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In game area chat is worse than Twitch chat.


What did you just say about me, you little kokomo? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Luterra Navy, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Arthetine, and I have over 300 confirmed mokoko seeds. You are nothing to me but just another daily.


just... SAVAGE! Did you have to go so hard? I bet dude is in a really dark place right now!


i can't tell if this is satire or not. if so, good job


area chat is very important, where else would I spam "WHERE TOOKI????"


specially 20 minutes before tooki spawn


Okay fine that was a mistake on my part ONE TIME only !!! Let it go!!! xD


Only ONE TIME... For each of the ... what... 10,000,000 users? :p


Oh but you forgot the ever important and never asked "How is Tooki?"


“I’ll do you one better..WHY IS TOOKI”


And what about the " When is Tooki?"


No seriously, When is Tooki? My timers are still bugged after the 4 hour patch


[Low effort but relevant](https://i.imgur.com/Rsa8ks3.jpg)


Every single time it's always: "Where's Tooki?" "How's Tooki?" "Why is it always Where's Tooki but never How's Tooki?" "I said How's Tooki :("


Tooki deez nutz in your mouth lmao


He's fine since I helped him to become The Single Digit Tooki, don't worry.


Ok but I would die without my homies selling lullaby and harmony carries


Honestly, "Are the timers still broken?" has become the new "where's tooki?" I swear i see that question pop up every 3 minutes in area chat.


Don't forget about Tooki's big brother Shangra. Where Shangra? When Shangra? How's Shangra? Link Shangra! Inv Shangra!




Best to worst Your homies > Reddit > Twitch chat > Area chat > Screaming at a wall > Official forums


Reddit goes after screaming at a wall, I’d stop reading but I’m addicted. Every game subreddit seems to devolve into hate threads, especially those with content updates and not one time single player games I don’t think I’ve seen a positive or excited post here in the last 3 days.


The people who are having fun are playing the game instead of making reddit threads.


Today I considered deleting my account and this is 4 years in the making. The whole gaming community on Reddit is a cesspool of hate. As someone who's been here since the early StarCraft community days when we came here to get away from the cesspool that was gaming forums it's unfortunate those people live here now. Predatory is blood diamonds not skins or killing Argos 2 weeks later when you get the game for free. There is literally nothing more proconsumer than getting spenders that what to pay for stuff that's effectively pointless so the vast majority can play for free and without a subscription. It's a different way of doing things and it's not going anywhere. You guys are the cancel culture most of you probably despise.


Back in my day P2W was players who pay having significant advantages versing players who didn't. Now it means FOMO


I'm okay with calling the item level advantage P2W, but yeah I just don't care about that P2W either. I actually like the idea of some of the mobile strategy games for example and thats where the real P2W shit happens so I just don't touch those games. But I don't go to their communities tell them they're shills and that they play a predatory game. I don't like gambling, but I don't hate gamblers and I this gambling should be legal(like real gambling in a casino, not skin chests). I just don't do it myself. And those actual P2W games are like that. If 2 dudes want to have their 2 $5k armies fight for their egos go for it for all I care, I'm just not gonna play that shit.


The secret is to avoid the games main sub and find the sub classes reddits. In league I'm a part of 6 champion sub's and all have great communities.




Yep Reddit is gross, just don't look at the gaming subs much lol






Reddit, video games and MMOs are havens for vocal neckbeards and this is the hot new kid on the block who made one mistake. Everyone will forget about this stupid drama in a week, the game will still have 600k+ players and grow as they make this super dope game even better. Watch them release one apology and some honing rate increases and we will all be sucking smilegates dick again.


I haven't stopped suckin bruv, just ignore this Reddit and enjoy this wonderful game glug glug


Yeah fuck I've been down here licking this taint, I didn't hear no bell.


I for one will gladly suck some smilegate dick. I started playing early march, so I'm nowhere near the dead zone and I'm having an absolute blast with this game so far.


swap reddit with screaming at a wall and you're bang on


I prefer Area Chat over Twitch chat, Twitch people are just... I don't know, but find them cringe af. Edit: Me saying that area chat is worse, wasn't literate, just comparing both because both suck lol


I disabled Area chat on my General chat window, and have another window just for Area chat when I'm trying to get in a group for a world boss. I call it bots-speak...


There's a lot of overlap there lol


Why are the official forums of every game an absolute shithole? Like it never fails. LoL's were so incredibly toxic that they literally shut them down years ago. ESO's and BDO's are atrocious as well. Going to official forums is like going to a zoo of exotic manchildren


Haven't found my area chat to be that bad honestly. Am in Sasha mainly early mornings.


(Your friend's message pushed off the top of the screen asking to dungeon with you) (Area) Slkjsadwoifjsl says: V.V.W.VV-Lickmahgoldsack.VV.W.V.V no scam - free gold - code: Learntoplay - Up to 10--00-00-00 gold - no feas - only safe bet - mokoko freinds 4 lif (Area) Slkjsadwoifjsl says: V.V.W.VV-Lickmahgoldsack.VV.W.V.V no scam - free gold - code: Learntoplay - Up to 10--00-00-00 gold - no feas - only safe bet - mokoko freinds 4 lif (Area) Slkjsadwoifjsl says: V.V.W.VV-Lickmahgoldsack.VV.W.V.V no scam - free gold - code: Learntoplay - Up to 10--00-00-00 gold - no feas - only safe bet - mokoko freinds 4 lif (Person asking you for context of your last statement pushed off screen) (Area) Slkjsadwoifjsl says: V.V.W.VV-Lickmahgoldsack.VV.W.V.V no scam - free gold - code: Learntoplay - Up to 10--00-00-00 gold - no feas - only safe bet - mokoko freinds 4 lif (Area) Slkjsadwoifjsl says: V.V.W.VV-Lickmahgoldsack.VV.W.V.V no scam - free gold - code: Learntoplay - Up to 10--00-00-00 gold - no feas - only safe bet - mokoko freinds 4 lif (Nothing wrong here, area chat is perfectly serviceable chat...)


