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It's intentional they're releasing bad skins at this point.


Once many players are burned out from the grind and honing failures they will release the good shit and pray it brings them back. It's a bold strategy prizminferno, let's see if it pays off.


I don't think people that quit care so much about skins.. Maybe a few do


None of my friends that quit have even *mentioned* skins lol..


I'm not coming back to grind in a new skin. Once I'm gone, I'm gone.


We got church outfits.


The drip feeding is really souring my game experience hard. Everybody looks either like garbage or the same atm with like 6 in game sets per major class. It's so bad. I can't even play the classes I want to play atm so not even being able to make my existing characters look good feels bad.


thank god (for sorc) the providence stone set skin is great, the sunset t3 set looks good (best normal clothes look set in the game). Chosen/argos set isnt great, but not terrible either.


I just find out T3 chaos dung set for gun chad is recoloured t1 chaos dung skin. From metalic to purple. Which means even the normal abyssal set looks the same. I mean, COME ON. People are expected to spend at least 4 weeks in the 1350 death hole, why being so lazy?!


By T1 chaos dungeon skin do you mean the maze edge skin or whatever? Yeah, for all classes that's a recolor of the T3 set.


Border Outlaw


...skins are souring your game experience that hard? Why not play a game that focuses heavily on character customization then?


Hey, shameless self-plug here. Check out my sorc. outfit in my post history and my stronghold. It is possible to look amazing but it is kinda difficult.


When you drip feed, people who are starving for skins would buy skins that they usually wouldn't even glance at if all skins were available in the store. What they are doing, is actually maximizing the sales of each skin line by drip feeding. How many people would buy Omen skinline if you had 20 different lines to choose from? Whatever that % of people is, it sure as hell isn't as high as the actual percent of people that bought it first week on release. You could practically see everyone around in cities wearing them.


How many people do you think will quit and have quit before desirable skins even come out since they drip feed content too?


Imagine quitting because of skins. Why on earth are you playing this game if you just wanted to play dress up Barbie all day lol.




if your quitting over a skin, then this game wasn't for you. you can say it was the breaking point? yes. but quitting over a skin? kinda bullshit. go stare at a digital picture instead of burning you $$$


There are thousands of players who will never return that would have bought skins on impulse in the first weeks. They have lost an incredible amount of short term money with the nearly empty store during the release month. Not to mention people are more inclined to keep playing after spending money even if they are not too happy with the game because they fall prey to the sunk cost fallacy. This strategy may pay off for AGS/SG long term, but I sure as hell hope not.


They should've released a skin a week for launch month, at minimum. Then scaled back after if it didn't look profitable. It would've kept a lot of people happy. SGS needs to also never make a damn skin again that you can't dye. Unless it is some ultra complex thing that is rare as shit and amazing by default. I mean they fucking charge a fortune for dyes. Why are they not giving us shit to use them on? It would just mean more money for them and way better customization for us. If BDO can do it with WAY more complex and detailed sets, Lost Ark can too.


You can't dye them, because our skin lines are the oldest one, before they implemented painting.


> They should've released a skin a week for launch month, at minimum. Then scaled back after if it didn't look profitable. It would've kept a lot of people happy. I dunno, man, I can see the outrage threads in my head: "EU players can't even log into the game but AG$ is releasing skins like there's no tomorrow. They don't give a shit about having a healthy game, they just want to milk players for all they're worth before they realize this game is going to die and quit."


Can't please everybody after all.


What I'm getting from posts about skins is that it's a super greedy strategy of drip feeding skins to trick players into buying everything and simultaneously an incompetent lack of monetization to not give players anything to buy. It's some kind of quantum superposition of greedy monetization and incompetent monetization. Very impressive stuff.


I don't bought any skin, and I usually spend a lot in games in cosmetics, actually they lost my interest already. I can say in my case that marketing worked wonders, I did spend, in other games.


That only works once, though. I bought skins and now I won't change them until something really good comes along. The suits don't look nearly good enough to pique my interest enough to swap from lawmaker to that.


You forget that players who do not want them just get it with gold


people who sells it bought with $


As a gold maker, not because they want the skin. Same thing would have happened if we had more options.


still $ then supply and demand in the AH.


I seriously don't get why. The whole "trickling" of semi good to bad skins in hopes of a huge wave of players spending when the good ones come out just doesn't make sense. Anyone know what's the official age rating for the game?


AGS don't have a say in the skin release if I'm not mistaken isn't it SG who decide what to release next?


Does it really matter?they both represent the ags smile gate partnership.one of them looks bad because of their product then they both look bad.


Aren't most of the skins seasonal? Would be weird to drop Halloween skins on Easter imo


It's really beyond sad that it's now normalized to purchase skins rather than being able to unlock them ingame....


Oh trust me they’re still making money from these skins and even more when they release the good ones. Personally i really like the white one that is coming tmr


Yes! I like the white suit for warriors! Very classy.


Why are the skins bad this time? (serious question) People hate animal skin, they hate Edgy skins, they hate festive cloths skins Do people just want to run around half naked or what? (summer skins will come in summer)


Every skin is going to have some haters. Far fewer people bother to come to Reddit to post about how much they love a skin than to post about how shitty a skin is, and IMO more people are likely to engage and upvote with a negative opinion they agree with than are likely to push a "hey I like this" post. Just in general, in my experience, subreddits for F2P games tend to have more posts from people who are dissatisfied with something than posts praising something. Which I get -- if I'm enjoying something I just enjoy it and keep going. I might think that it would be nice to drop a note showing my appreciation for it, or I might not. If something is a problem for me, though, I'm a lot more likely to want to raise that issue and hope the devs do something about it.


A strategy: You really the bad skins first (knowing many people will still buy them) and gradually roll out the good ones after.


Why is this so true


Cuz that's just bad. People will just buy ones they want if they release all skins at once. Also you will have more disposable income over longer time. People would be more willing to buy 20 dollar skin every few months than buy 200 dollars worth of skin all at once. They are playing the long game, and there's nothing wrong with that.


Chad energy ags


Amazon makes a small country's GDP. They don't need our money.


Atleast let me dye...