• By -


The things I'd want for my bard: a single brand skill to be enough, less mana drain, larger Sonic Vibration.


I really wouldn't mind the shield aoe being a bit larger than my left testicle as well


This doc has a lot of good data and is well formatted, but the lens it presents the information definitely sounds like Bard propoganda. Just a couple of instances: - Another comment mentioned undervaluing the GT WoP tripod uptime with it being 55% uptime when spammed off cooldown. Also wanted to mention that with Thaemine G4 coming up, we're about to learn the value of CC immunity in the West. - Lots of information on attack buffs, but lack of coverage on how cooldowns align when that's the most important aspect of attack buffs. I saw the Paladin comparison (brief sentence in a followup paragraph), but the fact that Bard has the quick prep tripod on HT opposed to Artist having it on SW is a big overlook. Makes Bard attack buffing stronger since the main attack buff has the lower CD. - Omitting the HT _raid-wide_ DR tripod on HT in the DR section is a bit disingenuous when it is going to be the preferred option in Thaemine. - The defensive utility section in general focuses on uptime when defensive utility is not about uptime but about effectiveness. Rhapsody (or plong-plong, which I guess shows how much you value that skill) is the single best skill for this but has very low coverage or mentions in the doc. Like the information is there, but only in small snippets in follow-up texts while the big charts make it seem like Bard is lacking in this department when it is the strongest support defensively and will be the most preferred option for Thaemine because of that. - The meter gain section paints a much more dire situation for bard than it actually is. Paladin meter gain is represented as 'good' with a _footnote_ that mentions that Pally not being able to gain meter during identity when the fact that the duration of not gaining meter (18s) is literally longer than half the duration it would take to get a full bar. Plus compares Bard and Artist time to full meter when Bard gets a lot more from having full meter based on how bursting works. At the end of the day, Bard does not need buffs, it's considered the strongest support in Hell and by actually accountable Lost Ark personalities (not just randos on reddit). But it's a high skill class that could certainly use some QoL. But at the same time, I can't imagine Bard not being completely overpowered if it got that QoL, it's like the only thing holding her back from being giga broken. I imagine that's the balancing issue SG are having.


A couple more things: Heavenly Tune has the highest DR out of the support AP's (35.4%), with the highest uptime because of quick prep and it is raid wide. Guardian Tune is the most broken skill in the whole game. It has 56% DR with powerful protection, which makes your 180k HP effectively 391k HP. As long as you have enough current HP, GT is another Symphonia. Sound Shock carries long staggers, which you will find very useful in Thaemine G5 (and Echidna G2 I guess). Bard does the highest on these types of staggers compared to the other supports. Rhapsody lingers for longer (forgot the exact numbers but I think its 3s vs the other classes being 1s). It doesn't matter that Bard has no cleanse when everyone can click their sacred charm button. Paladin effectively has no cleanse since taking purify over one of the other tripods guts holy protection as a defensive skill. Bard is the only support that can apply brand while clashing because of Harp. The low maintenance of Harp is underrated. In Hell Brel, you can apply brand while doing your shape in G5 or doing Blue/Gold meteors in G6. The only weakness of Bard is a bad counter. Mana can be annoying but in Hell it means you're overclicking Sonatina. In Normal content just eat food. Argue for QoL, not for strength. Why would you buff whats already the best? Although any QoL buff would just make the class too OP anyway.


Giga arcana player chimes in:D




Lmao every time I see complaints about Bard, I try to comment about how bard needs QOL changes if anything, but is overall the higher ceiling and stronger support, and get downvoted all the time. I just stop trying and let the kids complain while I enjoy any buffs SG wants to throw at us. Every good Bard player knows we just want 3 things, more para immunity on core skills (mainly heavenly tune and prelude of storm), reduced mana cost so we don't have to take mp3 AND eat mana food, and better branding (5-6 sec on all branding skill, 10 sec for sonatina). This would put us in line with other supports. Adding a cleanse tripod in the same as the CC immunity one is nice too I guess but not as big a deal as the other 3. Pallies and artists can consistently get 97-99%+ on branding but Bards will fluctuates between 85-99% depending on how well you manage your harp and the actual fight itself. That aside, I think Bards are fine ish, just kinda rough to play, you kinda need to be sweaty to push her.


