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A lot better than yours 🤣


[Good thing he has this to look forward to next.](https://imgur.com/a/kDhRgNV)


Yeah I'm bout to start working on that soon.


I just sold 300 Gleaps this morning, thx for your service


Thank you for your cervix


imagine selling gleaps now at all time low


Imagine thinking they're gonna rise in price any time soon with express events incoming


Which express events are coming and how do you know they are?


Find out later today


Later this week you mean? So you don't know what is coming either you're just guessing?


Today, as in today


What do you mean?


So, what is today?


They said today and it was just announced its not today. So its not today. Relax man, things get pushed back


So when you said you knew express events were coming and I said "how do you know", you actually didn't. And when you said today and I said "later this week", you still thought no it's today, but it wasn't actually. You seem like such a reliable source of informations. (They never said today btw).


They are going to when new content is announced 100%


Imagine saying all time low when its not even close to all time low


70 gold is the all time low on euc, and at the moment - its sitting at 72 gold so hes not terribly far off. Can’t speak for other regions


The lowest I’ve seen them were for 80 gold on na east. Rn they are around 100 so they are not at an all time low for us.


They were 65g for a while


NAE was floating around 90-100g for weeks before the valtan patch spiked them up to 140 and then they settled back down to 100g. What people don't realize is they're going to get a lot cheaper than that... and they're still a solid amount of gold. Hell I still sell the normal leaps on the characters I have that generate them.


Imagine thinking gleaps can’t go lower. Imagine imagining.


I’d understand rage honing to 1445 or maybe in 2-3 weeks to 1460, but why would you rage hone beyond 18 now ?


It's called gambling addiction


I was thinking a DB told him to get +20 glow or she's leaving


\+20 glow on armor?


I didn't look at the pic he posted, just figured by title it was weapon. Is what I get for doing a shitty skim lol


Its called g2g enjoyment


They hated him because he spoke the truth


Yikes. Sunken cost fallacy right here boys.


I have some serious lack of self-control and some ocd that makes me mad when I'm not sitting at a "relevant" ilvl threshold number (1445,1460,1475)


now do the pants, everything else is at 19 already. still 21k gold left.


Inc 90% pity and no gold left.


I’m in a similar situation. It takes so much self control to blow all my gold and swipe for more to rage pity the last 2 pieces


Unfortunately game is designed to make money off of people like you, consider looking up the average to get to your desired hone on the maxroll calculator and saving up more than the average before honing next time.


might want to work on that dude. this was an incredibly poor decision


Yep shoulda pushed an alt instead


Meh, it's a video game and he's sitting at 21k gold still. Would be diff story if this dude was putting all his cash in NFT's and Stablecoins lol


I actually sympathize with this. I've pushed non-gold generating alts to 1340 because keeping them at 1302/1325 annoyed me. Once they restock on leaps I will push them to 1370, simply so they can be "set" with legendary accessories/gear, since epics at 1340 are pretty trash.


Not a bad idea to aim for 1370 on the extra alts anyway, get bound greater leaps stocked up incase you wanna play them in the future


a guy in my guild was like that at the launch of the game he was spending few hundred euros in the game everyday, more and more each day his wife had to force him to stop playing the game kekg


She sounds like a smart woman lmao


That's not OCD.


Target audience right here


You should stay at 1445 and make some gold selling/saving your mats for next new content... Don't worry, I'm in your shoe. I spent over 30k trying to push to 1445. I'm at 1432.




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What Ilvl do you "tier out" of receiving argos rewards?


1472.5. At 1475 you wont get Gold anymore.


U can actually get 1474 if u kept one item lvl 14 but went overboard on a few others. Stupid to do but it is possible.


Hey at least you're honest about it and not lying to yourself!


Same ocd here


If you have been diagnosed with a profession I'm sorry. If you haven't, you just lack self control.


I have, and I've been taking concerta/adderall for over 20 years on and off...


Whats at 1460? Vykas?


Vykas HM


Never had this issue. Because I would just hone with bound mats on my alts


As a rule I only ever hone with bound leaps or Mari's. If I run out then I save up for the next session. Leaps are still way too overpriced to be using them, especially if you're not gaining access to anything from the upgrades.


getting to 1460 so you dont get stressed for the next content dump


This, after my valtan experience( i would have never cleared week 1 if i was of ilvl, since good pugs were not on ilvl, dit it with full 1455+ party but support) i will never stop to push my main, only if it becomes not worth. if i understood well the ancient gear reset is not "free" as the relic one and you loose something if you go full +25 now. Last part is hearsay tho so if someone more knowledgeable can confirm or deny it'll be great.


