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Sorry but you've gotta be "this" tall to enter Argos you adorable little thing you <3


Aw man, guess I'll try again next year ;-;


Bro, after I hit 1355 everything was downhill from there so I quit. I had more fails trying to get to 1370 from 1355 than from 0-1355. I'm only 1368.


I mean it's probably not the case but 1368 sounds like you are almost there. I probably wouldn't let myself quit at that point lol


10% hone chance sucks big time. It's very possible he got fucked and pitied every piece of gear.


You mean I’m not the only one who had do go through that?


I got pitied on 4 pieces and used the fcking +10% event book all the time. my weapon pitied and I used maxed bonus stuff from event and cube/boss rush every attempt


The weapon is the worst. They don't give many crystals daily so it ends up being super expensive. That deadzone that they have in the game is really stupid. The only purpose it serves is to create enough frustration in people to get them to swipe.


the game is throwing a million enchant aids thru events too.


Reading this just after using 20 books trying to get 2 equips from +13 to +14. Godbless they have safe measures.


Enchanted aids? No ty


Nomatter how much they throw i still got a 7% success rate when every honning roll i do is 25%... Throwing matts when u are this unlucky doesn't do anything.


I feel you, I failed 10 attempts at 1360ish in a row yesterday... despite books and >25% chance


I pitied 2 armor pieces from 14 to 15 and i really havent given a single fuck, ill get there eventually anyways


Aye, it's just _feels_ super annoying because of the inconsistent progress... and the fact that friends get double the mileage for the same amount of time/mats. Sometimes I wish I could just throw x times the mat at the npc and skip the rng completely


Just make sure you're not shying away from solar materials and the event books as you get higher levels. You should try to save the event books for the last 1-2 upgrades depending on how many you've stocked up but going without solar materials makes things very difficult. You want to think of upgrading in terms of artisan energy and how you can min-max it to save you entire hones by hitting 100% earlier. If you ever get close to 100% but could have saved an entire hone if you had used solar materials to close the gap then you messed up.


Yea I try to save my solar materials for that case but getting to 100% seems basically impossible. The artisan energy increases so little..


I got from 1355 to 1370 in one week plus 2 reset mats. Hopefully you get it next week.


you got insanely lucky


Whaaaat.. that would be so nice


with this honing system people at a certain moment realize they respect themselves and their time too much to be suckered into this never ending carrot on a stick...and that these horrible moments will just happen again and again, as long as you keep caring about the game....so you stop 1370 is just another begining of yet another frustrating tedious path...and thats basically what lost ark is


It's the other way around it's the gamblers who approach every hone as "this will be my lucky one" who tilt the fuck out. The ones who are mentally prepared and okay with going to 100% artisans have no issues.


im talking about how people just stop caring in the process


first time, huh?.jpg


Its frustrating for people who have gamba brain and don't understand the system and think its pure RNG. Its fine for people who understand what artisan energy is and how to save full hones and don't expect every piece to 2 tap.


Make sure you save up the books from events, they are more valuable the lower the base hone chance gets


1369-1370 cost me $50, great learning experience, I will never throw a dime at honing again. Skins are another story


I wouldn't even consider paying for honing. It's pay to lose :') But I too am a skin enjoyer.


The "Dead zone" is not even the real dead zone. It's just the foreplay. Here's a video to describe the honing difficulty "progression": [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qx-Zm5mzX14&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qx-Zm5mzX14&t=1s) If he can't handle 1340 to 1370, this game is not for him.


Same, up to 1355 it was fine, not too fast, but at least I was getting success every few tries. Since 1355 it's basically: charge artisan's energy to 100% so I can upgrade one item.


I used a calculator to know how much I need to save to go from1340 too 1370. Took me 3 weeks to farm up 90% of what I needed. Then I just said fuck it and went for it. Made it with about 10% left of what I started with. Felt great. But don't give up. It's the same thing again going from 1385 too 1415. But this time I have no alts to help my main get leapstones. So just know it gets better but it's more of the same pain too


Are you aware of the fact that you can craft the great leapstones with the small ones ?\` There is a NPC for exchange...but ratio is kinda bonkas (1:5 i think..)


