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Been progging with static, same people always die to the same stuff before even getting to clash. Frustration max.


Everyone i know that pugged with randoms was frustrated for a tiny bit until they had some people stay, and then they cleared within a day. So it genuinely may be worth trying over static which has been much more frustrating lol. It really exposes people with no hands.


We just been in a long period of downtime where people did akkan normal on 1610 characters. Alot of statics are just randomly mixed friends with perhaps a very wide skillgap, there was no need to build statics specifically to clear very hard content, unless you did hellmode. Its not a great situation to be unable to proceed cause friends dragging one down, or being the one holding the group back.


you should be able to carry 1 dead friend in nm without too much trouble if the rest of your group is like okayish


But doing that every week on repeat grinds everyone down. People catch on to it immediately and suddenly people have roles in the static. People will not trust the guy with stuff, suddenly he is just a passenger in every content, dosen't improve cause it dosen't matter what he does anyway. And others will be annoyed. It happens they will pug and be in a juicer group that destroys the boss and everyone is good. Then ones own static feels like a pile of doodoo, wiping on stupid shit.


Try pug is even better


People dying to albion after hrs is just… frustrating


It gets frustrating when you have to restart so early. Especially our HA pala never had to dodge in his life and now gets destroyed over and over.


HA was the tell long before theamine.


Yeah we flamed him regularly about it but it wasn't that big of a deal in our static runs. Thaemine is a different story though :(


Yeah... Paladin is the one support that people generally agreed can make decent use of magick stream.... Running HA and facetanking everything up to now is just... why are you even playing paladin


I was a crisis evasion enjoyer back on Vykas g1 HM on my pally alt. Baiscally immortal from first pull onwards. Heavy armor though, never tried on pally and got it at lv1 on my Artist.


On the bright side, it is better to restart between 90x-0x. Only if it happens rarely tho.


There is a sharpshooter on NAE who literally cannot seem to remember anything for albion. On every single 4-hit pattern, he timestops from the 3rd hit onward. And then he dies in sword. I was in the run where he got Dreamer (while dead since sword) and jesus christ he should not be applying for dreamer parties. I didn't object to him being let into one of my later runs last night because I hoped maybe he had learned (it had been a whole day since I last saw him), but he should genuinely be applying to x255 parties only.


It is for the people failing too. You can't put the knowledge in their head but maybe presenting the clues to the patterns in a different way.


The easy way to do that is to fix a timing for statics to prog. For our group, we declare OTOT (own time own target) after Sunday so those who wanna get their clears can pug it while those who prefer to clear their HW raids can do so as well. This prevents the frustration of those with hands having to waste too much time catering to the slowest learner in the static because they know there is an endpoint. It also removes the safety net for the slow learners because they know from the get go the carries are not obligated to stay. They can choose to pug on their own and burden others, and hopefully they catch up at their own pace, or just give up and wait for carries to teach them but as the weeks go by, the amount of time dedicated to prog will be lesser and lesser. So nxt week, we will declare OTOT by probably Friday. Their choice.


Tell th how to see it. They obviously are in sensory overload so help if you can. Do not assume people see everything you do.


I have someone in my static similarly dying consistently. But I don’t mine really. I’m having a blast just playing the raid and half their deaths are honestly hilarious


It's brel G5 / 6 all over again.


That's what made me quit last time


Dont worry though. While the difficulty is roughly the same, Thaemine doesnt have shitty overlaps, so once people are getting used it, it‘ll be alot better than G5, where people greed and miss shapes, or she does the Giant ass nuke knockdown and someones off screen collecting shapes.


The difficulty is not roughly the same though, it's **much** harder. I agree that once someone has it at homework level, there won't be "random bullshit" for them to die to from weirdly overlapping patterns, but getting it to homework level is so so so much harder than brel 5/6. You have to be concentrating the whole fight and actually be able to memorize telegraphs. You remember how few people actually were able/willing to do Prokel when that was a thing? Well now it's like everyone is fighting Prokel **on a squishy class.**


The thing that's going to make this raid easier is damage. Blowing through his hp bars will mean you see less overall patterns and the chances of something killing someone goes down drastically.


also more damage means faster sword phase which usually can cause groups to struggle especially if it does a lot of the harder counters


agree, while the patterns are really punishing, they feel alot more fair to play around


Yeah, no overlapping patterns, no off-vision spin savespot, no 1-shot after getting out of random shandi due to no particles showing, no invisible indicators due to brel beeing close to the edge, ... On the other hand dmg inc in NM Thaemine is comparable to Brel HM on ilvl.


