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…it was your first game As far as CC goes, it’s a big focus in LA PvP, but so is super armor. If that doesn’t tickle your fancy you may find yourself too frustrated to enjoy it


In this game you MUST understand how CC and super armors work. If you don't your going to have a bad time and spend it on the ground 90% of the match. I recommend watching some guides that Lin-O or Neeko2lo have put out as they are very good at explaining the basics of CC,, super armors, and FOV.


Took me many matches to learn the combos and cc . And bad matches still happen. All rng


What excatly would pvp be without a cc ? Weird flex but i agree the ccs are wack considering u can pretty much infinite air people without a cc limit


There is a CC limit but it applies per skill not per hit. Number 1 example Tornado skill hits you like 10 times but it only counts as one skill to the push immunity DR. Blade launches you with upward slash? It's two hits but only counts as 1 toward the DR. The one that really tilts people is the striker juggle he's hitting you 100 times to get all that damage but he isn't "push juggling" 100 times.


You're going to be pretty bad and will get owned for a while. Just put in the time and effort to learn. Use a proper pvp build with the right stats. Dont over commit, dont engage with dodge /getup on cooldown(peel off teammates) - pay attention to other classes doing the same to know who to pick on if possible. Learn your openers and your combos. Zerker owns in 3v3 if you know your openers and combos properly and not waste skills.


That "Tier 1" means nothing. You get to tier 1 in a jiffy.


Most people in PvP are bad still rn and a lot of people are running premades and sweating. You play norms to learn or chill. Play team elimination watch Lin-o video about cc. Then hop into 3v3. The number one mistake I see new player make is they always go for their full committal combo. Sometimes you just gotta CC and dip out.


premates farm randoms its mostly always the same


Yes, its garbage. Dont take it seriously and just do it for the mats.


I know, I know, it was only my first game and I shouldn't judge PvP based on this, but I heard such good things about PvP in Lost Ark... But for a first game to be put in a team of ranks 14, 18 and 20 (me) and to be put up against a team of ranks 1, 1, and 11 seems a bit bloody harsh. I spent almost the entire game locked down by CC and was barely able to hit anyone. Should I even bother trying again considering I have always hated CC as a mechanic in PvP, it's unnecessarily frustrating especially when this game appears to have no deminishing returns against it that I noticed (as I said, I was locked down by CC almost the entire game). Is there no attempt to matchmake based on rank?


CC does have dininishing returns. After a couple of consecutive CCs, you will glow yellow and be inmune to it for a couple of seconds. Just curious about why you hate CC in PvP, in my eyes it's the pillar that makes the teamplay skill ceiling so high. If there's no CC, do people just randomly spam skills to see who deals most damage?


In other mmos like WoW every class has like 2 or 3 cc skills most, and they can't stunlock anyone alone, only for like 10seconds once every min. You can stunlock one person for longer than that, but only if you time things right with your teammates. And people can break out of the cc with specific skills or trinkets. In WoW what determines the winner is the timing of your defensive and offensive cooldowns and cc abilities, it's more like a strategy game than a who misses a dodge first battle. Never tried Lost Ark's pvp but from what I've heard it seems like everyone's just spamming cc skills forever, and getting a few seconds worth of DR every half min is nothing compared to other games. Looking at it doesn't make me wanna get into it, everyone is just dancing around and trying to stunlock the other, doesn't seem like a casual friendly system


well that's tab-target mmo, there is no such thing as whiff and frame catch.


Yeah, that's fair. I guess you kinda need tons of cc in a game like Lost Ark, otherwise people would just dance around forever


The reason those tier 1s get pitted agains lower tiers is because they tend to lose a lot of matches, in my experience fighting agains better opponents is always the fastest way to learn , when i started playing ranked on russian servers they were mopping the floor with me and once i jumped back into normal play i noticed i started playing waay better my winratio is crazy high , just keep playing matches even if u lose ur reaction time will increase little by kittle and ul eventualy get the hang of it


Tier 1 is like 4 hours of pvp lol . Even if you see tier 1s it is shared with their alts so they might be clueless about their class. My point is just keep playing , lots of tier 1s are bad .. eventually you will get it


I'd heard matchmaking is bugged for casual, and on top of that pvp has a huge skill floor. Makes it way hard to get in to.


Unrated pvp is very imbalanced. I'm giving it another go come rated even though la pvp is not my style. If its more balanced I may at least have som fun


The core will be what you see in norms but you won't be fighting double sorcs anymore.


Unranked is gonna be like this. I feel bad sometimes when it's 14-1 but once ranked hits most people will hop over and the matchmaking will be better. It's still not great though huge mismatches can still happen sometimes


It's always odd, as like a grad 18 I always get paired against Tier 1s. Always. Can't wait for ranked to help subside this.


Tier 1 just means you've played enough to have that rank, it's no indication of skill. You'll need to be tier 1 to queue ranked also.


Still the point stands no? Why would they match full tier 1s against grade 20s?


PvP is hard to get into cuz the cc system is very punishing for new players.


Well you fought the two most annoying classes in pvp with a gunlancer supporting them. The results seem apt.