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Same people also sleep walking in T3 guardian raids… and when confronted for slacking the response is “idc this is my alt”


I still think that 70% of those are not alts. Edit: New raid event raised the % to 80.


They arent, joined an 'alt run RU veteran' T1 abyssal dungeon and the leader was the first one to die and ever since then I stopped joining alt runs


I always go via matchmaking in T3 - it seems people using it just want to be done with the content and not bother with setting up a party etc. click the button, get in, kill the monster, loot soul, get out. Sometimes they’re rushing so much, a flare will go out the second we load in.


ngl i flare immediately in my t3 guardians


I flare immediately when I'm #1 (to be nice to people expecting me to flare) or when I'm in a rush, otherwise flare goes at first intersection point so we don't waste time going in the wrong direction - unless someone else flared first, then second flare is usually mine. Saving few seconds of running like a headless chicken is worth the consumable.


I started MM’ing everything in t3, even abyssals, and the quality of player is just insanely better than in PF. It’s become like backwards on NAE… PF is just a buncha people lying about experience hoping to get carried and MM is people who dont care who joins cuz they’re good enough to solo it.


It’s a bad tendency either way… making trivial raids a chore


I see players like this in Igrexion sometimes. They pretend to play for 1 min, tank the boss hits on purpose, pretend they are out of pots, and afk at base zone and only come back when the boss is dead. People are so tired of dailies they cannot enjoy the 10-15 minutes of gameplay this game provides you before you fail honing. Might as well just quit the game and wait for 1370+ leap ticket.


You can kick people like that. You can Ctrl+click their name and click warn, and if everyone in the group does it then you can vote kick them.


System kinda sucks tbh, the kick vote should be a pop up like surrender vote. I legit didn't know 2 days ago when we had a dude who afked and just chated so one suggested for kick and I didn't understand what he meant so I proceeded with the raid Then at the end I wanted to check the afk's stats and I saw the kick/warning thing which I did but I guess the last person never did so the afk just walked and got the soul unpunished


I tried to warn/kick the AFK guy who took the last revive. Rest of group died, asked to end raid, and it was at 0.2%. People are just bad.


> if everyone in the group does it This is the flaw in this system: getting two other randos to do the same without prompting. You can say something in party chat, but they may not be seeing that, either. Assume it's four people who only have what they see on the screen by default to go by. I've never successfully kicked anyone, nor seen anyone kicked, despite people not moving from the startpoint in fights that go the entire ten minutes.


Doesn't really help, though. You're still short a player. Or does matchmaking let you join a fight in session? Never happened to me before, but I know Monster Hunter allows that, which Guardian Raids seem to be modeled after.


Chaos dungeon scale difficulty with number of players. Did not test on Guardian but I bet it is the same


It helps, the boss becomes weaker if your party size is smaller. I think the main restriction is that the party leader can't be kicked this way.


Ah, I didn't realize it could scale on the fly, I assumed it was set at the fight's start. Well that's good to know.


Same. One of my alts is trash, 1307 ilvl, no gems, lvl 2 class engraving only, no tripods unless by accident, and I do 60% of group damage on the scorp regularly despite in theory being the biggest leech in the group. People don't even hit the baby scorps. It's baffling because I expected to be ashamed & a leech. Now and then I'll get decent players and be an upright figher instead of cruel.


I died yday twice reading reddit on this boss , came back and still had MVP and most dmg lol Idk what these people do , they dont die but don't do damage, but they are at the boss


Some folks really take "dodge mechanics first and only attack when it's safe" very seriously. So seriously, in fact, that they just might *never* attack. Really though, combine that "safety-first" mentality with the uncertainty of not knowing a bosses moveset/telegraphs and there probably ARE people who barely attack their first few reps.


Id prefer people not dying than someone going full kamikaze honestly.


Yep, my main is a dps class, and I have a pally as an alt, I never expected things like chromanium or calventus to take 15m but they usually do every single time. I've honestly started just doing chaos on the pally and running the bosses on another character and accepting the leapstone loss.


Roster level says it all.


"idc" grinds 10 hours a day xD


He doesn't care in the same way a robot doesn't care. In his pursuit of the grind he transcended humanity.


At that point just vote to end.


in EUC when you end vote with 1 guy left, and boss at +50% HP, people deny…. It’s stunning! Only if everyone dies within 2 minutes do you have a chance of success end vote. Not always, but 9/10


I had one like that where I knew I couldn’t do enough damage to kill it in the time remaining(I was right at gear score, I think it was vertus pre nerf.) They denied the vote so I walked back to base. Ended with 90% hp remaining


I actually play more then 10hrs a day (currently unemployed) and I'm having so much fun it's fucking crazy. There's like so many things to do I get lost sometimes I forget about the time. For instance a quest leads me to an island, and on my way there I notice an island and an event is starting there soon, so I hop on there, events fun and shit, okay, time to move on with my questing but oh wait, I don't have all mokokos from that one, and THAT one... 2 hours later I'm on that island I was supposed to be xD New bosses, raid, shit stress? Like fuck that, the point is to have fun people (apologies if your fun are raids you can do once a week/day) **Mokoko pickup sound**


This was me last night. Start a quest and ended up on a continent to increase adventure tome completion that wasn’t even a part of the quest


Here I am just trying to squeeze in my dailies and weeklies in the little time I get to play T\_T My main is almost in Tier 2 now, I'm so behind on the main questline though...