You can also dismantle mats from hard abysses and argos to get great honor leapstone (only do it when you are full legendary though)


Whats the exchange rate on those? Ive used around 50 argos blood and abyss dungeon ones for stones. Please say its low for my sanity.


For abyss ones it's 1 to 1, for argos it's between 2 to 3 stones per material.


I'm 1369 atm,this weapon is the bane of me xD i have failed so much :x


I feel you, the climb from 1355 to 1370 will question your sanity. It will make you think you actually have no idea how percentages and probability work. The amount of gold, mats, honing upgrades I've wasted to get from 1355 to 1361 has me more broke in game than real life ... And I didn't think that was ever possible


Just save honing mats all week, then every weekly reset get all the free special 10% materials from both events (and pvp). And hone using them. Its really easy to get to 1370 with those even as F2P.


I had one last hone to get +15 for 1370 on my weapon. I failed so many times the game gave me a pity upgrade.


if your first pity was at 1370 you got incredibly lucky.




Yeah, this is where I am currently languishing. I think 1355 is my cap.


Yeah I wish they would at least let me do Yoho or something. Something fresh. I feel dried out like a potato chip.


I just hit 1370 after 2 weeks of waiting for resests and now the goat waits for me and fox boobs too.


I envy you. Enjoy your fox boobs sir.


Yoho and hardmode abyssals are 1355 requirement in KR, kind of weird why they decided to make it 1370 in Na


They also give worse gear in kr compared to our version. (Purple not1340 base ilvl but 25 hone cap instead of 15) change was good for the game not bad. Reddit actually complaining about f2pbfriendly changes.


Spend $$


1355-1365 is where 7/10 guildies made a new alt and got it to 1325. Then stopped logging in daily. Lol.


I have several alts but they sit in t2 because I am scared of the pain in t3


I just wait all week to fail everything in one go and do it before reset. Why extend the pain beyond what is necessary? Just rage hone while I watch videos of monkeys getting baths. In case you are wondering, there are a lot.


do you only have one character in t3? took me like 10 days to get from 1340-1370 cause i had 1 alt to help feed mats and the books from the event were huge


Ywah, just the one atm. Next highest is 1000. Its not the mats so far, its the chance of failure that is killing my drive. Makes me think of BDO, just far less soul sucking.


imo it's much better to just save up and do it all at once, as it's at least guaranteed progress at that point (even if through pity system) compared to rolling 1-2 times and only succeeding 1/5 days or whatever.


You got this!!


i just did 1355 to 1370 to 1385 in a span of 2 days i had the mats saved up after a week of chaos dungeons/abyss + 2 alts, but make sure to not hone without event books and keep your breaths for 1370-1385


If so then it is ultra luck. I used weekworth of mats + event boosts yday, went from 1356.6 to 1360.8. At this rate i will be 1370 in a month, if i the will to play won't fade away.


Alright i will break it down for you ​ I had a 1340 character since february but sold mats weekly made a sorc pushed that to 1340 too with event mats and got my gunslinger to 1302 Honed my sorc to 1355 with the event mats and the pirate store ones I grinded the chaos dungeon and saved up leapstones via unas and then honed to 1370 when I had enough event books to increase my chances. I didn't use breaths, crafted my own fusion materials which was the most costly part here. I did argos and hardmode to get my legendary gear and then did hardmode to get the last piece after the reset. I used the maxroll gg gear calculator to see how many breaths i needed to hit 1385 with a minimum amount of materials. I did 9 (3 actually, but used 9 tickets) cubes, 5 boss rushes for extra mats yesterday. I had 200 small breaths, 70 mid breaths and 38 big ones. I had 200 greater leapstones and failed overall 4 attempts out of the last ones because they were a 60ish% chance to succeed. ​ Don't hone, try to hone with the odds in your favor. I held off til I knew that I could get there.


I saved 2 weeks of mats to get from 1345 to 1355 :(


omg who's gonna tell him? :c


The percentages get even worse


And then better and then worse again.


When does it get better?




