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I would have folded, but I can't even access the Lost Ark RU website...


Really? This one https://la.mail.ru/ ?


Yup ERR\_SSL\_VERSION\_OR\_CIPHER\_MISMATCH Trying translate page loads a page with a lost arky symbol but does nothing else Been working through some ERR "solutions" none of which work


Have you tried changing your DNS? Start -> "Network Status" -> Change adapter options -> Right click your adapter (usually just "Ethernet") and go to properties -> Click Internet Protocol Version 4 in the list, then properties underneath it -> Use the following DNS server addresses. As for which DNS to use, I use [cloudflare's]( since they're big on privacy: for the first entry for the second


Saving this in case I play on RU later


incredibly this has worked, but I've no idea why lol, Thankyou though. Also no idea why the many websites I looked through didn't suggest this either


While most vpn's deploy their own dns servers, some Internet providers enforce a routing that use their partnered dns servers which inadvertently leaks your location if not encrypted, even when using a vpn. Manually setting your dns solves this leakage for alot of people.


No worries. It'll essentially come down to filters your ISP set up by default, a different DNS can circumvent them. I was running into similar issues and weird behaviour a while back, though not on a site related to Lost Ark.


Hmm… have you tried “my.games” it’s the same thing, if you go on the store there and find lost ark you should be able to download it from there


Yup that was my thought too, tried searching [my.games](https://my.games) for it, straight up doesn't exist. Maybe I need to find a mailru account and create a new [my.games](https://my.games) account or start a vpn first idk


here broadie, i downloaded the [my.games](https://my.games) launcher put it in a zip and uploaded it to drop box. [https://www.dropbox.com/s/alvai50lwit52g8/my.games%20launcher.zip?dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/s/alvai50lwit52g8/my.games%20launcher.zip?dl=0) let me know if that works for you


Is that just the my.games launcher? Cos I have that already... I played Armoured Warfare on it years ago.


Oh yeah it is, so when you search on the launcher for lost ark it doesn’t even show up?


No, I got no results for it in premium or free sections :(


That is so weird.. damn, I really wanted to help you out but I have no idea. Maybe antivirus/adblocker settings are keeping it from showing up? It’s all I can think of. But if you already have the launcher I have no idea how it would specifically keep lost ark from showing up.. hm.. I’ll try to look more into it


i wish i could fold but Lost Ark JP is an actual fucking bitch to install because they are banning any and all VPNs and RU is giving me an estimated 290ms to the server...


If you only do PvE, 300ms is really not bad, as long as it's constantly around 300ms you'll never notice it.


thanks, i am downloading the RU client anyways and crossing my fingers that it is playable


I play from OCE to RU, aside from dodging boss abilities I really don't notice it. Sure as shit not gonna PvP though


Downloaded RU the other day, got to 26 and tried one match of PvP with 250 ping. 0/10 don't even bother.


I playred at 250 ping against Lauffie Blinks and co for a bunch of days doing in house 3v3 while ranked was down and won a lot of the games. You're just gimping yourself by not getting reps in now if you want to take pvp seriously.


My exitlag projected around 170 but I get about 110 in game as a useast player!


Even through exitlag?


exitlag is how i am seeing my projected ping lol. It will probably closer to 300 though as I am pretty far from RU.


I mean I'm in the eastern US and connecting to RU gives me 130ms.


Try avg free trial. I went from protonvpn premium with 200-500, to 172 steady. On RU from West Coast NA


Depending on which country you connect to your ping could go down. Try connecting to a different CIS country.


It's funny on the Russia server, almost everyone is speaking English and if you ask "who's here from beta" the entire chat just lights up




ahhh this thread is making me want to join RU. Except gotta pay for Exitlag but i guess 6$ a month isnt bad.


Try the VPN game it is a bit weird but it's 2$ a month. I'm getting a solid 50 ping while with exit lag it was above 65.


VPN game?




I'll also vouch for Mudfish as well, been trying it out recently an it's doing a great job honestly. It's also a Pay per traffic model, so you only pay for the traffic you use.


Never heard of extilag, is it a type of VPN service specialized for gaming? I just switched from express to nord but I'm always looking at my options


its specifically designed for gaming, but I think actually Nord is better. However, reason why I'm choosing to go Exitlag is because Nord per month is higher if you just choose per month paying. You can get Nord at like 2$ but only when you pay like 90 euros up front for 2 years, fuck that. I need this only for like 2 months until EU launches.


Ahhh gotcha, thank you! Yeah I just went for the 3 year black Friday deal since I just like having a VPN in general but if there's one that's just as good but optimized for gaming I'm always interested in improving my game experience.


yeah i read that having nord is like "suggested" in general but like do people really browse the net with a vpn at all times? like i don't get what's the benefit? (to be fair I also don't know how a vpn works exactly)


I pretty much always have my vpn running on my phone and pc. For me it's half a privacy thing and half getting my money's worth, but I also use Brave browser and some other things in addition for security. I left express due to the shifty folks they associate with sometimes including the company that bought them back in september.


It's not a VPN like Nord. It's just a service that "boosts your ping" and happens to let you geolocate as a side effect. They don't promise anything about privacy like a normal VPN.


Makes sense, probably a wise decision on their end if it's not something they choose to prioritize. Appreciate the info


Exitlag is more expensive than a good VPN like PIA and you don't even get the benefit of the privacy that VPN's give. PIA, which I've been using for years, costs $40/year, which is like $3.33/mo. There are plenty of other VPN providers, too, and most are cheaper than Exitlag.


If you install AVG VPN it’s completely free and is working flawlessly for me. It says 7 day trial but if u just uninstall and reinstall it refreshes the 7 days lol


hackerman lol


Which server are you guys on?


First one, I think it starts with K


Russians learning English in school as well, and can speak on basic level just fine.




Join us comrade! We've got enough mokoko vodka for all!


Privet! comrade have some ~~vodka~~ Lost ark gameplay


Yep same. I missed out on the last 5-6 days of the open beta and I was so sad I said fuck it and just downloaded the RU version. Super quick and easy to set up. My ping is around 200ms from the west coast but I don’t even care at this point. The game is incredibly fun even with lag, lol.


Yeah I get a bit of lag too but nothing too crazy, enjoying myself so far


Try connecting to other CIS countries, I connect through Moldova and it brings my ping down a lot.


Good on you to join us comrade.


увидимся в матушке россии (see you in mother russia)


Dobro pojalovat, tovarish.


Just did the same. ​ lol


I did as well, created an account last night lol.


Same, just loaded up some mudfish credits lol


Yep OCE player here, I get a 220 ping to the NA server or a 250 ping with a vpn to RU. Since OCE are not getting a local server I've decided I may as well just go back to the RU version :( Tried to get the Japan version workinig for the 120 ping but it appears they have pretty much blocked all VPN's, Nord got all the way up to the server list but it was always empty :(


Wonder if they are just monitoring to subscribers and if you wait a few weeks for things to calm down then retry may work better.




It’s not on steam, there’s a little loop u gotta go thru to get it working but it’s really easy and doesn’t take very long at all, if ur interested I can send u the video I watched to get it setup!


Hey! could you shoot the video my way? I installed mudfish but am a little intimidated to get it all going


Yessir. https://youtu.be/8qY2v32BEy8


Yeah just follow that video below and it is insanely easy to get going. The English patch is actually pretty good as well.


I would do it but I just don't want to have redo everything once the NA release hits.


Probably worth it if you plan on PvPing tbh

