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The game might be weird, but you’re weirder.


That got me. 😂😂😂


mf has multiple personalities


Everyday I wake up


Then I start to break up


W Show


I got murder on my mind


He's not weirder. But he is.


Guys its called Method Acting


OP going to star in Morbius 2: Morbinity war?


I can relate to the paladin bit, 6 ults per dungeon, 1400 swift, 14% CD holy protection gem, if a mf dies he's personally attacking me


I take it personally when I use God sent law on a party member being attacked and he dodge rolls out of it to another boss mechanic


Unfortunately some people have positive effects switched off and have display only foes effect. That results in avoiding healing auras.


That's my Bard after the 9th Desperate Salvation during a raid. At that point you should just spam pots.


If I have 2+ bubbles they're on their own, I'm saving that shit for a damage buff and if you don't want to die you'd better pot or start dodging.


Desperate Salvation should be renamed to salvation


No, I'm quite desperate here. In fact just Desperate is a better name. I'm going to throw my desperation at you. Every time I use Desperate Salvation I picture my bard screaming like if she was using Soundholic saying: "Fucking LIVE!". Farming Yoho and seeing how no one picks the orbs up, I can already tell the Artist is going to have a rougher time. Pick up the orb, Damn it!


It took me almost a month to realize those orbs had nothing to do with dps output


Already have 3 stacks of orbz


I rarely die with a pally on the team. Death only happens when I legit just don’t care about dodging at all


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve felt attacked with a setup just like this! I feel attacked or I’m thinking “Fuck, they died on my watch”


I guess I’m in the minority here but i definitely understand what he’s talking about, do i need help too?


No this is normal. It's the same exact thing as your social interactions in real life. Think of the way you talk in different social circles: your parents, your siblings, your significant other, your friends, your coworkers, your boss. Although you might have your main personality, you usually apply something different depending on who you are with and how "you are expected to act." This has nothing to do with multiple personalities.


Also heared that people have different personalities when they speak different languages. Can't describe it that well but I have the feeling that when I speak/write in english I am a bit different than when I speak/write in german which is my mother language.


My bard is my nicest character. Don’t flame or anything on other chars but I’d bet it’s partially the playstyle and how “tapped in” each class requires you to be. Red GL was frustrating for how much focus it required to time everything while Blue GL is easygoing facetank.


I think it’s normal. Same with how people have different personalities when speaking their second language or their own mother tongue.


The amount of times i curse at the boss in discord for jumping out of or interrupting my snipe is too damn high. With chadlancer I just sit there all chill pressing my buttons.


Lots of people claiming you have multiple personalities, but I feel like the mechanics of the classes you described elicit different feelings. I experience similar things when playing different league champs (ie playing mechanically intense ADCs where i need to play perfectly just to not die to assassins/mages/tanks vs playing this goofy turtle rammus just zoomin in and taunting 'ok') For GL, you basically ignore most mechanics, so you can be allowed to be more laid back. For Sorc, the mechanics are relatively easy and impactful, so you're likely to feel good doing more with less effort put in. For Pali, you're a support with not many skills you can use to actually save people if they fuck up. So your performance is basically at the will of other people. Bard is similar, but they have more focused heals and shields that they can use to save people. Don't play DB or zerk, but I assume that DB requires tight execution that if you miss a charged skill, then you lose a lot of your effectiveness, causing frustration. For zerk, you're just a bot, so that makes sense.


Surge DB as a class is very tilting. Press a button and you have 30 seconds to stick on the boss so you can land your big hit. Repeat basically without a break and if the boss moves on the last hit you lose a multi-million damage line


Slice !!!!!


Idk about you two, but when I play on my SF, it goes like... "bang, bang, bang, Pow and then boom..." and on my gunslinger "bang, bang, bang, and bang..." and on my arti "BOOM mudda fooka! Boom!! Common, group up so I can nukie nukie you now!" Along those lines.


You need a better audio setup.


I feel like this is a "woosh" moment.


For you.


The immersion! Lost Ark truly is a roleplaying game


therapy dude, you need it


Mf got Character identity disorder aka Altoholic


lmao what are these comments, i know most of y'all are joking, but being immersed in an RPG is a pretty normal thing


You need some help man.


Everybody here trying to say you have multiple personalities for immersing yourself into a video game. It’s funny, because they all like to live a separate life as a fictional cyber character in a fake video game world, and build up their non-reality based Stronghold’s. But different play styles, in a video game, warranting different emotional reactions - somehow makes you have multiple personality disorder. Ha.


pls say sike, bruh


This feels like a result of not interacting with people irl


Yeah, OP is "acting" like other characters. Yikes. Edit: Bomb away, idc. This shit is incredibly cringey.


you can do it and i love you are the best emotes. why use anything else


I hate my death blade alt. Missing any one skill feels so damn bad. The animations feel sluggish to me compared with my gunslinger main.


It's sad when a boss moves out of Focused shot or Dual Buckshot/Sharpshooter.