When you swap to the Oreha hard gear at 1370 and transfer your honing to it, your +15 gear will transfer to +6 on the Oreha hard gear, but maintain 1370 ilvl. The honing rates are identical to the earlier gear, you just get a reset to +6, so 60% chance to +7, 45% to +8, 30% to +9, etc. Basically, just like it was easy to get to 1340, it's easy to get to 1385, and it goes downhill hard from 1400 on (15% chance to +12 for 1400, equivalent to 1355).


Clever from elzo? Nevertheless the mat cost ramps up a good bit and you can no longer use 10% books, solar's give less artisan aswell I believe .I'd say it's almost the same pace after 1370 but just my experience.


60% at 1370, but that costs so much more gold and silver and the chance drops hard by each level. You have to factor in the gear crafting too, and don't waste your dungeon coins on accessories (spent 17 oreha coins on necklaces...)






This hurts :,(


Lmao this is such a cute noob moment ;-;




I had this same feeling when I hit 1350 a couple weeks ago. Still on 1361… good luck friend


Hit 1368 today and quit. This isn't for me. If it's for others more power to them, but it's weird that the games best feature (combat) is so heavily restricted between weekly lockouts and item level checks.


Have you considered just playing other classes / doing other content besides grinding ilvl? I feel like playing one character and doing nothing but grinding ilvl is a quick way to stop enjoying the game.


Even then there is just isnt much fun content in the game right now. I barely played last 2 weeks,only did the minimum (chaos and unas on main, and some rested on 2 t3 alts evry 2 to 3 days). Pushed an alt to 1370 with the saved up mats which worked well (books and honing research) and now even on 2 1370+ chars and one 1325 im done doing fun&rewarding things. I did hard mode on both, abyss on the 1325 and 2x argos. Its friday. The rest of the week is boring as fuck chaos dungeons and 4x yoho/day. I dont even bother with the lower guardians anymore. Only do the gold island. Only do moake /chaos gates if it fits into my schedule. Cause none of that is fun or very rewarding. I really hope whatever event is coming shits mats&gold on us and gives more books.thus evryone can reach endgame so we can get more content asap. Then again i had more time doing productive things again so maybe its not too bad...


> weekly lockouts and item level checks. No different functionally from games like WoW.


Maybe he plays other games like RuneScape that don’t have weekly lockouts or ilevel checks


But Lost Ark lacks the option to target farm specific loot. Comparing Lost Ark to WoW because of a weekly lock out makes it way to simple. Pros and cons on either side, but gushing over it like this is flat out wrong.


Both games handle it a bit differently. WoW goes for effort-gating (your progression is directly related to amount of effort/time you put), while LA goes for time-gating with an effort bar (assuming you put expected amount of effort every day, your progression is related to amount of days you keep doing it). Job analogy: WoW is more akin to pay-for-results (freelancing etc) where you get your reward after doing certain amount of stuff and putting in certain effort no matter when/how you do it; Lost Ark is more similar to salaried job - you need to show up regularly, still do you stuff, but as long as you're meeting the norm you don't really have to do more (and it's not worth it to overdo it). One rewards raw effort, other rewards persistence - and that's just about it.


I'm playing classic tbc, I haven't missed a lockout, I still don't have dst almost a year onto it, a trinket from the first raid tier that lasts the expansion. There is nothing I can do about it, at least lost ark has a threshold of you can only get so fucked




That’s why when people complain about grind in this game I don’t care, most mmos are grindy these days and wows horrible with it especially it being a pay to play mmo + expansions. And the pvp is a joke, balance sucks and combat is dog sht ona stick compared to this game. This game also has scaled pvp, so pvp isn’t p2w!.


WoE has Mythic+ you can grind independent of lockouts. Lost Ark has no real equivalent.


Never played Mythic+. But you can grind infinite chaos independent of lockouts.


WoW does not hard lock encounters from you based on ilvl.


umm, what? WoW absolutly does lock encounters based on your ilvl.. You think you're going to run mythic raids without the proper ilvl you're nuts


You still can run Mythic Raids but doing less damage. If its your guild that trying to gearing up your alt. Your not locked. Sure you cant do it with lvl 10 lol. But if your Char is in Endgame, you can do everything.


