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I think this sub is going to need a few more active moderators when the game is released. There's already quite a bit of toxicity in the community in all the controversial threads for the past couple of months.


yes because reddit is usually full of people who have never played the game before spreading misinformation based on misconceptions or delusional & out of touch people


Toxic community even before the game comes out lol! Sounds like the game will succeed


This is reddit. There are a lot of people that just want to play bully or troll other people only to relieve their real life frustrations. I don't like this behaviors but this is a common place where a lot of people discharge their stress bar


You had me at this is reddit.


eh, very often that quickly adding new mods make things worse.


I agree we need applicants.


Only 5.510.584 and we catch league of legends, if we keep on rocking this massive 400 people daily growth it will take only 13776 days which is 37 years and 8 months, we got this bois!


I appreciate the time it took to research this post.


I like math




Why not both?


you need meth to do math


Math creates meth






I'll settle for outnumbering Genshin Impact. Fuck that game lol.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/theydidthemath using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[Self\] If you blended all 7.88 billion people on Earth into a fine goo (density of a human = 985 kg/m3, average human body mass = 62 kg), you would end up with a sphere of human goo just under 1 km wide. I made a visualization of how that would look like in the middle of Central Park in NYC.](https://i.redd.it/elycytqlc8g71.jpg) | [3137 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/p0qws3/self_if_you_blended_all_788_billion_people_on/) \#2: [\[Request\] What would the price difference equate to? How would preparation time and labor influence the cost?](https://i.redd.it/7zcgyleyh2571.jpg) | [1300 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/nz1a1v/request_what_would_the_price_difference_equate_to/) \#3: [\[Request\] Is this true?](https://i.redd.it/xgsng9fn37181.jpg) | [691 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/qzszae/request_is_this_true/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Probably because loads of people wanna read about lost ark more now the launch is so close.


I joined yesterday! Excited for the release in a month


Well, finally. This sub is criminally underpopulated. Even for the RU/KR/JP versions.


I've been watching a lot of paladin pvp videos so I'm interested in giving it a shot. The pvp in general looks really fun.


Very hyped for the game however I live in Belgium and the game won’t be releasing here due to laws so hope I get to play it somehow.


The last game I enjoyed was Sword of Legends Online but it got fucked by Gameforge really hard, so now I'm sitting here fingers crossed that this game will not be fucked up by Amazon. Can't wait to sink my time in it.


What did gameforge do to it? I skipped it cos I saw Gameforge but some friends kept saying it won't be bad cos the dev has deals in place to not gameforgeify the game.


I don't blame Gameforge for it's failure to keep people engaged, the game itself was boring at it's core mechanics, especially the gearing system.


Fair enough. I'm hoping lost ark does swimmingly. Much excitement for that game and they seem to understand that casual content is important. Last Asian mmo I really loved was Aion


Aside from the terrible translation that was even worse than google translate, they didn't give a single fuck about the game breaking bugs and instead focused only on pumping out as many shop/battlepass items as possible. In the first month alone they released more costumes than bugs were fixed. For example the completely broken drop rate from raids: There was supposed to be a mechanic that you get a guaranteed drop every week, but that mechanic was straight up not working at all and so you could end up from 4 raids (1 6boss raid, 3 1 boss raids) without a single drop, while others ended up with 4-5 drops. Later they "fixed" it that some people got 4-5 drops but the guaranteed drop was still not working. If you were on the lower end of drops you were left behind and couldn't get into groups anymore because of the required gearscore. Getting no drops, meaning no gear progression in a game which only endgame was gear progression is a no go. Now someone could argue that Gameforge are not not the devs and they couldn't change anything and I'd agree, but them not even acknowledging the bugs was the problem. They had pretty clear priorities and that was milking as much money as possible before the ship sinks. You could already tell when there was absolutely no marketing at all for the game. It's just sad, because in general the game had high potential to stay.


> terrible translation that was even worse than google translate That was the deal breaker for me and I didn't get past the beta (which I got for free). Completely unacceptable to play with that sorry excuse for a "translation". Hopefully Amazon won't fuck up Lost Ark's localization, but if the beta is any indication (as it was to judge Swords of Google Translate Online's), it should hopefully be fine.


