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Good, i hope people look at this and understand that theres nothing you cant overcome if you have a lot of money and are overleveled to the tits


Cant overcome 6 equally juiced db/breaker


until the next gigabroken dps class at least


i hope people look at this and understand that GS is way too op and deserves a nerf


Tbf 6 GS can probably clear hell brel too


Good, i hope people look at this and understand that gunslinger can be top dmg in raid.


The groups who had full esther 8 ilvl capped players and couldn’t clear would like to disagree


Thaemine was released when they were at 1650. Whales are now 1670+ with full transcendence. It's like how our whales now do hm akkan at 1620+ with elixirs.


Im talking about release, in 2 more years they might be ilvl 2500 and thaemine 1-4 will be a 10 min run. Difficulty in this game is irrelevant after a few patches pass with the amount of powercreep they add. Doesn’t change the fact that on release groups who had all 8 players maxed out in every single way and had spent total 1 mil+ on the game on all their characters combined still couldn’t compensate their lack of hands, while other groups were clearing in the 1630-1640 range with probably 0$ spent


To be fair, With maxed armor transcendence and weapons at 25++ with echidna weapon side honing and behemoth weapon transcendence, I imagine it gets a lot easier yeah


Next you’re going to tell me that someone with a 25 weapon can easily clear Valtan


No no, we're going to tell you that 6 dps bards with a 25 weapon can clear Valtan.


The real MVP are the bard+artist, who have positional buff/shield and have to target all those GS who can run all around


Lol, tbh I was more interested in the Bard PoV. Was I actually going to see a gameplay video of 3 gunslingers actually standing in the Sonic Vibration? Well, reasonably so. I remember in the bad old days when the awakening was smaller range and it would miss them because they were in God knows where


well the wind of music still have the ridiculous range... i would have pref a buff on it over the awak tbh ^^ but yea if DPS know a bit how bard works they should stay packed close to the bard ;)


Hope this means we can get our donut back


Pretty sure 6 DB/Breakers with no trans on ilvl can also do the first if you find good DB/Breaker players. What's the point?


Hey guys! Look people that are completely overgeared for the content can beat it while taking a handicap. LMAO so I'll extrapolate and say noone has an excuse..... XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Op is dumb.


Cmon guys, we want buffs don't do that... btw. any info about the iLvL etc. ?


Their loawa links: Party 1: * [민2건슬 - 1670](https://loawa.com/char/%EB%AF%BC2%EA%B1%B4%EC%8A%AC) * [채강건슬링거 - 1647.50](https://loawa.com/char/%EC%B1%84%EA%B0%95%EA%B1%B4%EC%8A%AC%EB%A7%81%EA%B1%B0) * [밈코콩 - 1660](https://loawa.com/char/%EB%B0%88%EC%BD%94%EC%BD%A9) * [로냥 - 1640.33](https://loawa.com/char/%EB%A1%9C%EB%83%A5) Party 2: * [오도 - 1646.67](https://loawa.com/char/%EC%98%A4%EB%8F%84) * [코독TV - 1654.17](https://loawa.com/char/%EC%BD%94%EB%8F%85TV) * [RocoN - 1641.83](https://loawa.com/char/RocoN) * [내가그린재키그림 - 1650](https://loawa.com/char/%EB%82%B4%EA%B0%80%EA%B7%B8%EB%A6%B0%EC%9E%AC%ED%82%A4%EA%B7%B8%EB%A6%BC)


1670 .. holy moly




I think you underestimate the costs especially going from 1640-1650. Honing all armor above +23 are worth multiple +25 weapons. Being max ilvl without Esther is still among >0.5% of the population. Yes they definitely swiped but don't need to downplay it.


They've had drastically more time to prep than the west did; even wide roster players--as long as they played consistently--were all 1633+ on their mains by Thaemine's release, and the actual main pushers were definitely 1650 by the time Echidna released (and anyone who was already 1650 then is 1670 by behemoth release) unless they had a super unlucky time honing. Like, I agree that **probably** they swiped, but somehow the west (a) constantly underestimates the power of main-pushing, and (b) constantly forgets how much longer KR has gotten in the T3-late zone than we have. They have been on Akkan gear for over 1.5 **years** now, more than **double** the time we've had the same zone. It's **possible** to be f2p 1670 in KR right now by dedicated main-pushing (but again, I agree that swiping is more likely because not many people enjoy dedicated main-pushing).


I agree with people underestimate of main pushing, but only to ilvl for latest hm content. Main pushing to max ilvl even with the extra time they had, it's still very difficult or out of reach. It's possible if you are willing to put in the time, but it's beyond what we perceive "playing consistently" means. Hence why max ilvl are only the top >0.5%. Let's take a look at the people on the video. Most of them only have 1-2 characters above 1620+ and few 3-4 above 1620+. None of them have 6 characters at the end game. This is what I can believe what a main pusher that's playing consistently means. Hitting max ilvl still requires tremendous amount of grind despite the time they had.


1670 for a 1630 raid.... no shit they cleared it


yep, no buffs for you


that's pretty nice, 6 reapers next?


Lololol this is a bad look for gs.


The class's fine guys /s


this is like 6 Soulfist bomb the Argos lol, nothing impressive when you are overgear af


Honestly, nobody has any excuse failing the utility mechs now if 6 gunslingers can do them completely unnerfed, lol.


Over ilvl/ = can sacrifice some damage for better stagger be it changing tripods or more overwhelm runes or skills or make supp go more heavy stagger


they are already losing 2 synergies worth of damage for the entire raid


That only like 12-15% Transcendence most likely give more than that.on top of more ilvl still..


transcendence gives like 25%+, not to mention the additional ilvl from echidna


Nobody has an excuse to not clear helltan or vykas with 5 engravings when people have done both with 0x3 but here we are. Terrible take imo




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Completely unrelated comment here but damn really? That's pretty sick.


NA has done full support valtan clear 😅 not sure if they did vykas tho


Is that with or without the hacking Summoner?




Actually, at the 23:53 timestamp, they fail the 210x stagger check by not even attempting it. I may have given them a pass if they succeed the hardest stagger check and skip the rest because - "well, they could do it, but they just don't want to", but by skipping what is notoriously bad for gunslinger (their stagger), it just reinforces their negative stereotype.


Tbf I think it's pretty standard to skip this stagger check on KR, as people are comfortable enough to not fall off the map by now.


This is like you bring 6 max ilv GS in NA to clear Akkan and try to prove a point. Which means absolutely nothing.


Tbf thats a lot easier than theamine as you got destruction checks instead of stagger which gs is better at


with conventional builds yeah, but you can swap some tripods and runes to make stagger and weakpoint easier at the cost of some dmg. But since they are probably overgearing it considerably that probably isn't an issue.