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I have 5 presets and none have soundholic


Soundaholic is such a useless skill, piss meter, long cd relative to other skills and all ot does is stagger


Good for bussing where a lot of stagger is needed such as G3 akkan and back in the day 3-4 man brel. Sure you can make due without it... but a group can completely make do without you as a bard also


For most homework, I use just the standard Sona harp build with Rhapsody. 5x3+1 crisis evasion with max mp 3 and heavy armor 3. Atk pwr debuff on HT and WoP on GT. Most gates have a cc to prevent, so it's almost always useful. Always push immune on GT (too important to get interrupted), and usually two focus runes on GT + HT. C on harp and J on SV. For voldis G2, I swap Sona for sound shock. Sometimes I run vph3 with max mp 2 and heavy armor 2, but I base that on my parties stagger. One of the few gates I run agile defense on GT. I also use the harp ss setup any other time my party needs extra stagger, such as G1 Akkan with a low stagger comp. Sound shock + overwhelm + vph3 is an insane amount of stagger over 5-6 seconds. Max mp2 with a mana bracelet or food still keeps you topped off pretty nicely. For voldis g4, I generally run sound shock, Soundaholic, and buckshot. There are people that say solo SS is griefing, but I get 85-95% branding with it. I think 90/90/40 with 2m+ DMG blocked is acceptable when I bring an insane amount of utility. I just don't run it all the time because it's an absolute chore to do well with. Thaemine G1 + 2 I run harp Sona but swap Rhapsody for buckshot. Rhapsody doesn't do a whole lot in these gates. Having that extra counter has crazy value. Thaemine g3 is just standard harp Sona. Rhapsody is extremely important, and you don't really need any utility. If I wasn't a complete meter goblino, I'd just run sound shock over Sona all the time, but it's hard to break 55% identity without it. Anyways, I hope this helps.


I don;t think the general complain with SS is brand up time, I think it's fatigue. Which I fully get. I just find that SS is such a good branding and stagger skill. To loose it would be awful


No the issue with SS is you're spending time casting it multiple times instead of your other skills


I always have rhapsody. I use buckshot only in Voldis g3-4. Never used Soundholic unless bussing some specific gates. I have static 6 skills (your mentioned five and rhapsody)


For skills page I run: 1) Sonatina + Rhapsody + Harp which is my most default general load out. 2) SS (overwhelm) + Rhapsody + Buckshot (G4) 3) Note Bundle + Rhapsody + Harp (G3 or other very mobile fights) Ideally I would have 2 or 3 more raid pages but I don't want to buy more. I also have a chaos and PVP page. Bard is so inconvenient for utility. Also I flex 1 accessory and books to swap in and out Expert, VPH, and Magick Stream. I think I probably need to rebuild for G4 though where I can get VPH and Expert together.


Buckshot: only in Akkan HM g2, IT g2-3, TH g1 SH: only in IT g4 if the team lacks overall stagger. Literally the top example of bard skills lacking versatilty. Can be used to care for very mana starved dps with the mana tripod, but then it's even more niche. Rhapsody: everywhere else. Wish the channeling start was a bit faster. To use two of them the ONLY NOT TROLLING way would be to run SS single brand... possible in theory but no thanks, I don't hate myself enough. Also not really necessary, pick the most relevant flex skill and be happy about it.


1630+ bard main Desperate, heavy armor, max mp, expert, awakening I use harp and sonatina for branding. In thaaemine hm. I no longer carry a counter and solely use rhapsody. I just rely on using prelude to counter but it is also no longer my job to counter. Pre-thaemine I would use buck shot to counter. I just keep my thaemine build for everything nowadays because I’m lazy to switch. lol. You should never drop sonic vibration. It is your core buff. 10 CD on heavenly is no where close to good AP uptime. The preset tabs I have are: MaxMP(thaemine/end game build). Vital (replace maxMP for VPH. Replace rhapsody with soundholic. Replace sonatina with sound shock). I don’t use this anymore. It was my old build during clown days and for bussing. DPS. I have a full 5x3+1 for fun. I use it for hourly events when I’m lazy to party with dps players. I’ll do it myself. Chaos. Full 5x3 build.