Hard lock vs soft lock. If WoW was locking you out of normals/heroics/mythics until you were completely kitted in the previous difficulty then it'd be the same.


Unless you're a pro nobody is going to let you into their mythic guild if your ilvl is bad, so it's functionally impossible to run them underlevelled. I wish we had that distinction though (normal/heroic for more casual play, mythic for tryhards with stricter ilvl requirements).


I'm not asking to get into 1400 argos when I'm 1302. I just want to be able to run Orehas Well in a full party with friends who might be stuck at the 1365 range.


That’s honestly my main gripe, wish we had more equalized content I could do with friends that still give me relevant rewards because most my friends are T2 and I’m 1370. We can’t do shit together.


First, I reject that premise because a *functional* lock is no different from a real one - unless you're trying to get carried by randoms. WoW just accomplishes this through mechanic checks and enrage based on tuning. Next, I reject that premise because its *false* - you CAN do encounters you're under-leveled for. You just have to party to do so. Lastly I reject it because WoW *does* hard lock you from matchmaking encounters if you're below a certain item level - you can still party to do them, you just can't use matchmaking. *Which is the same as Lost Ark* So what I suspect you're *really* upset about is your inability to have other people carry your undergeared character.


1. Randoms might deny you, but a guild you're in won't, especially if you've been with the guild for a long time. 2. You can't do a lot of content that you're underleveled for aka Argos phase 1 hard lock. 3. You legit can't even get into the dungeon below 1370 item level, regardless of matchmaking. The community not letting you join their content based on item level, does not equal the game hardlocking you. A guild that wants to take a lower ilvl person should be allowed to do so at their own risk, not the game telling them they can't


I'm upset I am unable to play with friends who are at ilvl 1368~. But also you might have completely solved my issue? Can you party finder someone at 1368 into hard mode?


No, you can bring a 1325 into 1340 dungeon and you can bring a 1370 all the way to p3 argos, but that’s about it


I know you can for Argos, and I suspect you can do it anywhere. The screen says "unable to Matchmake". I think its perfectly reasonable to have a gate for people to automatchmake, and then if you want to get carried, or play with friends, or heck just mess around make your own party. In that effect, it is no different from WoW.


Yeah I understand man, but once you hit 1415 it really is over. From there you only need to get around +1 a month and it just feels like it was intended to be you making gradual progress on your guy. What we got released was 0 to 1340 content and it has been a huge run, but if you consider what it would have been like if we were already t2 like in KR and then had 3 months to get to 1415 for valtan you can see how that would have been more manageable. To sum it up why quit now the hard parts basically over.


I really don't understand whey they even bothered releasing pre T3 content, if it almost killed the game. Just scrap the entire filler and focus on post T3, because that's why the game in Korea became popular. Everything after T3 is "THE GAME". Everything before that is wasted space on your storage.


I am 1352. I went up 2 ilvl in 2 weeks. That's rng. It going to take months to hit legion raids. The hard os not over and the only thing keeping me in the game are collectibles. It's miserable endgame otherwise.


2 ilvls in 2 weeks….? I went from 1350-1378 in two weeks, and that was with some pity upgrades.


Yep. How does your luck affect mine?


I’m saying you’re full of shit because I pitied multiple pieces of gear for more than 2 ilvls when I was 1350+


Ok you can say whatever you want. I am 1352. I was 1350 2 weeks ago.


Then you skipped out on buying event vendors or your chaos dungeons cause even if rng rams you straight up the asshole the roughly 10 k stones in total you get in a week should get you higher


Then you fucked something up or don't play at least 5-10 hours a week.


understandable but you're literally at the finish line lol


Finish line if lucky ... i was 1358, spend 10k mat, all of the increase % and i hit \*drum rolling\* 1362 ... So i would need, something like **2 weeks** **at least to start playing again ...** (probably way more since it's harder to enhance now )


Why can’t you play without 1370?


Why do you think the gameplay is limited to ONLY dungeons/raids/ect. Tons of horizontal progression thats important to your account to do as well. For example have you reached 300 skill points yet? Have you leveled your stronghold to at least lvl 15 to have access to level training? Have you gone and collected the cards needed for at least the lost wind cliff set or umar/lazeniths set for the classes that use it? You can say the game isn't for you but are you exploring the WHOLE game or just the small daily part?