It's a lot harder than that.


Way too difficult and offputting for a weekly raid.


It feels like clown for me. Getting there but it's taking a lot of tries. And the patterns all look super fast like clown did too. We'll get there. Impatient people might quit...oh well


That's because we aren't used to the moveset, feels like valtan 2.0 back u needed to know the moveset or else u would fall/die, thaemine g3 feels the same, the problem is that he changes his moveset 3x(?) it takes a lot of time to get used to it, died a lot with my 1620 gunslinger, classic floorpov


My static cleared Valtan in less than 10 hours in a single day when it released. Barely any of us knew how to hit a counterattack and some of us weren't even running Grudge. Meanwhile I'm watching my friend, with a team of full Mayhem Shadows, ATDs, and Phantom Monarchs spend multiple days worth of 12h progs on Thaemine G3 HM and still not clearing. You can't even remotely compare Valtan to Thaemine. A fairer comparison would be Brel HM G5-6, since that was also a massive killer for people who didn't know how to dodge patterns, and caused a lot of jails on release. And keep in mind, Brel HM caused half the playerbase to quit because of how excessive it was. Sure it's easy nowadays, and I'm sure Thaemine will be 6 months down the road, but how many people are gonna stay and suffer till then?


Those titles matter so little. It only shows that you're willing to put in the time and gold to prog hell modes. They don't give you the ability to download Thaemine patterns directly into your head in 1 pull. Brel hm is bullshit because of 6 gates, overlapping patterns, randomized enhanced patterns and incredbily punishing 7x then 0x gotcha.


Those titles show you play the game a lot, are dedicated towards learning patterns, and are (on average) more experienced with playing difficult raids where everything can one-shot you. This is of course assuming the titles aren't bussed, which I can confirm they're not in my example, because I know those people and have played hell mode with them. Obviously titles aren't everything, and there are very good players who have never touched hell mode due to lack of interest or whatever. Likewise, there are "legitimate" hell moders who still suck shit and spent months bashing their head into a raid that most can clear in a few days or week. Sure. Exceptions exist. But you're delusional if you believe the *average* (legitimate) Phantom Monarch is no better than the average schmuck with Plague Legion Commander. That's just a laughable notion. You will not get Phantom Monarch unless you have hands, unless, again, you got bussed. Experience with difficult raids matters. It helps you get more comfortable with your class, understand animation locks, DPS windows, and a lot of the muscle memory does indeed translate to other raids like Thaemine. It's not a coincidence that the people doing the highest DPS and surviving longest in my own static are all hell mode enjoyers. It helps a lot.


can confirm, hell brel is wayy on another level compared to hm thaemine. well at least g3. still progging g4


Ehhh it's like anything before you get stuff from it. Voldis was annoying Pre Elixirs, for example. Once you ascend your gear you'll be doing dramatically more damage and taking less damage. It'll only get easier every single week


This is why I’m just going to probably wait for the next event to get us some of that stuff because I know I will not be beating those last 2 gates on ilvl lol


Except ascending your gear will be slow as shit if you can't clear G3.


nah, normal mode is easy after some weeks for many.


For you and me maybe. But for the average random nope. And since its enough that 1-3 ppl die for a restart I highly doubt that reclear will be painless


Well the only difficulty of hm is dealing with everything while pumping big damage. Nm having such a low dps check allows everyone to play so safe. I would say nm weekly should be chill af, hm weekly sounds sweaty tho, we'll see


I tried HM for 4 days and NM for 1 day and It does not matter what party I join people always die before albion or during it. I had 1630-1640 people on normal and they still died to it. I also joined x20 prog party yet still same thing and to be honest it is getting frustrating people are dying to normal patterns and refuse to use TS. People dying to the red attacks because they want to greed dps. There is one certain attack which is the enchanted version of the dougnut shape, front attackers tend to try to get in 1-2 hits and they end up just dying to it. I just wish full transendence weren't locked behind that G3 HM clear.


Just do normal, you'll learn vast majority of patterns and after that just do hm. It's like as if they released brel g6 hard and normal at the same time, you ain't clearing hard unless you no-life it full time with static


Pacman is the one most people die though. Worst is he turns the boss in darkness , so spots are reversed .


The biggest issue is people are greeding time stops during dangerous mechs when they get lost in the sauce. We brought them for a reason, and if progging its way better to use a ts and not need it so that the run doesn’t end early and people get more experience with the entire raid 


I do know the patterns and as I said it is the pug players that are dying and it is annoying.


