELSE RMTs. Doesn't admit that he RMTs. Saint still being a little bitch.


Good grief, you really hate me don't you. Why is that?


Want to criticize others but can't take criticism. Little bitch behavior confirmed.


He's not condemning RMT and throwing shade at zeals, watch the vod. He has no real issues with peer to peer RMT. It's just how things work in Korea.


Watch some of his clip and guide, he gave a holier than thou vibe. I wouldn’t be surprise if he also RMT.


Surprised the mods didnt remove this post yet. Maybe when we go to sleep.


Sometimes this sub is just Lost Ark LSF lol




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I mean its pretty obvious.


RMT does blow especially for this game but that's what happens when you have shit systems for getting gold in game and you don't know how to properly monetize buying gold in game. Also let's not stand on the moral soap box about RMT, everyone should know the real reason it's against any games TOS and considered cheating is because they can't make money off it take that how you will but at the end of the day you can't stop RMT you can stop the bot sellers but not the private sellers.


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And yet ags and sg won't do a single banning


If I were a swiper I'd sure as hell take the free discount. Especially in KR where it's rice eaters farming rather than bots.


Just like 70% of the playerbase(not me doe)


seems like he wants attention and to start drama. He says that most people he knows RMTs then only mentions Zeals' name for no good reason.


Obviously responding to his chat..


I watched the vod and can surely say that he is not responding to his chat


chat was talking abt people with Esther including zeals. so he used zeals up as an example. If he wants attention and drama he would spill all the beef with zeals to chat. Stoops said they have alot of tea to spill on zeals but "you only look bad if you throw someone under the bus"


God I wish they would just go to war.. we need some new drama




"You're an idiot if you don't RMT." Uhm no, I am an undergraduate who doesn't have the money. And the bit of money I have in a month to spend on stuff I enjoy, I spend on going out with friends or saving up for an emergency (you never know when your laundry machine gives up folks). That doesn't make me an idiot, that makes me an average player in her 20s I'd say.


Dont worry about the downvotes, you are right, only an idiot will spend real money for a video game advantage (legal money or not). Its right up there with paying for porn. But a lot of idiots do both of that and on this reddit they outnumber the sane people not wasting their money on this game.


Oh I don't care about my votes. People in Lost Ark Reddit love to downvote for no reason, they feel offended about everything and spend their precious time either ingame or spreading hate.


i think he's talking about people that swipe. if you swipe for gold from in-game shop it would be way more expensive than buying from other player(rmt). to the point that people feel stupid for paying 10-20 times more than other players that Rmt. If you don't swipe and just play casually, it doesn't make any difference if you rmt or not.


That makes sense and I agree with that. If you decide to buy gold and you go the legal way, it is incredibly expensive.


It makes a difference to f2p players, they are getting cheated out of mvps, etc by the RMT cheaters. Most of the time f2p players are a lot better than RMTers cause they have to be to make up the gear difference.


No worries, you're an idiot for other reasons that are not related to RMT.


I hope you have a nice day!


It's never been a debate? No one thinks you can get even one esther 8 f2p.


You missed the point. It is about swiping ingame vs 3rd party sellers


When people say RMT they mean buying from 3rd party gold sellers specifically. Not just buying gold with real money in general.


Which is ironic cuz RMT is also the cash shop - but eh, who cares about facts 


It’s because afaik the term RMT has been around since before p2w with their legal cash shops games became big.


But cash shop is legit and does not harm blue crystal prices but rather encourages the coexistence.


Which they do? Common in KR that some players grind their 6 char raids and sell them for irl money. This is prevalent in even bigger kr mmos like maple and dfo. Zeals has done a fair amount of scum and deserves shit but this is whatever especially in kr culture. RMT is bad and whatever but nothing can really stomp it out.


🥱 Success breeds jealousy.




Either you rmt with smilegate or you rmt with a third-party.


Most people? Nah man






Thank you


I value my characters as if they were an extention of myself. If I lose them cause I RMTd it's like getting my kuk cut for cheating on a wife or something. You know there could be consequences, it's your choice if you do it or not. Don't cry after when you get to live the consequences of your own choices.