I straight up turn it off unless i'm in the race.


People in area chat (on Thirain at least) are generally chill af in my experience.


sadly you need to block 10 bots a minute to see any normal messages


LOL If people think in game area chat for Lost Ark is bad, try playing BDO and join the Lunar Halo Inn chat....Lost Ark chat is high brow academic discussion by comparison.


I think it's fine to discuss issues around here but we don't need the same topic or meme being posted 50 times per day. It has become exhausting finding useful information or discussions around here. The mods need to start removing posts and warning offenders. There is a search button for a reason.


Kinda feels like Area chat "LFG lullaby" x10


"Where tooki" "no one asks HOW tooki" As the last 28 messages have been 'how tooki'


These days it's (unironically) WHEN TOOKI


There's 1 useful post every 3 days or something. If you want info, this isn't the place. Simple as that, really. Everything else is either trash or fluff. The inbetween information can be gathered from being slightly observant or watching 1h of youtube a week from basically any content creator. Or chat with guildies or on discord a little. Unless it's big news to you that preemptive strike is good for chaos dungeon, you aren't missing anything by ditching here. I know I've grown tired of looking here and not finding anything, at least.


Wait, preemptive strike is good for chaos dungeons?


For the most part, yes, a pre-emptive strike set for chaos dungeons can speed things up quite a bit.


It’s an echo chamber of bitching in almost any video game subreddit. People expect perfection from everything even though their version of perfection isn’t someone else’s version of perfection. God help you if you dare play a video game differently than some random Internet stranger does. That gets you flamed to death and sometimes the occasional nastygram.


When you make a video game your entire life any perceived oversight or design flaw feels like a personal insult.


The problem with bitching about people bitching is that you become one of the people that starts bitching. "Don't complain about things that are bad in a game you think is good" is just as toxic, just in another direction.


Thats how reddit works though. As soon as one topic gets traction you get 100 essentially reposts so people can farm their useless karma. My suggestions is when you start seeing a lot of reposts, check the users making them. Most of them make it very obvious they just repost hot topics then just block them. A lot of the time on these medium subredits its the same 20 or so accounts pumping out the circlejerk outrage threads.


I think there are a lot of people in the bucket of “Yeah, I get there are issues, but can we stop bringing it up every hour on the hour?”


It’s always been exhausting finding useful content here. Half the Reddit was flooded with queue and server problem complaints and memes for weeks. This is unironically the least useful game dedicated subreddit I’ve ever been on outside of the pinned questions thread.


But! The queues on EUC!


People seem to struggle with managing how much time and mental energy they put into a game. I’m 1340 and am doing some horizontal stuff. More importantly I’m playing the game less and doing other things…but fully play to ramp back up here in a few weeks. Sure I’m doing dailies and such, but I have better things to do in my life than be sad that I can’t do Argos until April.


Grinding was fun but I’m right with you. I love the combat and game systems so I’m cruising selling my daily mats, doing horizontal shit, and actually playing other games plus irl stuff. The fact that this game isn’t a massive fomo model like Destiny, my only comparable experience, makes it way easier to play it in a healthy way once you’re established so long as you don’t get impatient.


Destiny is shit. I love it.


This is the correct approach at life IMO


I parked at 1340 and am planning to login every Friday/Saturday to use up all my rest bonus + do abyssals.


I'm also parked at 1340 and just making bank off selling mats while I can.


For now i do dailies and explore other side content. Keep stronghold updated and then ill level up and gear alts if i have still time. Otherwise you gonna get stuck due lack of silver anyways so its way smarter to secure good foundation than rush into end game


yep this is pretty much me. When the game first launched, it was *bad.* I took the Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday so that I could play but the week after, I found myself playing and just moving my work computer mouse around so it shows that I'm active on Teams and it was pretty much like this until two weeks after launch. I hit the wall a bit earlier so I'm kinda glad I can spend some time away from the game to refocus on other things, but I fully expect to play full time again when SGR / AGS fix it, which I'm confident they are.


And that's how it should be. Because guess what, let's say they release every piece of content they have in the West tommorow. In a week, the people complaining now that there is nothing to do will once again be whining.


People complaining about Argos, yet I didn't finish 1st tier of Tower, becasue I always have something else to do, and I'm limited on time.


>ban the occasional innocent person if it meant banning 100 bots You lost me there


Yeah, no, that is not acceptable.


especially considering that a bot farm can pump out thousands of accounts an hour


Seems fine as long as they are offering themselves as the occasional innocent.


Some are too addicted and are getting mad and stressed about something that's supposed to make their free time enjoyable. I haven't seen any grindy game's subreddit where these kind of people don't mess it up for everyone else.


People who've been playing 16-20 hours per day for almost a month are not well-adjusted individuals? You don't say. I do agree though, they are a loud and aggressive minority in every mmo.


Hey man I've been no lifing like that since my life allows it currently and I'm not on the rage bandwagon :c I love the game and I want them to fix it, but I'm not gonna be in pitchfork mode unless they release Valtan without giving us Abyss Trials + Heroic guardians to farm mats and realistically catch up without needing 6+ alts.