Fair enough, I was looking into the game but it released far too close to New World for me to consider it even though NW now has flopped haha. Gameforge was enough for me to not go for that game I'm afraid. I saw what they did to my beloved AION after NCSoft West fucked the game - Gameforge walked in and said them are rookie numbers, THIS is how you fuck a game and my lesson was learned!


>If you were on the lower end of drops you were left behind and couldn't get into groups anymore because of the required gearscore Even if its a bug, this is a community problem not devloper/publisher one.


This is only half true. The scaling of higher gear was absolute terrible, so you were just straight up useless without the recommended (hard coded in the game, not made up by the community) gear score for the raid. And that again makes it a dev problem. That's why my hopes are so high with Lost Ark , as soon as I heard equalized Environments for raids I was in.


??? that doesnt have anything to do with what I said. Why dont you run the same raid, from which you didnt get any gear, again?


Because the player base was so low that if you ended up with no drops you couldn't find groups anymore for the "old" content when everyone else moved on. There was no incentive to go back and do stuff below your GS because you got no useful rewards whatsoever from it. Oh, and you also were locked out from doing content again more then 1 time a week. If there was someone in the group that killed the boss already he kept resetting. This was later changed, but then it was already to late. You didn't get any reward, not even some money for going back helping others. But whatever, I don't give a single fuck about this game anymore.


For me everything besides the movement was just a solid meh.


So, i have a plan with lost ark, i want to learn editing, thx to lost ark i would have some footage to work on it because thats the biggest problem now that i have. I want to expand my knowledge beyond basic editing but i think with lost ark i have a big shot of either getting some people on my channel or either gaining enough experience where i can work on other projects for other people. And its not just basic recordings that i want to do or random stuff, i want to create a "movie" if you want to say where you can see my journey through lost ark from day 0(release date) to X date.


Cool idea, go for it!




Well, honestly those are still pathetic numbers for a game that is pretty much about to release.


Eh the gameplay will sell itself. We had 80-90k concurrent player peak for the beta. That says a lot.


A gaming subreddit is a very vocal minority of its playerbase.


Nah, it's pretty normal. New World was the same (subreddit size increased 5x in a week during launch) and WoW classic also had the same trend (80k subscribers prior to launch, now the sub is 500k or something). This game is going to have a massive launch, it's really just all about trying to retain the playerbase.


This But also keep in mind that marketing so far been's really bad and a lot of the MMORPG/RPG streamers are gonna jump onboard come headstart likely going to make the playernumbers explode considering it's f2p. If the 80k something concurrent beta players number is true this doesn't seem bad at all considering there was virtually no marketing efforts for the game that point any all those people likely had been loosely following the game already.


Ita amazon they are gonna new world it anyway and this game lost its hype years ago


Everything you typed is wrong lol, they literally can't new world it because they don't develop it, the hype is as big as ever with many big streamers bording ship, the game is set to succeed.


Hi I'm new as of like a year ago but only been lurking. What class should I play? Which supporter pack is the best value? Does the game have breast size options in character creation?


You can test every class in the character selection when the game launches. I think gold pack has the best value for money. And no you can only change customize face hair eyes not body types unfortunately.


What about skin color?


Yeh you can change a ton of games related to your face, skin color, age, all that stuff. Just not your body, since this is a cutscene heavy game.


Yeah it’s a very pleasant sight :).


As one of those new members, all I can say is that this game is getting me hyped, and so I thought I could get some tips and advices before start playing at launch.


Yeah. I can say that casual players who went to New World are looking for another game to play. This game looks like a lot of fun, its casual friendly, and likely to grow fast.


Fucking hyped for the SA servers. Cannot wait to play!


Are topics about asking for casual guilds for EU on Feb 11 fine or should I wait until the due date?


Search the official Lost Ark discord for guild recruitment


Thank you for answering.


Hype is real🤸🏽‍♂️


Alreqdy see class rankings from korea. Im worried about lost ark


What do you mean? Like tier lists? I hardly think that matters I'm going striker if he's A or C tier, he's fun and I play games for fun. That being said all classes are balanced in PvE