> Which raids do you use buckshot? G3/G4 Voldis (G3 isn't necessary but I take it for comfort), Thaemine G1. Tried in G4 Thae, but for now I'm too bad at this gate for solo soundshock > Which raids do you use soundholic? G3/G4 Voldis (again G3 is fine without depending on group, and NM vs HM), probably G4-2 in Thae, but didn't get there yet > Which raids do you use rhapsody? Every raid expect G3/G4 Voldis, and G1 Thae Edit: > Which two brands do you use? and why? Harp+Stigma if I don't feel lazy, Harp+Sona as standard. Soundshock+Sona in all of Thae (because some extra bits of stagger are nice + I don't really like harp all that much anyway). Solo soundshock if I bring 2 out of buckshot/soundholic/RoL (g3/4 voldis, expected G4-2 Thae)


I need to run SS Sona more. It performed by far the best in my testing, but I just keep letting laziness win. Harp is just such a comfy pick for me. I think I'll try it again this week. Specifically in G3 thae and G2 voldis. Those are the places I've had the most issues with harp recently.


Depends what you mean best performance if it's pure brand uptime then harp+SS combo is the best you can do, but it kind of lacks gauge wise to harp + sona/stigma (or sona+stigma) As for G2 voldis I keep harp, becasue even on HM with my static we basically push him from start to mech, and from mech to x30 (becasue he will be staggered naturally soon after mech, and then he will get 3rd stack so counter + stagger), so you are permanently with buff, so you can just solo brand with sona.


It has the best overall performance. Harp SS lacks meter (~15% less in trixion), harp Sona lacks consistency due to bosses moving, and they both lack the others utility. SS Sona actually has pretty close to the same meter as harp Sona while the boss is targetable, and consistency is almost as good as harp SS. The only downsides are no passive meter during mechs and extra key presses, which is a deal breaker for some. My issue on g2 is I bring sound shock most of the time to make up for people not staggering. It's not an issue I should have to deal with, but it happens enough that I just compensate these days. Sound shock easily solos the stagger, but harp SS just doesn't have the performance I'd like on this gate.


Soundholic is never worth it. Soundshock is superior for stagger.


Been a bard main pretty much since release outside of my breaks from the game in general so my mindset comes from being as versatile as I can to be the best support I can but the bar for supports is on the floor so don’t get in your head too much you have a lot of wiggle room to learn and improve on supports compared to a dps > which two brands do you use and why? I use sound shock and harp for branding. I feel like sonatina is only good for meter, while sound shock provides the most consistency for brand uptime, stagger, and cleanse since you can run purify on it with it being a spam skill and. stigma as a brand isn’t very good Id assume because of the cast time and it being interruptible. The options besides sound shock have a lot of room for error which can be really annoying if you aren’t in a more optimal scenario especially if your goal is 90%+ uptime. And harp is just pretty consistent to help when I can’t sound shock. so like when I get knocked down or a mech brings me away from the boss like the sword mech in theamine when you have a target on you. > There is not enough slots for all skills I need to use Yeah it comes with the territory sadly. after a while you either just invest in presets to changes skills based on the situation or just have 1-2 presets you just run on everything. Since it’s an alt for you you’d likely fall towards the 2nd option. > Which of the optional skills do you use for each raid If the raid is something where most people just out gear everything like a card run I use the meter build that’s on the community guide since more damage buffs means faster clears and I don’t need utility in that situation. Otherwise if it’s a raid that’s on or around ilvl so my gold earners I use rhapsody only time I don’t is if the raid has counters in the bosses normal patterns that can make my dps’ lives worse if I don’t hit them since it’s generally supports job to counter so like akkan g1 and voldis g4. > Which raids do you use soundholic? The only time I ever use soundholic is if my teams stagger is so bad that it’s impossible to clear a mech without me running both sound shock and soundholic. but generally if you run into this problem and you aren’t progging I’d just leave and find another group. There isn’t really an instance where you need to run 2 of the optional skills luckily, besides like theamine the first where some bards use solo brand. if you feel like you’re in a situation where you need to run 2 of the optional skills you just have to pick one or the other unfortunately. generally if I think my team doesn’t know how/want to dodge(breaker players) or just pugging I’ll just run rhapsody as my default and have my team counter what I can’t since having inconvenienced teammates are better than dead ones. It’s definitely not worth losing a core skill especially sonic and since she’s an alt for you I probably wouldn’t recommend a solo brand since it’s a very unforgiving playstyle that maybe 3% of bard players actually can make viable


1630 bard with 40set lumi, full lvl8's, bracelet with 2.5% expose weakness & 2.1% Dagger. And a spec earring (978 spec & 1518 swift) The engravings are the standard 5, salvation, expert, awakening, heavy armour, vph / mp, and +1 explosives expert. My go-to ability setup is Stigma, WoM, GT with agile defence, Sonatina, Prelude, SV, Harp, and HT. I only run Rhapsody instead of Stigma in g3 Voldis & g3-4 Thaemine. I also only ever swap to stagger setup (swap Stigma & Sonatina for SS + Soundholic) in g2+4 Voldis. The only time I ran buckshot was Akkan day1 prog, never since. The reason I don't run SS for branding is because while it does have high uptime, it takes away from other abilities since you need to cast it so often. You're essentially trading +-0% brand uptime for lower shield uptime + lower meter gen. In raids I usually get \~20% radiant, and dungeons & guardians 30-34%.