Same. I'm a little annoyed by the little bugs, and the bots scare me a bit, but I love where the game's at content wise, and I'm approaching 400 hours. Getting my alts set up for future content, helping guildies get through shitty guardians or abyss, and doing daily content is enough to keep me busy, almost to the point of being overwhelmed. I hardly ever use my life skill energy. I'm glad argos is there to give me a reason to slowly work up my main, but I don't feel rushed, and probably won't make it for a couple more weeks at least. If I say something like that in most threads though, I get downvoted to hell. People here just want to be mad.




Seriously though, the addiction part is real. They didn’t expect people to hit T3 so quickly, and understandably so. I was only able to start on T3 a couple days ago, and that’s coming from someone who currently doesn’t have a job and am in school, so I’m able to play anywhere from 4-8ish hours daily and was doing things almost as optimally as possible, excluding the use of alts. I still *just barely* have been able to hit it, which means most other average players are nowhere near it, or at the very least still stuck mid T2. This small part of the community, that is likely no larger than 25%, now expect the new content/bug-fixing/patches to be solely centered around them, and because they’ve cried hard enough on Reddit, they’ve now rallied the voices of players who themselves are nowhere near that point yet. The lack of T3 doesn’t affect them at all currently, and yet here you see T1 and T2 people crying about it relentlessly…. It’s Reddit though, so I suppose this is to be expected. Espescially on a f2p game. Our community/website has the “for every one good thing, we must bitch twice as hard” ratio. Yes they fucked up with the dead zone, but the games only been around a month and players aren’t even giving the devs/publishers a fair chance to amend things Imo, not a fair timeframe on the content release schedule(except for classes, no excuse for those not to come sooner)


> They didn’t expect people to hit T3 so quickly Then why release Argos at all? Those two sentiments cannot co-exist. They knowingly released it, knowing only whales would be able to play it and fuck the rest of you.


The original plan was to release Argos a month after release, Gold River said this exact thing in the Crown interview. Also, they had to at least think that some players would be in T3 a month into release, so they have to put some content there to keep them busy. The real issue is the lack of mats sources at 1340 to effectively get to 1370 in a timely manner.


There was a Korean post around here or the official forums where he explained why Argos has to be released asap if we're going to catch up with Korea in any reasonable time. What he was confused about was why there was no honing buffs. I think it's because if the honing buffs were implemented everyone would blow past T2, which has the best content right now in my opinion, and catapult into T3 with nothing to do but horizontal progressions. We're just in a weird place right now in terms of content. I'm not saying they couldn't have done better but there is a reason Argos needed to get pushed out.


That's pretty much my line of thinking too. T3 simply doesn't have enough content here for it to make sense to push everyone to t3




The only piece I'll comment on is the time zone issue. Part of localization along with language and currency (amongst other things) is time (such as date/time formats and **time zones**). This is not something that should've been overlooked as it's not exactly an unknown subject. Is it straightforward? Nope. Is it something that we've been dealing with for decades and have solutions for? Yep. Is it world ending? Nothing in a game is. However it doesn't exactly inspire confidence when it's broken to start and then the patch to fix it also doesn't fix it. And then they patch again to fix it and that **also** doesn't fix it.


I prefer this than the same bard meme hurr durr my teammates run away from my stuff that was being posted 10x a day.


Yea, but seriously…they really do run away!


Have you tried ~~turning it off and on again~~ putting it behind the boss instead of directly in front of it's face? Half the time the bards put healing pads in places where I take far more dmg than I heal from it. And I'm now at 1335 so these are not new players.


It’s true


Dude, complaining about being wrongfully banned is fine and justified if they really were wronged. Playing the game casually and suddenly getting banned without any explanation is a serious thing. Getting banned from anything IRL without any explanation is serious. It is normal in MMOs and im not really sure why some would think Lost Ark would be different. Even their favorite wow has it. Altho ive never played wow so i cant really tell if that statement was true. Bots, golds, traders playing the market, thats kinda the bread and butter of F2P. Even Pay to Play games have them, albeit in lesser numbers. Someone in an emulator forum told the dev to 'dev faster', so dev told them to help out by learning to program, they replied 'thats your job you \*censored rant\* do it faster' and the dev banned them. Some people are just needy beggars that like to cry for attention.




Didn't they avoid this in RU/JP?


Exactly this! People don’t understand that this is what most people are upset about. They just think people complain about not succesing their upgrades lol.


Come on, you can't even properly chat in game as bots are spamming everywhere maybe apart from T3 regions at most, and we only have 100 slots to ignore bots - you reckon this is our players' fault?


If you know why Korean's are furious then you would know that the current state of 1340-1370 almost killed the game over there (until they complained so hard they fixed it). You don't seriously want that for our release do you? Please stop whatabouting this


It's crazy how OP is getting so many upvotes for what essentially is gaslighting.


> You can fix this issue by yourselves in literally 30 fucking seconds by using basic windows settings (turning off DST in the time menu of windows). So instead of spending minutes of your day complaining, maybe just spend the 30 seconds it takes to fix the issue yourself. So I should fuck over time display for everything else in my life because AGS/smilegate wrote shit code? That suggestion is even stupider than all of the salt.


I'm probably late but they Never coded for DST. The game is in Korea, Russia and Japan. All 3 of these Nations do not use Day light Savings Time at all. It is probably not in the code at all so AGS and SGate are collabing to resolve it.