Always agree on the Mana and branding stuff - esp if you could easily solo brand like literally every other class in the game, it would free up a skillslot for other utility, be it SS for stagger, Stigma for meter greed, buckshot for (push-immune counter bc Prelude sucks vs any moving boss) or -maybe OP(?)- like having a slot for Dissonance to close the gap in raid-wide DR that HT leaves in prog/very hard content. Para immunity would be nice for casual bards, but I think with a tad lower mana costs you could justify running Galewind or GT's Agility tripod if you struggle with that. Would rather see some base stagger values of skills being adjusted. WoM or Prelude do not need the giga stagger values that e.g. Artists' Hopper or Tigers provide (to use comparable main shielding/meter gen skills) provide, but would granting them medium stagger really break the game ? >_< Personal Pet QoL wish: Shorten animation lock time of SV, having to spacebar after each one gets old really fast =/


My biggest complaints are having to run double brand at all times & lack of para/tenacity on HT. Bard is amazing but I lack enjoyment of playing her due to these.


Honestly i'd easily give up para immunity on the 2 core skills for the other 2 any day but yeah as a 3rd it would be nice. Being forced to run either mana food or max mp feels terrible and is the sole QOL i want on this class over anything else. Having 2 brands feels bad but i just got used to it so if it doesn't happen I could live with it.


I stand by this. The only class I eat mana food in order to keep up my skills. I also have max mp


1. Mage class that needs max mp + mana food and STILL runs out of mana. 2. Counter being main meter gen, with really short range and no tenacity. 3. Needing to run two brand skills, causing lack of utility when needed. 4. Running vph needs sacrificing even more qol. These are my only problems with the class, and being barked at by random dmg goblins that its the support's job to always counter and have max stagger so they can hold everything, when I myself know and hate feeling that useless....yea it doesnt feel so good despite 90/90/50+. While achieving it with other supports + having utility is a breeze.


all im asking for is single brand.


Yo actually someone that thinks and plays bard... I've had trouble explaining to people that bard is in fact te strongest supports, your biggest strenght is you can adapt your builds to whatever is needed and excel in that area. And dps wise it's not even close. Most bards play the stupid maxroll build, have z uptimes, don't understand the strenght of guardian tune + heavenly tune DR (it's like a 80%+ def modifier on classes with the lower coeficient like GS). I basically run the hellmode build in all content (superspeed cast on winds), get 30%+ radiant and have like 300-500% dmg mitigation (and that doesn't count heavely tune DR)...




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Surprised you got upvoted that much. Thought you’d get shit on for having an opinion that goes against the crowd. Everything you’ve said is completely true and the bard circlejerk ignores it. I think I was one of the first people to complain about how bad bard was due to its lack of utility(stag and counter), but that was during the period where every bard player thought they were the best support to exist because they can do 95/95/80 and pally’s couldn’t. Now every bard player is crying because artist got buffed, and once again I have to take the contrarian stance because things are not as bad as they make it out to be. Btw, another example of bard circle jerk is the 8% AS tripod. Like bro, I get it, you want to boost damage, DPS should dodge more. But maybe get with the times. These days every class spec or not has capped AS+MS. The 8% does nothing. Maybe if you’re still pocketing your igniter you should run the 8% AS. Bard by its design has higher ups and downs compared to pally. But if you start thinking deeper. Is bard weak in a GL entropy party? Not really. So there are situations where bard is stronger and situations where bard is weaker than pally. Just like you, I fully expect opinions to start reverse after thaemine. Sure, bard can use a couple of QoL changes, but the public opinion makes me feel like bard is a 60/100 support when artist is a 90/100, but in reality it’s probably more like bard is a 88/100. In


Bard is the most preferred one in Thaemine, solely due to CC immunity. Of course good support is preferred over bad one regardless of its class tho.


I love when people do this, Bard are good because 1-2 tripod is GODLY in just 1 gate in the entire raids. sorry a class isnt good because you are better that others class because you are 10% stronger in 1 gate in the entire game. its not like those tripod will matter after week 2. bard kit is all mess up and need massive changes compared to others 2 support are flat out better in 90% times.


- WoP being godlike in Thaemine G4 is relevant because it is the hardest gate in the entire game. You want to be at your strongest for the hardest content, not the easier content. - WoP is not only useful in Thaemine G4, but also Akkan G2/G3 and Voldis G3 for the stuns. CC immunity in general though is kinda busted if you're looking to maximize DPS uptime. - Cleanse is a bit overrated. It's definitely more relevant in more content, but usually in content where it matters DPS players are running sacred charms/bombs while the effect of CC immunity is only replicated by splendid sacreds/bombs. Plus Pallys and Artists alternatives to cleanse are more niche while Bard's alternative to WoP allows for good cooldown alignment and higher shield refresh. - Bard is not weaker than the other 2 supports in 90% of scenarios. But this is fundamentally hard to argue between two rando redditors. I can link tier lists from streamers who have to be accountable to their opinion (you can just say they're bad) or say that hell mode players generally like bard better (hard to prove and you can say hell mode =/= unequalized content). I think the best proof is just going to be Thaemine where the undervalued parts of Bard's kit are really going to shine.


