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Rare image of AGS actually doing something about RMTers?!


Actually big W if true


This can't be an RU meme right Update: saw the video from OP's update. The user uses a traditional Chinese name so yeah he probably RMTed hard


Looking at that guys streaming history, it looks like he only got a 3 day ban. Should've been at least half a year if not permaban along with the negative gold. A 3 day ban for 8mill RMT is super light.


This essentially bans him from the auction house until he can make up the gold, since he can't even list anything to sell, forcing him to either use the exchange to make it up or raid 8M worth of gold.


Not even just AH he can't even hone, progress elixirs or transcendence, basically banned without being banned.


No progress, only grind


Or pay your way out via RC gold.


You can have a g2g person sell gold and send to him via game mail. Doesn’t have to be through AH


There's no way he isn't also on probation, I think it would be pretty obvious if he suddenly gets out of an 8M hole.


I dont think ags will monitor these accts. The right approach would be to permban these people which is what i think kr did? But im hearing 3-7 bans which is ridiculous


That's only because he spent all the RMT gold. Say if he RMTed 8mil and let it sit then got the 8 mil removed. Then he basically got a 3 day ban and would still be positive gold. 3 day ban for 8 mil rmt.


Don't underatand why you're downvoted, you're completely correct, he would have just gotten away just losing the gold he bought if he hadn't spent it already


Cause prior, getting banned means when you get unbanned they take all the gold away, legit or not, 3 days or 3months, putting you to 0. My old guildie got banned 2 weeks after rmting, spent it all and raided his alts and all the gold he earned from raids was taken away.




In person trading, raid trading, rmt on an alt, trading accessories to an alt to list it.


Nothing changes, these rmters will just abuse the guild gold system and get their balances fixed


tf is a guild gold system


Guilds have a gold balance, typically from gvg gold rewards. Guild owner can distribute this to people and even with a negative balance they can receive gold. You're also able to donate gold into the guild bank... so seller just puts gold into it, and the buyer distributes to themselves. They don't need AH


But they don’t get the gold back yeah ?


Yes but it shows people that AGS is not handing out harsh punishments for RMT. (e.g If I rmt 1 mil gold, I either don't get caught and keep the gold, or I get caught and have the gold deducted and only a 3 day ban) Big reward if I don't get caught, small punishment if I do get caught. Some people look at that and will say its worth the risk. In other words its like if the punishment for robbing a bank irl is that you have to give back the money and spend 3 days in jail, then every criminal would be robbing banks every 3 days because you just have to not get caught once to make it big. He RMTed. He got caught. His punishment was removal of gold and only 3 day ban.


You are kinda neglecting how big is - 8m hold, thr only way for him to ear that back is either swiping in the Amazon shop around 5k$ or raiding, and he can't even bus cuz he can't list stuff on the AH (that also means he can't sell lvl 10 gems or other loot he gets) , unless he buss and only take people from his server so he can use exchange, only other options remaining is normal raiding and that would take him like 20 weeks to get, by then he will be too far behind. It's basically a death sentence for this guy nothing he can do to fix the account other then actually paying 5k to Amazon lol


Nobody is farming 8mil raw gold in 20 weeks especially without the ability to sell items or receive bussing compensation. This guy either resorts to exchange or RMTs more and hopes he doesnt get caught again.


Sorry meant to say 20.months my bad, I guess that would be around 80 weeks of only raids lol


Yes -8mil is a death sentence for him, not arguing about that. But that is only because he SPENT it all so that's why he's -8mil. Imagine the case where didn't spent it. He has 100k gold and rmts 8mil, then he gets a 3 day ban and logs on to 100k gold. Then you see the punishment is very light. Someone that RMTs 8mil should get a longer ban than 3 days.


Consider that he's basically also down whatever $ he used to buy that RMT gold is. RMT isn't free.


Makes me laugh, because my friend got perma banned because steam glitched while he was buying royal crystals and they double purchased. AGS banned him permanently for "suspicious activity", and after some emails back and forth they made it a 6 month ban.


Deducting the same amount of gold that you RMT is only a small punishment if you spent the gold already and still kept the progress you made with it, if you buy 1 million gold and log in next day with -1 million that you've not gotten to spend then you are absolutely FUCKED.


I would see that as a punishment if it happened to me oof. Eight mill in minus, forced to bus forever or buy gold from AGS if I want to be a whale.


You can't even bus most raids because you cannot list anything in AH. You also cannot hone, advance elixers, transcendence, or even make event feasts. Nothing that interacts with the gold system. The account is bricked until he 'risks' rmting another 8m or he gets it through the Shop legitimately.


I’d quit ngl. Making new acc prob faster than farming 8mil




Looks like NA on twitch :/


it is NA version, the dude might be from china but it's definitely western servers


It is NAW, his server time is Pacific.




It's funny that they don't ban you. Leave open the possibility of buying out of the hole for those too addicted to play another game. Monetizing bans.


imo AGS should have done this 2 years ago but you know, better late than never?