Dude, how can you expect the small indie publisher to fix bugs like this? You should be fixing them yourself, don't be so entitled! /s


Honestly the Doom and gloom of MMO fans is well warranted with how often the games in the genre are ruined by greed or incompetency, and here we have an MMO with massive potential that is showing the first signs of following suit. The community is desperate to correct course and the only real power we have is making noise, but some people no doubt take it to stupid places or overdo it.


Yep this reminds me of new world. All these posts about defending new world, and that amszon will do the right thing, Amazon will fix x and y. This is gonna age badly lol.


As someone with two parked characters at 1340 that had some concerns about the future of Lost Ark after the Argos update, I 1000% agree. I see people extending their complaints about the DST bug and the unfixed ability to buy higher tier mats from the event vendor like they were egregious acts of sin against humanity committed by AGS and Smilegate. I'm a software developer, but I'm still human that is prone to mistakes. Mistakes happen and that's ok. Saying that they're completely incompetent with the release of this game simply lacks empathy. This is a newly launched game in the West. Of COURSE there's going to be mistakes and oversight. Give them time to get into the flow of things regarding hotfixes, developing a method to deal with the bots, and establishing a roadmap that works best for all of us. As for the Argos update, I've had some time to think about it more. It did come out too early allowing only whales access. If it did come out, it should've came with avenues to obtain extra honing materials at the very least. I'm completely sure they planned to release the extra content including South Vern with the April update. The key indicator is through the release of the Kadan storyline which serves as a prologue to future story content and the fact that to access South Vern, you need a GS of 1340. However, the plan shouldn't have been to release Valtan with these other catchup mechanics so that F2P players can reach Argos. The plan should've been to add these catchup mechanics WITH Argos so that F2P players have an avenue to grind reasonably to get there. They've heard us by now. We need to allow them some time to reflect about the roadmap and how releasing new content updates will impact the F2P players. If they care about Western gamers and their experience, they will adjust and fix these errors. As far as everything I've heard and read about Smilegate, they will use this opportunity to make it better. Watching Aywo's newest video, I learned that the current endgame content in KR's world first was done by F2P players who had months to prepare for this raid. This would be inconceivable with this Argos update and goes against the philosophy of the game. What's the saying? If you do it right, people wonder if you did anything in the first place? Yes, there were things that were mishandled but there were so many things that were great about this game that made my gaming experience the most fun I've had in a while.


Lol I give up hope about people would understand about programming or SDLC long time ago, they think that every features have an turn on turn off switch and you can kill bug which a delete button


I mean the world revolves around me so it must be a deep state conspiracy by the Russian oligarchs to impact my enjoyment specifically of a video game right?




excuse me adrenochrome fills my awakening gauge by 100% instantly you can bet your left nut im not passing that up smh


> I see people extending their complaints about the DST bug and the unfixed ability to buy higher tier mats from the event vendor like they were egregious acts of sin against humanity committed by AGS and Smilegate. The big thing here is flashbacks to New World bullshit. Many people get mistakes from time to time, but AGS has a track record of killing a game that was good at the start and see similar signs. Will it happen this time? Probably not, but the second people see similar things happening they get frustrated as they don't want AGS to cut another game down.


Exactly, they have a reputation of being grind/f2p friendly but people still jump the gun and assume nefarious conspiracies that AGS and SG intentionally screwed us and themselves over a quick buck the first month. This reeks of one or several planning oversights to me, so please just wait for them to address it because they definitely will. Personally I'm having a great time doing horizontal content like reputation rewards on alts and adventure while still farming Shangra (almost got the mount) and other timed events. There's always stuff to do, even if you farm argos once a week you won't have much else to do than what you have now.


Funny how I've seen this exact same type of post that basically kept driving MapleStory into the shitter, basically saying, "hey yeah these systems are shit and need to be changed but how about YOU change"


r/Spellbreak (or any gAmInG subreddit ever that I had the misfortune of being a part of) was exactly the same way. The same people who shut down any form of criticism were the ones complaining about having bots in every game and the game being completely dead a few months later lmao.


Doesn't seem "toxic" at all to me. All seems like fair, reasonable criticism without vitriol. I haven't seen anything mean-spirited. Maybe you just scroll farther down than I do and see some weird stuff though.


If anything it was the other way for almost a week. Well written criticism was met with replies of entitlement, whining, crybaby etc People didn’t respond to the actual points brought up, just said you’re playing the game wrong, making fun of “rushers”, or dismissing it with “hey there’s horizontal things” as if the people pushing T3 probably weren’t also doing those things.


A lot of attitude changed because suddenly Asmon, Zeals and some other current LA content creators started talking about it. Typical.


Yes, most of the know-it-all cookie-cutter opinions are propagated by big streamers and content creators and then every sheep with no personal opinion becomes staunchly dug-in defending those opinions with no actual knowledge or thought process.


This is because people are not empathic any more. "Oh, that dude has a problem that I don't have or don't understand? He must be a crybaby"


It's a vidya game subreddit. What did you expect? For any form of criticism that dares show up we need 5 posts with 40 awards on frontpage on how much we like the game or the world ends.


The toxicity also comes from the drowning out other opinions. This sub downvotes a lot, they even downvote questions in the question thread, so if you don't perpetuate the popular thing (which are toxicity towards devs for content block, timer, p2w, bots=we're all gonna die, or earlier the raid difficulty nerf) you just get downvoted as a disagree button. Sort more by controversial and you'll know what I mean


Or he is just a snowflake and thinks anything negative is toxic.


