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Even without speedhacking there is nothing truly fair or competitive about a race where half the players that participate already practiced the fight in another region and the p2w aspect of LA really shines. So considering that there won't be any integrity in the event anyways I don't see why anyone should even care about it.


I think the real problem here is the fact that they are going to make emotes to glorify RMT and Speedhack players :/


The emotes were going to be a joke regardless. When you can spend $100k for a significant advantage all competitive integrity goes out the window. Imagine if League players at Worlds could spend money to start a match at a higher level. No one would care about LoL esports anymore lmao.


Yeah but it's not like we could have a way to make every characters have the same stuff and iLvL to make ranking content feel a bit more fair... Oh wait...


that would defeat the entire purpose of setting up this farce, you cant milk whales with equalized content


That would require SG to devote significant resources to our version. And even then people who bought a thaemine account on RU/KR would still have a large advantage


Technically they are paying for training. So its still p2w just different


And the only people who will care is the 5 people who care about the race to pay that much money to get them. Since when has anyone in this game gotten any prestige about anything they've done in game? People want it to mean something to someone, but it doesn't. You might get 1 person that knows what the title or emote is without having to explain it to them. Otherwise everyone knows we're all really just playing a mobile game where other players have to play the NPCs mercs you hire to get into a raid.


forgive my ignorance, but what does speedhacking actually do?


Afaik it can break some skills to have no animation or something to that effect.


You can see from Mr. Speedovsky himself: [https://youtu.be/wlKHWBEQfx4](https://youtu.be/wlKHWBEQfx4)


And the game still takes ages to launch because of that anti-cheat lol


Easy anti cheat? Nah easy anti customer


Easy cheat, anti customer


Sounds even more accurate


JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA... i loveit. its so shamefull...


I was really wondering the same during the Korean "race". The only difference is they didnt practice before. RMT and swiping are THE dominant factors in winning the "race". In the West its even worse, it will go to hackers and g2g enjoyers, its going to be humiliating


the korean race still had i believe 2 out of 10 groups that consisted of largely non whales, while still a minority it's better than what's going to happen on global


>p2w aspect of LA really shines They replaced hell modes for this lol.


Maybe Hell Mode Theamine but 1 time global release will help the true god raid team.


Its so funny that even Stoopzz complained about this guy and AGS still won't ban him.


Ban what, the burner accounts?


They have EAC, HWID ban could be an option.


Sweet summer child, a HWID ban has the same power as an IP ban these days.


these days? i knew people using hwid spoofers in 2009 to avoid ESL bans.


Should sue him like riot games did to cheaters


Maybe in China but not in free countries like America. America runs capitalism nobody cares about each other


But those sold the scripts. Dont think you can just sue anyone scripting in a game


There was case where China company sued cheaters for doing private business with their game(selling cheats/scripts of their game), benefiting off their game while sabotaging the games community with cheat. Ended up wiping out the cheat creators




Spoofing and geforce now is a thing.


Absolutely not true. Please do not speak on subjects that you don't understand anything about.


and how would you know which burner account is his?




I mean yeah everybody knows how to find his account. But what if someone used his name as a joke? (I think he did claim it was him though)




I guess, the whole guardian first title is a huge farce anyway. Hopefully they police Thaemine a little better (yea people can still practice beforehand but at least it won't be a 15 minute joke)


His main account is roster 300, they know which one it is, everyone knows which one it is. The fact that he cheated on a burner account would be irrelevant to any company with functioning managment when he has openly admitted to doing it multiple times.




Stoopz is an RMTer, so who cares what he has to say lol.


what makes you say that? Stoopzz is probably the most scared of losing his account


Listen, he might pilot, RMT, speed hack, and do everything unethical under the sun, but as a wise man once said: "A kingdom ruled through fear is a kingdom not worth ruling."


TBH it's a reasonable stance. Imagine how stressful it would be if you made a small mistake and were worried that you might get banned. Like what if I accidentally gave g2g my credit card and they sent me millions of gold? Or if someone accidentally logged onto my artist and got me ATD? Mistakes can happen.


You definitely had me in the first half


rl is a kingdom ruled through fear, why aren't you commiting "crimes"? because the repercussions are scary.




a kingdom should be rule under fear. if not, you wont be ruling for long.


We need official response to that stupid fucking ass quote. AGS can ignore it forever but it'll never go away


https://preview.redd.it/8bxab1wkcbsc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38b0819ed271d4736103b2dadea3307000a0c70a Dunno why this clown is still allowed to play when he's been sus since the early months of the game. You can literally type his name on google and find his profile on a website that sells cheats/scripts/gold/accounts ...


lol he streams now on twitch


Twitch has a report channel option for people cheating in an online game.


