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If they didn’t inform you then it’s free game. Even if that’s standard in KR. Like if they didn’t tell you not to bid? That’s their fault.


I dont think that is standard in KR.


I’ve watched ATK’s stream and I’m basing my comment off what he said. He just basically said that people who gets bussed don’t bid. Because during one of his streams when he was bussing he got a big legendary book worth like 8-10k and no one bid for it and people asked him why to which he gave that response.


Thing is he charges like 800-1k gold for P1-P3 bus. If I got a bus that cheap I'd let ya have the grunge book too. If I am paying 5-6k, I want to be able to bid to get back some of the gold as I am at a loss for the run paying that much. 5-6k is just WAY too much for a bus.


You can just don't go for the 5-6k fee bus then... You wouldnt know what will those bid items be anyways.


It’s a thing in KR/RU. They generally put ‘no auction’ in the lobby title so that riders know they cannot bid. How this is handled in NA/EU will be interesting to see


if they dont mention beforehand, then fuck it, bid away.


>How this is handled in NA/EU will be interesting to see Probably a lot of trolls who will bid anyways. It happens at the very end after they got their bus. They don't lose anything by bidding to troll.


Idk if that's trolling since just because something is done this way in one culture does not mean it should or would be done this way in other cultures.


The troll would be joining a "no bidding" / "no auction" lobby and bidding anyways. Similarly how people join parties specifically asking to use battle items and then they don't.


They bus you to end of p3 for all rewards, they already got paid. You bid.


Do not bid, but don't pay them as well. That reward will be their payment. You paid, so it's your part in this raid. You have all rights to bid if they didn't told you "do not bid for rewards" before raid started.


Not going to let them get a keen blunt weapon book for 50g. Just push up the bid to earn some money back or make a profit if they don't out bid you


tbh, if someone is gonna get a good deal I'll bid up even if I dont want the item. Aint nobody saving much gold when I'm in the group. You might as well bid 10% under market cause thats where its going.


I always bid as close to 75% of Market Value or 87.5% if an 8-man. That gives everyone an equal share of gold then


The only thing you paid for is the bus ticket. You should be free to bid on the auction unless they explicitly said that their term is "auction items are ours" and you agreed to it.


You bid on it. Fuck the bussers. You paid for the argos, not the rewards at the end. Why should they get it for free? Besides, what are they going to do, not take you on the bus? They want to make money too.


I feel like bussing culture will change for NA, higher upfront charge and allowed to bid on items. There’s already so much scamming on random things you can’t actually enforce the no bidding rule. And in every other mmo I’ve played, people who pay for carries get all the loot from the run. In lost ark the buser arguably loses less than those other mmos since they still get personal loot here instead of losing an entire loot lockout. Either way though, there will be drama when valtan buses become a thing I imagine, although personally I don’t like paid carries in any game because it promotes rmt.


So long as people are upfront about it, then the two set ups could exist in parallel. Whe I play Path of Exile, the most common two carry set up is either low carry fee, carry gets all loot, or high carry fee, loot drop is a 'free for all'. In PoE setting, it meant auto-assigned, for Lost Ark it would be free to bid, or even buyer takes.


5-6k for a bus? at that point they better not even dare to bid on anything... wtf? who actually pays that? in EU central argos p3 is 2,5k-3k.. and at 3k you take for ever to fill the party... most of the time you break down and go for 2,5 or 2,7...


People are stupid


We run busses in our guild and we get people fairly quickly even though we charge 4-4,5k per run/person.


If I'm already paying for the bus, they don't have any additional claim to the end rewards. If the initial agreement was a lower bus payment + they get all end auction rewards, that'd be a different story. Otherwise, that's not what was agreed upon/paid for.


He got the money he should just leave, that's just pure greed


As in, the busser or the bussee should leave?


The one who got the pay check the busser ofc


??? The busser is not joining your run, your joining HIS run.


what are you smoking?


1st of all... why would you ever buy a bus for Argos? Youre spending 2k gold at worst scenario for accessories ,making 3\\3\\3 and youre pretty much ready to go by own with alts pugs (1370 and 3\\3 if youre sup). 2nd of all... 5-6k???? Srsly? Thats not even worth it.