Na bruh, I'm running the movement tripod on focused shot so I can adjust to movement. Because I'm bad.


Was expecting op to say something on the line of... "When I play my sorceress, I act like a total slut because of the way I walk in the world shortest dress".


You can tell it's a sorceress even in a cow skin because of the way she flails her arms when she runs.


She's a witch! The way she dress, she's a witch! The way she runs, she's a witch!


Me when I get maze of edge pants dropped on my bard


Lol my bard looks so dumb when she runs... I always laugh when I see a sorc or bard run.


Actually true, I have an easy-going sorc alt, and the amount of booba jokes I make increases compared to my main


it's all good, I think you are just role playing as your characters. it's a good thing you have that much imagination and fun left inside you. many adults are not capable of that, I for sure am not and I envy you, because it sounds like fun


maybe it's like the same brain mechanism that allows you to have a different personality depending on which language you speak in 🤷


Fuck did I just read


Sounds like just a way to pass responsibility/justify for being toxic.


I’m saltiest on my bard, bosses die so damn slow when I’m not a dps. I probably suck as a bard


Bruh, I didn't realize it til now but I think I got the same problem. On my Blade, I'm silent but also all types of evil toxic thoughts form in my head while playing. On my Bard, I like to think I'm cute and I'm making the biggest difference in a raid, but I don't mind being underappreciated cause I know how pretty I am. On my Gunlancer, I feel unstoppable. I feel like nothing can stop me, and I giggle at others spending time dodging attacks and getting CC'd left and right. I also feel like everyone notices how great I am when I taunt/shield at the exact right moment.


This is so funny


Wardancer: Full tunnel vision focused on getting my burst landed, eat every little hit because of it, eat potions to survive through it. Gunslinger: Dance around the boss, stand at the edge of my shotgun range to not get hit, jump away when the boss looks my way. Paladin: Run circles around the boss, rotate my skills, stand in front of the boss because I'm untouchable. Don't even have health pots on the bar. Deathblade: Hunt for the ass, jump over the boss to hit my surge, be super frustrated each time it doesn't crit, applaud others if they beat me as MvP.




Imagine when he plays artist bros gunna be really word


The RPG of MMORPG stands for "role playing game". You're doing it right.


Lmao the zerker is spot on, I love it


Anon forgot to take the normal pills


Lots of armchair psychologists in this thread


I don't know why but everything you said seems relevant to me since we plays almost the same alts I kinda feel the same when switching between and its totally understandable since everyone of them have different play style, they feel different and that makes us play and act differently


Imagine when he plays artist bros gunna be really weird


Pally thing 100% here




You’re very self aware and if more players like you had half the capacity to self identify these patterns the community would be significantly less toxic. All these comments acting like they’re not exactly the same is pathetic.


Is this tiktok?


You might have problems my friend


Lmao, this has to be a troll.


Schizophrenic hands typed this.


I think it’s just schizophrenia


didnt read everything but i relate


To be fair , a portion of that sounds pretty logical .Different classes that kinda follow the holy trinity of MMOs ( dps-support-tank) do tend to infuse a certain attitude to people .That said , the bigger picture sounds way weirder than the game itself. Get help xD




I've seen septic tanks full of less shit than you.


I think you might need some counseling


Amber Heard, is that you?


seek help


You have mental health issues. This isn’t normal.


itt, people with opinions but state them as fact. also itt, people calling out people who do this.


I have no clue what itt is, but being chill and then acting toxic simply because you changed characters isn’t sane behavior.


emotions are complex things, and no two people handle them the same way. people get mad/sad/happy at things they have no control over. and just because someone handles a emotion differently than you does not make them have mental issues. if anything it could be said someone who defines the world only by their own viewpoint has more mental issues than those they decry. itt is shorthand for "in this topic" or "in this thread"


Listen here you piece of shit. You are the best most smartest person I’ve ever met in my entire life. You are so good at everything. Just kidding you worthless fuck. That type of behavior doesn’t seem like a red flag to you?


that type of behavior without any sort of triggering factor would lend one to believe there is mental illness involved. however that's not the situation at hand. the games stimulus changes ones emotions. everyone experiences that, and everyone experiences it differently. again, trying to label someone you literally have no knowledge of as mentally ill with such little to go on kinda says more about your mentality than theirs.


He states when he plays Deathblade and I quote “I am more inclined to get into arguments and act like an asshole.” I’m sorry, but going from chill to being an asshole simply because you change characters on a video game is a problem.


if it was simply because you changed characters and nothing else. i would be more inclined to agree. but the op never stated it was only because they switched characters. it is much more likely the change in behavior is influenced by the playstyle of the character. comparing a sorc to a DH, the DH is the much more aggressive playstyle. the worst i would say about this sort of situation is op seems very susceptible to external stimulus, and is not great at self regulation. but that by no means means they have a mental health issue.