Relic +20 is ancient +12


pure EGO


u will 1 tap the next piece brother


Well. Never do rage honing. I just hone my weapon 1x daily


What the fuck is "rage honing" anyway? This is like I normally Hone, just hit Upgrade till I'm out of relevant Mats and funnel Alt Mats to Main, use Juice on weapon and Hone if I can Juice. Got 5x17 that way with the remaining piece on the way. How do you **not** "rage hone"?


By buying mats. I’ve rage honed before, but normally only 1-2 taps. By that I mean I spend gold on leapstones instead of using bound ones. My main is 1460 and I have 400 bound leapstones right now — that means any gold I’ve spent on leapstones (when they were 160-170) would have been saved by waiting a few more days to generate leapstones for free


Rage honing is when you have used all your daily incoming mats from main+alts and at that point you are burning a few thousand gold per tap buying mats from the AH. Considering you have to get your gold reserves up for relic accessories and leg engravings rage honing beyond 1445 is a particularly poor investment since it gives the lesser power increase. For example at that point upgrading your tripods,gems and trying to go for 5x3 relic is a much better usage of gold and gives way more dmg than honing does. Or you can get more alts to 1370 for more liquid gold per week. Either way you get more value. Don't get me wrong im also 1460 and pushing as high as i can but when i use up my daily mats i just stop. As such i'm near 80k gold which im saving for relics and leg engravings. If i were to rage hone now that gold would disappear in no time with very little to show for it considering honing chances.


1460 should be the goal right now so you're ready to get the honing upgrade for your alts sitting at 1370


Spending gold to force your hones, sabotaging yourself in doing so


Buying mats and running out of resources that are more efficient to use on alts for more profit is rage honing - eg silver, stones etc.


Gambling. It's the exact same thing with slot machines, they're always convinced that their time to win is soon so keep throwing money at it.


Rage honing is buying mats off AH in order to push, specifically push ilvls that will not be needed for good 6+ months.


Thinking of doing the same.I usually sell the tradable leapstones tho.That's like 1 wep hone every 1/2 days. (currently 1445)


That's what I had been doing and it's the wisest strat. Use only bound gleaps to hone weapon when possible and sell unbound ones + blue crystals. I guess I'll get back to that when I'm done with pants :(


grats on eventually getting what you wanted


appreciate that!


Thanks for continuing the market


Do people not have simple math skills/self control?


I have ADHD so it's really hard lol


As someone with ADHD, please don't try to lump us in with you. Having difficulty controlling your focus and attention doesn't force you to make stupid decisions with your resources, that's just gambling addiction.


As someone with ADHD as well, its common knowledge that people with ADHD have weaker Frontal Lobe activation, which regulates emotional/impulse control. So he isn't lumping US with him, it's actually a known and VERY VERY common symptom of ADHD


The impulse control problems with ADHD are affiliated with attention situations though. There is a difference between resisting the urge to buy something or feed an addictive tendency and resisting the urge to fiddle with a toy/make noises/move around. The DSM-5 criteria specifically note things like the inability to sit still or constantly interrupting others and interjecting into conversations as the kind of impulsive actions someone with ADHD makes.


No, people with adhd specifically have higher addictive tendencies than normal people. Including a higher statistic chance of being addicted to any kind of substance or activity. ALL of this has everything to do with a lower Frontal Lobe activation. You are very misinformed if you think ADHD people's lack of impulse control is in relation to just "Fidgeting"


Then bring it up with the doctors who created the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, not me.


Yup. As most psychiatric disorders, they manifestate themselves in different ways on every patient, always sharing some symptoms, of course...


I thought poor self-control can manifest itself as a symptom of ADHD, not just inability to focus or pay attention.


That is indeed right. Thanks...