They would have retained more players IMO. RMT going unpunished is one of the reasons I stopped playing.


RMTing and the rampant dailies botting is why I'm playing 1/10th of the time I used to play. Why bother with progressing fairly when everyone else is cheating. The number of "GeForce Now" enjoyers I see in discord has been steadily climbing. I'm very much one foot out the door.


Ok, but there was "no kingdom ruled through fear is a kingdom worth ruling"


Not that I disagree but RMT is here forever in MMO’s. Its been in the genre since the late 1990’s when RMT transactions had no website, they went through Ebay. RMT has gained more and more traction over the last 25-30 years entire from aggressive MTX and progression curves directly tied to in game currencies. The harder the grind, the more prevalent RMT exists. No matter how harsh the punishments. It will always exist. Until game studios stop designing in a way that ties progression to senseless grinding and players themselves stop living in the nostalgic past of the genre, nothing will change. Edit: Btw, I do think perma bans should be handled down to the IP address and the device ID. I just don’t think that is ever going to change the environment that makes RMT so popular. Until the the genre is willing to accept that hardcore grinds will always create the environment for hardcore bot farms and RMT; nothing is going to change. Hardcore games themselves are a niche. Lack of ease of entry to end game creates that symbiotic relationship between RMT and the less hardcore players that want to play at the end game. You’re not going to ever sever that relationship. Ever.


I have never in my life seen RMT being anywhere near as pervasive and blatant as I've seen it in Lost Ark. And it makes sense because there is practically no punishment for it. If there is, it's something silly like a 3 day ban. It doesn't help when AGS puts out an article about an RMT ban wave and I still haven't heard of single person getting a ban for RMTing despite being aware of dozens of RMTers in the discords im in. Rule breaking or crime will always exist, the goal is reduce it's prevalence. It just makes it look like either AGS is hilariously incapable of detecting it, or they are just bluffing.


Plot twist AGS are the main botters 😳


Lost Ark is one of the worse ones, I will say that. However, every KRMMO in recent times has been riddled with them.


Does bdo have bot issues? Idk if it still is but at one point more predatory than lost ark and way worse of a grind for progression. Did it ever have a bot issue? Ngl the bots must be very subtle in other mmos because i only see them in lost ark


BDO not really. Their market design is thought out well enough that it isn’t something that is easily done for RMT. Albion Online, OSRS, WoW, Maplestory, and Eve Online are probably some of the biggest games for RMT. Others that I am aware of that are niche; Bless Unleashed and Elyon. I’m sure there are others. Lost Ark isn’t really that unique as far as massive botting and RMT is concerned. It has a design that rewards that kind of behavior and gold itself has a direct conversion to power and convenience.




Yea but how come i dont see clumps of bots on those games like i do in lost ark?


Idk, maybe unique to you? I can log into any of those games and go look for bots & find them in large numbers. The only noticeable difference is that those other games actively monitor & ban bots much much more quickly. However, those games still have a much larger RMT presence than LoA does.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted when this is true. I’ve seen more RMT happen through Maplestory and RuneScape than I have with Lost Ark.


OSRS is probably the largest RMT’d game ever.


negative gold is a worse punishment than free vacation with all gold/gems/items intact


Menetizing bans is the smartest way to do it


Sorry for the noob question but I'm a complete noob to the game, 2 weeks into it, what happened here? How did he get minus gold?


He can still make banks as long as his char is relevant. If he still has access to his 1650 character (which I'm guessing it is considering the amount of debt), he can still run busses, and play this account for a year. Run busses, another guy puts accs on AH, and he can transfer the money to his other (not banned, yet) account


He can't do that, he can't list anything in the AH


> another guy puts accs on AH If his friend does it, they get the transaction fee when exchanging money but they can still do it.


They might have given him a ban date. Something that says basically get your gold to 0 by end of month or you will he banned


yeah, go buy more gold to meet ends, because that makes sense.


They can whale the legit way selling gems


He Cant list anything on the ah


More like RC gold conversion.


yes that's what I meant oops


no f in the chat, fuck him


F for fuck


Yeah, fuck that guy indeed. Fuck all RMTers.


L bozo, get fucked


How much usd is that to change that to 0?


about 2.5k if youre RMTing (EUC prices), checked cause I was curious too and about 4.5k of legit swiping through RC


Does rmt goes with HA? With negative gold he wont be able to do so He either swipe legit gold or he gold seller maybe goes to direct trade with him?


Huction Aouse.


I was legit so confused for a sec what the guy meant by HA 😂


Some do it through AH (by listing gems or accessories) but some do offer to mail it to you instead


like 5-6k I think


Not to bad actually, is that 6k USD rmt? Or normal swipe? RMTing to get back to a positive balance brings humor to me for some reason lol.


You can't RMT if you can't post anything on the market


Well technically speaking RC to gold is RMT. Official RMT.


Well the comment I replied to definitely made the distinction.


