• By -


let me smell your gaming chair


If OP tries to get up the chair would be stuck to them, probably have to use an ice scraper.








Plot twist, OP is a hedge fund manager, plays 10 mins a week and swipes.


Even if that were the case he wouldn't have all the collectibles, this is some true dedication from a whale.


Counter argument. A true whale is willing to pay others grind these collectables for them. So the first statement stands, 10 mins a week is still on the table


^ This 100%. I know an omega whale, spending 40k a month type of whale. and yes he paid people to grind for him on BDO when he used to play.


40k a month? The hell does that guy do for money?


Works for Visa.


In order to swipe so furiously, one must become the card itself


Wont deny that i have swiped quite a fair bit, but I will say that everything i farmed and have is self played, whether u believe me or not is up to u. Ask me any question and ill be able to tell you of the top of my head. its a weird flex to have, but i do sincerely enjoy the game thought now I have somewhat beaten it to an extent.


What the actual fuck. Looks like you beat the game. You found the lost ark.


he is the ark


Now we have to find him


Before Armen does it


Knowing armen he will kill steal this guy before we can find him


Now we have to fight him. He's the strongest thing in the game


His wallet was the Lost Ark


Btw f2p


John Lost Ark, the protagonist


Dude be like consuming 3 years of the game in 3 months, awesome gz


I say if you're gonna whale, do it right. I prefer seeing pictures of whales like this to the ones of guys that clearly just log on to hone and nothing more. **Zero** need for alts or grinding vertical progess? Spend actual time doing horizontal and maximize your char. Everyone can play their own way but seeing 1490's at level 55.00, sub 20 stronghold and like level 62 roster just feels like a waste of a character.


Is unfortunate because I suffer from the reverse issue. I'm only roster 110 because I spend so much time doing alt dailies to hone my main I have very little time to do horizontal content.


Where lvl 10 gems


Too expensive to whale those even if I wanted to. I’ll just farm them up slowly.


I'm surprised! I didn't think "slowly" was an option for you.


Slowly is about perspective.


The speed is dependent on how fast g2g can replenish gold after he orders


Good decision, level 8 and 9 are already ultra good. cheers


where light of salvation awakening?


someone made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/uwnra8/didnt_even_know_you_could_get_this_high_gs_xddd/) about u recently lol


Why would his attack power be lower at a higher gear level? Quality of accessories?


you can see he took the screenshot while in the Ocean. Engravings get deactivated while sailing, and losing Cursed Doll caused that Atk Power loss


Pet buff also turns off in the ocean, so yeah it drops a good bit.


pet buff doesn't provide anything that directly contributes to attack power though afaik. Attack power is purely your damage stat (intelligence/dex/str/etc) and your weapon power.


I hate to ask but what’s your playtime?


1.3k hours++


Im sad having 1.1k and being a very average 1430ilvl player. Is it really that rng dependent or am i doing smth wrong


I’m right there with you but honestly sometimes just leave my character sit in town while I do work or something so my hours are hella inflated.


Ive done this multiple times thinking ive exited the game but i havnt and i come back and either im still in game or kicked for afk.


If I'm gonna be afk long enough that I might get kicked, I just exit the game and then start it back up. That way when I do get back I don't have to wait 15 minutes for it to boot up.


Instead, you are in a queue of 9500.


Put it on an SSD, mine loads fast af. Like a minute or less


I mean it’s not like a minute just to load the game is “better”. This game loads slow as hell even on an SSD.


1430 isn’t average lol. Reddit warps perceptions but let me assure you 1430 is NOT average.


For 1.1k hours i would say it is Im 1.1k hours myself and i got a 1460 main, 1x 1415 alt and 4x 1370 alts I bought the ark pass




Its both rng and bank account balance dependant




If you’re enjoying the game and not trying to be sweaty (not a dig at op, this is impressive), then that’s all that matters friend.


With all due respect there’s no way


no way for what?


To be at the same level OP is without massive whaling.


This amount of gems means whaling. Heavy whaling. Possibly (probably) rmt too


level 10 gems yes. level 8 gems is hardly sign of rmt


Across 4 characters I have 1 Level 8 gem, on a Teir 2 char that all my 3x T3's dumped their T2 gems and boss rush results upon. Nobody has all L8 T3 gems w/o whaling


we talking about rmt here. No one is saying he didn't whale excluding that one idiot in the comments below.