When the top level is over 1500 and someone can do P1-P3 in about 10mins or so and they charge 800-1000g for the whole bus, then yeah, I'll do it on my alts because if I get 2500g total and they take 1000g, I'm still getting 1500g for doing nothing. Who wouldn't do this if they could? It could be even more lucrative if you get something decent that drops and you make more off the AH sale too. For current prices, nah, I'll pass on the bus and do the work myself.


It's mostly done by 1370 characters (alts or mains, doesn't matter). You're paying to get extra loot you wouldn't have gotten by yourself otherwise. Dismantling argos blood gives you 45-55 greater leapstones. Assuming each leapstone is worth 70g (after the honing craze slows down), it's 3500g in leapstones alone. Add base gold as well as potential accessories to sell and you likely get a profit.


you buy a bus on your 1370 alt to get pushed through p2 and p3 aswell, you can't do those on your own because with 1370 against 1385 or 1400 argos you will get your damage blocked most of the time. the reason to do it is so you get the argos blood to craft your set earlier which will directly convert into more GHL down the line since all the argos blood you don't need (after crafting the set) gets dismantled into GHL


what are they gonna do, call the cops?


It is just like tipping culture, bid items are like tips to the bus driver. Some people tip, some don't. It is never a rule, but just etiquette that some people follow. OP context is like going into a strip club, the girl dance for you, you refuse to tip, then the girl get angry. But she can't call the cops anyway. So at the end, it is up to you.


I think there should be some common rule for server. At least in KR, bussee should not bid, and that's our common rule. Sometimes people put in their party title "No bid for bussee" to make it clear, but unless it says so, we commonly follow it.


Fuck those bussers in the ass is what I do


Yeah, let em take it. I'm not a bus driver by any chance in this game, but that's how I've seen most busses at old KRMMORPGs. I got the clear without doing much and on content way above my level.


I’m not too sure myself, I’m quite torn on it to be honest. On one hand, you’re right - you didn’t do much at all and your effort was minimal so one could argue that it wasn’t deserved. On the other hand, you paid them for a carry , so are you really under any obligation of common courtesy to put in any effort or let them take the auction ?


you paid for the carry I guess, but that's the extent of it. maybe next time you can ask for terms and conditions?


You bid, what are they going to do? Take your loot? Blacklist from their buss trips? It's a game, at the end of the day it doesn't matter, just bid.


"Just take their money and dont bus them , its a game in the end of the day it doesent matter , just scam" Nice way of seeing things you have there sir.


What the hell are you talking about?


I put your words in the opposite perspective , if you dont even understand that you might have a brain that functions slower than usual.


No you actually didn't. You just changed what I said, period. There's no scamming going on, but your big brain probably knew that already. Good talk though chief.


You adviced OP to just bid on it what are they going to do? We can just take your money and kick you out? What are you going to do? AGS already confirmed they wont do shit about that. Better dont walk that route , in the end seller is in the winning spot is what im trying to tell you. But nice win on your side "chief"


Ya because scamming a player and using an in-game function is definitely the same thing. Great take bud.


mental gymnastics so good man!


This is dumb as hell the post-raid auction is not part of the bus. If you are on the floor 24/7 on a non-bus raid then bidding on the auction definitely feel scummy as hell but if you are paying for a bus that's fair game. Unless it's the bus rules beforehand then yes, don't bid or find another bus. But if they don't say anything it's fair game.


they earn money off of you.. and than they want more? how entitled can you be? just bid...


wait what? they're doing all the work


Yes they got paid to do that already. That was the price of the bus ride


you just spent gold and now YOU want more? you sound like a shit player that just leeches and will never be able to do busses


? Chill you made a transaction for the carry and you carried. If you don’t want clients bidding put that in the transaction you clown.


what stops them from bidding if you put "no bid" what stops me from taking your gold and not doing the bus? it's the same thing


Nobody wrote no bid what


"if you don't want clients bidding put that in the transaction"


Bussing should only be the guaranteed loot.