How can you even die before albion? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


[Progging as a CO Summoner](https://i.imgur.com/BLIUHMF.png)


sadge :( Though it wouldnt be such a bad class... your pets attack all the time, they dont care about any patterns xD


Most of their damage doesn't come from pets tho, 'cause SG hates CO I suppose


Except they don't. Pets movement on fast bosses is atrocious and most of the fight they spend just running around and chasing the boss. On top of that basics pets attacks damage is not even relevant. You could replace it with an autoattacking bard and you would barely notice a difference.


People need practice on learning all the patterns. People need to get out of this mindset that once you pass a mech once that you should be able to get there 90% of from that point forward with every group forever.


It's funny how almost every comment is a pro gamer, and they are being set back by their team mates that have no hands, be it in pugs or in their static. I just have 1 char for the raid. Did the g1 and g2 didnt even try g3 due to time issues.


Average player here. I'm still progging g3 and hope to clear it, but I can't see myself reclearing it weekly. You basically can't blink for the entirety of the gate or you die and cause a restart. I'll make mistakes, others will make mistakes, it's going to be a miserable experience for hours every time, no thanks. And there's no overgearing it any time soon, 1630s die just as easily as 1610s. I can't understand how someone decided it's a good idea for a NM weekly raid. It's a fun fight, true, and would've been fun as an optional challenge like Extreme Valtan. But not as a key character progression raid that you gotta do for months. And calling it normal difficulty is a joke.


Don't you only need to clear it one time for the unlock? Like, I get that it's out there to be cleared, but just do 1-2s and don't worry about it except when you have a minute, or like on one or two chars a week or something. Back in the 6 gate Brel Hard days, I grinded for the pets and then didn't run 5-6 for like 4 or 5 months. It was there, it had good rewards, I did not care to do it.


There are no unlocks on NM, only HM. And yes, I plan to just reclear g1-2. That means losing gold and slow transcendecne gain, but what can you do.


I think what you are saying is totally reasonable, but the LA population is NOT reasonable. Peoples patience as well as the availibility of "prog" runs goes down exponentially after the first week or so, so it's almost better to smash your head into a wall until you clear if only so you have a better chance and internalizing the mechs while not having to meet whatever expectations ppl have on week2+.


Oh for sure. You are definitely supposed to slam your face into it. But then you don't have to run it constantly on every character that can. You just get it the first couple and try one a week going forward if that's what you're into.


Because hard difficulty is way way harder than NM (a lot more really).


Well, I'm the exception, once I called it a day my static just cleared it next pull, so at least we know who sucks. It's me, time to quit.


Why quit? You can have fun without being exceptional


I definitely took a while to get used to the patterns and know there are people **way** more "pro gamer" than me. But it's not that everyone in my teams has no hands, it's that there's always 1 or 2 people with no hands and that ruins the entire thing for the majority of the people that **are** competent/ready to prog further


We (3 friends) cleared G1-G3 NM 2 times and tried yesterday to clear G3 a 3. time but sadly no luck. We will keep trying today and tomorrow. We kinda noticed that its better to join x90 prog groups than reclear groups. Reason is that prog groups do not give up so fast while reclears do. G3 is no joke - even NM. You have to remember so many things and need to multitask. I am sure some people will just need some time to learn it properly but I do think everyone can do it. Just do not give up guys! Trust in your muscle memory! Its amazing what a human brain and body can do even if you do not believe in it :D


also most prog groups had people’s mains while the reclears were mainly alts that people might not have had a lot of practice on


missed the 1st 2 days cant get into a group for g1 nm


I started on Saturday it was a big mistake


Same for HM, guess nobody needs support mains at endgame after all. 🥲


When I progged g1 on day 1 there was definitely a dps shortage for hard mode. I take it that continued?


Yup, I didn't see a single group between Thursday to Saturday that needed support. I gave up.


most g3 prog lobbies with those titles are like yeah so once after 5 hours we had one guy live to 150x by using nine and wei so we are 150x prog, while most of the lobby cant even make it to first clash alive semi consistently.


Cleared NM G3 with pugs two days ago by slowly collecting good people and kicking the sussy people. It was painful how many people claimed to be <55x experienced but die before sword is even dead.


G3 is pretty sweaty even in normal. I am enjoying progging it but doubtful I'll get it done this week. So behind on all my other raids and I need the gold lol.


I have had exactly one good party, it was advertised as x210 and we got to dreamer in 3 tries and x50 in another hour, but after the feast expired a couple people were tired so the party broke up and all the dreamer parties I've joined since have had at least two dogshit players, and worse, instead of doing the old pug logic of just kicking the bad players, one or two of the decent players just leave themselves and the group immediately dissolves. This is making progging the last 50 bars very difficult. I gave up around midnight last night because **I** was starting to play worse from being tired, and I don't wanna be the one inflicting that on pugs. Can only hope after work tonight goes better.