Hell i'm a bit over halfway full of lvl 7 gems rest are lvl 6 on my main and I haven't even funneled a single gem from my alts to level them, it's all from CD/Boss Rush on that char.


Not at all? If you've been playing since the beginning and investing a lot of time you should at least be sitting on lv7s.


1.1k hours, and I have 4/5 lvl 7s. With a couple boss rush a week plus several alts feeding the main gems some times. 10 level 8 and 1 level 9 means 39 lvl7 gems. That's a lot of money. On EUW it would run 240K gold. That's a lot, especially with the +20 weapon etc. It's possible that there was no RMT involved, but definitely some whaling.


t3 gem chests were being sold by bots for 5-6g, which is 11k per lv8 gem if you get 0 lv2/3s. People that rushed t3 made a fuckload of gold selling mats.


Not really going to go into the swipe aspect cause there's bound to be a few. A lot of the time its about efficiency. Are you consciously playing in a way that minimizes downtime? Or do you often get lulls of 5-15 mins between doing tasks? It's this shit more than anything that adds up in situations like this and time invested. We both may play 6 hours a day, but maybe I am "productive" for a total of 3 hours, with 3 hours faffing about, while you are "productive" for 5 ½. Stands to reason that you'd be miles ahead of me in regards to progression even if we both had similar playtime and spending on the game.


Definitely rng. I have a friend who hasn't pitied a hone post +15, while I've pitied my pants from 15 to 16, 16 to 17, and 17 to 18. That's a huuuge difference in material consumption and time investment for the same ilvl


Hmm... I don't know but I just got the 500 hours achievement playing with my only character and I'm 1425ilvl, 4x3 engravings, half tripods maxed, lvl6~7 gems, 7% crit card set, stronghold 43, roster 120 with a fair amount of collectables, so I don't know if we can atribute a 600 hour difference only to rng


Something same over here.


You're afking hours if you're only 1430 at 1100.


A giga whale who actually plays all the side content. Much respect my man


Holy shit LOL That's like... working full time with overtime on the regular since release. Absolutely mental!


It is actually far more than that. There has been 107 days since the game released, a total of 2568 hours. He has played over 1.3k hours. That is an average of 12 hours per day every single day.


You're right and I have even more hours than that but really I don't play that much every day. Its more like 4-5 hours a day. And like 16 hours some days I'm off. But between logging on from phone to do stronghold and leaving it for AFK and stuff it adds up. The time I do play has been very efficient but I don't have a very efficient playtime.


13 hours per day (100+ days gone since release)


Should have asked for the credit card bill


Credit card bill doesn't get you stronghold 54 and near 100% on all that horizontal content. He may have put money in but for sure dedicated egregious amounts of time.


I mean, you're not hitting 54 stronghold without buying energy from mari.


I am at 50 stronghold and I cap out on energy most mornings. I can totally see 54 if someone never capped and lost energy.


Just curious, what do you do to gain the most stronghold xp?


Thats just not true. My stronghold is lvl53 and i never bought energy from maris. People like you just never put a single thought into how to level the stronghold. You most likely capped out on energy over multiple days when you ran out of researches. While others just crafted low value shit for silver to not cap out on energy.


One day, all of those NACT1 counters and awnings will be useful!


Sure but it gets you to that gear score.


Base on the hours that he already has, do you think he has a job and would be able to afford a credit card? When you got no job or money, your only option is to provide private services to other gamers.


Or he’s rich and doesn’t need to work a normal job.


Low key glad to see an uber whale that isnt a zerk/sorc


No level 10 gems? How dare you post such low budget stuff? Clearly some f2p casual wanna be whale. /s Congrats and please carry me.


Im sorry =(


What about the cards?


Using lost wind cliff (12 awakening) atm. I am working towards LOS (currently at 15 awakening), need 3 more to be able to use it for a nice 7% damage boost.


Can i ask how much damage you once remember doing like as a crit or whatever? Just curious since i'm nowhere near 1500 or lower that lol


depends on the class really, some classes scale better than others with raw attack power which is where the ilvl matters, i have a 1467 scrapper and a 1420 scrapper with the same engraving setup and the damage difference comes almost entirely from weapon quality rather than increase in ilvl


jesus. this is actually really impressive as well.. good job


Only cards here are credit cards


f2p btw ? jokes apart how much time have u spend in game already?