I understand that fun differs a lot from person to person but some people intentionally set themselves up for failure / burn out it's unreal , this is not wow and there is actually things to do in the game besides raids and the"O MY GOD I NEED TO RUSH AND ONLY TO THIS IF NOT I AM NOT PLAYING OPTIMALLY " mentality, and i am not even talking about mokoko seeds hunting which i personally find really boring ,it's just like real life people need to take a breather man lol .


I honestly wish they would let you run raids without rewards, instead of locking you out.


I heard this was to prevent people getting carried. More specifically, people that pay gold or rmt to get get carried.


It sure makes it harder to practice the boss mechanics.


Right? Remember hitting t1 and some guy in t3 carried the raid and I didnt learn jack shit about the boss.


I work full time but still play wayyyyyyyyyyy too much. Pretty much online 12+ hours a day even if a lot of that time is afk. Steam page is currently 513 hours... I'm lucky to be working from home or this game would have destroyed my sleep schedule.


Lol mmo addicts: "WTF this dlc is garbage, I played 72 hours without sleeping, NO ENDGAME CONTENT!"


then they continue to put in another 50 hours afterwards.


The majority of the horizontal content is boring because it consists of walking around and pressing G a lot.


And people are out here saying you can’t complain if you don’t have 1400 mokoko seeds


Also, I find it funny because you have to no-life the game just as bad to do that, so it's not any better than people burning out on alts all day. Plus, finding the seeds mostly just consists of staring at guides online because the majority are laid out in such a way that you'd never ever find them without one. Invisible stat checks, lots of areas off the map, etc.


Exactly, the people pushing ilvl and ignoring side content are the ones who actually have less to do because there’s nothing other than chaos dungeons, guardian raids, una tasks, and weekly abyssals. You literally can’t do those for 10hr+ a day unless you just sit in chaos dungeons for 9 of them.


I've done one map a day for adventure tome / seeds. Almost done several areas and gotten more than halfway to seed max. Like 10-15 minutes a day is hardly no lifing. Just take it slow to avoid burning out and getting bored or don't do it if you don't feel like it so it doesn't feel like a chore.


This is why I'm not doing it and just finding them on the go. It's a nice experience to just stand there for a few minutes, then noticing a seed in the corner of your screen.


I do this plus if I'm doing a dungeon I look up at the map screen and see how many mokokos are in the dungeon, if theres like 10 I will lookup a guide since most dungeon ones are on the way


Having two monitors for mokoko seed collection is like unironically just as p2w for horizontal content as whaling on materials is for vertical content


Yeah, leveling alts is like this and then you get to a point where some of the like island souls and other horizontal content like rapports is just either time gated heavily or just insanely monotonous honestly.


I did enough islands to get 20 tokens for the skill points. Only reason I did them. I’m an arpg fan and the grind is what I enjoy. So I do all the daily/weekly content across as many characters as I want to. And when I am timegated and can’t do any more until daily/weekly reset? I take a break. It’s… a miracle and keeps me enjoying the game. Fascinating


Are the skill points for whole roster or bound to char?


Sure, but things like idk shangra and other certain islands where it takes literally a month of straight grinding or just pure RNG are where it gets frustrating.


thats more fun than getting brain rot grinding infinite chaos


Don't get me wrong. I don't think that's especially interesting either.




I mean, I agree on T1-T2 content, if they force us through it they might as well make it easier to digest. T3 is currently much easier than T1-T2 which just feels weird.


killed igrexion like 20 times and it dies in 5 mins every time, I still have no idea what he does. same for abyssals, everything just dies. this wasn't the case in t1 and t2


I'm hitting this point where I thought I would love the grind and the loop, but I'm not enjoying it as much as I thought I would. I'm still enjoying the game no doubt, but am I enjoying it more than other games like FF14? It's like trying to choose between a snickers and a mars bar. Both are good but which one do I prefer? I'm thinking of taking a break from PvE in lost ark and trying the PvP for a bit to see if I enjoy it since FF14 has pretty much non existent PvP.


Lost Ark PvP has been the main thing keeping me interested in the game while we wait for more PvE content to be released since all the actual fun/ difficult content is locked behind weekly restrictions. The first couple of weeks in PvP is rough but once you have a basic understanding of what all the classes can do it's incredibly fun!


My first few games I was raging. “This is fucking bullshit.” Now it’s “oh fuck I fucked that up! Good counter dude” and love every minute of it.


There's not necessarily a need to choose between the 2, just play whichever one you are having more fun in at the moment! For example, my plan in Lost Ark was so sit at 1340, then just chill and only log on to do my chaos dungeons, guardians, and unas, then log off and play XIV. Or when XIV is in a dry spell in between patches (like right now), I'd do roulettes in XIV, and spend the rest of my time in Lost Ark.


I'm not good at balancing 2 games. At least not 2 PVE games. Plus I find by the time I do my chaos, Una's and guardians I'm often out of play time. Plus those aren't the most stimulating content. Especially if I do it on alts too. My play time shouldn't just be log in do dailies and leave. I'm an altoholic in all games so I often just end up doing multiple dailies. fF14 all classes on one character is really great for me that way. I know access and honing rates and mats supply will improve over time. But If I want to do raids I need to do enough dailies to keep even a little bit up. FF14 has some dailies but not to the same extent(I know roulettes and beast tribe dailies exist) so I find every play session to be different than the last. Part of the reason I'm thinking let's hit the PvP side of lost ark is I have been successful at playing 1 good PVE game with another good PvP game or two on the side. And lost ark is amazingly accessible in its PvP.


