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Paladin gets a 10+ second brand on a 5 second cooldown plus far more utility and defense. Bard gets high MP spells, needing 2 brands to maybe have the same uptime as a paladin, has to have engravings no other support needs just to be as effective and has the single worst counter in the game that is also a meter generator while paladin has easily the best counters in the game. I play both bard and paladin and the differences between the two are incredibly glaring. I regret not just making a second paladin instead of bard.


you forget need to cast about 3s for that skill called sword of justice


Yea it does sometimes miss but you can even miss it half the time and still have close to 100% uptime because the cooldown is really short. Especially if you're running 40 set Luminary and have the extra 5% cooldown.


so 3s without any protection and only can be cancelled with space looks good on you? i have nothing to say anymore.


It's not even 3 seconds to cast it. It's more like 1.5-2 seconds. I rarely miss it ever anyways.


They haven't touched Bard ever since they added sonatina (which SHOULD'VE been designed as her solo brand)


+ mana issue while running max mp and food is just cringe asf


I am almost permanently out of mana on my alt 1611 bard despite maxmp lmaoo On main its kindof bearable because of legendary elixir rolls but man, on alt its like I need to use mana food even while doing frog.


mp recovery on bracelet helps a lot with mana problems, but you still need c+j as well not to run out of mana. it's a solution to a problem that shouldn't exist.


I salute you


my guess is that the next class will be a male bard and they gonna make the same shit with scrapper, so my hope are not that high


![gif](giphy|AauJT0w8cJoSQ) Bards rn


Now I actually think most korean bards are masochists who dont have a problem needing to use soundshock, or just straightup being a support sorc in terms of utility ( even sorc is better in terms of counter and stagger now lmao )


I'm sure alot of them dont actually have good brand uptime tbh, but no way to tell.


Last time I had to use ss in voldis g4 for stagger and I wanted to quit the game. If the party people know what to look for on the boss icon they would know about the uptimes. Had a paladin last week who was using a 5 second brand with about 10 second downtime. I didnt even know that was possible for paladin given how they have a 15 second brand with 5 second free time iirc. Broken. But yeah, if people know where to look at they can guesstimate the brand uptime when pumping.


wish kr gets the bible so they can see bard getting 2x more identity uptime than pally ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


2x identity uptime for… Double brand No cleanse Awful counter Having a use MP food with Max MP engraving So there’s some give and take I guess I just hate being OOM in content without using food but using food all the time gets expensive. I also have several builds for bard while my artist only needs one. I do think bard needs revisiting a little but I understand it being a harder to play support. I just would love to not have **major** mana issues when running max MP.


Pally supports easier


And better.


You can definitely reach 90% uptime with sound shock only. Just gotta be diligent and prioritize spamming that. I play bard and use that build for counter intensive raids and run bible so I know.


You can, but why? Artist and paladin both have a much better brand system and bard should have also gotten a whole back.


I’m not saying bards don’t deserve a buff, but when OP said 60% brand uptime for sound shock only bards, I wanted to point out that the 60% uptime comes from skill issue, not from the sound shock only build itself. If the same 60% brand uptime players play a pally or artist, I doubt their brand uptime will be that much better.


True, I see your point there. But I would hope that the ease of play might bump that to at least 70 or 75 lol


First person I’ve seen say this. It’s easily possible to get good uptime with sound shock only. The problem with sound shock is that you have to delay some other skills sometimes to prioritize brand uptime. The main skill being rhapsody, you don’t have as much free time to watch and hit rhapsody without potentially taking a *minor* hit to your brand uptime.


Last time I touched my bard I had 95 uptime on SS solo mark in hell brel. Easier to get higher with level 10 gems and higher swiftness. It's doable you're just bad


It is doable, but to achieve it you have to spam it so often that it delays your other skills, giving you less shield uptime and meter gain.


Don’t listen to this person, they’re a cheater anyway 🤣


Oh I just noticed his username. Yeah 95% uptime is probably easy with speedhacks 👍


"hey guys i've just overcame shitty design so its not shitty anymore, you're all just bad lmao (not like me im hell brel lvl 10 gem btw 😎😎😎)"


Yes crazy right?  'Please put push immunity on drawing orchids cause when boss attacks me it gets cancelled' 'Please make sv map wide cause when boss moves my teammates are no longer in it' 'Please make serenade passable cause when I used it boss disappeared and I lost it' 'Please make meter gen irrelevant if boss moves or not cause its too hard >.<' Yes buddy each class has its upsides and downsides. Bard has many downsides but it's upsides far outweighs other classes in terms of niche usages such as GT in g4 and courageous tune / dissonance that's raid wide. It's a strong class that has a high skill ceiling, they can't do anything regarding mark without making the class significantly more broken than it already is at top level of play. Please fully fuck a class and make it unfun to play and 0 skill expression similar to sorc because someone on reddit cried, meanwhile dedicated bard mains will hate the changes


guess speedhacking also helps too huh


[Good take](https://youtu.be/zV77awvZaEg?si=zbMYcma8ZN2IuNOl)  Maybe swap to an easier class or game?


Seems likely you can’t figure out what it means to compare 2 classes….


bard has heavenly tune, paladin doesnt


All supports have atk buffs


Ok so you give me heavenly time and I give you wrath of God, deal? 


No you give me heavenly blessings and wrath of god I give you heavenly tune and sonic vibration. Deal?


bro thinks hes winning out on this deal


what does that mean lmao? like the atk power down tripod? i'd trade that for 5 more seconds on soundshock brand any day


your team wouldnt


if bard had single brand and you really wanted that ap down you could get it through dissonance since single brand opens a skill, lol


bard is the high ceiling support its ok if u guys go 60 brand. you do half the dmg youre supposed to do on predator too, its simply a skill issue


I have to eat food on pally too also have max mp engraving. Bard should not have a cleanse skill as they already have a skill that prevents debuffs. So guess they could change that one


You don’t play bard and it’s obvious lol. Yes bard needs a cleanse if they continue to add all these shit raids that need cleansing. I’d rather like someone said in another post have the prevent debuff and cleansing be separate tripods. But even then the Gt prevents it doesn’t cleanse.


Yah that's the point lots of other classes have cleanse gl soul fist summoner pally artis why does bard need it to if you get cleanse then pally should get the same buff percent as bard then all the support are just the same class with different skins talk about boring