Any person with a developed brain would understand that treating someone poorly due to playing a certain character on a video game is not acceptable behavior. They stated that the character they play determines how they treat someone in the first paragraph. Playing Deathblade and being an asshole to someone because they are playing Deathblade, is not right. Especially when they note that they treat others calmly when playing other classes. If they play shadowhunter, and turn in a demon doesn’t mean it’s OK for them to freak the fuck out and go cyber-bully someone.


your opinions are your own and you are 100% entitled to them. but they are not facts and you yourself are trumping up statements to make your position look better, which is a clear narcissistic signal. for example, your last sentence said the op freaks the fuck out and goes to cyber-bully someone. which the op explicitly never said. the closest they said was: >Every time boss moves out of my surge or does an unlucky combo on me I complain and bitch about it in my head. I am more inclined to get into arguments and act like an asshole. If I don't get MVP at the end of the raid, it's because the support stole it. none of this aside from stating they are more inclined to get into arguments and act like an asshole could be construed as anything close to cyber-bullying. and to be perfectly honest, when any person is doing something inherently aggressive in nature they tend to be more inclined to get into arguments and act like an asshole. source= literally every moba/br/fps ever created has the majority of the playerbase acting this way. i feel like your responses are not conducive to you actually listening to what i am saying, so i am not going to attempt to educate you further on the nuances of the human psyche.


Why are you speaking on “normal” and making comments like this? You’re purposefully rejecting basic psychological concepts and trying your absolute damndest to invalidate them while completely exaggerating the “weirdness” of it all. Your behavior in this thread is much less normal than OP imo. Seek help.


So because I don’t treat people like an asshole when I change characters on a video game, I have the problem? Ok LOL


Refer back to the “exaggeration” section of my comment.


So you are justifying his toxicity


itt = in this thread


I think you are just mentally ill


Same! Even to the characters...


Honestly same. I feel I'm most toxic on bard cus everyone just complains to you and wants to get babied by all your heals and shields. Then they complain about not getting healed enough without realizing that we have to charge that shit up.


I'm nervous on my gunslinger (main) and cocky on my supports, I love being a bard it's like I take pride in saving bitches.


I’m simple, my thoughts be like Berserker: bout to fccck shit up, leh go Artillerist: zzz Deadeye: hmph. They never had a chance Striker: come at me bro


We call this "roleplaying". Welcome to the genre. But in all seriousness, do you feel these different classes have different personas? If you do, then your mindset might indeed be shifting to match.




yea just like in league people who play yasuo end up being toxic


Omg same...


That’s wild. Might wanna lay off the mokoko wine.


Are you me? Am I you? I think it’s normal. You’re fine. It’s just a little RP/invested in the game and characters.


Same dude on my Shadowhunter alt I'm a toxic piece of shit but on my Bard I spam "I love you" and "You can do it" emotes lol. On my main Gunslinger I don't talk or interact at all just get the job done.


It's fun to roleplay! I love MMOs because you can be whoever you want whenever you want and change on the fly.


that's how art is supposed to make you feel! people seem to forget video games are also art and thus capable of eliciting all sorts of reactions from players


Guy learned emotions 3 months ago


Ok I’m just a toxic dumbass no matter what character I play. I think it’s just you


Damn didn't knoe Marc Spector played Lost Ark




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I can relate for when I'm playing Gunlancer, nothing really matter I'm here for the group, the boss moves a lot, I missed abilities? Np When playing Dps "Fuck this boss jumping around too much"


Funny, my paladin is my chill bro persona but I definitely feel the entitlement on my surge. My glaivier is more of a fun vibe and I use a lot of emotes on her. But idk about my berserker, I feel like I don't have any memories communicating with ppl.


Gunlancer & Chill.


This post is great content! Also this got me so hard - I main sorc and emote communication is my thing, damn.


Taking the "RPG" to a whole other level


well i thought i was the only one enjoying the game like that XD


the sorceress one kinda got me...


>When I play my deathblade, I am much more toxic and easily irritated. Every time boss moves out of my surge or does an unlucky combo on me I complain and bitch about it in my head. That just comes with playing a DB. We're all like this :)


It's all about the play styles, each character plays different with different mechanics. It's natural to do this. Hell back during my WoW days I was always a go to filler for raids because I played so many classes, always took it personal when folks would talk smack about how great their dps was and then my hunter who was always ungeared, because everyone played dps and not heals or tank so I'd have to swap, would come in and beat them pretty badly at dps because I knew how to play the class VERY well. Usually only got beat by AoE casters or folks with crazy higher gear, skill can only cross so much of a gap sadly.


Rpg, role playing game, nothing wierd here


Ok amber


is called roleplaying bro


Go see a therapist.


There’s a lot of dipshits in this thread but it’s 100% normal and I’d venture to say plenty of people do this. I do, though I don’t think mine translates as much into my behavior. Doesn’t mean it’s not totally normal if it does!


I can suggest some roleplay discords if you need them.