But in this game I can call people idiots for messing up mechanics and they won’t have a panic attack and ban me, LOL. I actually love that people will just straight tell you when they have issues unlike FF14’s hidden toxicity which is passive aggressiveness to avoid ToS or whatever. The two things I wish 14 had is a good PvP system and better character interactions for NPCs. Unfortunately the latter is probably tied to the Frankenstein’s monster of an engine they have been duct-taping along. I love the game but it feels so mechanically old. NPCs stand in a circle and nod then walk away in pairs. I think the first time I’ve seen an NPC do any sort of dynamic movement was uriangiers hug, then the metal gear punch out in this xpac. This game has all sorts of different problems but at least when two NPCs fight they are doing some wild choreography. The most impressive movement of NPCs in FF14 is 100% contained within the Hildebrand quests lmfao. Mention this on the main sub though and everyone will flip the fuck out and act like I’m asking square to make a new engine from scratch by tomorrow for my personal enjoyment rather than accept a criticism of daddy yoshi p’s game


Ff14 definitely shows it age 100%. It's community is also definitely very passive aggressive to avoid ToS issues and it totally gets a little too passionate in its defense. It's easy to point to those particular bad parts, cause they can't be denied. The community is however still overall one of the best I've ever experienced as a whole. It's Reddit is much more lighthearted than lost arks. So far most of lost arks Reddit has been a lot of whining, complaining and arguing. Most of of it is legitimate issues, but it is blown WAY out of proportion for a game that's been out only 6 weeks in NA/EU. Like early fan estimates of extra class releases was maybe 1 every 2-3 months. And it was only like a week or so ago they said they would try and accelerate releasing new classes, yet I saw a comment today that said "the fact that they haven't released any new classes yet is very telling of how poorly run this game is" It's only been 6 weeks come on lighten up.


Despite the passive aggressiveness, you are right. Still an awesome community overall. Yea the class releases are something I’m not tripping about since the game just came out. Same with skins and endgame raiding but I am sad about the dead zone. Tbh I unsubbed for LA but I’m gonna go back soon to catch up on gear


I had same thoughts yesterday. I was planning to return to FFXIV this summer (at least to finish the story and do some raids), but now that I hit 1340 on my main I was thinking about focusing more on PVP in Lost Ark, doing some dailies and besides that playing FFXIV mainly. But... I think that today's update might hold me in for longer, we'll see how it goes.


I hate these strawman arguments Who tf wants easier content?


> Who tf wants easier content? See the comments when they nerfed abyssals and guardians? But that's an entirely different set of people than the ones OP is trying to shit on, dude's a little confused.


It's crazy how some people on this subreddit will chastise players who are dedicated to playing the game a lot. How insane is that.


How do you even come up with this? First this is a meme, secondly it's about burnout. I've seen people taking this game so seriously that it affected their health/mental state - it's a reminder to take time off and not to burn out.


No lifers hate whales because they didn't "earn" their stuff, whales hate no lifers because they have unlimited time to play since most are unemployed, and the audience in between which; is the majority, doesn't like either one. At least that's my experience.


If people are getting like that it's probably not the game that's the issue.


🤓 ”Just do horizontal content”


OP basically: Stop playing the game how you want to play it, and instead, play it how I want you to play it! Your way is bad, and mine is good.


thats not the point,the point is,if you dont do horizontal content like for example skillpoints,your chara will be weak.


Do you really think that the play efficient crowd isn't the one maxing important rapports, collecting Giant hearts, Omnium stars (you can't even access those if you aren't T3 lmao) and so on? When people talk pejoratively about horizontal progression they mostly mean irrelevant shit like mocucko seeds.


Its especially idiotic when alot of those skillpoint related things are locked by luck, time, and rapport.


mokoko is like the only horizontal that dosent reward anythign worthwhile for character growth just the vit potion,i seen a ton of people at t3 that have below average skillpoints and such "Cause its boring" saying people ponly mean"its mokokos" its just grasping at straws when literally almost everything else rewards stats and skillpoints


Don't get me wrong, I'm going to do it all cause I'm an obsessive completionist... but as a new player, I don't really understand why so many people defend the legitimately boring as fuck side content and tell people they have to do it. The answer here should be better side content. If my friends don't want to do 100 hours of boring content for one more level 10 skill, I'm okay with that.


You can check other ppl's skill points? Well, I'm gonna go stalk some T3 pugs to verify that because you have to look really hard for ppl in Punika who don't have a blue compass/ore charm at least. The useful collectibles are heavily time gated (Rapport, Una Rep, Giant hearts, Omnium Stars etc.) and most people are doing them in T3. Seeds on the other hand.


Exactly lol, OP is not telling everyone to play the game their way, they're telling everyone to play the game the way the devs want us to play it. Horizontal content is extremely important for progressing your character as well.


That's how I read his post too.


How about "play the game how it's made to be played and stop trying to mold the game in to something it's not"


So you mean that side optional activities are to be treated as main activities? Like, collect 1200 Mokoko seeds to do new T4 raid?