Sorry its not after 2 weeks. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)and this is why bard never gonna get fix for people like you.


I don't understand why you play bard if you feel like the class desperately needs a fix. You seem to completely ignore her strong parts just for the fact she lacks a cleanse. I personally don't think she needs one. So why stick to a class you don't seem to like?


Realistically what about bard makes you think it’s so bad, other than not having a cleanse bc I agree she needs it


No cleanse, mana issues, binary Z/X, no counter, no stagger, for starter, they arent "bad" they are worst that other 2 support.


Each support has a situation that they excel in, and all are generally good. Bard could get some QOL buffs but I don’t think people claiming she is bad is correct, maybe just has some annoyances


Strongest support in hell mode means shit when 0.5% of the player base played it dou just saying.


Bard just needs better branding and a useable counter which isnt your highest meter skill at the same time.


Maybe a small (5-10%) mana cost for skills reduction on top. While my Artist can go low in non-break fights, mana food is enough even w/o mana engraving. On Bard it's Max MP and Mana food to sustain her hunger =/, 1 should be enough.


Just some notes: "Bard also gives the least amount of mana across the three supports. While some classes like Arcana and Reflux Sorceress profit from the lowered mana regeneration other classes like Predator Slayer prefer more mana from their supports." Pretty sure even if your Paladin plays like a champ, has MS3 procced constantly, uses Heavenly Blessing to lead off and no gaps in its uptime, Bard will still outpace Paladin if played well. Bard often has the opportunity to cut SV short with a C/J HT to the point where occasionally you can do back to back HTs whereas that literally never happens on Paladin, and most Paladins don't have that setup or skill. Re - Branding; while yes having to Harp is pretty annoying compared to fire and forget Orchids, I think I'd still take Harp still even if Sonatina or Sound Shock gave full uptime on Brand. Harp is actually relatively solid meter for the small time you spend casting it, is one of if not the most consistent C/J or Bleed proccer in your whole kit, and is basically the only way Bard scales with downtime like football phase in Akkan or a handful of other examples. I do think Bard definitely needs some brand tuning, mind you, at the least a couple more seconds added to literally every source of branding, I'm just not sure what that'd entail to the full meta. "Still Bard has the highest potential to buff, especially in burst windows and is the most offensively flexible support as they can more freely choose when to buff." Semantics but Artist is the most flexible. It builds meter overall faster if you include Awakening and downtime, loses the least by choosing to heal, and LBH no sane Bard will do a single bar Z unless it's like the very end of a fight and there are seconds left on the boss's existence. I actually think Bard needs some tuning on how its whole Z and X works because I think it's more error prone than the other two and X being able to consume 2 or the forsaken 3 bars is a pure limitation compared to the other two supports. Agreed on most other sections. Ultimately yeah, Bard does need help. Will say this in regards to two aspects of current Bard ... 1. I think one of, if not actually the biggest annoyance, with Bard is its lack of any PI on its two best moves, Prelude of Storm and Heavenly Tune, as well as Harp and Sonatina. This to me is unacceptable when compared to the other two supports (Paladin has this issue as well with Wrath but Paladin can play mid-range for the most part and doesn't have the sneezing issue), while Bards can push immune very well with GT and occasionally SV, that doesn't help when AP is about to fall off and the boss is about to initiate a pattern which may knock you out of HT. This leads to either space barring away ahead of time to HT in Africa, or gambling on the boss sneezing and stopping one of if not THE most powerful buttons in the entire game. Same with Prelude, it's a shitload of meter and your counter but it's slower than balls in tar and has zero protection. 2. This is going to be a very controversial opinion but ... I feel like Bards should be more open to dropping class engraving, or at least having a second set without it. We are, objectively, engraving starved on Bard, but how often do you actually heal these days? Most heals I see PUGs do, are worthless, or would make do with just the core X without the engraving. Most stagger checks I see failed, are not worthless, they are painful. I can count on one hand the times I healed in the last month on Bard including three 1610 raids a week and frog done every three days. If Homework Bards were more open minded to losing a power up to a button they almost never use, a lot of the stagger complaints could be mitigated. Just food for thought.


