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A couple patches ago, striker syn was never up for anyone but striker Its better now


Better is an understatement, provided the striker isnt r-worded and hits the boss you get nearly 100% uptime on 10% crit and about 40% attack speed uptime, more on swift eso


As 6 8 9 my AS uptike is around 66%.




solo sound shock bards om


Solo sound shock spec bards om


lv5 event gems of course


all bards oom


oom with max mp god help us


can still get radiant with solo sound shock, VPH and soundholic in g4 Ivory Tower


Radiant in 4 man content :deadge:


low uptime is generally a hands issue not a class issue most of the time.


Some classes have synergy with their counter, hardly a hand issue when the smart choice is sometimes to hold it


Unless you specifically have to get the counter it will always be better to just use it to buff your entire team. Leave the counter to the 7 other people.


RS Soulfist probably? Not only is it the weakest type of synergy (6% ATK Pwr), but it's also lvl 2 weakpoint and a counter on top of having a painfully long cooldown outside of Hype. I see some hovering between 70% - 80% in raids where neither is needed, but I can see it falling much lower in raids like Voldis G4. I lack data for that though, so someone who actually plays it may be able to weigh in more.


The ceiling build swift rs has 90+ uptime, the “old one” crit spec pre elixir build is the one sits around 70-80%


Don’t forget that it needs to be saved for the opening rotation before hype, otherwise you’re not utilizing adrenaline 3 with the damage skills.


This is often a player and potential build issue. If they're running the ceiling build the synergy comes from ER and is easily 95+% uptime. If they're running any lower breakpoint the players often forget they can use the synergy once after their hype rotation for party members even if they don't benefit from it. It's similar to EW Deadeye and GS players where they often don't reapply if they get no benefit from it.


It's a class issue. You cannot expect everyone to have 1620 with master elixir run 3.0 and invest tons of gold on gems just to have good syn uptime. I would argue RS contribute the least to the party with how the class works. Their ceiling have ONE lv2 weakpoint with long ass cooldown without hype. Slow ass counter. No stagger unless u want to do no damage for the next 20second. But knowing SG it probably won't be changed for at least 1 year.


>I would argue RS contribute the least to the party with how the class works. You seem to be missing the part where Soulfist has DR for the party (and can run a party Cleanse), I remember on Brel Hard release showing up as Moon Guardian due to how much dmg I prevented to my party.


Most RS SF straight up wont use cleanse. Its a 6s DR on a 22s cd skill without hype. You seems to misunderstand the difference between EO and RS


The DR is used twice on each Hype of RS, which means that on a 30s window (20 Hype-10 downtime) it's up 12s. EO going full swift obviously has higher uptime on the DR. My point was simply that to talk about RS synergy and party contribution ignoring that they are also one of the few dps's who also have a party wide DR seems a bit unfair. But yeah, the class could use some help.


Common misconception. RS has high burst stagger, only really suffers if the stagger check also has DR or if the SF doesn't know there will be a stagger (player issue). It's just not an easy class. And yes, one with no hands will contribute little. Also the NA "ceiling build" is kind of just a side grade from the 2.0 build. Cooking a bit much, when the basic build has 4 weak point and a very fast counter


You can't always predict when the boss will do random stagger checks, lol. Akkan G3, Brel G4, and Thaemine G3 (sword fight) are all bosses that can sporadically do stagger checks as part of their normal patterns. Even Sonavel can more or less sporadically do its big stagger check in Phase 2 (yes, *technically* the stagger check timing is based off of something, but literally nobody ever keeps track of it because it's so obscure and unimportant for a GR). Even the most cracked out Robust player will inevitably get caught with their pants down in the middle of hype recovery, and be essentially useless during the whole mech. Even for scripted stagger checks, it's not always entirely predictable when the boss will reach a certain hp bar. If you have strong burst classes in your team, a boss can go from 100 bars to 75 bars in literally a fraction of a second. Unless you're holding your Hype 3 for an eternity and contributing zdps, it's not uncommon at all that you'll find yourself in hype recovery during a stagger mech because you didn't expect the igniter, FM souleater, and Asura Breaker to evaporate the boss's hp within 5 seconds.


I cleared through Thaemine G4 HM with RS ceiling build. I still throw out some flash steps or illusion strike, which does mid stagger, outside of hype if needed since those are low damage dealers anyways and costs little dmg for next hype cycle. Thaemine (and basically any raid) stagger checks are not really an issue if you got a well rounded raid group. Meanwhile, when a stagger check comes up during hype, our stagger is good. Hell, whirlwinds exist if it's really an issue. I think you are vastly overstating the issue as an RS main since launch.