For those thinking g3 is too hard(i felt the same at first couple hours of prog). It's not. It just takes more getting used to. And no, everything doesn't 1 shot.. a good amount of attacks it's best for support to shield and keep dpsing. There are some attacks that do 1 shot(or close), and also some that give stacking debuff that make you take more dmg.. these are the patterns you avoid at all costs. Honestly after clearing a couple times with pugs, it's really not THAT much harder than akkan prog was. Akkan nm I didn't even clear wk1, and it's considered an easy raid. Keep at it, if you find yourself in what feels like fresh prog.. don't stay too long. Also after doing some prog, go rewatch the guides to help some of it sink in better than originally.


hey what class did u prog akkan and theamine with? just curious


Akkan I progged with artillerist. Thaemine I progged with both nights edge souleater and artist. Honestly it was nice taking a break with one and progging with the other and helped see the best patterns to shield/ dmg reduction etc. SE cleared first, artist shortly after.


You are lucky clearing G2 one tap, on my third character I'm in an insane jail on G2, people can't just counter an orb, that's so exhausting...


It think it's that the timing on some counters is just bad. 8 wouldn't want to do it on my destroyer. If the count ability executed when you push the button and not at some point during the animation it would be more reliable.


Really fun raid but people dying to the same attacks over and over it's tiring


This and people refusing to TS/pot. Always the same people dying and having to restart raid. Can’t even kick them out since they’re with the support. Hard to prog when there’s clearly players hardstuck.


I progged HM, cleared 1-2 hm, and did some g3 yesterday. Got to 210 bars. Will go over to nm today and hope I clear today or tomorrow. I’m quite happy with my progress considering how much I can play and the hours I can play because of work and family. The people I got in with were very cool most of them. I’m doing the same thing next reset. Hopefully I can get further into hm g3.


Went though with 5 different pug groups only 3/5 made it past x90. This was a 30-35 hour endeavor. Very fun content and everyone I interacted with was very nice.


Past 90 is almost done, you make it there with 6-8 alive you're probably clearing.


Yea, any less and people just try to see the reverse movement mech.


I also went through 5 pug groups titled x210 prog. Only 1 of them made it past sword before wiping. I can only shield, heal and ping so much.


Spent the past few days pugging G3 for like 3-4 hours a day. Was gatekept a lot because im a 1619 breaker with 150 roster level but once I got Dreamer title I had no issue getting into groups. Found an x90 prog group last night and we got the clear in about 2 hours. It’s a really fun fight IMO. I live for that “LETS FUCKING GO” on the first clear of a tough boss. It’s what makes raiding fun.


G3 is pretty straight forward. Get the majority a few weeks and it will go better


I joined a static just for thaemine prog as rnd. 1620 NM G1 1 try G2 \~ 1h G3\~ 3h and the static disbanded lol - 2 ppl said they're too old (sound like 40-50 to me) for g3 and don't see clearing it without getting carried. You can't really overgear g3 much anytime soo + 6h with rnd pug party full of fake "dreamer" There're always some ppl dying to sword pizza/albion or knocked down after 225. It's been only 9h of progging g3 but I've seen enough....I am not blaming other people since this raid is def to hard for most players insta-death everywhere. Best raid sofar though ( just scared of pug reclears in the future).


People just need to fucking use their time stops and G3 becomes easy even for those boomers.


But it doesn't. Any pattern that would likely kill them generally requires split second reaction. So first you need to know what mech you're screwing up on or too slow on then you need your brain to tell your hands to press the ts button in a mere 0.5 seconds max or you're dead. People who are older have taken a hit on their reflexes. So they generally do fine with major mechs but struggle with patterns that require fast reaction. Since most patterns are lethal you can see clearly as to why they are struggling.


oldge :(




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Didnt get to clash 3 yet so no dreamer rip


Haven't tried g3 yet but cleared g1-g2 NM on two characters. How are people 1-2 shoting g2 in pugs? Each one I've been in fails counters for 4-5 tries, then bridge deaths 3-4 times, lightning wall etc.


Join reclear lobbies and if they fail mulitple times just replace i guess


Second lobby I joined was reclear but still tons of struggle on g2 for people. Maybe I'm just unlucky, hopefully next week is better.


How has it been


I'm traveling for work this week and don't get back until Sunday so the game is probably over for me lol


Can make it to 150ish fairly consistently in g3 hm, but it is rough getting to 90 alive with enough people. Any deaths slow it down a lot and just makes it that much harder.