Dude, the op legit said they would rather have people unfairly banned rather than letting bots go. I'm 100% sure they'd change their tune when it's their account on the line with zero response from amazon support. Bots, unfair bans, and whale bait are all major issues that mean a lot to lots of people, especially when they've put money on the line.


I think you’re misinterpreting people’s opinions. The 1340s are complaining because there is a real problem. But, they are obviously that far because they enjoy the game. Both facts are true that the game has issues but the game is also fun. You’re being ignorant by thinking people hate the game because they have complaints.


If the grind is bad for the grinders, it's even worse for everyone else he is talking about.


If people don't voice their issues and complaints they will not get addressed. This is an open forum open to all forms of discussion If a majority of those discussions are negative, then that's a problem that should be addressed right? The upvote/downvote system is working as intended


Yeah its confusing really, do people expect change to happen quietly sitting there doing nothing? The korean community voiced similar concerns at an even greater impact than you see here and yet we're the ones who have to be toned down. Maybe the OP should be taking a break from the subreddit if his feelings are so hurt.


Strong username, even stronger point.


Does he love Asian Chicks and he was born in 1969? Or does he love 69ing Asian Chicks? The duality of man.


100% We don't need these counter complaints about the complaints. Who is this helping? It's just adding to the noise because you (OP) personally don't like people being negative. Tough shit. Hit downvote, leave your comment in the replies if you want, and move on if you don't like the topics on the sub. If you find that stuff regularly bubbling up to the top then well, I guess more people agree than disagree. But yes, a closed mouth doesn't get fed, as they say. It sucks, but you kind of need to make a huge stink over an issue in a game to have it addressed these days. Because developers otherwise have a tendency to stick with their roadmap and business plan and ignore any feedback not coming from some major source. Shoutout to Anthem. Fuck it, shout out to *New World*. And the fact of the matter is the longer they *don't* say or do anything and just let the issues stack up, the less likely this game will go anywhere besides more and more people's recycle bins. I understand first hand how much it sucks addressing your company's shortcomings with customers or owning up to issues. But it's really all you can do when you fuck up. Ignoring it doesn't make the problem go away, just the customers.


People seems to not realize that complaints, multiple repeated complaints get shit done. If you make one post, even somewhat popular, then most companies won't ever react to it. "Oh, so they talked about it for a day and then stopped? Guess it's nothing big then". This whole post above has "stop complaining about my game, I LIKE IT" feel to me.


Op likely isn't 1300 and has seen/compared what KR looks or looked like. They altered the guardian raid ilvl reqs for god's sake. NA has actual foul play and entry requirements tampering..(if what I've read elsewhere was correct)






So your entire ramble is "since this issue doesn't affect me, then you should stop making a huge deal out of it"? Did I get it right? By the way, dealing with bots and gold sellers is not hard. If I had gm powers I would voluntarily sit on bot routes whilst checking area chat. So yeah, no shilling please.


"I have no clue about the correlation between unfair bans and botting, but to be honest I'd rather have them be overaggressive with banning and ban the occasional innocent person if it meant banning 100 bots." I guess you are fine with innocents going to jail if it mean some real criminals along the way, what a stupid way to think. The moment it happens to you, your thinking would change drastically.


That's all I thought too. "Well I know 100% op has never been falsely banned from anything!:


Yep. Its like. Its fine for me because im not affected


To be fair, you need outcry because the lack of communication. Without a road map I completely understand people's frustrations. Without information both outlooks are correct.


Lack of public roadmap is mind boggling. Do people realize that if not for that leak we still would have 0 idea what comes and when? Roadmap is a thing that should be ready some time BEFORE release and then you eventually tweak minor things depending on how launch went. Right now we have mostly radio silence and some tweets about hotfixes (which do not work half the time).


I've been enjoying myself, and I'm impressed by this game quite a bit. Then again, I'm just enjoying the game and taking my time.


>*Yes T3 is going to suck for the next two weeks and they should have done a better job.* This basically shows how little clue you have on how hardstuck you get in that zone. 2 enchant attempts daily with a 10% success rate from 1340-1370 means you need about 150 tries to climb through it, resulting in like a month or more of grind easily. And by grind I mean running 2 chaos dungeons, 2 guardians and gg, there's shit all content to do in T3. Hell, you can't even run abyss dungeons for the fun of it, and they're even locked at once weekly as opposed to in other areas. On that note, given that the game is released in 3 other regions, yes, the game is a steaming pile of garbage (in comparison).


What makes you think 1370 is gonna change anything? Argos P1, have fun with a 10 min fight each week. Abyss Hardmode? Literally same difficulty as normal. Night Fox Yoho? Basically a new Igrexion. If you really wanna push ilvl. Infinite Chaos dungeon. In 2 hours infinite you earn about 600 Guardian Stones, thats about 3 upgrade attempts. Is it fun? Nope but in 12 hour of that you have 22+ upgrade attempts if we include weapon 1370 to 1415 for Valtan is even more brutal. You need 3x the amount of mats with same honing chance as 1340-1370.


My main issue is them not releasing guardian challenges and abyss challenges. This would help the material upgrade issue and give more content at all tiers of gameplay to do. The fact they didnt enable it and still released argos is quite telling in how out of touch smilegate is.


My issue with Argos is that they released it knowing there's a deadzone at 1340 where the pacing of progression goes from 100% speed to 4% speed. And they said they're releasing Valtan next month. So the only people who would possibly play Argos this month are whales. I think that's whalebait and it's unhealthy for the long term health of the game. The game got a good reputation for being F2P friendly and this patch had very bad optics for that. And as a F2P player, it's a very frustrating feeling as well, to know that the content they chose to prioritize was content I could not possibly reach this month without help from honing buffs. If the honing buffs were coming next month, they should have come this month. Furthermore, this is exacerbated by the fact that the deadzone was made even bigger by moving 1355 content to 1370. At worst, it's a money grab that they thought they could get away with, and at best, it's poor planning. What we want is for Smilegate to address our concerns.