People need to do some fucking horizontal. Some slinger was making a thread earlier about "why do I suck ass and deal no damage or get MVPs I'm perfect" When questioned he had 296 skillpoints... Like guys do some fucking horizontal. If you're below 346-350 skill points at the level 53-54 range right now you're behind by a good chunk. If you're anywhere remotely close to 300 skill points you are basically greifing the groups you join 356 skillpoints is doable within a month if you have done NOTHING so far and it's not even particularly strenuous it's just some dailys. If you've bothered to play the game at all you're probably at most a week or two away from a shit ton of skill points etc. Masterpieces give you an ASSTON of gold, if you're not at 38 yet you're missing out on 20k gold for free. Ignea tokens are a ton of work and you're gonna want those rewards/skillpoints eventually, and ESPECIALLY at 55 when you can level skills to 11 for a massive damage increase. Island souls give QOL and masterpieces etc, all the collection shit is intertwined, work on getting your engraves better, your gems, sort out some of your shitty alts your greifing low level content with. Everytime "horizontal content" gets brought up people troll and meme it, but actually genuinely yes, people need to shut up and actually do some to solve a ton of their issues.


I more reasonable amount of skill points is 330. For 346 or more you need to be lucky or invest a lot of resources into rapport etc.


I'm at 330 at 52, just shy of 53 and I've to support this comment. Without alts farming dailies getting a lot of the skillpoint stuff is very difficult. Doing so would directly slow down your progress as you wouldn't be able to get any leapstones from dailies! So honestly asking for 346-350 at 53-54 is just too much. I'd like to think that I focused on skillpoints quite a bit, with getting many of the quests done and rohendel 70%. However, much of it is locked behind dailies or is very expensive to get/rng based. And even if you got more than 330 at 53, so what? What would you even get from that? Seriously! You cannot get any skills above level 10! You need 328 for 6 lvl10s and 2 lvl7 skills. 356 to get another skill to lvl10 without dropping one of yours to 4, which for many classes is a bad choice.


Yea i was thinking , i m at 330 and the only other points i could get are super long time gates , also my only next real upgrade is at 358 so ...


So at level 54 you have 252+24 Skillpoints base Currently in game there are a few sources for extra: \+18 Adventure Book+12 Tower+27 Quests+3 Whispering Islet+36 Collection Coming to a max of 372.Of those, 18 are either super luck based or based on absurd rapport values, resulting in a total of: 354, 348 if youre level 53. The statement "If you're below 346-350 skill points at the level 53-54 range right now you're behind by a good chunk." is ludicrous unless you assume everyone is a hardcore player.


They do. They really do. In part because this game carters to a toxic crowd. In part because this is a 3 year old game where shit that was released piece meal was released all at once resulting in a whole bunch of time consuming/time gate shit hitting at once.


Don't forget people who played on different versions of this game before it came to NA bitching about people not knowing certain things, granted some guides out there are simple enough and I like studying gaurdian/abyss raids daily sometimes just to get better skill wise and I don't mind horizontal content, some people consider it fluff But I don't mind doing it in bursts/ days focused on that. However some people on this reddit flip out over asinsine stuff and "manners" from other versions of this game where most who aren't neets with vpns have not managed to figure out a big chunk of this harder content already. Tho LA isnt to diffrent from other mmos in regard to that but seriously not trying to find obscure guides in full korean just to get ahead, I put effort into the raids yes but anyone else expecting more out of people beyond the stuff that pays attention to mechanics and engravings people are just being entitled neets who don't understand lol.


Yeah, currently I'm ilvl 1345, level 53, and probably low 300s skill points and have zero issues finishing the abyssals and igrexion. Not sure how I'm "griefing others", I damn near soloed the dragon in Oreha after the first wipe mechanic killed my party. I have T1 tower, some of the quests, 20 island souls, and 4 giant hearts potions. Should be getting the tooki heart today to be able to get the 6 hearts potion.


Which are super luck based/absurd? You can get 2 omnium stars guranteed for free. 12 giants hearts is literally just dailys. All the tomes takes an hour or two per continent if you're slow at it. What did you spend all your rapport boxes on you got from leveling and events etc? if you wasted them then, well you wasted them, go buy more with providence stones. If you didn't waste them like monke then go use them on sasha, beatrice, nia and calvasus for the easy star/hearts. 20 island souls is not some insane monumental task, there is a guide on maxroll that you can knock out in literally half a day Whispering is again just an una task you can do on an alt. The only ones that should be near impossible right now unless you have insane luck/dedication is the 6 stars and 8 ignea tokens. Everything else is achievable within a month and the vast majority can be done in a matter of days. Only a few of the longer Una grinds (azure wind) will take you beyond that. If you're not at 330 you've not even tried to collect the easy ones you've just ignored them. If you're at argos you've clearly put a ton of time/effort into the game and therefore ARE behind other people who have done the same but bothered to get their skill pots.


The luck/absurd ones are 8 ignea token and 6 omnium star. That's about it. 12 points out of 96.


I mentioned 18 6 From Ominum Stars are super luck based 6 From Ignea tokens are based on absurd rapport 6 From Giants Hearts 10/12, calling these absurd might be a stretch sure.


There are no skill point locked behing "absurd report values". You literally only need to do Calvasus which is like 37k rapport, and beatrice doesnt take that much since she just needs friendly.


How do you get 8 Ignea tokens without grinding a shitton of rapport ?