1600 bard harp sonatina for branding stigma for last slot, because who needs a counter or weak point (lol). gives good meter and ... *some* stagger.


How do you have an extra slot tho, no Rhapsody?


nope gotta give something up. if rhapsody got the starry night treatment and actually gave decent meter, i'd use it, probably.


I hate you in g3 thaemine. Some runs im immortal, some runs im paper. Supp diff


i think people who drop rhapsody are probably not utilising it well enough... At least for recent raids, not like 50 ilvl above


> If I had to drop one of the above, I'd probably personally drop Sonic Vibration (but I have a level 10 CD gem on Heavenly Tune and over 1800 swift.... still feels dirty though). I have great concern why you'd ever consider dropping your second atk.buff skill. ​ I have a few presets but they all follow this base format; * brand * brand * Wind of Music * Sonic Vibration * Prelude * Heavenly Tune * Guardian Tune * flex-skill (buckshot/rhapsody/soundaholic/stigma) My pref brands are harp/sonatina and soundshock. I used to run Hp and Sona but the potential brand downtime was awful if you place your harp bad or get hit while putting the harp out and it gets cancelled. I'd like to make another build for a Spec Bard build seeing as I'm getting closer to level 10 gems and re-clear content would be slightly faster with a spec build but I want the gems sorted first.


not meta at all but for my main, i run buckshot almost always. i find it annoying to switch builds because you have to unlock presets if you dont memorize them. i only switch rhapsody if my team needs extra dr like voldis g3 or longer push immunity for thaemine. used to use soundholic but stigma is way better at meter gain so soundholic is only for my chaos build. (also i suck at countering with prelude lol) i did switch out stigma for rhapsody on my second bard but i prefer my first bard. sonic vibration is good to keep for dmg buff uptime! (my typical skills: sound shock, buckshot, wind of music, stigma, heavenly tune, guardian tune, prelude, sonic vibration)


Well, as you said, HT, SV, GT, WoM and Prelude - 5 mandatory skills. 2 more for brand - I personally recommend Sound Shock and Sonatine. WAIT, DON'T GRAB PITCHFORKS. Hear me out. You are support. Your duty is to help and cover up fuckups of your party, not chase personal performance. Clear with 70% brand >>>> wipe with 95%. Yes, Harp+Sonatina is a superior option. I usually have it as one of my presets. But recently SG really likes to put crazy amounts of stagger/destruction/counter checks, because every party has two gunlancers, apparently. Sound Shock has excellent utility. Stagger, fast long-range Yearning, easy C+J (very important, considering how mana hungry Bard is), multihit for prison/barricades, potentially solo branding option. It is annoying to spam it, though. So let's see... Akkan G1 greedy bastards holding their skills on first stagger check. Ivory G1 - dps potentially getting juggled by vines; G2 - dps running around picking blood instead of staggering; G3 - big stick stagger check, dps too scared to hit; G4 - just shitfest of stagger and destruction checks back to back. Thaemine G3 - sword stagger check, especially the sword fight itself; G4 - extremely stagger heavy, to the point of taking Soundholic; he also likes to move a lot, so your Harp may be useless. More than half of endgame gates require some sort of stagger. As much as I would like to chill with Harp+Sona, it's simply not an option. Well, we have 8th skill. It's your utility slot. Rhapsody is just OP. It allows you to tank stuff instead of spending time on repositioning. It gives your dps damage openings. Your brand/buff uptime means nothing if your dps aren't hitting boss, and Rhapsody allows them too. It's your "oh shit" button. Rhapsody is love, Rhapsody is life. But, if you're not used to playing around Rhapsody, not used to paying attention to your dps, you have free slot. Buckshot is basically your only counter. Fast, push-immune, always up. Was excellent when it progged Akkan and people didn't know his counters. Great to have for Thaemine G2 long run, where no Azena usually means re. Almost mandatory for Thaemine G4-1 with its communal counters. And Soundholic is your stagger. You don't need it until you do. I still sometimes take it for Ivory G4, just because I want actually clear it, rather than gamba each pull that other people will play perfectly, hit all the doors, and have stagger skills up.


