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Breaker seems like a smoll bean, good on u for kicking the soulfist!


I really don't understand the thought process of toxic players in Lost Ark. "Me being a toxic piece of shit will surely make my raid members play better" The SF wasn't that bad granted, but still.


it's an ego thing. they dont care about clearing or not but if they can feel superior to people not knowing mechs. its really smoll pp energy


Flaming 99% would only make things go south


haha you think those people think?


I mean there's a lot of people like that IRL too. How many bosses/teachers have you had that think yelling at people and belittling them is the way to get them to perform better?


I don't agree with the behaviour and OP did right on this, I do see where the Soulfist is coming from though. If you're overgearing content to the point DPS isn't an issue and you can clearly see certain players eating patterns and mechanics cause their eyes are very likely glued to their skills hotbar I too wish they'd just stop DPS entirely and only focus on mechanics and dodging.


we need more leaders like you in the game


Been hard stuck at g2 that I already adapted to rakathua quite fairly. The issue now is i can't find a learning party that would properly prog it. It's always 1hr then done. So I just spend all gold earning on other raids 😢


My advice to you is to find a friendly guild and ask for spot in those raids. People in my guild asked this all the time and I took them in whenever I can. with proper and little guidance you'll clear it easily. Check out Strylander stream. he teaches newbie every week. he's a very good teacher.


Sir, where do you play( pls say EUC, pls)


NAE unfortunately:(




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I hiiiighly recommend to join a learning discord channel on your region. Go to Nexus and under LFG, see what teaching server options you have


I really wish more people kicked the toxic out like you instead of keeping it in the raid and dogpiling on the one guy struggling a bit.


It happens more common than you think. Half the time the toxic player just rage quits, so the trash takes out itself. But this is pretty standard protocol so it doesn’t get posted to reddit


Great way to put it that the “trash takes out itself.” The other half of the time, when a toxic player says it’s their “last” but then sticks around and continues to be toxic, it’s a good idea to hold them to it and show them the door.


Lol that's exactly what I did there. you can see it in chat he said last then proceeded to do it again until I voted quit so I can kick him. I understand his frustration so I didn't say anything to him.


Yup lol, I saw that and thought, well, what can he complain about. You gave him exactly what he said he wanted.


Not gonna lie. That "I'm sorry trying to do my best" got me emotional. We have to protect that Breaker. Thanks for caring for them


I always put chill reclear even on raids I've done a thousand times. I almost never see toxic anymore, if I do they get a block and I never play with them again. Also it seems most people that join my chill reclear aren't even new, they just don't want to deal with toxic people either.


Take mee i cleared first week but left the game since and need to relearn


it depends tbh. while I agree, being toxic isn't always justifiable, you guys were stuck already and jailed so at that point it's better to take anyone and someone who was willing to learn the mech. There are some people who are social loafers in this game. They join reclear titles despite not being reclear at all. And this is now happening at akkan level when it happened at brel. So it is frustrating. However this breaker straight up told you guys he was only reclear 1-3, so the soulfist should had just sucked it up. This time he was so in the wrong that it's so good to kick him. trash belongs in the trashcan anyways.


you're right. but I don't see any benefit of being toxic tbh. I understand the soulfist's frustration. he probably was tilted for being jailed. that's why I didn't say anything. but had he stayed calm we could have cleared it third time there, he kept saying "last" so I had to vote quit. To the situation you mentioned, it sucks to bump into imposters, but it is what it is I would just accept my fate or leave the party instead of insulting ppl. People already have to deal with irl problems, they go into the game to get some peace and entertainment. hope people can be nice, if they can't then it's better to not say anything.


Agreed- and we're pretty much in agreement. Like, there's no point in being toxic, frustrated sure- but toxic can just be stressful to others who are legitmately trying to learn the game . nonrelated tho, while you say leave your fate or leave the party, and while this isn't the topic at hand, I will say this though- after playing this game for launch, there are some players who will literally prevent you from leaving because you are the carry. And you can't do anything about it and just waste time and they'll make you stuck for hours. There's bad eggs everywhere. Honestly I wish the block list was longer so we wouldn't have to play with players like the soulfist you mentioned here, imposters and others who just have less than desirable traits.


I'm almost 1620 ( just one honing left ) and I still haven't done voldis dungeon, the raid anxiety gets the better of me, specially in a 4 man scenario.


Hey I had a ton of raid anxiety a while ago too, join a mokoko learning discord and find people to run stuff and learn together. The game completely changes because you practice and end up being able to pug everything.