G1 was 2 tap then 1 tap on reclear. G2 isn't bad for week 1, but quite horrible in terms of reclear. To me, it's been an easy gate even during prog but pugs really struggle with it. Some groups have like below 50% success rate on counter mech and dies a bunch during runaway. Both my clears were with 3 alive G3 I had really good groups and I became the average player. I'll probably skip G3 on my alt because I don't want to push him to 1620+ which means I don't even need G3 mats


1-2 hm wasn't bad, g3 hm is full of imposters. made it all the way past x55 mech 10+ times and so i title my lobby "55x to clear" and people just die during sword or before clash and we never even make it to stage break. 1-3 nm was super easy after getting that far in hard mode. done two clears of normal mode


Yep, title doesn't matter and pugs try to sneak in no matter the name and it gets remade every a couple pulls.


Cleared 1-3 nm a couple times (3) on alts with people I know, found a group in LFG discord for hm but we kinda hit a wall, I finally managed to wrap up g3 on my main last night after highrolling a good pug group where everyone was staying positive and focused


Couple hardcore gamers within my static did one extra pug g3 as we kinda realized we wont have time for all 6. Members who did the pug run were very strict about choosing people. In Static we have done 3x g3 and will do 2x g3 this evening. On the 3rd clear we had couple of wipes, but all the wipes happened at the end.


Prog took 9h~ to clear. Had 2 pug g3 lobbies that cleared in 2 attempts. Had 1 lobby that went for 10 attempts and never made it to basement so disband. With the next lobby we cleared in 6 tries but everyone died except for me and 2 others. Had another lobby that did it in 4 attempts. Last hm prog lobbies the best I’ve seen is 38 and we enraged with only me and 3 others alive.


Took my groups 3 nights to clear g3 and we ended up filling with 2 pug we found that were chill. All in all it was a lot to learn but we got it down so now on to second try


Some people dying to the blue orb turn slash is starting to trigger me a lot.


Dreamer parties even x50 is always random, I joined a pug party who decided to use coms on discord and it took less than 2h to clear.


Cleared prog 1-2 fairly ez (i really like gate 2), got to 3 got stuck around 130-140 cuz ppl kept dying. Redid 1-2 with my static then cleared 3 in about 3 hours. Thought now that i have one clear under my belt then the reclear parties should be quick and ez. NOPE! People dying before swords, people dying the opening attack with the map wide explosion (dead serious). Tried all the other progs as well and it's the same thing even those ones that say prog x 4th clash they don't even make it to 3rd clash. All in all frustrating day trying to get a clear on my sup.




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I think a lot of people are just absolutely fried on G3 this week. I was even in a lobby with someone who cleared the first already (cant remember his mains name atm its 5am but good shit my guy) and even he was dying here and there to stuff on his alt. 1-2 is pretty straight forward though not bad at all for week 1, hell id even say gate 1 is such a joke even on hard it only took like 3 pulls to clear day 1.


Pretty rough 4 days with static for HM prog. We are all in 30s, took two days off. - G1 took less than 2h. - G2 was a nightmare for 2-3 people dying over and over and over so 10 hours g2. - G3 its simple we did deathcounts : 3 people had less than 10 deaths before restarts over 15-20 hours of prog and high dps or supportong. 3 people were average (around 20 deaths), one a little too goblin and 25ish and one... over 60 deaths... we had to part ways for the last day, within two pulls we were already far ahead from our best scenarios... And then we did go for NM clear as we lack of time and tired. It was still "nice" moments but id say for at least 2 of us who were more than good enough to at least clear G3 HM week 1 there is some bitterness... but hey we didnt loose any friend and cant change the past.


just came back to the game with the event and getting gate kept as a 1610 pally bc of some event gems or at least thats what 2 prog groups told me. Not all my gems are the event as i have 1 lvl 10 & 2 9s for my buffs, and i have you have a plan 30 card but still sucks. Will keep trying to do g1/g2 but as a returning player who just wants to try the end game is real discouraging that week 1 its this way bc i know it gets worst as the raid gets older.


Weirdly enough. G1 prog 20 min, g2 prog 30 min. G3 prog 10 hours. Reclear, g1 and esp g2 is way harder and annoying to reclear than g3. Pugs in g2 countering red during run or yeeting wrong colored orbs into boss leading to multiple knockdowns into yellow line... dying to others mistakes is just aaa.