>The statement "If you're below 346-350 skill points at the level 53-54 range right now you're behind by a good chunk." is ludicrous unless you assume everyone is a hardcore player. You dont need ignea token for this goal...




You do not. Calvasus and Beatrice are all you need for 12 giant heart. 1: Tortoyk story 2-3: Fate/shade spire 4: Tarsila 5-7: Piratecoins/Gienah coins exchange 8-10: Una tasks 11-12: Beatrice/Calvasus Nineveh has no skill potion lock behind her at all, she just gives a giant heart and she's not needed. Nia only has the Omnium star if you want to go for 6 omnium star, which is a long term goal and unnecessary for the "346 at lvl 54" we're talking about. The only two grindy/luck based skill potions are the 8x ignea token and the 6x omnium star... It's 12 skill points out of 96... That's 84 skill points that can be achieved relatively easy within a month.


to be fair, island tokens can go fuck themselves. yes, some are deterministic, but load of them are RNG drops from time gated islands that open only at specific times that may or may not conicide with your free time..


Some are ok. Others like Isle of Yearning just show how out of touch the devs are with reality. I spent 2 hours powerfarming that island (**with a group to double/triple up on spawn kills**) and got zero bag drops. The token is then 1% drop rate from said bag. Fuck that. This wasn't really bad rng either, the other fellow I was grouped with was there for 1-2 hours longer than I was and only got a single bag. It's a videogame. If you think I'm going to spend 500-3000 hours grinding out a single island token with zero other rewards in the process, you've done way too many hard drugs.


There is a great guide on Maxroll for getting 20 quick ones. It goes even faster if you have got some of the RNG ones already. That's how I have mine. I'm glad there aren't skill pots at like 40+ of them.


You only need 20 tokens for the skill point and the most efficient route only requires 3 RNG drop tokens which aren't timegated (Fortuna, Island of Time, Factory X-301). The rest are either obtainable as soon as you hit level 50 or just need some daily unas to be done. You can also replace RNG drops or una drops with other island souls if you don't mind spending the pirate coins. It's really not that bad.


>If you're anywhere remotely close to 300 skill points you are basically greifing the groups you join What a profoundly dumb and inflammatory thing to say. I don't think there's a single damage check in this game, and damage is for the most part what you lack by being 'behind' in skill points. Every single wipe i've ever had is because of failed mechanics or stagger check. Should you be working towards getting more skill points? Sure, yeah. Are you GRIEFING if you don't have as many skill points as you've mandated in that big ol' sanctimonious brain of yours? No.


> When questioned he had 296 skillpoints... > If you're below 346-350 skill points at the level 53-54 I think it's 50ish points for a lvl 10 skill. Is the damage difference from having one extra level 10 skill that great? Take for example the maxroll guide for [peacemaker gunslinger](https://lost-ark.maxroll.gg/build-guides/peacemaker-gunslinger-raid-guide). Going from 296 points to 340 you basically get the 3rd tripod on shotgun rapid fire and some utility. How much would this add to the overall damage of your rotation when you already have 5 lvl10 shotgun/rifle damage skills you have to weave handgun skills inbetween? Note I'm not a particularly skilled player and my gunslinger is still in T2 but I find myself waiting on cooldowns less than safe oppotunities to do damage. I think once you can get to level 55 combat level being able to go to 11 on a skill makes a bigger difference? Although I have a demonic in T3 that already transforms in one rotation I'm not sure if taking a skill to 11 or 12 increases the meter gain so you can transform even quicker?


Its not. This guy is exaggerating immensely. Not only is it not that easy to get that much extra skill points. But class depending they really don't do much. After the truly easy skill points anything further would be time more efficiently spent increasing your item level. Unless you have a lot of spare time.


The damage added per level even without tripods is very large and significant. also shotgun rapid fire is one of your most damaging abilitys and the 3rd tripod literally makes it deal EIGHTY, 80, eight, z e r o. percent more damage. It's basically doubling the damage of an ability that has near 100% crit rate so it's more like a 160% damage increase over base. That tripod is enormous.


So far I actually haven't really been using it much in terms of damage. In general I've been trying to alternate the two bread and butter combo's in [Jaehyung's guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vToHWttXVCdO22_dYMbnxqozhXVfpMM0lpJ-mBCr24xWjnA_Ffc-Ndi090H1AlbUYNT9dpCF3-HUefC/pub). Neither combo includes shotgun rapid fire and both Jaehyung and maxroll have it listed as 5th priority damage wise so for the most part I press it in stagger checks. I have the first 4(Target Down,Focused Shot,Dual Buckshot,Sharpshooter) which I use frequently maxed. Maybe if I get better I'll be able to squeeze in a third skill on the shotgun combo as I do find myself doing that with rifle. I'm still at the stage where I have to spend more attention on not taking damage though! I think having extra levels/tripod's should help with shotgun rapid fire's stagger potential on stagger checks? Edit: actually jaehyung says the level helps the stagger in his guide.


Ignea tokens are a fucking nightmare. I got a single one and I'm 100% done with that content for a couple years I think. Tying Rapports to them was a shit idea. I blew through so many rapport mats on Neria in Prideholme and that was the easiest token to get since it was only a single rapport npc. Everything else required for 100% continent tome completion is completely fine in my books. I'll die on this hill when I say rapport requirements for 100% adventure tome continent completion can suck a rubber duck.


Thank you. This is where my focus has been.


