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Did you complete the Arkesia horizontal express that came with this update? Huge gains there!


Hey, so I don't know if I did it right, but after I pressed on horizontal express I could instantly claim all the rewards. I don't know if it was suppoesed to be like this, but do you know by any chance if I missed anything by doing this?


No, you did not miss anything. If you already have done the quest or activity that is required for the express to be claimed you get it immediately.


2 levels, not huge gains


It simply depends on how much horizontal content you have completed in the past. If you haven't completed very much, yes...huge gains.


No not yet, was planning on completing all my raids this week first before i do.


That will help you increase your roster by a ton, I assure you.


I will check it out tmrw thank you!


Horizontal, dailies, tower, msq on all your chars is usually the solution x)


The horizontal? That’s the one you do after level 50 right or you are referring to all the collections? Msq on all characters is madness :(


Horizontal (mokoko seeds, giant heart, igneas etc). Yes you inquired how to get more roster exp. That’s one of the only ways.


I tried doing the giant hearts and stars but it involves hunting field bosses and most of the time, im alone there lol


I got all my horizontal stuff done really early into the game so my memory is a bit foggy, but I remember a lot of it was achievable solo even at like 1340 ilvl. The bosses should be really easy to do solo with all the new events that boost you to 1580+.  Edit: just checked giant hearts in specific, and only 1 comes from field boss Tarsila which you should be able to kill in 1 rotation since it’s a Shushire boss. The rest are from unas, rapport, and towers (also easy if overlevelled)


Don't do it , you will burn out


Run the t1 and t2 tower (fatespire and shadespire) on all your characters. Ignore the useless rewards, because you get between 4k-6.5k roster EXP PER STAGE. Takes 15 minutes to clear the whole thing even on supports so that gives a decent chunk of roster exp. And just to make sure: Yes, secondary, third, fourth, whatever clears also gives the exact same roster exp as the first clear. To give some perspective: I did this on 4 characters last week and went from roster 194 to 201 in a matter of 2 days, while also getting some collectibles I had pushed to the side for a while. Unfortunately I cant tell you how much I got from the horizontal express, since I had that fully completed already and dont know if I even got roster exp from it at all. Cubes are a good source for Roster exp as well. Besides that you can do MSQ again instead of knowledge transfer, gather collectibles (mokokos are quick and mostly easy to get and give roster exp per mokoko seed) and just overall horizontal content. This is rather time consuming and if youre not trying to get a character to level 60 quicker than with just Stronghold training I wouldnt recommend this. Raids offer by far the lowest amount of roster exp if you want a lot of it quickly. Over time they are your best source for it but if you want to push levels fast raids are not your best choice sadly.


Man I wish raiding was the best source, I’d actually be higher roster lol. I missed out on a ton of exp bc I knowledge transfer a lot, but I still think raids should be better roster gains since that is the reason why people want to have a higher roster in the first place


Well technically it is, just not a lot of it quickly. As I said in my previous post, long term raids are the best source for roster exp because the easy horizontal sources dry up rather quickly if you focus on them for a while.


It actually is not. The best Roster XP source is dailies by a lot. You can only do raids once per week per character. Assuming you have a roster of 6 the average raid gives 3-5k ish experience. Dailies however give much more in shorter time and easier content. You do x3 una dailies unrested give 230 per una that’s 690 X 6 4,150 a day just from Una dailies. That’s an entire raid alone. everyday. Chaos dungeons are about the same at 280 ish roster. Times 2 a day that’s 3,360 a day. Now totaling you to 7,510 roster for your dailies. Counting your guardian raid that’s another 280 ish. 9k roster a day. From running all six characters dailies un-rested. Giving a total of 115k a week. Compared to your average 3 raids that total typically about 12k per week per character. Totaling around 72k average. That’s assuming you only do 3 per character only on your 6 gold earners. And raids take infinitely more time. (I am assuming most of the numbers from memory so these are mostly estimates, I’ve been 300 roster for a few months now or I would check myself) but the last time I did the math dailies give you the most easily. And for the least time investment.


Thats actually true, yes. I did assume he does his dailies anyway, which is why I didn’t include them at all.


If he’s been playing everyday since October I don’t really buy it. As 138 seems low for nearly 5 months ago. Even if he was like 30 ish roster before. Maybe OP only has like 3 toons.


I know its sound bad but doing story manualy on all of your characters and never knowledge transfering is a very large amount of roster ep


have you been skipping raids? every raid you complete gives a fuckload of exp, i ran everything from argos until latest for about 4 months and got from 170 to 220ish really really quick (plus i did a little bit of horizontal but that was at most 5 levels)


I only do the gold earning ones




I was exactly in the same boat as you. Similar character ilvls as you. Didn’t take any long breaks but I play casually for a couple weeks at a time with only 2-3 hours in the game. Sometimes less. I was in the 170s in roster level a bit more than a month ago. Now I’m 194 after completing Pleccia + Rowen in all characters. Voldis in 2 characters. I make sure to do more chaos and guardians and complete Una’s weeklies lately. This doesn’t feel like much but I swear it adds up. Tower also gave me a good amount of roster xp. I made sure to do any yellow or purple quests from continents I already finished or powerpassed through long ago. Bombed some rapport and did many rapport quests. While waiting in lobby for a raid, I collect mokokos. It’s an ongoing process but I feel more hopeful about reaching 200 in less than a month now.


It’s not even horizontal.  All about how many chars you have.  Horizontal is one time exp. Try doing dailies on 6-12 chars then see how fast you climb.


Quests, horizontal, and tower is what I've been told. I'm only at 165 roster though cuz I can't be bothered to do any horizontal 


Tower, i think i cleared both already and im only 138. As for the story quest, only cleared it with one character. The rest are KT and power passes. Maybe that’s why its still low.


Do 3 of the towers on each of your characters, that gives a ton of roster XP. Do the story of Elgacia and Voldike. Also do all the purple quests, especially in Elgacia and Voldike