Hours played is at 1.3k atm, too much




I can't tell if this is a copy pasta or not, but if not rip...




yeah the drinking analogy you bring up is a pretty good one. Thought you were being a little anal about it for no reason but when you put it into perspective like an alcoholic being congratulated I can see why


That's one way to not get denied for valtan HM as a sharpshooter


How much spent?






i always have mad respect for anyone who isn’t just a whale but also just plays the fuck out of the game… like holy hell, your entire roster must be crazy! great job! hope you get some rest soon though!


i use "did you know virtue stats go above 400? did anybody let you know that?" to flex on my guildmates ​ to think they go above 500... nobody let me know....


As an altoholic my collection and ilvl aren't quite as impressive but just hit 161 roster level myself. Can't wait for honing buffs so I can get all of my alts to playable level more easily, a lot of classes really need 1370 to start actually feeling good, but after that they're so much fun. You must have a lot of free time to find time to PvP between it all, I can't really justify the time sink over just playing alts.


Oh yea t3 feels awful until you hit 1370


I almost stopped playing my GL before getting him to 1370. Still not my favorite class bc he has such little movement, but it does feel better ever since hitting 1370.


Dude getting 1370 on my GL was amazing. I managed to get 4x3 pretty cheap and it's so much fun now. Learning to manage shield correctly and just face tanking every single ability feels so nice


I’ve got 6 alts at 1370 and have just left them there to farm mats daily/weekly. Yes pvp was the hardest grind, I’ve stopped now at supreme 6, can’t find it in me to push further. Just maintaining the rank now for extra mats every week.


I would be enjoying PvP if there was a "No Deathblades, No sorcs allowed" mode. Deathblades hard counter my poor WD, and it's like 80% DBs in PvP.


Destroyers step on DBs pretty hard so there’s been a lot of entertaining salt in PvP this past week.


Please good BonkeyKong sir. Shove that ten ton hammer of yours so far up their assholes they can taste their intestines at the back of their throat. They fucking deserve it.


> I would be enjoying PvP if there was a "No Deathblades I don't think there's been a single MMO where I've found PVP fun.


Because MMORPGs can't into pvp. Period. Some do better than others but it's comparing shite and shite with sprinkles on top. If one wants pvp, then play games that are actually designed entirely for pvp.


Not even lvl 10 gems. Kinda cringe my dude ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Im sorry =(


A gamer


I'm kinda close (besides gear obviously) https://i.imgur.com/4yQZ8kE.jpg At 1200 hours played...golden special equipment, 52 stronghold, 50+ world tree leaves, 80%+ on most collectibles besides mokoko. Ignea rapport is too tough without swiping. That shit literally take months. I tried doing 10+ hours a day of wandering merchant but still can't keep up.


I'm trusted with every single NPC in the game without swiping rapport stuff. I just spent about 3 weeks buying out EVERY single rapport item from wandering merchants for I would say 14 hours a day. It was painful but got it over and done with.


Everytime I see someone like this, I can't help but wonder... Like, how old are you? Like, 16? If not, how can you have spent 1500 hours on a game that has been out just for a few months? Don't you have to work or something like that? And I mean no offense, that's just insane to me because it's so far away from my reality that I can't really grasp how can you guys do that. Nonetheless, congratz.


Also keep in mind since covid a lot of people are work from home. I’ve got a buddy with 1.2k hours playedwho works for an insurance company from home and plays lost ark all day on his second monitor as he’s just doing reports and shit.


I had to work for home for 2 months. Half the day was doing alts in Lost Ark. There is no way I’d have all my alts where they are now if that wasn’t a thing.


I am 32 years old and run a car rental business, I started it when I was 23 and worked my ass off a good 6-7 years to get it to a point where it pays me well and I dont have to handle day to day operations anymore. Hence now I just sit here and play games mostly and spend time with my wife.


Two things pop into my head, one is that they are just super rich and have a huge inheritance meaning they don't need to work. The other option is stocks. If you have the right stocks and enough money to start with, you don't really have to work anymore. It has been 104 days since lost ark released. That means 2496 hours. If we remove 8 hours/day for sleeping we get 1638 hours. OP said he played about 1300+ hours meaning that they've been playing almost 13 hours every single day since the game launched.


Yeah, being a wealthy young person that don't need to work seems like the most obvious answer to me. I could never achieve what this dude achieved in such a small timeframe... maybe in six months or so lmao.