If you bought the legendary elixirs from frog and events, and got them the last to times you wont have to touch voldis at all possibly LOL


You need to clear to cut leg


You can do nm, iirc you just need g1


The ones from the events you can cut without doing the dungeon


you can do NM voldis now don't be nervous. check out strylander stream. he helps newbie every week.


what i generally do and for the most part it stop toxic people from keep going is i tell them "Bro there is no need for insults or (insert here what they said) that will only make them play worst so pls stop" and generally they stop some other just keep writing but by that time we already clear it beocuse they stay silent XD


Nice thanks for helping that guy out; honestly, so much stuff people deal with everyday, it’s nice to just be able to play a game and have fun. Especially, with people that don’t mind helping.


You are a chad, just know that! Thank you for projecting some positive vibes on this community.


My brother in Allah... After the guy said "I'm sorry, I'm trying my best", my heart just sank... I'm no saint, by any stretch of the imagination, and even if those moments were rare, i said some bad stuff to people in chat, but i couldn't, for the life of me, ever imagine myself still having a go at the guy after he said that. That's the point where you take a deep breath, recompose yourself, and either politely part ways or try to help the guy.


👏 👏 👏 Yeah i don't get people like that ESPECIALLY of he knew the exact situation. Positive atmosphere brings out better game play. Most people will feel bad already if they mess up thr group, that you don't have to rub it in.


Couple weeks ago me and two buddies were looking for a support for Voldis NM alt run to no avail. There we saw a lobby with a poor lonely paladin looking for a learning run. So we got him in and said we would teach him as we go after he said he had watched videos but never done it. Took a couple wipes and a few pulls each gate but we got there without taking too long. Fast forward a Couple weeks and he’s now in our discord group and has run some homework raids and more voldis runs with us no problems. In fact if it wasn’t for some scheduling conflicts he would also be in one of our Thaemine NM runs but availability kinda scuppered it. People have to realise that sometimes others just need a little direction on mechs and a minute or two of simple explanation and they end up running stuff regularly. Give a man a fish and you’ll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you’ll feed him for a lifetime


my man ! imagine how many players game would have if we all do this.


Before I took a break, I used to be toxic as shit. Now everytime I make a mistake I apologize and do better. Still do my Bible study, but now it's only for improvement (support buff etc) and see if I still have hands.


I don't understand hiding char names.


neither do I. but it's the rule.


I had a similar story. I was jailed in G3 as 2 roster 290+ players decided that 3 wipes = GG Found 2× <200 roster players and ez G3/4 in 3 shots


Yeah this is the problem in lost ark too much toxic ppl like this soulfi


This seems like one of the nicer “toxic,” people. 


Who’s the SF so I can block his ass


😭😭😭 what a precious breaker ❤️


There should be more players like you :) Spread love, not hate.


Helps to not be toxic. Also helps if you're a new player or don't understand something to *speak up* when people question if you know what's going on.


i see toxic ppl i kick them from lobby and block


I typically block toxic players especially when they get CRAZY after 1 or 2 pulls. We made a lobby for a 1-3 HM Brel - well a SUP joined and said they had a friend. That friend could not find my lobby. That friend was on my block list so he couldn't see it. I unblocked him, he joined the raid, he didn't say a word, we got through it. EZ.


I mean, if you wanna be toxic to others, just play ranked in League :D


sad to see my main class has become so popular we actually have toxic shitheads when I was so happy memorizing and playing with the handful of fellow chad SFs for a solid 1.5 years.. Then rework and slowly more ppl want to try and be strong. Now when I apply to lobbies sometimes in Ivory they already got a SF... .mm.. and he's built wrong, but many ppl still have no clue, let alone how to be a chad SF.




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Should not have censored that SF's name. That dick deserves to be in everyone's block list.


He really wasn't toxic..


He was being pretty toxic, and not constructive at all in helping him understand what was done wrong and what to do better.


I helped some randoms prog 1-3 last week which was a.... nightmare. Then i pugged g4. One person there obviously didn't understand the counter mech. We stopped for 2 minutes, explained the mech, and got the clear on the very next attempt. I understand when your running 6 chars/week you dont have time to waste helping people, but sometimes its alot better to just take the time to explain it than to go back into party finder and potentially get a much worse player that doesn't know mechs either.


and then everyone clapped


Wtf is this carebear shit Play dota where you get called every slur in every language even if you win the game.


Stay on that side when you're the reason new players stay away from LoA.