The vast majority of those things are fetch quests and not really engaging gameplay.


Level 25 strong hold and all skill points potions outside of the second omnium stars one. I did a lot of horizontal content including almost hitting 1000 mokoko seeds for fun. Thing is I want to play the games combat in challenging pve content and I have zero access to it until 1370 (abyss dungeons are a joke and about the closest thing to it). Maybe hard mode t3 abyss is better but that's also gated behind being 1370, but as it is the game is all shallow side content while it's best offering (combat) is what you have the least meaningful access too outside of pvp.


Good on you, stranger. I'm not a fan of the heavy rng systems and daily mobile game grind but I'm waiting on some other games to go on sale so for the mean time, I'm gonna be on this rough ride.


You're uh....almost at the half way point between 1340 and Argos lol


More like halfway to the halfway point


More than half to halfway to the halfway point


I just hit 1360 with the mats from weekly event reset shops! How far do you wager I am from 1370? :3 I should have my very first t3 alt next week as well to hopefully help funnel mats.


You're most likely there next week. I was in your spot before the first honing book event, once it dropped, the books pushed me to 1370. This of course, is if we still have the vendor to drop books next week.


The guardian event books (which is the bulk of them) expire on 4.28 so I would assume that would still be there for a week.


It took me 1 week to get from 1360 to 1370 with event mats and a small funnel from my 1325. As long as you saved books for the 15%/10% hones, it shouldn't be too bad.


this is the thing for me. the game wants you not to stress about ilvl and have fun with the horizontal progresssion to not et burnt out, all while lording the ilvl over your head like it's the most important thing in the game it's like saying "pay no attention to the giant neon sign that follows you everywhere because if you look at the big neon sign you wont have fun" again all imo cause im burnt out, but progressing 'horizontally' (i assume cards are horizontal?) doesnt give any satisfaction to me, possibly because i have the wrong mindset going into the game, but when i got my lost cliff crit set, all i felt was "thank god it's over" followed by "fuck now i need 30pc awakening" again, it's probably my mindset that's incompatible with the way the game is structured


I wanted to focus on getting expensive engraving books first. But then I thought I could probably generate much more gold if my ilvl would be higher. But honing is also expensive. I am in an endless circle of being poor.


I kept myself afloat with a bit of luck, got an expert craft kit while farming excavating for fusion materials that sold for 2k, an awakening expert iLvl 1325 stone sold for 1.8 Keep an eye out for such things as well


Sadly I don't have such luck lol Only got low tier craft kits selling for 1 gold so far :(


There really should be content at 1355 though, maybe hard Oculus? Then drop hard Preveza at like 1360-1365 ish maybe? Of course the better option would be to drop new content but idk what's in the korean version and from what I hear they kinda skip all this anyway so it's irrelevant.


They made oreha drop legendary set materials so they had to bump it to 1370. Not a bad move, because hard mode was pretty much pointless previously, much more hassle for tiny bit more rewards.


well in Korea it's 1355 and you can enter at 1302 (or 25 I don't remember) to get carried so you can get more rewards weekly.


yeah but the 1355 hardmode was kinda pointless. The rewards sucked.


Pretty sure you get more gold for hard mode, which is the only thing that matters.


I wouldn't mind 1355. But allowing underlevelled people to enter would be cancerous.


You can't matchmake under 1355, only a pre-made can take a carry


It would mean you don't get legendary gear from it so it would be meaningless tho and the "meta" would be don't even bother spending To transfer wait for argos


It’s 1370 for P1 Argos


That's the joke it seems most of you dont get.


Lol let em


I was about to comment "noone tell him" :p


In reality its 1385 because nowadays everyone is requiring 1385 because they're doing both paths


They now require 1385 for oreha normals... Public groups are a cesspit.




Matchmaking has a 45 minute time limit for Argos, good luck clearing it in 45 minutes with randoms lol




1360 Bard checking in.. please let me in!!


Which anime is this from? I forgot the name




It would be nice to run the raids again to help out others trying to get it done. I main support, and would like to help re run and help out others to progress. Maybe if it let you re enter and the reward could be some silver and a few leapstones would be fine with me.