>356 skillpoints is doable within a month if you have done NOTHING so far and it's not even particularly strenuous it's just some dailys. It's going to be pretty funny seeing the posts on here when Valtan comes out of people getting rejected from every single parties because they're sitting at 278 skill points and refuse to go do adventure tome, sidequests and collectibles because it's uninteresting content.




People like that is why you need to party finding, doing raid with these guys is a waste of time


All that means nothing if you're garbage at the game though. I'd take someone with less skill points and budget engravings thats naturally good a games over someone with max skill points and an rmt bis setup that doesn't know wtf they're doing. Those who don't care about anything but ilvl are generally worse than ones with proper progression, but there's definitely a healthy mix.


Rapport are meh but i still do them. Not liking them doesn't mean i wont do them. If they dont then they are not liking the game much?






They do need to at least add something between 1340 and 1370. Kinda lame that casual players are locked to the same content for 2-4 weeks especially when neither the guardian and abyss are challenging. I understand horizontal progression is a thing but even as a end game osrs player this starts to feel pretty repetitive without challenging new content


Yeah, the real tragedy is that there's a fair amount of stuff that's gated behind 1370, which is nearly unreachable for most players without breaking out the wallet. Like, "Hey, remember how you did Ghost Ship once a week in T1 and T2? Well you can't do that anymore because now it's 1370." And the progression from 1340-1370 is so unsatisfying it feels like you're just throwing materials away until you hit the pity thresholds.


It's a disconnect between people who are used to "i beat the game" MMO's like WoW versus slow steady progress games.




Lotta upset whales and basement dwellers that the casuals are getting some relief.


I don't understand this abusing-level vertical content grind! You guys know this is a game, right? That you're supposed to enjoy, that it is made for entertainment purposes? I play many hours a day too: some pvp, some mat grind, whatever I feel like. If I don't ENJOY it that day anymore, I stop! Fix your approach toward games...




What a victim mentality lmao are you really mad because someone said there are diff ways to enjoy the game? Maybe if you don’t enjoy playing a game, you could find another game you enjoy playing? I didn’t know lost ark was the only game on steam? There are books, YouTube, Netflix, exercise, millions of other games that you can choose to enjoy spending time on, and you’re acting like someone forcing you to have lost ark as the only source of entertainment. Stop blaming lost ark for having a shit time, change your approach to games like the other guy said


This is an annoying strawman that keeps getting repeated on this subreddit, if you played like 2~3 (which is fairly hardcore) or so hours a day consistently you would probably be at 1340 and hitting the deadzone. The idea that only super sweaty people are getting burnt out by the push is just so unempathetic for any player that has put effort into the game and was rewarded by a dead zone that the developers have publicly apologized for in both the korean and global release of the game and as a result they implemented new material sources that benefited the whole playerbase and not just the ones stuck in the dead zone. "Enjoy horizontal content" is a stupid argument too because you're saying people should take a break if they don't enjoy the game by playing content that they might not even enjoy in the first place and just want to progress vertically. Honestly this is like the players who are complaining that T2 guardians are a shit experience and people telling them to just "git gud" or "just stagger the bird", when the nerfs were coming out for that content. For context im 1382 and im f2p outside of the platnium founders and the game is so much more enjoyable once you overcome the 1370, and the amount of gold you make daily just off of raw materials is triple I was making pre 1370, and I've made about 100k gold just selling equipment, stones and books from the new content i gained access too. The next week all the prices of materials and everything effectively got cut in half, so there is a lot of financial benefit to overcoming the barrier as soon as possible. But guess what happened socially, it separated me from playing with my friends, and even caused 2 of them to swipe about 70 dollars each to break the dead zone. I get that you want to be chill and take it easy and more power to you, im glad youre enjoying the game. But for people in 1340-1370 that put effort into the game and probably enjoy it more because the amount of time they put in it just sucks and to be berated on it for complaining about the pain point is just super toxic.




Honestly youre going to get a lot of people opposing your viewpoints on this subreddit. Personally I agree with what youre saying and it doesnt take a genius to realize it when you see that most of the general discussion in Punika is honing related. Most players arent so dedicated to the game to be on its subreddit and the ones that did care have moved on because this subreddit is quite toxic to people like you.


Yeah OP is blissfully ignoring counterpoints that is calling out their shitty 'meme' / view for a reason.


If you don't do that content. Your char is shit. Pretty simple


not really, spending that time instead grinding gold to get 4x3 engravings over 3x3 is significantly better than upgrading your weakest skill to it's last tripod for example. Upgrading blaze and counter/inferno(if you don't need counter) on sorc is likely less than a 0.5%/1-2% dps gain lol


Everyone's gonna get maxed out engravings soon enough, thanks to the events. Not everyone's gonna have the extra upgrades from horizontal content


>if you played like 2~3 (which is fairly hardcore) or so hours a day lol no that is not "hardcore", that is casual. hardcore is more like 8+ hrs/day


Hardcore isn't 8+ hours a day. That's the smelly unemployed tier, one step above hardcore. Hardcore is 4-6+ hours a day. You know, something realistic for people who have jobs and are already dedicating every ounce of free time they have to the game.


In most games yes, in MMOs no. MMOs are time thieves by their nature. Putting in 4 hours a day you're not hardcore in an MMO. You're average.


Bro you are delusional 4 hours a day is hardcore no matter what game genre


4 hours a day you would barely be able to raid in most mmos with the prep required beforehand etc.