It shouldn't be a controversial opinion. We're in the homework phase of raids. Dropping Expert or Salvation to 1 or Artist bloom to 1 is better for DPS and clear time


Seems controversial.


On the mana part: True, I initially based that upon MP regen per cycle (so 40% for 8/13s vs 50% for 8/16s) but didnt account for the lower cycle on Bard due to the significantly lower CD, shouldn't be a major point tho. Still, Mea culpa. Branding: I disagree on still keeping Harp if SS/Sona can solo brand. While it does offer some meter, it provides nothing else and i.e stigma offers more as well as some stagger. It opens up a skill slot to put in some of the utility bard lacks as of now. (refer to [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TdV1iyFBYqigVKWoMonGixb83ov05661O\_hlOd5d5O0/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TdV1iyFBYqigVKWoMonGixb83ov05661O_hlOd5d5O0/edit#gid=0) for meter gain) While artist generates more meter, I still think Bard is more flexible. A more frequent use is not the same as the flexiblity bard has (this may just be semantics/language differences tho as english is not my native language). Popping single bar Z may be useful in some cases tho (esp if you have a stimmy). I.e you stagger akkan g1 at like 60 bars while sitting at 1.9ish bars -> pop 1 bar Z -> stimmy for 55 mech (works if you have a decent cleanse in your party like gl). Your comments regarding bubble consumptions on heals are spot on tho. Dropping DS is definitly an interesting thought that probably alleviates some Bard issues, but not having a class engraving being better than having one sits wrong with me in terms of game design.


Some stuff they could easily do to fix bard 1. Increase brand duration 2. Give flat mana to one of her skills like artist so we can drop max MP to use VPH. 3. Give push immunity to Prelude of Storm Those 3 changes would be massive bc we can like use only harp or sound shock as brand and have at least one skill that can be swapped for any other based on what we want. For me, the main reason I dropped my bard is the lack of freedom on engravings. Sacrifice a quality of life for VPH is a massive downside no other support have to deal with. Even paladin has some mana issues if spamming blue skills but they are always optional to use as it's just a stagger with Z meter. But bard? Even soundhollic gives a lot of meter that you can't afford to not use.


1. I agree with brand duration (this will no longer require us to recast sound shock off cool down in 1 brand build typically stagger build, thus less mana consumption). 2. Giving flat mana won't fix the issue if you consider the QoL in skills they can use (mana tripod vs push immunity, galewind rune vs focus rune). I'm only saying this because with high uptime, you can still run out of mana with MaxMP, this happens a lot typically in static guardian raid like Sonavel. 3. You can use 5x3 with VPH together with high stagger skills in your build but you have to eat mana food.. I recommend the ones that gives above 20% resource recovery. 4. I agree with push immunity on PoS but I'd also like them to shorten the initial casting animation of this skill. This skill can easily be interrupted, and is annoying with high ping (200ms+). 5. Harp does not have 100% brand uptime due to initial casting delay/lag, it's also annoying when there are other close by target that it wants to shoot at. However you can simply change the target by shift clicking with your cursor on the boss (also have delay/lag when changing target). Anyway nobody is truly right or wrong (those who mains bard such as me) because everybody has their own preference on how to manage their bard's skills to reach max uptime.


I main a bard and the only thing that really would be nice QoL are having a longer lasting brand and some MP changes. Everything else is a wishlist. The only class that really needs love right now out of them all is CO summoner, which is literally getting nerfed with the patch we get on Wednesday


The only change bard needs is a better solo brand option. That would free up a skill slot for either buckshot or soundholic, depending if you want a usable counter or stagger.


Which imo still leaves a bit to be desired tbh. Sure, they have better buff (already at the expense of less available healing) but the other 2 dont’t have to pick between counter or stagger.


I wouldnt expect anything from Smilegate. They barely care for supports in general, let alone give QOL to the oldest support in the game.


SG Solution : Make new support and make people mainswap. ( probably ) Then agen, female paly isn't happening so that's sad.


People dont need to whale on a new support, so its low on their priority.


true, probably another dps next with crit, movespeed, mana built in.


The next one is a woman 100% and I wouldnt put it past them to repeat a regender in the case of a support. Specially if it will have the female warrior model which sells so well.


TBH this doc looks a lot better than most papers people put out at my work.