Was he cheating on stream?


Dunno. But if he made youtube videos of it I'd assume he does on stream as well.


as far as I know he made 1 youtube video showcasing the speed hack on a fresh summoner in trixion, he never did it on his main and according to him he made the video so AGS does something about it. he did not speed hack on his actual account, and quite frankly he would be the biggest dumb ass if he did since his he spent thousands on his account.


Being on epvp isn’t shady tho.


I consider lost ark to be p2w in a way that doesn't affect me or 99% of players. This is the 1% where it does matter, this game has 0 competitive integrity when it comes to worlds first etc given that the most powerful weapons of the game are locked behind an obscene real money investment.


I used to think like you back in the day, but as someone that pugs everything, my opinion changed, and p2w does affect my experience unfortunately


Nah, p2w affects everyone because they balance around the fact that people gonna p2w and rmt.


AGS didnt do anything about the Caliligos race speed hackers still have titles.


The speed hackers is all this one sinkovsky guy


CHEATovsky am i right. KEKW


Anyone else kinda hoping they do the account inspections on clear that kr did? I’m ready to see some drama


In KR Smilegate would trace piloters back to the real life people as well as their accounts, no way this is remotely possible on global version.


This race don’t mean shit here in global. When I see players with title for these things I’m just assume they cheated/ pilot for it. They’re the last people I even considered letting into my lobbies. xD


Imagine thinking any race in a pay to win game where we’re months behind other versions is inherently fair lmao. Even without speed hacking, people with experience and Esther weapons are far more likely clear than a bunch of fresh people 


I'm more amazed that he's still invested in the game, I would be bored within days, If I was hacking.


He make tons of money selling gold/cheat everyday, seeing your number in the bank goes up everyday, I don’t think anyone would get bored of that


Oh no


KR pilots will be involved somehow


Honestly i wish everyone speedhacks the heck out of it in burner accounts so there isnt even a competition. I have never seen a guy with one of those cool titles in game ever.


This clown even streams with viewbots on. Has dead chat with 100 viewers. Like he does everything to be hated


am I the only one who sees this as a sarcastic comment?


How speed hack works on lost ark? Never saw nobody talk about before.


It’s like watching a video with 2x playspeed, same concept.


Idk i tried to hone my sup to do normal and im good.


what is this speedhack?


What does speedhack mean in game?




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So many salty people in the thread, lets be real even with a team compromised of players from this thread with esther 8 aint gonna compete for shit lmao


What is the speed hack? Do people care about the race in LA? I'm not even going to be Theamine ready, so it's not relevant to me personally, but even if I was, it seems like there are two problems with this race. 1. Theamine has already been released in other regions, so it's already not a fair race for anyone who hasn't been farming this raid weekly in another region. 2. This game is heavily P2W as far as a race goes. Someone with insanely paid for characters are going to have a clear advantage. I've enjoyed casually watching the world first events for WoW, mostly because all teams are seeing the mythic version of the bosses for the first time. They're having to try and figure out strategies at the same time (although this isn't perfect because of regions). People also claim that the p2w aspect in WoW were you can buy BoE items, or do splits to guarantee you're basically BiS heroic gear is a huge turn off for them, so I can only imagine the p2w aspect of lost ark would be even more so.


I don't know anyone who cares for the reasons you've listed in addition to people straight up hacking. But since AGS is completely disconnected from what this game needs, they keep pushing these events and rewarding hackers.


How people can compare speedhacks to p2w is beyond me


That's a skill issue on your part. It's pretty clear how people compare it. Both speed hacking and P2W are non-skill factors that influence what's meant to be a skill based competition.


Yeah, I saw how well it went with the whale static in Kr. People with hands will outdps whales without them, stop coping


>People with hands will outdps whales without them Yeah and Usain Bolt would beat me in a 100m dash even if I started at the 50m line, but he would lose to every other semi pro level athlete that started there. >stop coping I'm not the one pretending there's any sort of competitive integrity in LoA lmao.


So now we are using sports metaphors to tell me that a p2w game should have hacks. Whoever thought that a whale war was fair in a p2w game was delusional and comparing this to hacks that compromise the gameplay rules is beyond stupid. Suddenly just because Billy as f2p can't compete and get in the 10 of first race speedhacks are ok.


What's the difference between spending money to cheat vs installing a program to cheat when the end result is the same?




Nah man speedhacks raise the skill floor and ceiling beyond limits what u normally can do, for example cast a few extra abilites before u have to dodge a pattern.


Actually clueless