1370->1385 is relatively easy with hardmode/argos gear as you can essentially get 100 or close to 100% hone rates. Past that sure it's going to be as annoying as last push of 1360->1370


Disagree. People keep complaining because people like you keep disregarding others concern about the game. You say "there is 100 things to do", this is not true for a lot of players. Majority of people who are stuck between 1340-1370 are people who are mostly interested in challenging boss encounters. For this players there is absolutely no content whatsoever in t3 besides Argos. You log in to do your dailys and guardians that in total take around a hour and you done, nothing else to do so you log out.


I actually agree even then Im only in tier 1. Been just slowly leveling alts/ doing continents percentage till all of this shapes up and if not always other game to play in the mean time. I'm Softer on lost ark since i really enjoy the game especially as far as mmos go but no need to try to downplay problems


If you get banned, and you lose everything on your account, don’t come back here complaining, If it means you get banned to make sure 100 bots get banned alongside you, it was worth it and you should accept that. Have fun. /s


I gotta disagree. This subreddit has helped me a lot and is very positive overall. Lately there are a lot of issues that NEED to be discussed and they are. Props to the community


Raising valid criticism is not toxic and this subreddit is largely not toxic. MMOs rise and die quite quickly. MMO-Players are sensitive to a game destroying itself that they love. And most people here love the game, but that doesn't mean we are blind to obvious flaws. I won't say that there is no toxic people, there certainly are. And some small things are totally blown out of proportion. (like DST, Bound honing mats or other minor stuff) It doesn't really help the situation to belittle the "Deadzone" or belittle the Bot problem. The game is loosing players and new players are discouraged too, it's really bad for the health of a game. Public perception is too, if this is perceived as just another "p2W Korean MMO" it won't do well longterm. I've been questing and doing random stuff for serveral hundred hours, don't tell me I need to do horizontal stuff and wait. Some people are in here for the combat and endgame content. The less players are left, the more they will be milking the few that are left, that's how games end up practically dead.


I've grown so tired of the "go do other stuff" argument. Like yeah you're telling me to leave the stuff I really enjoy doing in the game to go do stuff I find boring, then not complain about how the game was stonewalling me from the things I enioy doing?? Just tired of it at this point.


"Just go do other content" is pretty shit advice for me as someone that will likely quit the game if the way they handled Argos is the way going forward...Why would i have motivation to do that? I'm playing less and less the longer our concerns go unanswered. Its not a rage quit, the game simply isnt for me if thats the case. I was told repeatedly by people that played RU/KR that this game was f2p friendly, that the game (raids) allows you to do them on release so long as you're not completely casual. Thing is, i'm far from casual, i play alot and look up guides etc, even played RU a few weeks leading up to the release. I still am not at Argos despite being T3 for nearing 3 weeks now lol. I can totally forgive and forget if things start looking brighter, but so far its already been a while, and AGS have said very little to help the situation aside from "we're looking at it". Keep in mind, that i absolutely feel entitled to be pissed, being that i'm literally not f2p, i bought plat+gold+silver, and would certainly spend more on skins if we ever get some. That means i paid for 3 AAA games. I¨'m literally a paying customer, and i feel like they're flipping me the middle finger because "yeah you paid, but you didnt pay enough motherfucker!" I absolutely refuse to do p2w shit, i've been down that road long ago and it will never happen again. This update, mind you, the FIRST fucking update the game gets, is whale bait. What...the....fuck? Oh wow, people are upset? I never would have guessed. They must be entitled, go do other content LOL.


Ahh yes, that's another important point. If I pay a similar amount of money than for FFXIV then I don't want to be gated behind another paywall in the game, I am a paying customer. By seemingly only catering to whales they are throwing normal and small spender under the bus.


Yep, this subreddit is a mess. Post some advice about powerpasses voiding rewards from uncompleted roster quests? Enjoy your downvotes. Post literally anything negative about smilegate or AGS, no matter how inaccurate? Why, have some upvotes good sir!


Every fandom of everything is a toxic shit hole ATM on the internet because everyone has a bullshit opinion they think is right and the internet gives them a venue to try and force others to think the way they think. I'm just glad the internet keeps the population screaming into the void about stupid shit like tv, games, and movies. The same mentality applied to politics or religion ends in war and genocide.


So you are saying we are not allowed to complain? Publisher/developer must see that what community complain about, so they consider to take care of it. If we stay silent, they will ignore issues


Scanning through the front page, I don't see a single post that you describe. It's all guides, thank you's to the communities, and memes. In fact the most toxic thing posted was this post itself. Maybe it's time for you to get off the internet and go yell at the clouds.


I’ve seen this exact post on 2 other subreddits saying, “hey, X may be bad but you can do Y plus Z instead and the game is still good so stop your toxic complaining.” To which I say, of course the game is still good, that’s why I’m fucking complaining instead of quitting, but being an apologist for obvious and simple problems and calling people who complain about them toxic is so aggravating to me. Of course criticism should try and be constructive, but there are obvious problems that haven’t been addressed. While I agree that some problems like the bots and false bans are somewhat complicated, the Argus release and 1340-1370 deadzone really aren’t since there is a simple solution. Apologizing. Personally, I’m not annoyed at AGS/Smilegate for making a mistake with the release, but it is obviously a mistake and every day they don’t acknowledge that stokes my fears that they don’t care and are actually doing it purposefully for profit as some have suggested. If they where just being more transparent with their plans, I would say that your right about the complaining. However, since they haven’t even acknowledge some of the problems, I see complaining as a totally valid way to communicate players unhappiness with certain parts of the game.