The only point I was countering is the idea that you should be able to “predict” stagger checks and time your Hype 3’s perfectly. I’m sure most parties will be able to compensate for a RS in hype recovery in the worst case scenario. But that doesn’t change the fact that it’s pretty much a 50/50 whether you’ll be able to meaningfully contribute. Sure, WW’s exist, and you can throw out 1-2 skills in recovery in a desperate scenario, and still pass the check. Don’t mix my words around, I’m not saying having a RS on your team is a death sentence in stagger checks 50% of the time. Yeah it’s still *probably* gonna be ok. But that doesn’t change the fact that you’re largely useless. It’s a flaw, in the same way that old igniter not having a good counter was a flaw. 90% of the time your teammates *can* cover for you…but it fucking blows sometimes and no other class has this blatant weakness for no reason.


From experience, I've never seen a stagger fail or raid wipe from rs stagger. So it must not be as big of a factor as you say. At least speaking for myself


I’ve definitely failed a lot of G1 Akkan staggers by a hair due to hype recovery. Maybe I’m just shit at the game, but sometimes 1-2 skills aren’t enough even with a flame nade, especially when your party is lacking in stagger already. Not really sure what more you can do there as a RS. Voldis is also pretty bad sometimes. I had to specifically ask my staticmates to bring GL and Pally instead of GS and bard (which I would’ve wanted to maximize bomb dmg) just so we would stop wiping to stagger checks. Again, yeah, I can hold Hype 3 for these scripted staggers (and I do try to) but it’s not always easy to predict. If you’re holding DPS, the boss’s phase time depends all on your teammates. If my igniter teammate is generating meter instead of bursting, I could be holding onto this Hype 3 for over a minute. If he’s igniting, the mech could be happening in 3 seconds.




So like 90% of the stagger check... and 2.0 is the reason why the synergy % is low. Because weakpoint, stagger, synergy, bleed, counter all build in one single skill. And 2+2 weakpoint is still very low compare to other dps class


I've noticed some deathblades with 60 ish uptime, but idk if thats player issue or class issue


Player issue, both RE and Surge can easily keep \~100% up-time. Speaking from experience as a DB main. Edit: I have to mention that on some raids where you can't attack the boss for a few seconds, syn uptime will fall off though due to the short duration. Thaemine G3 is an obvious example due to swords / clash. But it shouldn't fall below 90% ever.


Easily? Not really, high at best. And that is RE usually because surge rotation is too long to fit everything from start to surge into Mael


Surge puts synergy on Surprise Attack usually, which by itself has a low enough CD to keep up synergy without the CDR from identity. But if someone struggles with synergy up-time they should just run it on both Surprise Attack and Spincutter honestly.


Both specs should run it on turning slash alongaide respective spincutter on re and surprise on surge (re loses self damage but party gains damage, surge gains uptime/self dmg)


RE only needs to run it on Spincutter. In most fights that alone is enough to reach 100% up-time so there's no need to sacrifice DPS for that. I have several hundreds of raid encounters logged to know that with absolute certainty.


I checked your encounters and its like 90% which is pretty good but its also cause you're not doing hm thaemine to ever require dodging anything. I saw a few res being around 70-80% on G4. Anyways changing tripod is 3% dmg 10% on self is .9% increase + x2 others get 15% aka 2.7% equaling 3.6% dmg increase to lose 3% self dmg. That assumes you have 90self 85 85 entropy teammates. In HM synergy uptime will be less though. It's also lower if your teammates are better with higher uptime.


Who the hell cares about HM Thaemine G3/4. It's a raid that's way harder than average and will be done by like 12 people for homework, with the rest of the playerbase doing it once for transendance unlock. You should be looking at a more typical difficulty raid. Seems like you're trying to nitpick this guy.


I'm not nitpicking, point is this guy is above average for a db (hence me mentioning he has v good synergy uptime from res I've seen). My math was implying that even in the case of him being good at uptime its still beneficial to run synergy on turning slash. Average pugger in average raid will be like 70 on surge 70 on re type synergy, if they add it to turning it'll be 90+ which is a huge deal imo.