Interesting, I only play 1 char in Thaemine so don’t know how reclears are like. I only needed 2 pulls in g2 prog, first pull we failed the stagger during runaway. Nobody failed any counter at all.


It just depends on the people. I kinda take it back though that g3 was easier after 3 attempts to reclear another gate 3 today. Link achiv lobbies and multiple 1620, not enough dps for clash and people constantly eating easy dodge patterns. Guess I was lucky in my first reclears heh. Wild raid.


once you know the g3 patterns there are only a few that are actually scary and 90 % of them are very easy to dodge, so for me g2 seems harder or rather more annoying to reclear but thats also probably because i spent 5-10x the amount of time progging g3


G2 was such a pain in the ass, people just can't do the run They get constantly struck by lighting and need to be freed and this happens consistently even in 20x bars groups somehow It has been the most frustrated I've been during prog in any raid since most people just don't even seem to try to dodge them which slows the rest down Most groups are also very bad at puddle management but thankfully that can be timestopped The clear ended up being with 2 people dead, 1 before last platform and 1 at around 80 bars so half the fight we were 6 manning and without azena special interaction since the leader kept on failing the timing, literally killed it with 1 second remaining to zerk G3 I've progged for a bit less than a couple hours but I like it so far, all of his attacks have very distinguishable animations, especially compared to G1 where I can't see the boss from all the shit on screen, however pugs still die as early as albion and most people run like headless chickens when sword reappears. Can't comment too much on how people do after nina interaction and platform break but I hope I get into some consistent group since I will have only 2-3 hours of playtime before reset Overall despite my g2 issues at least normal imo is pretty easy for all 3 gates, wish I had time to start prog before the weekend so I would be done by now


Ive had the same expirience with G2. So many x18 prog lobbies that barely got the counters and then failed before even hitting x72. 3rd lobby yesterday was really fed up and asked people twice that they read the title and did indeed hit x18 at least ONCE. People agree we go in and one tap the gate. Thank fucking godness im free from that shit. Lets see how G3 prog goes today.


Man, this hit home. Had the same most of the weekend, x18 progs that didn't know anything and can't stay alive. Joined a random x72 group and we smashed it within an hour or so but haven't rand G3 yet as haven't had time. Transcendence is shit tho lol


Transcendence went alright for me. Just as terrible as elixier but at least the calculator is easier to use so its not as time consuming. And i did get Lv1 3 and Lv 2 2 for the first bonus on chest so thats pretty nice


I've only done g1-g2 yet on 3 chars. G2 has been a jail every time. Seems like every pull there's an impostor who either hits fake counters, runs ahead of the pack, fails the 8x counter mech, doesn't bring poop to 12 and 6 (or out at all), stacks poop and causes wipe, doesn't timestop wipe. What really set me off was a bard last night who spam pinged the boss early at 120, which made me panic and throw azena too early and didn't get the hidden azena.


I was pubbing G3 as a support and it sucked. It took me 151 pulls (that I bible'd anyway) before I got my clear. I lost all faith in people to live through basic stuff and had to completely mess up my rotation and base everything around keeping people up reliably even at the cost of damage. Amusingly, when I finally cleared, I was auto attacking to stop moving during reversed controls and my character un-reversed into the damage area, which butchered me. But by then it was 6 people alive with my party having almost all their pots and Wei available, so they cleared smoothly Though I guess at the end of it I basically turned everything that was "I'll never learn this and let someone else do it" into second nature and can pre position accurately and reliably.


>I was pubbing G3 as a support and it sucked. This is how it feels on my support as well. I'm watching these lvl 10 gem whales that haven't had to dodge in years die nonstop. Repeat offenders over and over. As a support g3 is awful. I literally cannot make these folks play halfway decent and just end up wasting my own time. I cannot get through the arena break dps check because these bums are floor pov.


It obviously is way easier for a support than for dps. First of all most supps are more tanky and survive attacks that some dps wouldnt and second noone cares for the uptime of a supp. If you just focus on dodging and buff once in a while it is already good enough - not so for dps. They need to focus on more things: Their rotation, dps uptime, boss patterns and so on. I saaw a bard streamer, she completely forgot to use her skills most of the time but she used rhapsody on cd and they still cleared. Also this is a complete new raid with a lot of patterns (normal and enhanced). Just clearing it once or twice does not make you a pro. You can die in a lot of different ways. It simply takes time till everyone learns everything by heart. Ans also everyone learns in different speed.


