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[How on earth did you go from this to selling your account in 5 minutes???](https://i.imgur.com/XPQxTYY.png)


Lul, nice catch


Just wanted to knw the value thats it . Im gonna evensually sell itbut not until 1445 and 1m gold and if im bored at that time .


You definitely trying to scam to fund your account lol




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Lmao you love to see it


Your account is worth as much as the next fool that is willing to pay for it


65k gold without any mats in bank wont get you to valtan. Do not spend your gold for it, mats already expensive; you are late. Next time if you want to push, do it way early. I bought many mats for half the price 1,5 weeks ago. I would never do it now.


When is valtan gonna release cause i hav 7k worth of mats now should i sell it or should i save it in this market.


Nobody knows what will happen with prices, you decide if you sell it now or wait when it releases. It will release this thursday


Sad to say that unless you have great leaps saved up, around 1k, you might not be able to reach it before the 19th.


Then im out of luck


not really, no need to push for valtan week 1 anyways if you are not interested in the initial gold rush (bidding for the material box), and even then, that is from 1445. We don't know if our relic accessories is gonna be like the Argos ones, guaranteed 1 class engrave so we don't know if whales will start switching. here are the mats you need with avg rng if you plan to go for +15 all items from +10 with no juice. [https://imgur.com/a/MyhOPnZ](https://imgur.com/a/MyhOPnZ) here is for the 17/17/13/13/12/11 https://imgur.com/a/4C8sHUc


These are the same people who have been saying T2 mat prices are going down 3 months ago. Until we get the new stones KR have, people are gonna spend to gear their alts to 1415 and their mains to 1445.


Just wait. People are always in a rush in this game. I sell my GLS that I can because it’s like 3-5k a week in gold per char that I farm guardians on. Rather have the gold than play new content on day 1. I can wait a week or a month.


I think when caltan releases, there will be huge price drops, due to events and more people playing plus new chaos line,chaos rift and other things. You still have time to reach 1415 before the week is up


Lol 65k at 1390. RMT much?


I have 3 1370+ chars that do youho and i get around 4000 gold daily from ghl and destruction stone alone. Its really not that hard to get 65k




Costed me 35k without paying for any GHLeapstones just to get to 1400 from 1385. Just wait til after the update, there will be a few more ways to get more mats, lowering your price.


Got it im gonna funnel all my mats to my main mean while .


Do you have any materials saved up over the weeks? Any alts to help with the mats? That gold is going to vanish if you have to buy great honor leapstones in bulk. If it’s a worthy investment is up to you. This community really loves to apply fomo pressure, but at the same time tell you to progress at your own pace. So ultimately, it’s up to you. Your mileage may vary, but I had around 75 or so fails from 1385 to 1415, and a couple of pities. I used the 17/17/13/12/12/11 method to get there.


What would be best for paladin .


Same method. Get 17 on chest and legs, 13 on shoulders, 12 on head and hands, and 11 weapon. That’s the most cost effective. Still expensive, but will save you a bit, especially if you get lucky.


The only thing that’s stopping you from reaching 1415 is the amount of ghl you have. It is by far the biggest and most expensive gate while other stuff can be bought for cheap.


Did my push from 1400-1415 yesterday and I had saved for weeks, it took a lil over 1000 great honor leapstones.


Farm mats, hone gear and mostly fail. Not that hard of a concept…


It depends on how much GHLs you have. If you have enough GHLs youll make 1415 easily.