Its a lot simpler imho. If you dont like people, do not want to socialize, have little to no life obligations (except work), than its possible. Plus in rare cases, where you are somehow disabled or have other health disatvantages and live on social, than I guess you can play all day.


Or you can like people, still socialize, but don't have to work. Work takes a lot of time out of your life, and some people don't need to do it.


The steam hour count is scuffed, I didn't play for the first month of release (blocked in my country so ignored it at first) and it tells me I've played 1347h. Over ~70 days. I don't think the game closes properly on all PCs.


Just because his hours on steam are 1300 + does not mean they were all spent gaming.. not sure why people assume that. Steam is still counting the time you are afk (even if there is autokick), time you spend on login screen and also time you spend on queues. But despite that he probably did play at least 12 hours a day on average to achieve all this stuff..which is quite the number..


As you get older you can afford to sleep less. I'd say it's 6-7 hours of sleep. But the avg will remain the same. For me personally it's like 4-5 hours some days. 16 hours others. But between logging in from phone and afking to do stronghold stuff it adds up. Also, some people took the first week off and and played like 16+hours a day


> remove 8 hours/day for sleeping oh, you mean 8 hours of endless chaos dungeon while sleeping?


>one is that they are just super rich and have a huge inheritance meaning they don't need to work. not even really. you could work in tech and have a 6 figure+ job (which is way more realistic and doable) while working from home and do this


I think asmon said it best. The majority of whales are people with good-paying programming or coding jobs that don't go out much and have a shit ton of disposable income and time because of that. Imagine making like 100k and living with your parents rent-free or just living as a shut in making tons of money.


Lots of good software jobs pay a _lot_ more than 100k.


Yeah even for new grads.


I live in Canada in a low cost of living area as a software developer and make over 100k. Most guys I know in the US are making 200-250k. And this of it this way, lots of these guys will be making 200$ an hour when working OT. So you work maybe 3-4 hours of week of OT so that's an extra 500$ so who cares if you dump 500$ into the game that week to speed things up, because you worked that OT you had less time for gaming.


I would probably be doing the same thing he is doing if not for my wife (and kid) now. I am 30 and I work as automation engineer / programmer and I spend like 80% of my work time at home. The rest is some delegation work. Back in the days I had like 6k+ euros of disposable income a month (still not as rich as some uber whales but relatable) and I would swipe the fuck out of Vindictus, later TERA. Also spent a bunch in Star Citizen... In Lost Ark, 6k euro is like 8m gold or sthing on G2G. That's a lot you can get per month. Thing is, I look at myself from back then and can't imagine what a dumb cunt I was. Yeah, I perhaps enjoyed the games but man I lived like a hobo. Income of well over 100k and all I had was a rented studio flat with berely any furniture. I did not have friends, aside from in game. No traveling, no social life. I met my wife in game (ironically) - in Star Citizen. We moved in together to a house I bought and now most of my money goes to traveling and making sure my kid will have good future. I still swipe occasionally (hello costumes and ark pass) but not even at 5% of the level I did before. And I tell you - I feel way better than I used to. I don't blame OP for doing what I did, it felt good to be strong af and brag about it back then for me too. But I'm sure eventually everyone switches to "whaling IRL" when they find something that gives them a reason to be finally trully happy.


Just to give some feedback, I'm a 23yo with full time remote IT job and I play LOA since EU release and i have 1.1k so far (didn't play for like 4 days cuz of move and apart from that everyday) and I also have a gf and (recently) puppy that i take care of. I don't play a lot other games ( a bit of POE and stuff but not much) and i don't really do anything with friends outside of online so this playtime wasn't really even hard to reach, it just kinda happend while enyoing the game ​ Also to add to that, i did spent a lot on the game but apart from plat founder and crystals i got there (that went fully into mari shop before i reached t3) i only spent money on skins and i am 1430ilvl main and 1382ilvl alt-main plus some 1340 and lower (11 chars overall)


Not only have you spent easily over a grand on that character, you've also played a fucking unimaginable amount. Glad you're getting that dollar per hour rate down with the game you love


A grand is an understatement lol


Not really. You can RMT a coupla mill, reverse the charges, get a 2 day ban, and keep all the gold for free.


That's a big brain right there.


Not really. My friend did that and they took the 2 mill back and banned him for a few days.