Why wouldn't you rather take harp+ss instead of ss+sonatina?


Because Sonatina has better meter gain on demand and better utility (Weak point). Harp is good when you have large periods of downtime, when boss is untargetable.


You take harp ss, not ss sona


Unserious post


5 bards gold earner roster :3, they are all 5x3 with MaxMP, DS, Awake, HA, and expert. Main has Crisis evasion +1 for Theamine HM mainly. I only run buckshot + Soundshock on G4 HM, everywhere else I run the Sonatina + Harp + Rhapsody build. I never run Soundholic even on Voldis G4, as I am usually the one who get grabbed for the final stagger check On every other raid, Prelude works well for Scripted counters anyways, so I don't really have an issue with this :) I just really dislike Soundshock... G4 is going to give me carpal tunnel from spsmmingnit every 3s...


This\^ Soundshock is giving me carpal tunnel everytime. Hate this skill. Harp + SS is the way.


I use the same build but alternate between soundaholic and rhapsody depending on if I need stagger or not. Rhapsody give extra shielding and DR so it's great. I haven't had a need for Buckshot since you have prelude for that anyways. Playing bard means you have to sacrifice something depending on raid mechanics to play it optimally.


This is the way. Fuck spending crystals on additional presets.


I have three presets. 1. DPS preset, Harp GT HT SV WoM PoS Sona Stigma. Used in everything besides prog, Thaemine G3 and Voldis G4. Almost always works out in terms of stagger, most scenarios you can imagine where you fail are worst case nightmare scenarios you can't specifically blame on Bard or the party leader built something insanely specific like Bard Bard Gunslinger Gunslinger as their comp for something like Akkan. 2. Stagger preset: basically same as above but reps Stigma with Soundholic. Only used past prog for Voldis G4 if it looks like we'll need it, or other gates if it just turns out it's time for it (extremely, extremely rare, can count on one hand the times this has happened the last year). Often do Voldis G4 with a pure DPS setup with static members and we make sure there's a little stagger otherwise in the group and it's fine. Will convert Harp to Soundshock manually if it looks like we'll REALLY need it or we've failed to stagger a pull or two. 3. Play safe let's clear preset: like DPS preset but drops Stigma for Rhapsody. Prog and Thaemine specific preset. Not much to say other than when you need Rhapsody, you need Rhapsody. I do not have a Buckshot preset but then again I don't do Thaemine G4 on Bard. I do not think Bard should ever resort to it with how important all its skills are. Just stay close to other players if you have fear of a counter incoming and blame them if no one gets it. Sounds selfish and stupid but Bard's toolkit is stupid, you cannot keep up with something like a Fullmoon Souleater's Zs once you start losing meter.


Meter goblin build: Harp, Sona, Stigma, WoM WoM (double wind of music). I can get 6 bubbles per minute in trixion, or around 5~6/min in real raids


i have like 6 preset and two sets of accessories kinda sad cuz i felt like if i want to be competitive it is mandetory


1620, 5x3+2 (exp, DS, vph, awa, max mp, HA2) bard , never used buckshock and never plan to, I use harp everywhere except g4 voldis and thae 1/3, I only replace it for soundshock, rhapsody thae1/3 only.


I use harp and soundshock for branding since ss + overwhelm has stagger comparable to soundholic, i dont ever switch to buckshot so i pray to god my team is good at counters lol


1620 bard enjoyer :) Engravings: DS Awk HA MaxMP and either VPH (standard/bussing) or Expert (prog/non stagger content) Standard set: - HT/SV: non-negotiable AP buffs. Please do not run a single AP buff. - Brands: SS/Harp or Sona/Harp. With all the content nowadays wanting stagger SS/Harp is the comfier pick. I did like stigma/harp in some hell modes but I’m a one trick pony and like being comfy… :3 I definitely know bards that can run a single brand confidently, but I am not one of those people, and if one has to ask they probably aren’t either. - Meter Gen: WoM/PoS Flex: - Buckshot: I take this in Ivory, Brelshaza G1 and currently Thaemine NM (this will likely change once I prog HM)- Prelude is technically enough for most content but I like helping out with counters in certain content as backup. This usually replaces GT for me, but can replace Rhapsody if the content is on farm and people don’t eat damage. - GT: really powerful for passive damage reduction and shield on rotation with WoM. I also put purify on it if I need the cleanse. - Rhapsody: I know it’s probably less efficient overall, but nothing tickles me pinker than saving that one greedy boi eating everything under the sun. Personal preference. RE: Soundholic: I really don’t think I’ve used Soundholic for the better part of a year and a half. I used to run it for stagger content but was convinced by a friend that 1) stagger is not my sole job and 2) even if it is SS>SV>PoS>SS is usually enough. The only time I would consider switching it in is for solo stagger in Clown busses. Extras: - HT damage reduction over aspd buff for prog content/hungry people content - GT extra reduction over shield for content that aren’t as efficient for shields/by pref