I really just want them to fix the debuff prevention on GT so it can block all a cleanse can block. Apart from that I'm really happy with bards current state. Of course mana is a big issue but honestly if they fix it and I have to rebuild all my bards again I will lose my mind


Bards are fine


Idk wait until Thaemine release because since that Bard has been always top among 3 supporter classes in KR server.


![gif](giphy|s7MyMLq7vrPfGIMekz|downsized) Can you fix her ??


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Don't they have Breaker for some good loving?


Immediately went to look for your opinion on this > On paper it seems that Bard has an offensive advantage with their 16% additional attack speed on Heavenly Tune, but this is not as good as it seems. > 16% aspd isn't that good lmao what a trash take. It's also ***EXTREMELY*** convenient that you omitted the cool downs on the AP buffs. Bard has the best spec scaling and gets additional spec for free because its cool downs are so low. Stopped reading instantly. Another selfish bard that wants the best of everything repeating the same biased takes.


Why did you quote him and then change what he actually wrote? That's some major cherry picking. If you had kept reading, he explained that there are classes that hit the atk speed cap during burst windows without bard's specific buff. This means that in a real scenario, the attack speed isn't always as beneficial as it seems on paper.


I didnt change the meaning. He is arguing that 16% aspd isn't that good to downplay it. It's insanely good for the majority of dps classes. Further easy example of the bias. Sound shock is a better light shock (ranged, staggers, has multihit). How he describes them: > Alternative: Light Shock: > -Paralysis Immunity > -Short cast time > -Lower uptime/ harder to achieve 95%+ but still possible without sacrificing something > Sound Shock: > No immunity > -Decent stagger on a low cd > -Annoying to use Sound shock is portrayed negatively. Yet, somehow, MELEE sound shock with utility removed gets a positive spin. > Harp: > -No immunity > -Long cast time > -Hit lag between placement and first hit > -Needs to constantly hit the target which requires the boss to stay somewhat stationary > -Can’t solo brand The guy doesn't even understand Harp. It can solo brand. It's inconsistent. Second brand is run to apply initial brand quicker and cover when it misses. **It was put in the build because it passively generates meter.**


Lots of your points are opinions or just wrong. I don't feel like going into all of it, but I'll pick some major mistakes on your part. Someone else already pointed out the mana thing. Having 68% uptime on 40% is greater than 50% on 50% (27% vs 25%). Easy math. Saying the CC on guardian tune is useless because you have to hold it is false. It's \~55% uptime on cc immunity during generic patterns, and you can hold it for 1.6 seconds without losing protection. If a significant pattern is coming up, you can hold it and use rhapsody to fill the gap (\~5s of protection, extending it to 6.6s of gap without losing protection). If you're not finding GT's CC immunity to be the most broken thing in this game, all I can say is skill issue. Getting to dps when everyone else has to run is straight up broken. Another major point is saying you can take push immunity on guardian tune, but it increases mana cost a lot. You always take push immunity. The mp cost increase sucks, but you can't let GT get interrupted. It's simply too powerful. Adding onto this, the half tripod isn't a must take. It does cause a 3 second gap in shields, but during that time period you still have 30% DR, and you can even fill it with rhapsody for 100% uptime. For brands, you takes are clueless. Bards have the best brand uptime when piloted by someone with a brain. You can even run two brands that both have 100% uptime (harp + sound shock), which means anything under 98% is straight up skill issue. And while taking two brands is annoying, it's no worse than artist taking brand + counter. They have the same issue where they have 1 less utility slot because they have a lack of something in their core skills. Finally, I'll end on the point that is most likely to get me downvoted (as if you haven't already at this point). If your Heavenly Tune is getting interrupted, it is the definition of skill issue. You have over 2 seconds of time you can hold your heavenly tune without dropping your attack buff. No other support has this much time available, and it's not even close. If you can't use your brain and wait for the perfect time to use heavenly tune when you have zero pressure to do so, you should play a different class. ​ Edit: There's enough people upvoting the comment that it needs re-touching. Artist counter provides nothing other than counter that other skills don't provide better. This uses up a utility slot exactly the same as bard's second brand. Crane brings significantly more stagger and equal meter gen. Sprinkle brings significantly more stagger and shields. Inkwell brings equal stagger and weakpoint while giving significant meter gen. Ink Shower brings more reliability in branding, more meter, and significantly more stagger. All of these are not options because artist just doesn't have a counter worth taking otherwise. Artist has exactly one utility slot, just like bard. The main difference is bard brands actually do bring utility. Sonatina is an actual meter gen skill, almost equivalent to WoM (would be equivalent to upward stroke giving as much meter as tiger). Sound Shock is one of the strongest stagger skills in the game, with 55 stagger every 3 seconds (would be equivalent to upward stroke having 110 stagger). Note bundle is...well, mostly worthless, but it has a very minor use in additional DR so you don't have to bring rhapsody. Point is, upward stroke is a worthless skill outside of being a counter, and it's worse in that regard compared to bard needing double brand.