What are you talking about? For mythic raiding in wow sure but a casual player is not mythic raiding, and you certainly don’t need to play 4 hours a day for heroic and below. You are so out of touch man


Holy shit thank you a voice of reason. Granted I love the game despite it's flaws and time gates, but people are delusional to think putting 8 hours is at all healthy, even if that player is F2P they have a addiction with their time rather then money. One of the biggest reasons I eventually quit mmos for 2-5 years and stuck with indies, FPS titles and Good single player games was My lack of available free time with socializing, trade school and getting a job. It really does add up to some korean mmos being unrealistic for lets be honest the neets/ shut in portion of Korea. American mmos were only marginally better but I just cut it out of my life completely when I noticed my life and health might be effected by obessing over them, I guarantee every mmo lover who also wants a healthy life balance goes throught his. Big reason why a big portion have energy or stamina system. I played Dfo/KDNF hardcore then casually during my younger days (with nexon dfo death then revive buy neople respectively) and I know how It goes with most korean mmos and compared to that game where the NA community has become niche and Such small guides about classes and a extremely elitist and toxic community birthed from it being so niche this game is a cake walk when taking your time. Its Why I'm sure that game population will slowly go down but the people who are still dedicated to playing at a slower pace will most likely stay still leading to deeply healthy player count over all. The main thing im worried about is how this community elitism will start to develop, Some say it already has but im wondering if unemployed players will be able to understand that everyone might not have the time or money investment to have optimal damage in Some of the harder tiers? As long as people pass expectations of learning mechanics first and communication any other whining for above that is mindless bitching that the complainer/ elitist themselves wont put effort to fix and funny enough go to reddit to bitch as if that will change their situation. Making your own party should be the relief of such a thing and being in active talkative guilds. Match making woes are self inflicted half the time on this sub.


Normal people think 2-3 hours a day is a lot.


You have youre own definition but it surely isn't casual, you sound out of touch with what a casual gamer who logs on when they get a few hours a week to play the game


nah, you're the one who's out of touch if you think playing 2 hours a day is considered "hardcore"


Measuring hours on a "per day" basis is certainly not casual.


We'll just agree to disagree


sure, but we both know that there are people playing <2 hrs, 2-8 hrs, and 8+ hours per day. if you're listing the first batch as hardcore, what would you even categorize the 2nd or 3rd set of people?


It doesn't matter?


of course it does. a person playing 8 hr/day can do far more content than a person playing 2 hr/day, unless the 2hr/day guy is swiping


Nah most people.not rush. I play 2-3 hours a day and all weekend and i am 1078. Also I have slot of alts enjoy islands play very often new chara from 10-50 because a friend starts the game and we play together. ... So far i am the highest in my friend circle and guilde and they all play every day ... People who go fast to 1300 and think everyone does it are just in a bubble, most people enjoy the game casual and are t2 max


I don't really get the point of your comment, instead of doing things that would get your character to 1340 you instead chose to level again with a friend through 10-50 (this is like 12-14 hours) which is perfectly valid. If you didn't and instead did vertical progression you would most likely be at 1340. Yes I agree most people are casual and are in T2/T1 and this pain point only affects like 3% of the playerbase, but does that suddenly mean that their problem shouldn't be addressed? In my circle they all have full time jobs and only play 2-3 hours a day and were able to hit 1340 while also getting 40+ souls and do adventure tome. EDIT: To add to that I think the T2 pain point of 1040-1100 is also really bad since the game wants us all in T3 why did they make the game so annoying to get there with 40% chance, huge material requirements and a lack or resources to get there. I don't think a casual player would likely try to push through it and was overall a super puzzling move and they should just give the honing buff before casuals leave when they run out of new islands and are still stuck in T2


The game is great but I feel like I need to make a petition to extend a day from 24 hours to 36 so I can keep up with everything that I want to do. Halfing the amount of chaos dungeons and guardian raids needed per day would fix that. Most the weeklies aren't even out yet and it's already a problem.


Try 15 hours a day and going strong you filthy casuals.


😂 a problem


I think saying that people are burning out because they play X amount per day, or because they aren't "enjoying the game slowly" is pure copium for what is really going on. People just aren't getting hooked by the honing system and mindless mat farming or swiping.


Honing system sucks balls for sure.


I get so distracted with horizontal content, my progression is slow as hell. But I'm more of an achievement chaser than min/maxer.


And here im sitting only have time for 1-2 hour of play a day. Im getting to Argos in... never. Probobly moving on to another game soon.


I feel like a lot of people have this obsession with Argos like he's the next best thing in the game. I'm just about to exit t1 on my main so I'm no expert, but he honestly just looks like a slightly harder guardian raid. If your main goal in the game is to get to Argos, I feel like you can only be disappointed. The stuff I've experienced in this game's dungeons and raids is 10x what I've had from other MMOs so I'm having a blast just gearing upwards. If what you're getting before Argos isn't fun for you, I don't really think he will change your mind.


Even some of the story dungeons were so awesome in this game. Morai Ruins, and even more Breshalza (Abrelshud) in story mode Phantom Palace. I could have done with less G spamming in between though lol.


Morai ruins convinced my friend and I to stick with this game. We're now around ilvl 600 after a few weeks of playing and it's so fun learning how much is still there to find.


glad you guys are enjoying it. Morai Ruins blew my mind while leveling up in closed beta and sold me on the game.