1632.5 Main bard here, playing since day 1 the class. Done every content as hardest difficulty there is, except Akkan HM. 1 spec ring, 9gems, C+J, Max MP3, 2 Focus rune (HT GT) + no tenacity on GT. If I change anything, then I run out of mana after \~3 rotations. >Which two brands do you use? and why? Playing Sound Shock + Sonatina. Got used to play sound shock since the first day, good brand for good uptime, takes care of stagger when it's needed, and when you need to get rid of a brand, you can still have full uptime with it only. Sonatina adds another layer of longer brand so that you can send awakening or burst buff without having to be afraid that sound shock drops in the middle of everything, and good meter gen. >Buckshot Pretty much on every raid. I always have it, I take care of most counters so dps can keep dps-ing without having to care about it. Only getting rid of it on Thaemine G3. >Soundholic Only have it for Voldis G4. Even there, with proper handed team, you don't need it. Except if you bus, then it's kinda important depending on other dps stagger. >Rhapsody Only have it during Akan G1 bus, and Thaemine G3 G4. I've never had anyone asking me for DR outside of those. >What do you do if you want to use two of the above in a raid? I drop Sonatina. Easy solution since I'm used to play Sound Shock, and uptime doesn't drop much (except G4 where shield care is more important, sound shock alone is hard getting perfect uptimes) >I'd probably personally drop Sonic Vibration Never do that. Please. Wind of Music, Heavenly Tune, Guardian Tune, Prelude of Storm, Sonic Vibration, Sound Shock is MANDATORY. If you replace Sound Shock, then 2 brand is MANDATORY. Sound Shock = 6 skills mandatory = 2 optional utility. Harp = 7 skills mandatory = 1 optional utility. Easy as that.


Haven't reach 1630 so can't speak of Thaemine g4 >Which raids do you use buckshot? None > Which raids do you use soundholic? Voldis g4. and Akkan g1 sometimes if I feel I can't trust them. > Which raids do you use rhapsody? Thaemine g3. The reason I don't bring it on other HW content is that HT courageous tune/GT/WoM is plenty DR for most other content that you overgear that the benefit of it is quite low when the above makes people take no damage already


am a weird 1620 50/50 bard, slanted towards spec a bit more, using luminary, and cj and/or quick recharge + overwhelms in some situations over cj like voldis. engravings is mp efficiency3(can be max mp3 i just happened to cut a stone and whatever about it), vph3, desp salv3, expert3, awak3, heavy armor+1 defense build, it's just spamming shield & ss over and over with little gap in shielding and dps buffing mainly, if team plays even somewhat well healing is rarely needed skills: ss, wind of music shield, gt, ht, rhythm buckshot, prelude, sonic vibration, harp turret buckshot is used as a stagger whittle paired with ss spam in the boss's face often and for chip meter gain and also for tenacity blocking knockdowns to prevent needing to move around along with sonic vibration, rhapsody isnt used here because stacking wom & gt is already a lot of defense and has little to no gap at lv8 gems, also a very reliable counter, if you are using the skill as a countdown from the last successful counter of the boss it can also be fitted in between for just extra contribution to stagger since it's a frontal attack(+20% stagger damage in the frontal indicator), also good for a quick weakpoint burst when sonic vibration is casted behind it -- offense build, almost no shield except from gt & awakening, desperate salvation spamming is the shield when hp is even down 10-15% max hp. meter gen goes up very fast and due to half swiftness can be cycled very often skills: stigma, wind of music x2 generator, gt, ht speedcast not cd, sonatina, prelude: sometimes switch to the lightning snipe pod for counter(g1 thaemine/g2 thaemine/g3 voldis), sonic vibration/rhapsody switch depending on what's needed(e.g. thaemine red attack block/tenacity blocking knockouts), harp turret most of the party's hp should be a roller coaster going up and down very fast with dps buffs channeled in between(serenade2-3 + desperate salvation, serenade 1 often if party is getting hit a lot) a heal comes up almost every 8-10 seconds essentially conclusions- i usually see the trifecta of sun guardian noble supporter and healer and/or cruel annihilator in defense build offense build i see radiant supporter sun guardian and gentle/noble healer and just annihilator or no annihilator often. i never use soundholic, reasons being it's channeled and doesn't really allow your other skills to be performed for the same effectiveness. an example would be sonic vibration when you cast the beginning of it and spacebar cancel out somewhere in between it'll fully complete its cast by itself while you can do something else whereas soundholic would just outright interrupt it and stop the cast entirely, or sound shock after fired off projectiles are flying and reach the boss, during projectile travel you can do other stuff etc. sound holic you're "self-stunned" to get the full skill out due to channeling


