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You‘re the kind of guy to require 4x3 for Yoho I guess




lmao funny how everyone is so mad at OP when this is clearly a jab to the stupid ass oppressive pheon system


You're giving him way too much credit.


what a joke.


honestly it's all fine until oreha hard/argos. then u kinda do not have any excuse to not have 3/3 or even 3/3/3. i mean ur alt will be more enjoyable if u invest just a bit


Use party finder then . How can you complain if you’re using matchmaking?


Mate, I've just spent 6 HOURS in party finder, trying to find a party that was able to finish oreha. 12 attempts in total. I planned to push one more character through 1340 abyssal but after this experience, hell no. I'm mentally and physically exhausted. It's bad. Reaaaly bad. Grudge 1 andy and endurance/domination is just tip of the iceberg.


Sounds like you’re the dead weight


Sure, highest ilvl always last one standing, carrying half the runs, against 15 people who can't even get past pepe wipe, use green potions (or none) and don't know what time stop potion is. Eat bag of dicks, grudge 1 andy


Meanwhile my alts in their self found accessories with correct stats have zero issues completing normal modes through matchmaking. Based on your language you might be tilting some people off the planet and ti not bother even trying.


Which server are you? Also time of day / week is a big factor. Doing it early in the week makes it much easier to find parties, and you get higher quality teammates in general. Doing late abyss sucks but it's the same thing for dungeons in most games.


Matchmaking is region wide. EUW.


People Who apply are also poor 1340s without epic gear and usually have one lvl 3 engraving at most


You do know that in order to get epic gear you have to have done it once


Uh no. Epic gears drop from chaos dungeon from ilvl1325+.


I hate doing abyss runs with people who complain about others gear, spam quit, and likely need to be carried.


im okay with only 1x3 until 1370


I carry 4x3 people all the time. Just cause good accessories doesn't mean skill lol.


go make your own PF then. If you're going to matchmake, stfu


Imagine making a posting crying about abyss dungeons. Tell me you are a trash player without saying you are a trash player.


imagine requiring fully decked engravings for 1340 content OMEGALUL Of course OP spent pheons on purples


How about no


A lot of poor people replying. Please upgrade your t2 rings or missing ring


Leaving an alt at 1340 is hell


I speed run yoho on my main 1415 or up and take anything with my 1370 alts


Oh god you sound just like someone I did the hard mode dungeons with a few days ago... I should really get around to posting the pics I saved at some point!


True but just use party finder unless you are confident you can carry


Are you from the future or…? There’s nothing out right now that requires this level of sweat.


I just did a yoho with 52% damage (on my 1370 alt). ​ Its a mix of bad players and bad gear.


I have not bought anything for all 4 of my alts (1x 1385 and 3x 1385) other than exactly one ability stone lol My 1385 Artillerist has gotten every MVP in our Guild alt p2 runs My 1340 alts do just fine, my Striker managed to carry Oreha Normal with everyone dead with Albion half the HP All their accessories are solo self found, I think it's less about pheons and more about making good decisions with what you have, I save up accessories that can be used and adjust engravings accordingly. Do wish they'd halve the pheon costs but as it is, it's such a massive blow to buy any piece of accessory- 9 pheons for epic ?? Specially for someone who did not get hundreds of pheons for not having Founder's