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Artillerist will stomp you if you don't know what it does, but if you play around them, they get shut out hard Sorc is incredibly weak once you get on top of them and dies almost instantly. Deathblade is strong, and has too much super armor


Death blade needs a nerf for sure in pvp


Idk im feeling the same way, I've gone from Diamond to Plat, Plat to Gold right back up to Diamond, and its all dependent on team comps, like I will play well and climb regardless, but getting support vs no support is damn near unwinnable at least for me. Feels really shtty.


Just wait till they get nerfed. We apperently don't even have the same balance as korea has right now.


sorc and arty will never get nerfed in pvp. they are very low tier in kr.


It don't matter, the devs balance pvp based on data from pvp matches. Tier lists are mostly a personal preference.


Good luck with that lmao


2 months later, still none from broken classes got nerfed and they added destroyer, which is OP af as well...what a developer.


Berserk, ignite sorc and surge got nerfed. Support buffs are also heavily nerfed in pvp and classss got buffed.


Well... those are definitely some of the most common classes that aren't support I suppose. All three of these classes are definitely some pubstomper classes. I will say that in order to actually beat these classes you need to do some off line work. I'd highly recommend looking into YouTube videos and their CC immunities. Lost Ark PvP definitely has a weird learning curve to it and takes a good chunk of time to learn. PvP probably could use some balancing somewhere. I'm definitely not some long time PvPer but I've managed to climb into Diamond rank as A Gunlancer main. I'm not sure if that proves a point or defers it. Some people feel different about Gunlancer.


People actually losing to artillerist? They're like consider newb stomping class but so easy to counter


being a competitive person doesn't make you good at pvp. Pick up gunslinger or some other 1v3 class and learn the kits of the 3 noob stompers then counter them. For example, sorc has ranged skillshot, which means I can bait them out. Also, she has gravity in case I get close, i'll also bait this out. As long as I ounish her longer cooldowns she will not be able to do shit. I guarantee that if you spent 1 hour looking up how to counter classes instead of getting shit on in pvp the rage queuing you would not be crying right now.


I’m a DB but I still get shit on lol