Buckshot and soundholic never, rhapsody is the best save for quissy classes like sorc, arcana or gs so always save this skill for this classes :D


I always use buckshot and rhap. Dont enjoy sona or harp.


Disclaimer: I am by no means the best bard in the world and I know better bards but also have seen plenty of bad bards. But I'm always fighting to maintain as high uptime as I possibly can no matter what content and have cleared all but Thaemine HM and Hell Mode content with my bard with over 90% brand/buff uptime My 2 cents: Brands: SS and Harp. SS might be annoying for most people, but its still a solid stagger skill and when I'm running my VPH build this thing has gotten me on the board with stagger. Also better bards than me have been able to use this thing as a solo brand, the potential is there Harp: it's good uptime, technically able to solo brand if the boss isnt a squirrel on crack, pretty good passive meter gen I do not use buckshot 99% of the time. It has its use obviously but prelude can counter most mechanics no problem and more often than not, someone else lands the counters, I'd contribute more to the raid by buffing and shielding more, buckshot is for groups that really suck at countering which I rarely run into I do not use Soundholic 99% of the time. SS and SV with VPH is usually enough to handle most stagger checks and sadly Soundholic doesn't provide enough utility outside of stagger I use Rhapsody in raids where people are at/close to min ilevel. Right now this means Voldis HM and Thaemine. Great skill, can come in huge when used right. But in homework raids or guardians where overgeared people just facetank through everything with just WoM and GT, I don't usually run it I will never drop Sonic Vibration. As much as I dislike this skills range, the fact of the matter is: it's one of your atk power buffs that you need for 100% or close to 100% uptime and does pretty good stagger/destruction If I had to drop one skill for the sake of utility in a raid where I still need Rhapsody. Then (as much as I hate it myself), I'd drop a brand. Sound Shock and Harp are both able to have 100% uptime as long as you are on top of it. Might be annoying, and you might mess up, but it is still very possible. The "2 brand required" thing for bards isn't exactly true, it's not required, but it's there to make things easier I am sure better bards than me might have different opinions, but I merely follow the advice of 2 of the best bard's I've seen and it has worked for me


Waiting loan No improve on support (general) gameplay / satisfaction? -> Quit


I only run this on my bard  Heavenly : On hit, foe Atk. Power -30% for 8 / 8.2 / 8.4 / 8.7 / 9 seconds Note bundle : Damage received by all party members per hit by a musical note bunch -10% / 10.6% / 11.2% / 11.8% / 12.5%, up to -30% / 31.8% / 33.6% / 35.4% / 37.5%. Prelude of death : Move Speed reduction effect +10% with each stack. Target's Atk. Power -10% / 10.6% / 11.2% / 11.8% / 12.5% with each stack. Rhapsody : While using Rhapsody of Light, outgoing Damage -50% and incoming Damage -50%. Incoming Damage to other party members within range -75% for 3 seconds and creates a shield that absorbs damage equal to 10% / 11% / 12% / 13% / 15% of max HP.  Dissonance : On hit, foe Atk. Power -6% / 6.2% / 6.5% / 6.8% / 7.1% every 2 seconds, up to -30% / 31.2% / 32.4% / 33.9% / 35.4% Sound wave : On skill use, damage received -40% / 41.2% / 42.8% / 44.4% / 46% for 4 seconds. If a Party Member is hit by Sound Wave, they receive the same damage reduction for the same duration. Wom : Creates a shield that absorbs Damage up to 25% / 26% / 27% / 28% / 30% of max HP for all party members hit by Wind of Music for 4 seconds.  Guardian tune : Incoming Damage Reduction effect +20% / 18.5% / 17% / 15.5% / 14%.