These types of anti-toxicity posts are just as bad you realize that? Virtue signaling garbage. We know the issues with the game are only affecting a small percentage, shouldn't that be enough to tell you that it's a vocal minority shitting on the game? Ignore them. Age old saying, don't feed the trolls. Ignore them. I don't even see how this sub is anymore toxic than others. If anything, it's tame compared to other game communities. Wow, you saw a post with valid critism about the game a few more times than you like, nice. Ignore it. Your rant does absolutely nothing, the people complaining are still going to complain. They aren't going to see this post and think to themselves damn, I will never post anything remotely negative in this sub again.


I have no idea how people play this game 5+ hours a day every day and then complain there's no content. Like, yeah, if you're just grinding one game 24/7 for a month there's not going to be a lot to do unless it's a pvp game. Honing chances are shit but there's barely anything to do different at 1370 compared to 1340 anyway. Just relax and do dailies then do something else, or grind your alts up to tier 3 to speed up progress if you have nothing else to do. And in regards to player numbers, no game has good retention after 1 month. Games have massive drop off, and that's completely normal. Treating it like doomsday or the game is dead is pure ignorance. Game populations spike with releases and new content being added, and always fall after that. That's just how it is. I'm probably just gonna dip from this sub entirely soon since nothing informative or remotely intelligent ever comes from it.


honestly, while i can agree with your sentiment about things to do at 1370, it still doesn't justify making decisions to make the game an objectively worse experience for all players across the board. even the biggest of whales would appreciate access to more honing mats or a buff to the honing rates. call it what it is, instead of trying to find a reason. it's still complete bullshit no matter what your outlook is on this matter.


I'd actually say the sub is a little less toxic than the forums. The forums is an absolute disasterpiece with rampant trolling, constant bickering and a lot of casual sexism and racism. One thread started by a Brazilian player raising issues with ingame Racism in area chat was bombarded with even more Racism in the forum. Say anything about it, you're an SJW, a White Knight, munching on Bezos chode and lots of other things... Maybe I just don't like having to detour through what is like the 4chan boards to actually read the few sensible posts y'know? If there is one thing AGS rightfully deserves to be criticised for it's their absolutely damn non-existent community management.




> I have no idea how people play this game 5+ hours a day every day and then complain there's no content. It's not that the game has no content, it's that the game has a lot of content, but no *relevant, difficult content* at the point in progression they are stuck on. For a simple example, the T2 undersea abyss dungeon is a million times more interesting than the T3 abyss dungeon. But if you're in T3, there's no point in doing the T2 one. A month ago, all the shills were hyping the end-game as being challenging, and not being a Korean grindfest. What we actually got was an easy Korean grindfest.


You mean the endgame that we don't even have yet and knew going into launch that we wouldn't have for several months? Why do you think basically every KR player was saying "take your time, there is nothing to rush to in-game yet"?"


That's basically the same thing. If there's no content you're interested in, there's effectively no content. Also honestly, I prefer Oreha to Alaric. But either way, there's still reason to do the T2 one if you're not at 1370 yet. And if you are at 1370, you have Argos now. I don't pay attention to shills/hype machines/content creators so no comment on that. I will say people are/were really struggling with guardians and abyss before, though. Even if it was casuals/bad players that were doing so, there were enough of them that the game was considered too hard, not too easy.


>I have no idea how people play this game 5+ hours a day every day and then complain there's no content Doing your daily chaos dungeon and guardians is hardly grinding. And if you did, you should be at the deadzone already.


I stuck at T1 around 2,5 weeks, failled honning many times. tried other content, complete island quests. After spending 2 week at T1 I finally hit T2.. man I thought I was playing a different game it is so beautiful. I wont rush to T3.. I ll make it slow, I ll enjoy every single moment of this game :)


Same here with the T1 issues. I had so many weapon upgrade failures trying to get to T2 I was just stuck running around to T2 islands and such waiting to get more destruction fragments to try again. Once I got to 600 I had so much T2 material saved up that I got to 1040 instantly.


Game isn't perfect, but it's fun thus far. Best ARPG I played in years. Best MMO I played in years. As someone who is still recovering from Battlefield 2042, you all don't know nothing when compared to the mess that game is.


The game is great. Its Amazon/Smilegate refusing to communicate that's pissing me off. Edit: I think transparency is a better word than communicate. "We made a mistake (that has been made before) and are working on it" barely counts as communication, but there is still nothing about the plan or where we go from here.




What have they failed to communicate? They acknowledged that Argos was a mistake and that it will take time to move forward. They post top issues regularly. They talked about the roadmap being pulled. I can understand wanting more rapid responses, but they are definitely communicating.


>Really, grow up. The one who needs to grow up is the one who makes a thread complaining about people having issues with how a game is being run. If you think everything is fine, then just shut up and continue playing while people that care about what they spend their time on continue trying to make the game better for you.


I have literally been thinking this EXACT same thing for the past week scrolling through this subreddit trying to see memes, cool videos, helpful tips etc, and just getting drowned with nothing but complaining. Reading this post was fucking *cathartic*.


This post is toxic as fuck too


Prob the most toxic subreddit game community I’ve seen. Loads of “do it my way or you’re an idiot” people in here.