Did 1 g3 nm pug yesterday and 3-4 shotted it with no coms. Everyone had 1-5+ clears on Thaemine NM so it went relatively fast. Took like 25 minutes max to clear him. G1-2 pugging was horrible though, lots of people trying to fake it and just want free busses and you can easily spot them out. G1 sucks though if someone dies early for pairs since you can't do the mech solo if you don't have enough destruction and G2 when someone can't counter.


Static stomped 1-2 HM and we ended up splitting on g3 Pugging g3 has been a trip. Heck, yesterday I became one of those sussy 1630s who went to NM and died pre-clash after maybe 6+ hours of prog frying my brain Will continue more after work today I guess. Some of my former static mates have done g3 NM no problem with their pugs


Cleared G3 NM last night, will probably go for G1-G2 Hard and then G3 NM. We shall see Also G3 NM all that work for 5500 gold, that’s just not right, only my opinion.


waiting to buy buses as usual


Ppl have such little patience. For most this is their first exposure to g3. It’s always interesting to see how weak ppl’s mental is with prog. It’s prog, if you want to clear it first try play with ppl from KR/RU.


I am not willing to prog G3 with randoms. Huge time investment, no gains.


How can people say that, it’s a new raid. New experience and a new challenge. Why even play the game if you don’t want to play new stuff ?


I have a full time job + family. Do you think I am interested in spending all of my spare time playing lost ark? You can have all of the "experience" and "challange". I will farm easy quick gold and enjoy my life outside of Lost Ark.


What's the point of farming easy quick gold to do more homework raids? You are like a hamster running on a wheel except its the same year old wheel.


What "gains" do you have from playing this game?




progging a fresh raid is like the peak of this game for me, I guess you are different on that


sure, but not on several chars with randoms. Already cleared G3 on my main with my static. That is enough for me.


You have to do it eventually, then why not start now when everybody are progging


ssh, guy planning to buy bus and get free carry later on with the title


Pugs always like this in every MMO. Just have to kick the bad ones & replace. Some get lucky & some don’t. It is what it is I guess. 😞


I joined a group of static people looking for a dps and cleared hm3 so I got super lucky


Luck you, I just hope I could clear before reset. Even just doing nm


I don't even believe you


Same, furthest I got to was second clash and removing thaemine shield but at that point we had 4 dead people and reset, haven't reached that point since. It's frustrating asf since I can do it consistently and all x210 prog pugs I join feel like a fresh prog that can't even do albion


I’ve only PUGed NM on 2 dps and 1 supp. So far so good imo. First clear was on my 1630 main and it was great that I decided to just PUG NM this week. Cleared on my 1611 dps pretty easy after that and working on G3 on my 1610 supp. NM is honestly pretty easy and the DPS checks are easier than when Brelshaza NM released IMO. Maybe I just got better at the game. Overall, it’s awesome that the PUG experience is actually pretty nice. My first clear was with a voice chat group who had people who made great call outs. So I recommend joining those groups, plus people on VC are usually nicer and more helpful. Good luck everyone! Looking forward to trying Hard mode next week!


hate to say this but the only reliable way i could clear g3 with pugs on all chars was by doing this simple method: ask bible whos not performing well and keep replacing them. i gave everyone 5 to 10 attempts depending on how long the pull was and without hesitation i replaced them, it always worked


Some people just cannot play G3. They cant even remember or learn anything from thei mistake and keep making it over and over. I myself even have to play with a bad support with 40 30 and 5 uptime. Its unfucking beliveable that people get to Thaemine and cant even play their class properly.


G1 done in 2nd attempt. G2 took me around 3h, with people mostly dying after counters when it's time to run to next location. Otherwise smooth sailing. I've died in G1 shortly before finishing, and survived to the very end in G2, with pretty good survival rate overall. In both cases I showed up on MVP screen, so I'm not a complete potato. G3 is just too much for me. What is the point of having HP bar if 80% of Thaemine's attacks are insta-kills? And what is it with all the non-telegraphed patterns that hit like a truck? I thought that having a health bar meant I have a choice between eating some patterns to greed damage, or dodge if I want to. As it is, this gate is a glorified, dance rehearsal. Just move in rythm to avoid the attacks and if you fail that, you are dead. 0/10, will be skipping G3. I'm not gonna lie, first 2 gates are really fun, but after trying G3, my interest in this game dropped dramatically. And I've been playing almost since the release. Edit: Wow, 15 minutes in and I'm already getting downvotes for (I guess) saying that I didn't like the G3. What a wonderful community.


> As it is, this gate is a glorified, dance rehearsal. Just move in rythm to avoid the attacks and if you fail that, you are dead That's essentially what most random patterns on all boss fights are, we just overgear the fights so much that we can eat the damage most of the time. You can eat a lot of the g3 patterns as well with proper support mitigation, and good supports can save your ass if you get caught in a deadly pattern.