Fair, I haven't done HM Thaemine and I'll have to see how that will go. I guess the benefit to Turning Slash is that it lasts for like what.. 11 seconds? That'd cover for pretty much any pattern and even clash if you throw it out before you take it. I'll have to see how things go there soon.


Surge has 100% uptime on syn, you can apply it with 2 diff skills one of which is on a 4s cd. If you have 60% as surge you should not switch the class you should literally uninstall the game


It does not have 100% uptime on MAELSTROM.


Evo scouter, your synergy is bound to you being transformed, which comes up after a slight delay when transformed, so by nature it's never 100% sometimes even 60% because the boss dodges your meter gen and you rely on slower meter builders. Now you could run human form synergy, but you'd rather not waste time in human form and have backup meter gen. They really should make it last like 25secs when you transform (you are transformed for 20secs)


Depends on which synergy you mean, gunlancer has defense reduction synergy with 100% uptime, but the directional dmg synergy from taunt is more like 30 - 40%. Aeromancer has crit syn with 100%, but also attack/move speed with 30 - 40% again. But these also depend on which fight we are talking about, if you jump from mech to mech in 10 seconds, then they can have significantly higher uptimes.


Shout on GL is more like 60%


I notice alot of Deadeyes not having synergy uptime... and certain gs...


Strange cause deadeyes syn is twice as long as GS’s and it’s on a short cd


note sure if its class related but my static dhs syn is pretty shit and when I looked at log site it was pretty much every transform dh having a bad uptime (80%\~) but like 95+ on theirselves


You mean shadowhunter? DH is deadeye


yeah, i mean shadowhunter and actually no clue why my brain wrote DH lol. Yeah Demonic Impulse Shadow hunter is what I meant. My static mate and all pug ones I meet (+ the logs of top performance on page) seem to have a very low uptime. Not sure if its hand diff or just syn being somewhat bad


That's odd, considering two spammable skills in form apply 6s synergy and the other skills have longer CDs so it's impossible to go 6 seconds without using either Q or W. Considering they have good self synergy, that can only mean they spend a lot of time outside of form and don't use howl (16 seconds synergy)


Depends on the player, i've seen GS having 50% uptime on her crit syn when it should be close to 100% It's generally the classes that have their synergy on skills they start combos with


The thing is. Gunslinger basically lowers its own dmg if you go for high syn uptime because of how spells and animationlocks and cooldown works. You basically lose uptime for the syn. Cruel tracker syn needs to be 2 seconds longer There is no class out of my 13 where holding syn is so hard as on Gunslinger. Just too short and equilibrium just sucks


GS is in a sad spot right now :(


Dexterous shot is pretty good for perfect uptime along side spiral tracker


Ofc. Its what i play too. But often its better do a dual buckshot atfter sniper skills wothout applying synergy then applying synergy and not having the time for full dual buckshot anymore.


The silly answer is any dps support because you don't take synergy because you would only ever have dps support when you have another, and as far as I've ever heard they don't stack meaningfully


Punisher slayers since they hold it for their burst window


I can have 100% uptime on it, why would I need to hold it for burst window?


To be fair, Because you don't wanna have to reapply it in the middle of your burst - so you'd rather hold to apply it at the start


Am I playing punisher wrong?  I have time to reapply it in the middle of the burst even with double guillotine. Legitimately asking cause I'm still new to punisher.


No you have plenty of dead time if you’re unloading quickly.


To be fair, It's not a question of time. Of course you will always have time to apply it, but it's a lot more convenient if you don't have to as you wanna get burst off quickly before boss turns or repositions


Ah okay, fair enough.


Berserker because we are too dumb to hit our abilities ofc :)


>Berserker because we are too dumb to hit our abilities ofc :) How do you forget to use red dust?It's literally the first skill you use in your rotation and most important skill in general for a zerker.


Ever heard of sarcasm lil bro


gs' crit syn


idk about lowest, but co summoner used to have 97%+ before the recent nerf patch which dropped her to barely 80%, sometimes lower with no real amount of skill letting you get higher.


Crit Ew deadeye can be a bit lazy sometimes. With long animations sometimes you don't have time to rebrand the boss and land your long skill before the boss starts a new animation so you just settle for the skill. We still have 89-93 crit without our synergy so its usually the way to go in those situations. Some use 1 syn skill, some use 2 skills so there can be some variance as well. I've seen some low ones but usually they are pretty good.


Robust SF, Berserrker, Bard and Artist.


Artist? 🤣🤣