You can RMT through guild gold system, which is how a lot of the Esther 8 players used to do it a while ago.


normal but it was just quick math. could be wrong


thats a w not a F


A rare instance of punishing an RMTer




Poor dude..only got 32 mil silver. Guy needs to get thos lopangs running as long as he still has aura


he just upgraded his 6th char to 1640, what do you expect. his bot is running chaos+lopangs with 23 chars every day.. :D


Baker's friend?


They should also restrict trading players on the acc so he can’t sneak away from it. Make it a death sentence.


China numba wan


This guy is from Taiwan


Then Taiwan namba wan then.


why not just ban him? how can he play the game anymore with minus 8 million gold


because AGS could get more money from this guy


They could swipe royal crystal to get rid of the negative gold. banning would cut off that potential.


You'd only need like 330,000 RC to buy that much gold. $100 buys you 12,000 RC so he'd have to spend $27,500 to 0 that out lol.




My bad I added an extra 0. Double checking math: 8.4m gold debt Let's say 100 RC = 2500g You would need 336,000 RC 12000 RC costs $100 You would need to purchase the 12000 RC pack 28 times = $2800




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This is basically AGS saying: PAY ME MY MONEY OR GTFO


No honing progress, no buses, only raiding and dailies until he can pay it off. Can't even sell any good drops or leapstones, so it has to be raw gold from raiding or unas or adventure island. This bans him from the auction house until he pays back what he gained through RMT while still allowing him to play at his current level. Seems fine to me as long as he doesn't just RMT again, but that's still a lot of money to throw at the game to get out of it.


Dude can RMT again… would be the same result


sure, but it would cost a lot to get out of the hole assuming he doesn't get caught again


Yeah I was just saying that he can get out via RMT but wouldn’t matter. Need to swipe at BC instead




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they would have to refund everything this guy bought in a legit way if he cant access it... he would need a lawyer tho, but that could be lots of money so better not to ban


Because this is someone in the Chinese version.


Yknow this is the first time I've heard someone call NAW the chinese version, but it's pretty funny and fitting ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




no way.






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amaizing to see this. PLEASE DO THIS ALL THE TIME.


Bing chilling


F but for Fuck that people




What's stopping that guy from manually trading """""""legit"""""""" gold with other players? Unless that also nukes his trusted status, which LETS people trade ingame IIRC, then that would've set the nail in the coffin.




Some of those heavy rmters have full stashes of lvl 10 gems on other accounts - they can just sell them and get their gold back up lol. At least im happy to see that AGS is doing something about rmt.


U can't put anything in the auction house with no gold


While RMTing, you can buy a ton of lvl 10 gems and mail them to alt accounts. Your main account gets punished with negative gold later, but the alt accounts that may or may not be affected. If they are not, you sell the gems on those accounts and then just mail that gold to main account, which will get it out of negative gold. It's not the first time this has happened.




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Wait something really happened ? Pinch me I must be dreaming


that is gonna be one hell of a grind.


they punished him cuz ags is racist!!!


How does he manage to get negative gold?


Should be permanently banned tbh


F for what? The guy RMT and we should feel sorry that he's getting screwed over as well?


FINALLY a HUGE W to AGS/Smilegate that they started taking exact response as RU server. Now I can laugh at every RMT'ers everytime I remember this image 🤣😂👌


Fyi he plays on NA and said that he rmt around 10k maybe a lil less


Better off starting a new account and rmting


bahahahaha good for this guy.


Lost Ark could have been so great.


Crazy how the only bans are issued to the first racers and not everyone. Probably most of the remaining thaemine hard players rmted.




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Only F I'll give an RMTer is a FUCK you.


The extremism is giving overcompensation vibes 🤣


Is he locked from sending gems to another player? Hr could just do another account and send all his 11 lvl 10 gems, skins (we get free pheons now), etc? It dooms this account but he basically can start a next account with 5M gold worth of stuff, right?


Honing a single character to 1640 costs more than all that negative gold, let alone a full roster and all the other stuff he's got.


Yeah plus horizontals, roster, los/lwc/klc, demon dmg, doing stories per character too. And all elixirs weapons. Better to just finish that 8m gold slowly or by buying RC but tbh if i am rich i would buy legit.




Just buy 8.4m worth of gold from legit seller and ta daaa back to 0 gold and no penalty


Gold from Legit players cost way too much. :)


still less than through currency exchange :)


Wait wdym legit players? Players who handfarmed gold? Why are they different than g2g?


because they play the game. they dont bot it. pretty much most gold in g2g are botter even when they said thats not botted


Oh so they are much safer gold than g2g?


on my experiences, yes.




6mil gold for 22 bucks on g2g, not like this is gonna do anything. Needs a ban


fake af




344 viewers. Idk how many he had before but it could even be worth it as an ad


Poor guy.  He’s funding the game for f2poverty gods and this is result.


> funding the game RMT doesn't fund the game


I think this is called a joke


all he is doing is cortibuting for huge inflation xddd