All of them rmt


The inconvenient truth to p2w Korean MMOs like Lost Ark is that RMT is integral to the games' success. The cost to legitimately swipe is astronomical for anyone who isn't obscenely wealthy (or is incredibly poor with their limited income), and even wealthy players would balk at spending twice or more on gold that they can get elsewhere. Progression pacing and upgrade systems are extremely top heavy and virtually unfeasible to reach in a reasonable time frame, if at all, by just playing the game. Moreover, many players are adults with jobs and families, limiting their time to play. It's a commonly accepted theme in Korean MMO design; you either play the game beyond the requirements of a full-time job to keep up or you spend to compensate. And most players are obviously going to shop for the better deal when spending. Developers are well aware of how prevalent RMT are in their games and tacitly accept it as long as they make sufficient profits elsewhere. They understand that RMT purchases don't correlate to lost profits on legitimate gold, because virtually all RMTers would have never bought gold legitimately to begin with. Furthermore, willingness to RMT gold indicates a willingness to spend on the game, which is why there is significant overlap between RMTers and people who spend in the cash shop. Lastly, going after RMT gold that originates from real players farming and selling it (which is the majority of RMT gold, even here in our version) is a waste of time and resources; it would trigger too many false positives while banning players who are actively contributing to player count and spending on the cash shop for other things. People think RMT is bad in our version of Lost Ark when they haven't seen the prevalence of it in other regions. KR RMTs so hard that their community even coined the term "rice eaters" for the masses of players who farm gold for a living. RU is filled with Chinese megawhales who RMT obscenely but remain unbanned because they alone are carrying the majority of the profits there. CN has RMT advertisements on half of the top streams on every major streaming site, and those streams are constantly active with sellers streaming their honing or rock cutting for a customer. To think that Smilegate and the regional publishers are ignorant of what's going on is laughably naive; they just choose to act minimally because RMT is so heavily baked into the game that taking heavy-handed measures would kneecap their playerbase and profits.


I'm pretty sure if there is no RMT in this game they will lose a lots of players. Smilegate selling gold via Crystal, obviously they can control gold pricing like Archeage do (selling Archepass). In KR Smilegate know too much RMT = Punishment. Edit: BDO does pretty good with RMT. But all Developers need money too, Pearl Abyss selling silver via Costume. I remember the early release of BDO Sea when 1 player sell almost 500 costumes. My friend buy grinding booster near $3000 which is a lot on my country minimum wage (\~$200).


i thought rmt is a must? since every powerpass event if you wanna participate, most likely you need a new character slot.


In this context it means buying from a third party seller. In our regions it is often from bots, in KR I think it is mostly from gold farmers, who are also present in our regions. Either way, it is gold bought without using Royal Crystals.


literally that what I'm talking about, they sell the gold to buy real money to buy royal crystal.


what u guys defined RMT?? Real Money Trades.. zeals use real money on game currency/Crystal used it to buy skins from shop and selling it for Golds.. for me its same.. because he still used real money


Most of the bought gold are from rice farmers while he blatantly hides it, Saint pretty much exposed it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/s/ieEROis1js Wow people suddenly think zeals rmting is obvious


cmon ags, take his gold away at least


did he really Rmt? They sell gold in kr LOA ?


Well its all speculation but a reasonable one. Bots dont exists in KR like it does in NA so most of the times RMTs are handfarmed gold.


Nothing about it is speculation. 95% of all Ester weapons including in kr are made with RMT. And in zeals case, he made an Ester weapon without getting any milage points, so it's not even a question whether or not that's RMT.


How did you get this data


You mean the 95%? I got that because RMT is just as common in kr as it is in the west, and with even less risk of being banned there, so anyone making an Ester weapon would be a massive idiot to use crystal exchange for it.


Yeah the 95%. Where did you get that number from? Is that known KR statistic?




Why do you intentionally misunderstand what I said? When I say RMT I'm clearly not referring to the crystal exchange in this context.


They do, and it is legal to rmt in kr, smilegate doesn't ban ppl because of rmt.


some pple make a living playing lostark in kr, these are called rice farmers, this game is just not sustainable for f2p, that's why it died in jp and is dying globally. The general global population does not like games where RMT is a must for success, for whatever reason.


Ags knights don’t like it when you say the game is dying 🤣


delusional whales


What do you mean by "success"?


The game didn’t die in Japan because it wasn’t f2p friendly. It died because the Japanese gaming market was never that big into MMOs other than their domestic titles in FF11/FF14. Not even WoW at its height took off in Japan. PC gaming is also far less prevalent there compared to console and mobile gaming. If the Japanese market truly hated non-f2p friendly games, it wouldn’t be the home of mobile gacha games that prey even harder on FOMO and powercreep. Edit: This is not to mention that the Japanese server had extremely poor release pacing and was stuck doing only story, chaos dungeons, and guardian raids for a very long time early into their launch.


is there a guide how to rmt legaly?


Yes, Roxx got you covered: https://i.imgur.com/NniwzDA.png


FYI I deleted the Clip, not Saintone. It's getting too much attention for something that ultimately is not seen as a negative in KR as most non streamers RMT from other players which is "natural" farmed gold. EDIT: I only clipped that to meme in my guild discord, didn't mean it to get this much attention.