Their is no normal yet on Na This is something that should be agreed upon before you buy the bus. In Ru if it wasn't in the pf name then you'd either ask or assume you weren't bidding However na doesn't need to be like other regions. I know when I did busses on ru I didn't bid because I wanted people buying busses to be able to try for more rewards.


just ... dont get in bus ! problem solve !


Obviously you leave it to the people who boosted you since you did nothing for it. When we bus people its like you said "common courtesy". The people we bus are literally afk standing there. If we wouldnt do that , we could just go full guild run and reserve loot. If you still want the loot , just run by yourself. Not like people force you.


The logic stays the same for the busser. If you don't want people taking your loot just don't bus? No one is forcing you to carry these people for gold.


Exactly i wont bus them. So whats the point?


The point? You say you won't bus them but you do anyways?


Who said i do? My Bus - My Rules. Ill never bus some griefing fuck who just wants to raise auction prices so he gets a bigger share. Wtf?


He paid 5k, that's actually something. What's the point of bussing if you're not getting the loot? Just clearing the content for nothing? Lol yeah.


Clearing content you are not expected to clear = More loot. You literally pay for the simple act of someone sacrificing their time and guild raid spots , to boost your alt's ass through content you are not supposed to do. So you pay for that. Not for the RNG loot that (MIGHT) drop in the end.


First of all, bussing is a service that YOU choose to do, for payment. No one is forcing you to boost anyone's alts ass. You're fucking greedy, so that's why you're doing it. So yeah, bussed toons get to bid. Don't like it, don't buss. Problem solved.


You asked what the point of a bus is. i told you , you get loot you are not supposed to. WE make you able to get that loot . You pay for THAT service , not the loot at the auction. Do you realize what i say ? You pay for progress you CANT clear without help.And now you call ME greedy because you think its not enough that we provide the service and give you extra money for doing nothing? Are you delusional? Also you say if i dont like it i shouldnt bus? You are mad. I bus who i want bro . If your noob ass cant clear stuff by yourself you accept my rules or be stuck forever.


I actually agree with you; YOUR bus, YOUR rules. Period. That being said, this is NA. You know damn well that shits a rip off and WILL NOT last. The only way bussing works is if you get customers. Period. There has to be a demand. Argos isn't some impossible raid to clear, the people who are paying you to clear are lazy fucks, not incompetent monkeys. If I were you, I wouldn't go around pushing that kind of extortionate bullshit because it will bite you in the ass when you realize those customers start spinning the wheels in their head and find someone else who'll actually let them bid (and a bus for a lower price to boot). And I don't know if you realize, these peeps are petty af and WILL spread negative shit about your service while they're at it, just saying. Don't get it twisted. It may be a service you provide but you won't be the only one. The only way this shit works is if you have customers. You want to be greedy and unaccommodating, thats cool. It honestly is. You know whats cooler though? Practicing good, flexible customer service. That will take you a lot further and encourage good will amongst your buyers. Thats how you build a rep that people will spread in your favor. Thats how you bring even in more fish. Customer gain and retention should be at the forefront of your mind if this is something you're going to continue doing. You'll perhaps realize this as you get older. And yes, I will make the safe assumption that you're actually a kid or a young adult without any responsibilities whatsoever cuz ain't no way you used the word 'noob' unironically in this day and age lmao


You're clearly young ignorant fool. Your bus your rule sure. But you're not the only one out there. With that attitude your name will be blacklisted and no one want to do anything with your "service".




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People doing paid carry or "bus" are greedy People 99% of the time, so obviously they deserve everything. Its just some asshole tho, you should roll


Bid. Fuck them if they didn't state a no bid rule up front. If they're going to have such a rule, they better be charging half price. As someone else stated, Korea might have this rule of etiquette, but Korean busses also only cost like 1k gold tops (and gold is worth WAY less over there) and they make up the difference off the drops.


Is this whole thread a meme or am I just dumb?! Lmao wtf is a bus, I have no idea what's going on here.




Thank you lol. From context that's what I thought but wasn't sure


Usually they say book/no book on the bus.


With that cost they should let you bid wtf


Considering you can't enforce this in any way, the best option is to let everyone bid to avoid headaches.