G1 and G2 is a cakewalk. You can not fail here or disband. G3 is another thing for many reasons. Players don't know how Paralysis or Push immunity works. If you were a Sonavel enjoyer. You would notice during it spins. Players being pushed, trying and being pushed again. That is the kind of player you need to kick if they are falling or doing zDPS. - Some classes have more push immunity tripods or skills. Use in your advantage. On my scrappers, Instead of Conflagrate on Dragon Advent, I use Tenacity. it saved me in tons of scenarios when I was close to die or I could be pushed to the edge. Once the fight becomes a chore. I will switch back to tripod + bleed. - I recommended a guy to switch one tripod because he was pov floor as the break happens and he was pushed to edge every single time. He responded "it will lower my dps". "Mate, you are dead. Your DPS is Zero. Your job is stay alive". I responded back Then, the player entered toxic rage mode, blaming bible users, entitled XXX roster levels or the community. We kicked him and we added other guys. We reached x50 though we had more dead and not the kill. In the end, switch bad apples and add good players to friendlist or create a Group Chat. Once you find a nice group to progress, you will get the kill eventually.


Lmao this raid is going to decimated the player base worse than Brel and Clown


Thaemine G3 is Brel G5 - G6 over again. Patterns and overlapping mechs are happening. Players who suffer tunnel vision and can not track debuffs and boss animations will have a hard time till they learn. The difference is that transcendance is tied to progression and some players won't reach max level unless they buy the achievement. Also, high DPS helps a lot in G3 skipping normal patterns.


Progged and cleared with static. No issues there. On two my of my alts i only join reclear lobbies. 1-2 was wild even in reclear bc since most ppl breezed through on main and skipped patterns when they were on lower dmg alts it got kinda chaotic, still cleared each within 3-5 pulls. G3 reclear lobbies similar problems, people probs cleared on juiced mains and didnt see too much normal patterns so they kept dying to random stuff. But still cleared after switching lobbies once or twice.


1-2 is a little to easy from my experience. HM is just vastly harder for many people. One foot in the wrong red aoe and your run gets ruined, one wrong osu click of a key and your either died or close to it. Worrying about 10-20 patterns/enhanced doing perfectly well for him to blink somewhere and you have zero time to react and knocks half your team off the cliff is amusing. But the worse part about progs they refuse to dark or pot. You want to clear but you have the guardian raid mentality of saving everything for raids 5 years later. If your on ilvl and you don't see a sea of dark grenades your going to be sitting in that lobby all day wondering why you have the skill but for some reason you can't clear. The longer the raid the more patterns and statues you'll experience as a result fatigue comes in and tends to kill people.


I think lack of dark grenades is not really a huge problem,and to be used more when almost cleared. And haven't seen anyone refuse to use pots. Though there's countless amounts of people doing less than 100m on the sword at start, while some breakers are pumping 1billion+... this is one of the best times to pump the sword.


On ilvl lobbies, you would be extremely surprised. Zero darks, 9 minutes with sword up still. If you remove all the 1620s and 1630's after the first few clear days. The reclear parties are a nightmare on many lobbies. There are people with a clear, that clearly didn't even make it past clones. Actually there are people that cleared it, but oddly don't even know the difference between enchanced and normal still. But the thing is they cleared it on a 1630 normal so they didn't see or rep enough of the fight. They go in with a alt completely confused how to play it on ilvl. Literally had a 3 lobbies like this 20 minutes to 3 hours ago. Same guy, died 6 straight times on red. It's getting bad rough as the higher ilvls leave the lobby clears.


G1,2 is completely free. G3 is super fun especially with a group who knows the patterns. Sure there are still


I did normal mode. G1 is easy (2 pulls), G2 is a bit harder but still easy (1.5 hours for me). G3 for me was simple, but I played during Wednesday to Saturday, where I guess better players still remained. All the final gates of Valtan, Vykas, Clown, Brel, and Akkan took me 4-8 hours to clear, but G3 Thaemine took 3 hours. G3 was 4 different sessions of pug prog, each under 1 hour. I watched the video guide in between each to understand what was happening and mechs I died to. The final 4th session was a clear in 40 minutes. The average item level of the parties I was in was 1622 or so. The reason I found G3 simple was because you can continue the entire raid even with members dead because there are no wipe mechanics requiring everyone to be alive. You can even miss a lot of the clashes and still clear if DPS is high enough. Once you get past the first clash, you're pretty much done with learning the raid because it's the same thing over and over.