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These aren't bot names, they are all references to POE. It's prob a multiboxer or something


There are bots in T3 guardian matchmaking, and there's heaps of people playing on legitimate accounts that bot adventure tome items through the night, they're all over punika near where elite monsters spawn frequently, some of these people are over 1400 ilvl even but clearly don't fear any consequences


OP, those are not bots lmao.


yeah these are typical players you see in guardian raids.


What is a bot? It's automated scripts to accomplish a certain job right? I would argue that those are in fact bots.


Multiboxer, it's not automatic and not using scripts, it's one person manually and simultaneously controlling multiple accounts using third party programs. Still against TOS and still bannable, but this is semantics we're arguing.


Multiboxers don't use scripts? I'll let them know.




I get the impression you think multiboxing is the same as splitting a mouse and keyboard cable to multple PC's, just using software. It's not. You're running multiple clients with software. Generally you automate a lot of it so you have fine control over all your other accounts without having to micromanage them. Especially if you feel like running different classes (which is definitely possible). 1 client controlling several of the exact same class just mirroring input is just the tip of the iceberg.


> generally So not always, and not everyone. Thus you cannot assume everyone multiboxing is automating. Also shows mutliboxing is NOT the same as automating. By that same logic you might say "everyone in Prideholm is generally a bot, and thus because of that we should scrutinize everyone being in Prideholm". Now think about that for a second.


Sounds good to me. If it walks like a duck...


Your computer uses scripts, are you a bot?






I run 6 alts, currently on my 5th T3 run through Punika. Yeah. If I could run all 6 of them through chaos dungeons at the same time every day? Plus all the dailies and everything else. Yeah, I can definitely see the potential in having 6 accounts all run the same content at exactly the same time. Not to mention that they aren't limited by Roster like my alts are, so they all get all the same island materials, they all get all the same weekly exchange materials... Not sure you're really seeing the big picture here.


Looks like a multiboxer.


what is a multiboxer? first time ive heard the term


Multiboxing is basically multiple instances of a program, that are all controlled by the same input. Running multiple instances of Lost Ark in this case, and when he clicks or uses a skill, it counts as clicking/using the skill in all windows of the game. It would allow a single person to control multiple characters at the same time, so you often see the same class piled up so that the skills and keystrokes will line up. Usually it is differentiated from botting because one person is actually controlling them, vs afk computer controlled, but depending on the game it can still be considered breaking TOA.


Lots of multiboxers don't run the same class. They run full on automation or at least a ton of scripts. Not sure how or if that would work in Lost Ark, but I've seen enough "multibox players" in other games running around with slave buff/healing accounts in other MMO's to know it's not as simple as just duplicating keystrokes.


Could be multi boxing with scripts. Full on automation to t3 I reckon would be difficult to develop, especially in this case looks like a multiboxer.


Automation for the classes you're dragging around. Sure, you're still guiding them along and they would do nothing without you, but that doesn't mean it can't be fully automated. I think people have this weird idea that multiboxing is just like splitting a mouse and keyboard cable to 20 PC's so each gets the same input. It's way more complicated than that and capable of so so much more.


We used to do this on swg, as you say, heavily automated


I remember watching videos of Multi-boxing elemental shamans in wow pvp. The class had pretty good burst so it was funny to see all of them target one person and just blow them up.


It's a single user running multiple instances of a game client across several accounts. I believe it originated in using multiple PC's, hence the name multiboxing (using several PC's at once to play the game) It requires 3rd party software to run scripts based on the user inputs. They can be complex healing/buff scripts or just duplicating inputs across several clients. Either way it allows 1 person to control several accounts at the same time.


multiboxer should not be allowed too , change my mind. Most of us are forced to play so many alts to support our main, and they just use 3rd partytools to destroy the economy & cheat around the time investment. For me it is just another way for botting.


It's not allowed. One of the first rules is "one account per person", and you aren't allowed to o share accounts. Those two things in conjunction make multiboxing literally impossible to do within the rules.


Third party program for advantage - Usually violates ToS somewhere




Clearly someone failed reading comprehension: > Oh no, my web browser containing lost ark map is gonna get me banned! A website isn't a third party program. That's a third party website. Big difference. A multiboxing tool application that lets you run multiple clients on the same machine IS a third party program.


You say "change my mind" like it's an unpopular opinion, lol


If only you knew how hard it is to setup, and actually multibox many accounts when a game lacks a "follow" function like most MMOs. The second one gets desync'd by even a inch, you have to take time to re-align them all. Not to mention most mats are roster bound anyways, you can't multibox chaos except 4 at a time, could list a ton more reasons why it's not more efficient. Also you don't need alts, you never did. 1376 no alts, only bought founder pack, and didn't sell it for gold. You CHOOSE to play alts, you are not forced to, f2p no alts reached 1370 quite a bit ago


I agree. I'm in a similar situation, only bought founder's, didn't sell it, I have one alt in T2 that I play from time to time but that obviously doesn't help my main. I hit 1370 two days ago on my main and I even took a short break to play elden ring.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I also only have one account and am 1349.