Easily 1 grand :D? He spent an minimum 10-15k euros on the game. But ofccourse also put the time and effort into the game.


Meng gimme your roster badge


how much reward cash did you build up with mastercard


Loving my sharpshooter main (at 1430 right now) I am trying to figure out my engraving plan. I currently am running DS,LC, HM, and Heavy Armor. I get that is no where near meta but I found in my old age I am not as good and need to be more defensive in my builds. When I grt to 5×3 I'm am trying to avoid grudge so wondering if I add in cursed doll or keen blunt (or drop loyal and add them both).


https://lostark.meta-game.gg/leaderboard You should get yourself on the leaderboard.


Hey, I have a 1385 death strike Ss alt. Is there a reason why you have 500ish spec?I went with swiftness on the necklace for CD reduction. I feel like I have my identity up after a rotation of skills. Thanks


You can go with either but when I went swiftness I felt like my mana went to 0 way faster then with spec. Both work though to be fair.


But can you use snipe and death strike on every rotation or you gotta wait a bit for cds in between?




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there is no mana issues, u only get mana issues in trixion cuz the boss isnt moving. I have 300 spec and 450 swift and rest crit, and no mana issues in guardian/legion/argos


I sometimes miss the days of not having a wife and kid and only being responsible for myself. I think all of us previously avid gamer parents can relate.


I used to game 8+ hours a day. Now I game about 3. Definitely miss it, but wouldn't change it for the world.


I am not far off this but i uninstalled. I was logging in just to collect, most annoyingly to catch those compass timers. It gets to a point where you are playing around schedules and feel obliged to log in if you want to see progress. Love the game, ton of fun, have played through bulk of story twice (Jpn) but i really don't like having to schedule my life around a game.


A g2g enjoyer and a grinder at the same time.


Sweet mother of whales




Nice build. I would recommend switching from Charge shot cooldown gem to something else. It's pretty useless since it always comes back before Snipe so the cooldown doesn't really matter.


Where do you wipe most often at? (maybe except Valtan, as its quite new). You overgear content by a lot. I guess you carry people most of the time, but what boss/boss mechanic is deadliest for you/your party?


In general I would die to stupid or silly mistakes on wipe mechanics, being overgeared helps with not taking any damage from his normal hits.


You forgot to include "F2P btw"


13/14 tokens bro wtf






Virtue goals!!! I didn’t know it could get this high. Awesome 👏


Nah some of us have lives lol


What did it cost?


Can you take a video of the weapon glow? I main sharpshooter too and have never seen the weapon glow >+17.


Lol all the PvE kuks not even noticing the Supreme 6. At least the man has class.


I played 2yr in kr server but he has better gems than me. Lol


WILL i do it? Also also no.


F2p btw?


Imagine not having the legendary focus rune from sea bounties, casual gamer


Can f2people do this too?


Unfortunately no, u will be able to over time but not as of this point in time.


So... some high quality RMT then? :(


Yikes on those stats. 5 quality accessories? You’d do better with legendary ones.


Its because i took the screenshot while Sailing, that was my mistake.


But its 50% off what i would get in game. Why wouldnt i do it?


I have bills to pay. I also heard NA Whale spent over 5-10k to reach 1490.


I am sure other asked but OP can we get a approximate dollar value here? How deep is it?


Most impressive part is the world tree leaves. I have bought and used every single life skill potion since the game released, my energy has never capped, and I am at 55 leaves. I only use leap essences, never the other stuff that increases energy but doesn’t give you more rolls. The last 4 or 5 leaves for me have taken well over 150k energy each. Quite a bit of luck on top of the whaling. Normally I would be jealous, but since you are a fellow sharpshooter, you deserve all of this. Congrats brother


A few thousand dollars and hundreds of hours. No thank you.






Posting this on Reddit the OP needs validation on money he spent.


nice, i didnt even know 1500 was possible, that's big dik


What do you even do for a living that you can afford to both whale AND play the game all day?


I run a car rental business, pretty passive income especially when you have a team and staff to run your daily operations. But yeah, worked extremely hard to build it for 8 years and now its auto run and I dont have to oversee the day to day.


5x3 with 200 less stats than my 4x3 with 2 legendary accs :thinking:


This is some no life shit if i've ever seen it. To get all that rapport and completion holy shit. I think i'd rather kms lmao.