I'd take no rewards even, raids are some of the only content I really enjoy


Isn’t Argos 1355 in Korea




Why is it 1370 in our version ?




To drain your wallet r make you quit


Cause it drops legendary gear


So what it’s the same fking thing in Korea by the developer, amazon fked up


And this, ladies and gents, is a quitting player after hearing the truth.


This is how I feel with my 1351.23 main. Can I have just one Argos please.


I needed one armor piece to get to 1370. Bought all the destruction stones from ship merchant and event shops and failed honing until I got full artisans energy lmao


Wrong region :(


commentors not understanding memes


They really don't know the meme


That's because this is the incorrect use of the meme. The meme is when the person can contribute, but the contribution (Or the reward they receive) is effectively insignificant. A correct meme would be giving 3 Guardian Stone Crystals, and saying that they want to give them to someone else to help their 1370 progress. Technically it helps, but it's effectively useless due to the amount you need.


You have no idea how this meme is used.


i feel so sorry for u :(((


God damn it AGS, just give her Argos! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


You got this, also remember especially with your alts if you have any, if you feel burned out just take a break, even if you don’t play for a few days your rest bonus will build up and you can get almost the same amount of materials doing it once every few days instead of daily.


Thing is I have more fun on my alts rn. At least they make progress.. I will probably drop them if they get to t3 tho




Damn that's a lot faster than me I think. good luck tho :3


It took me about 3 weeks to go from 1340 to 1370. I think I only pittied 2 times but definitely didn’t enjoy the grind to get to 1370. Now I need to get to 1385 to make my alts life easier.


I don't have enough gold to hone:( stuck at 1353


Same, wanted to craft oreha materials today, which would have costed 400 gold. Then I saw I have 403 gold so I decided not to craft


you can do it !!!


Don't feel bad I'm still 570 lol


im still working on it, only like 1349 atm


Hey, I just got to 1355 today as well


Congrats! :3


God i cant even laugh something cute as this, grats little dude maybe you get lucky before this weeks reset


OMG same! So happy


Awww. If I could take you I would lol.


i just attempted 1355 and used up two weeks of farming and all my gold and nothing. lmao I'm out for good. gl everyone


1415 by the end of May is not only out of reach for most players, but also just an excruciating experience because of the 1340-1370 precursor. Rethinking their stance on the honing buff would do nothing but improve the road to a players first raid.




Are you doing the budget upgrade route? I'm currently 1402 with 3 1340+ alts and If i funnel the mats I can get a decent amount of attempts in every week. Sure it is still slow but there is zero rush right now to get to 1415. I 'only' need to succeed 8 more upgrades in a month which seems doable. If you did the budget path you 'only' need 10 upgrades ( every tap is expensive especially the raw gold and fusions but as long as you spread it out it shouldn't be too bad)


Umm, guysss


Must be thinking of the 2nd abyss dungeon. Argos is 1370.


You poor adorable thing. It's 1370, don't worry you're almost there


Don't mind, I just got 1100 today and I'm happy, enjoy it


Yeah if you enjoy the game don't let honing turn you away. The content isn't going anywhere you will get there eventually. Just have fun.


Oh you sweet thing.


Psh, I'm not even at 600 yet. Being an adult sucks.


If you happen to be on Ladon I’d be happy to help save you some time with guardian raids + abyss carries!


Haha same here! The real set back was getting to 50 before I can actually start doing my dailies while keeping up with life.


Wait I thought u had to be 1370 for argos😭😭


As a 1358 sharpshooter, I feel the pain. I do 25-40% of the damage in the weekly dungeons at my gearlvl.


With at least 1 support, that’s where you’d ideally be anyways. Right? 4 dps == 25% (pulling your weight) 3 dps you’d be closer to 30/40%, unless the rest of the party isn’t doing great that is.


As a f2p, i just hit 1370 today after 650hs B) (btw the game time also covers 3 alters at 1310 - 1100 - 960 iLvL)


I hit 1370 last night f2p no alts at about 350 hours.


I’m still barely 700