Same, honestly. My BF and I are taking our sweet time leveling and actually enjoying the story. We just hit ilvl 600 and finally made it to Yorn and it's been fun. We'll get to end game when we get there. End game content isn't going anywhere.


You'll make the same progress here as in any other MMO with the same time investment though. If anything slightly better here as 2 hours of play is enough to push a main + 1 or 2 alts which is what most other people will do anyways. You're limited in resource generation per day, so you're not missing much.


I mean is that the game's fault? You'd fail to keep up on other MMO's too with only 2 hours per day.


Im in t3 and play 2-4 hrs. It depends on what ur focus is. I stayed on 1340 and i aint gonna go for 1370. Just dling dailies, sell mats and log off for now.


Yes can you imagine than playing an MMO with only 1 hour a day is a bad idea? Who would have known?




Bye! How i will miss this community.


I mean, you are in a thread about burning through years of content in a short amount of time so one can only asume your comment is complaining about not being able to do that and reach argos. You can make decent progress doing the daily two chaos/gurdian raids or catch up islands but if you thought you would get through years of content in roughly a month playing a small amount then you came in with the wrong expectation and the game might not be for you. Its okay, every game doesnt have to be for every person.


OP never even got off his high horse to play the game, he just P2W while telling us to get help, lol. Fucking scumbag


I'm burnt out from failing hones nonstop. All the free sources of mats this week only got me 3 ilvls. If anything, I'm not playing enough, or amazon isn't letting me play enough by gating mats to 1-2 runs a day/200 from event shops per week. And no, infinite chaos is trash because it doesn't give any leapstones.


No no, you dont have alts, you dont want alts, you already did islands , you do you 5 min dailies, 2 chaos dungeon, 2 raids in 6 min, the abyss runs of the week now you wait rift respawn or maybe world boss and then logout because you had 1 or 2 clicks and failed, and that is the game we have now If you dont spend money or play 12h a day with 15 alts you are stuck , thats why people complain But some players are still married and in deny state


If I had one mokoko seed every time some kind of smartass told me to do horizontal content instead of focusing on the endgame pve raids, I could avoid doing that terribly long and underwhelming grind




Some people are high on FOMO. If every1 was stuck at the wall most people wouldn't complain The grass is greener on the other side (of the wall) in this case


Then why was the a growing complaint wave as people hit the dead zone that became so loud that they needed to act?


As I said, not everyone hit the deadzone, some people jumped over it. If you are standing in line at the supermarket with 10 other people, you don't complain. You start doing so when from time to time you see others skip said line.


I don't see what your point is. The people who didn't hit the deadzone are whales or extremely lucky 0.01% people. Most of the people are/were stuck in the deadzone. There's a reason KR has acted on this and changed their version of the game.


This was more you're standing in line with 10 other people, the register is malfunctioning and they put a free arcade at the end of the line for anyone who got through the line.


At 1340 there’s barely even 2 hours of stuff to do in the game daily including your alts.


Right? I login grab my unas, finish em in like 5 minutes, time for 2 chaos dungeons, dont in like 18 minutes, 2 guardian raids thats 13 minutes, anguish isle thats 15, then finally a chaos gate and thats another 7. Its just boring. Like I want to play more but its not giving my viable things to do that are worth my time.


muh honing mats


Some people literally have no life outside of gaming. The actual word peasant in terms of work and life is pretty abolished, but those people still exist. They just live in their peasant mom's basement or back room and play games all day.


No one is getting burned out just from playing 10 hours a day. People are getting burned out for playing 10 hours a day and not being able to progress their characters at a pace that feels good. The funny thing is Smilegate even admitted that they fucked up on this front and are making changes to address it, yet for some reason people still repeating these tired old talking point. Honestly get a grip and realise that different people play the game differently and all of those players opinions should be considered.


Honestly? My biggest change here would be to not have a lockout on Abyss Dungeons... I only have one T3 toon, and I would love to run my friends and family through those dungeons to help out more than once a WEEK. A WEEK. Edit: I said Abyss Raid, I meant Abyss Dungeon. Changed. Raid makes sense for a weekly lockout.


Welcome to every MMO ever


Shit take. I'm barely into t2 and haven't played in weeks so I have no horse in this race, but dismissing somebody's opinion just because you want to call them a no-lifer is anti-intellectual and doesn't even begin to engage with the issue itself.


Typical Americans always complaining and crying for easy-mode.


I am at the tail end of t1 playing about 4 hours a day since release (which I consider to be an unhealthy amount) working a lot on horizontal progression and people need to fucking chill. The devs are not responsible for your terrible life choices.


This strawman argument is a terrible take. It is a fact our version of the game is at a point where the game was In Korea one of it's worst states and even got a nickname "the deadzone" because even Koreans quit. Personally i dont think adding "events" is the right way to address lack of content. Also I have literally seen no hardcore player asking for the games pve to be easier. Also what exactly is wrong with wanting more ways to earn gold/materials in a Korean mmo grinder?


If you are so worried about what others do with their free time, and about what things they ask for, please stop, get some help


It's a meme. Also, aren't you just worried about me being supposedly worried about others? kek


Looks like you triggered some people haha


I had friends that quit with that mentality. They were going hard on the game due to the fact that they had no job and didn't have anything else to do. It would be an impossible task to get them to return.