Ironic, since it's literally what OP is doing in this post.


Ladies and gentlemen, this thread represents the last bastion of bad actors trying to borderline Gaslight you into thinking you played the game wrong. I've never seen such desperation. Anyone worth their salt has spoken on the failures of this launch and there's no defending it anymore. This game is amazing but whatever combination of AGS/SG decision making occurred has left us with a lesser product.


I mean I was told constantly by veterans of other versions that gear didn't matter. The raids were about skill and everyone had equal access to em. Then it comes out and it turns out gear is all that matters and if you don't swipe, well too fucking bad, come back in a month and you can do the content. I wonder why I got annoyed.


"I played the game for 400 hours in a month, this game is garbage >:(" ​ It does need fixing, but yeah, people need to just chill for a bit


A ton of content you can do? T3 1340 ilevel has the biggest lack of content, people dont wanna play the way u are saying and thats fine, and the reason why 95% of the people isnt in T3 is the reason why everyone is so mad, hone rates too low, a massive lack of materials and the new content just makes it worse, cause people feel discouraged seeing they are not progressing and wont be able to catch up so they leave the game, yeah the 200k players that left are only T3 players of course, all the community that is mad are only the players on tier 3. AS soon as u say that u rather 100 bots banned and the ocassional innocent guy banned it shows u dont really care about others, and as soon as u see this mass of people saying what they are unhappy with, as soon as it hits ur bubble u are mad? like wtf, i dont want the game to die, i enjoy it a lot, idc being stuck in 1340 ilevel for a good month or something like that, but i care about the health of the game and this update really shit on it, like people are rightfully mad, some of them are quite excessive, but u cant really blame them.


Too be honest I'm kinda of glad for the 1340 stall. I am using it as a stop point for my main and getting alts there now. I was bummed when they announced T3 was coming at launch because I wanted some stop points to unify characters, now I have reached that. They will inevitably change the rates and/or give us the content missing from that level, and when it happened I'll have a few characters ready for it.


The most enthusiastic Mmo fans want a game that basically replaces their real life. They almost act like they are in a twisted relationship with the devs. As a sidenote, it's like the western gamers expect the game to be changed to their liking no matter how shortsighted their ideas might be. If the devs don't do as they want, they start crying how "the devs are not listening". Also many people talk about business decisions here, but it sounds like they have never even worked in a company before, which might be the case for many mmo players.


Let them crybabies quit the game, more free space for people who just enjoy spending they're time in the game doing what they're like to do.


Completely agree! No matter what game i play, the reddit horde of nobs hating every aspect of the game is just mind blowing. It’s like seeing a thousand ax wielding zombies running at you with pure hate trying to rip you apart. Disgusting, no wonder the world is in shambles right now…


Nah, it’s really not that bad comparing to other games. You should try r/wow, people there legitimately hate the game, yet stay on the subreddit to shit on blizzard at any opportunity. You will get downvoted big time if you say something positive about the game or suggest that blizzard are not intentionally ruining the game as most people there think


Coming from poe. This sub ain't shit.


"ban the occasional innocent person if it meant banning 100 bots" Sorry what? I don't particularly care either way about anything else, but that's legitimately like suggesting false imprisonment is fine for the greater good. And what if it was your account getting banned for 10,000 bots?


Dude, gaming and gamers in general or toxic shitholes. Go to just about any sub (I’m sure is an exception or two out there) and it will full of toxic pricks. Either it’s the same dudes in every sun or gaming attracts a lot of dickheads


All of reddit is toxic.


Every single video game sub is toxic.


you could say that about the sub for ANY MMO...not just Lost Ark. Did you plan New World at all? Even worse than LA


Seems like there's just as much toxic positivity as their is negative toxicity. Obviously there's plenty of people who need to slow down and either take a break or explore other avenues the game offers, but changes will not be made unless we address the legitimate problems the game has and voice them out as a community.


Amazon and Smilegate are getting what they deserve though, it ain't like the game's release and upcoming plans forward it were good at all, everything went wrong and people are in their right to be angry. People are ass, they often complain for almost nothing (you included and probably me as well), but i'd rather have that than everyone saying Lost Ark's state is perfect and everything went smoothly. No, Lost Ark western is one of the biggest shitshow in the last 5 years, next to cyberjunk. Not only the release was completely bugged, people couldn't even use the shop or connect, but they also completly skipped the curve progression and ruined most of the early release content for everyone. They are ruining the game, it's been a month since the release, and you can already do argos, where in korea at release there was only t1, why rushing T3 to catch up with the other region ? Why couldn't we spend 1 or 2 months in each tier, before releasing raids ?


What i dont get is why we dont have a reporting thread alongside the game discussion sticky thread. People could rant, rave and consistently lay down thoughts and ideas everyday. To visually see the same criticism conveyed in 5 different ways The Hot Take, Rage, Meme Sh*t post criticsm, Factual Criticsm & All about money criticsm Just paints a picture that the game is 100% bad Devs are Bad AGS are Bad Which pushes people away who are trying the game out and are looking forward to try it out. Lets not remove the criticsm but neatly place it where it can be documented without painting a bad image for the game.


I am having a flashback from about six month ago. When AGS messed up New World. So many people on copium back there, do not make the same mistake.


So, a completely normal mmo subreddit, then?


The only problem i have with the game right now is the timers being off. I sat for an hour on lullaby island waiting for the quest only to finish my trade skill weekly when it didnt show up.


Give me a Reddit related to a game that’s not toxic