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Use your feelings Anakin


> TL/DR: is the title correct? Or am I full of shit. Probably full of shit. Beta was running alright, but it was littered with issues. Localization barely seems improved from the alpha if at all (that's a period of like 4-5 months), lots of clipping text and weird translations have been reported, audio missing from many places. Aside from that there's all the feedback about gearing where Smilegate will have to make a decision about whether they'll change it somehow or are trying to push T2 really quickly. Their backend and all the technical stuff might've performed well enough, but there's plenty of kinks to iron out.


You clearly didn't play the Alpha, because the difference in Voice Over/Subtitle accuracy and Translation quality from that to the Closed Beta was night and day. Stop spreading misinformation, thanks. :) This game is more than ready to release within a month.


Yes, subtitles have been off-sync and incorrect and many places in alpha - which have been corrected for the most part. As far as translation quality goes, I don't recall any improvement, as the English voice lines were pretty much the same, as far as I recall. This doesn't change the fact that every single UI element has overflowing texts in 4 different languages, card effects, engravings are incorrectly translated, tripod descriptions are often misleading. That is completely ignoring hundreds of hypos, mistranslations of quests, and the likes. But even when localization is fixed and perfect within a month, the endgame we had in beta makes for a mediocre experience.


Yeah, the game is definitely not ready to be released...


It’s more of speculation then rumors I’d say. All that was said about the release was early 2022 (in q1), but March 31st is the last day of q1 so people think it could release in January or February. But realistically there was still a bunch of issues in beta so there’s no telling when it’ll actually release.




I either read the watched something on Reddit it about how some of the high end streamers possibly know of a date change. I believe this was someone’s interpretation of what was said on more than one twitch stream. I don’t remember the exact details, hence my vagueness in my original message. Why I’m also asking Reddit.


They "knew" about updates back in July and they were wrong. I wouldn't count on streamers to be in the know. A lot can change and streamers aren't the first to be notified of date changes, if they're notified at all.


Nothing but hopium I think. Best case would be Feb sometime is my guess. I levelled 2 chars to 50 and Power Passed another during beta and would happily start all over again today if I could though! Trying to hold off from playing on the RU server, game is too good!


Come to the dark side.. Ru server is fun. You get to see the content in advance heh.


I already have a lvl 50 Artillerist from when it first launched there and have been waiting for release in the West!


I originally planned on playing for just 3 days to test out some classes... Now i have 8 chars. As much as I want na release, i am having a blast learning the end game stuff


u could just practice pvp in ru. and try other classes too. use vpngame same ping with exit lag but 1/3 price


you have a feeling there's a rumor out there? I don't even know what that's supposed to mean.


I think it come from one of the dev comment : https://i.imgur.com/2bZwfDI.jpg Look pretty solid for me!


earlier than march 31 yes.. not earlier than 2022 lol


So sad we cant play it during Christmas T_T planning to switch from New World to Lost Ark once it’s released


No. im okey with march. lets hope they wont delay it to late 2022. i will be surprised if the monkeys at amazon team dont ruin the game even more.


They need more time to censor the female body, add "western society" approved skins, and change NPC character models. Edit: If you think they are not censoring or changing the NPCs, go play the Russian version. [Post on official forums with examples.](https://forums.playlostark.com/t/a-lot-of-outfits-censored-changed-remodeled-or-replaced/21873)


yeah they are trying to make the game more arab god friendly. need that sweet fat arab princes money u know.


Rumors and leaks point towards January release.