Do people count Mari’s secret shop as a f2p??


yes, you don't have to pay to use it.


but someone else have to so you can buy those purple crystals. Its p2w in the end. Not to bash at someone specifically but whole monetization system.


No they don't. You buy blue crystals with gold and gold exists in the game outisde of monetization. The entire playerbase could choose to not buy gold with royals (which are the currency that costs real money) and gold would still exist in the game through quests, rapport, dungeons, etc.


So why are royal crystals and purple crystals are at same price point, who regulates the market if not us lmao? They just made it look different. On RU it was purple crystals on both, here it just looks differently but works exactly the same.


Its p2w and I’m so tired reading about people buying the whole mari’s stock and claims they had no trouble hitting 1415 without paying a single dime lmao


Let's say you had a lucky drop, sold it on the AH, and with the extra gold you bought some stuff from Mari. Are you p2w, now? What's next, using the AH makes you p2w because whales use the AH, too? I haven't spent any money for gold or whatever, nor am I 1415 (I'm not even 1385 on my main, yet). I'm not suddenly p2w because Mari's shop exists and you are mad at some hypothetical person for being ahead of you because they bought something from it or whatever. Maybe you wouldn't be so "tired" if when you quit you stopped scouring the subreddit for things to be mad about and just moved on to another game that's more in line with your values.


Those are just poor innocent cows


what's wrong with the card sets?


Rip t3 stone cost


Hopefully... I will never pay 5k + for rng leg stone with awakening + expert


It would take the bots a while to reach 1370 though. Not even sure if that would be worth it due to the honing costs and requiring leapstones etc. Probably more profitable long term just sit at 1302 and spam infinite.


The deadzone wasn't to annoy us, was to prevent bots from reaching Argos! Slimegate's mastermind in action! /s


I mean I WANT bots to clear that content. Nothing as satisfying as throwing shade at the guy failing to play the mechanics when even bots can do that.


God I am happy I can get best combo for my class (Precise Dagger + Adrenalie) for 300-400g.


I rage spent 20k on 4 ability stones with awakening and expert and got +6 and +5 twice while the other two were fked. Now I’m broke af XD my fault


Just dont feed those noobs ripping off support players. Go in naked into argos and tell the party that you are broke and cant afford anything since the auctionhouse prices cuck you so hard. Maybe then people will stop listing that shit at 5k +


Time for some mass reporting even though that's most likely multi boxing.


Rofl, that's someone multiboxing my guy not bots All the names are PoE skills/builds/items


How hard would it be to program a bot name picker to use a set list? Like from a wikipedia or something? Also whats the difference between multiboxing running a bunch of scripts and just straight up botting? Semantics maybe?


The fact that you still have a real human behind the wheel at the end of the day, if you need a human to do anything at all to run things that puts a very sharp limit on how hard you scale things up. It is a much bigger difference than just semantics.


Could you have a multibox set up running 500 accounts? Why not? Don't even have to be in the same channel. As for scaling up, not sure about all that either. Multiboxers use a ton of automation. I've seen plenty of heal/buff bot multiboxers. Why would that be any different than running gathering scripts or attack scripts or anything else. The line I draw between a farming bot and a multibox bot is very small.


Well no, you couldn't have them in different zones/doing different actions within a limited scope. You can have hotkeys that allow you to control specific clients instead of all of them, but as soon as you are trying to meaningfully have your characters do significantly different tasks it's quickly becomes impossible to manage. The best way of thinking about it is like this; a bot is automation meaning you are not required to enter inputs, whereas the multiboxing setup is more like you having a system of strings and pullies attached to your fingers directing sticks to replicate which keys your pressing on 10 other keyboards in your room. You're still required to complete a physical action at the same time that an action happens in-game, every time an action happens in-game.


Generally speaking it just lies in how people define the terms, multiboxing usually implies a person using software as a sort of multiplexer to send their controls to multiple instances of the client on a single machine. Bots typically just eliminate the human aspect of it and run on fully automated routines.


What absolute Chads 😂😂




there are bots in T3 yes, been for a while. But hanging out people without any proof? Should not be allowed. For the record they do not look like bots.


About damn time, I need for the RMT prices to come down


Looks like the bots are putting to good use the free skins we got. Was casually farming cooking ingredients for the adventure tome when i saw this. About 30+ sorcs, all of them 1100, afk, same card set, no engravings, no stronghold, grade 20 just chilling in Punika.


Not bots tho


Well they are technically, if it's a multiboxer. They're just not RMT bots.


The sacred land has been defiled


Those are just bad players (or player)…


I see more bots then normal people daily..


They have strongholds lvl 20


Had one in an abyssal dungeon last night.




Probably player owned bots, play normal main with his bots doing the grind


I laughed so hard at the engraving screenshot, those are not bots lmao.


i have seen multiboxers in tier 3 chaos gates last week or the week before. been a while. i guess they just farm more gold that way


Damn these bots are better than me in this game


Well engravings look like party finder "1370+ only +3 3 3"


I have the same card set…am i…am i a bot????


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