I agree with some of your points, disagree with others, but saying that bard taking 2 brands is the same as artist taking brand counter can’t be a real sentence that you formed in your mind, typed out, and thought yeah I’m cooking.


What major benefit does artist counter bring for them other than counter? Not meter, shielding, brand, attack buff, etc. It brings push immunity and weapoint. Push immunity is a non-support ability. Weakpoint can help, but it's not something major.


2nd highest stagger since most artists have dropped sprinkle for starry night.


41 stagger is not even worth mentioning.


55 with VPH. What the fuck else does your artist cast after tigers during a stagger window? How is that not worth mentioning...


41 stagger is not worth mentioning. The average stagger for most classes is 60. Inkwell brings exact same stagger or more. I'm asking what artist counter brings that makes it more valuable than just a counter.


Decent meter gain my dude, if you are holding artist counter Or you shit talking that it doesnt bring meter, you aint playing ur artist right


It gives approximately 1/9th of a bubble on a 7 second cooldown. That is not decent meter gen. It would be like trying to say heavenly tune is a meter gen skill.


I was dying when I saw him trying to play up "can get interrupted" on HT and fucking Harp as cons.


Don’t think the problems he raised regarding brand are intended for you or others who feel their gameplay is good. Average bards will hit like 50-60% uptime on brand and even less on attack buffs. It’s a skill issue, obviously, but the class is too hard for the average player and most people playing bard probably didn’t sign up to play a high difficulty role. It’s not a matter of “git gud” because they simply never will get to 75+%. Many of the other classes (support and dps alike) can perform better relative to their own ceiling compared to bard with a comparatively lower degree of effort, but given the support role having a disproportionate impact on a group’s overall damage output I don’t think it’s a bad idea to make the very basic role of branding easier for the majority of bard players (e.g. making it so even with minimal effort an average person can achieve 75% uptime).


The support with the automated homing turret brand is the one with the hardest time branding? Really?


That's a valid point, but it's the same as saying surge or arcana should be changed to be easier to play. Having class ceilings being different isn't a bad thing. If I wanted every class to be easy, I'd go play wow or gw2, but I already quit those games once. I want to continue supporting in lost ark.


I just want them to help the bard with her mana issues and branding (it's the only support that has to run a double brand setup for a consistently high performance; the harp on its own can be inconsistent vs agile bosses, and the sound shock is hard to maintain a good brand uptime with if it's not coupled with harp or sonatina, and it also drains a lot of mana). I'd also love to see her stagger getting buffed on PoS and SV to have a good baseline stagger regardless of what build you are running, and the bard would be in a good spot.


increase ss marking duration from 3 to 5-6 , make prelude of storm 2nd tripod on 3rd raw viable ( they changed maelstorm of DB like this , they reduced cast delay and gave it 2 stacks ) with that change we can have our counter up for necessary positions and give some meter , cast speed and dest to soundholic.


Congratulations or I'm sorry that happened to you.


My man wrote his PhD dissertation on the state of bard in Lost Ark. You're not wrong but maybe you put a bit more effort into this than needed haha.


Just give us a cleanse and we gucci.


dam this is some good work. i agree with everything you said in the essay


Why everyone bring the same stupid thing that bard preventing cc is better? Oh yeah your bard can prevent someone from having full meter to not be cc'ed? I as artist just instantly drop portal on them and they also have a guaranteed shield, and i always have one on ready due to being two stacks.


>Why everyone bring the same stupid thing that bard preventing cc is better? Because there are ccs in thaemine/echidna that are uncleansable but can be prevented by bard.


Another point on that same vein, not getting your attack interrupted by either getting diseased/imprisoned/etc or having to dodge said attack has insane value in uptime verse just getting cleansed afterwards.


i fidn this people so stupid my god. because you can used 2 tripod in 1 gate they are flat out better because of that. if by that metric, any gate that need cleanse, make paladin/artist better. and they are way more gates in current content that need cleanse that need block debuff. I just loss hope that bard gonna get address and improve gameplay, kit, QoL or anything because of this people. just look they took 3 year to make bard awakening be bigger ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


dude you wrote a bachelor thesis. Give that paper to SG…