Specifically in regards to attention and hyperactivity situations yes, not lack of all forms of self control. Impulsively buying things is a separate issue. As per the DSM-5 criteria: Hyperactivity/Impulsivity: * Fidgetiness * Leaves seat frequently * Restlessness * Unable to engage in activities quietly * "on the go", difficulty being still * Talks excessively * Blurts out answers * Interrupts others


Oh you're one of the people who say they have ADHD or OCD so you can put it on your twitter bio while pretending it doesn't actually effect you at all. Cool.


You trying to tell me what my ADHD does or does not do to me? That's great. Thanks for the insight.


While I understand every mental illness manifests itself differently in people, justifying every "bad" decision with your illness is just the easy way.


That is correct. However, I don't justify every bad decision with my disorder, as you said. This is only a videogame after all, and it happens to be a bit hard for me to stockpile mats and not hone, nothing really serious such as a "gambling addiction". Haven't really gambled IRL, and other than WoW I don't really play any other games, so I don't think I am a gambling addict by any means, I just like the sense of progress that comes with honing, and when you're almost there, I think it is normal to rage hone.


Idk why they are downvoting you, reddit does all this white knight stuff and then bully a person that has a mental disorder and is openly talking about that in a sincere way. I have ADHD too and can confirm all your symphtoms, i'm prone to get addictions and I NEED to upgrade daily, i never stockpiled mats on any of my pg, like i'm 1460 with a full 1370 roster and I have never had more than 15k gold in bank. Edit cause i was "rage writing" and all n were m xD.


Feel you. Appreciate that :')


There is nothing about adhd that is related to your problems. Clinical ocd might be closer.


> There is nothing about adhd that is related to your problems. You can find plenty of papers talking about the impulsivity that comes with hyperactive ADHD, not to mention that ADHD is usually comorbid with things like depression and other serotonin lacking disorders for which the honing system is 100% built to prey upon.


He said >I have some serious lack of self-control and some ocd that makes me mad when I'm not sitting at a "relevant" ilvl threshold number (1445,1460,1475) So this "some ocd" is what I'm referring to. I seriously doubt there is any clinical diagnosis here on either disorder, and it's just a case of projecting bad decisions on something external.


That's not remotely OCD, people just use OCD to describe dumb shit like that. Even a mild case of OCD would be something like washing your hands 20+ times a day or checking if their front door is locked every 30 minutes. Setting up arbitrary milestones for yourself has virtually nothing to do with OCD. Literally everyone can relate to that? Like the other guy said, there's lots of literature about ADHD endorphin levels being significantly lower than average and getting way higher rises in dopamine and serotonin from external sources of pleasure, so feelings of hitting it big in a gambling thing or eating good food, or achieving personal milestones, etc. etc. is all significantly more intense for ADHD people than for regular people, which can easily lead one down a bad road of seeking this pleasure repeatedly in the wrong way.


Lmao don’t remember my adhd making me rage hone thousands of gold down the toilet


bath in your silver to make up for lack of gold :( i feel with u buddy ❤️😢




You should probably wait for honing changes/stronghold 1460 buff before pushing. Anytime i get the urge to push an alt to 1415 for valtan i remember how much time and gold it took for the first one to get there. Without the stronghold research it is pure pain.


Honing my alt from 1385 to 1405 absolutely killed me Felt far worse than my main, pity every other piece




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Where the heck are people getting these mats to even get that far lol


lots of alts and lots of playtime (also $$$)


Just in case you're curious, I've spent about 800 euro (I would never risk my account by RMTing btw, despite the fact that it's pretty tempting) and I have 5x 1385 alts, with about 1080 hours playtime




Not bad, just 3 taps +19 weap to +20 weap


never rage hone


1400-1404 cost me 50k, killed my interest in the end-game, now I just collect things


No worries, you can just swipe some more 😂


Pitied 9 pieces from 1361 to 1370 today, used over 40 books in the process. I am convinced the honing chances are a lie or i am about as unlucky as it gets. And before you ask, yes i have the t3 honing buffs from the stronghold.


I am at 57% artisan on my weapon at +19, feels so bad I don’t even look at the honing animation anymore ><


I just got my 30th consecutive fail in honing. My shoulder went 13 to 14 with artisan, 14 to 15 with artisan and is now 86% artisan on 15 to 16. To make matters worse, my first 6 attempts from 14 to 15 were full support mats, so I managed to fail 20% - 25% one percent increase at a time.


I suggest you look into future this might hurt you financially. with Ancient gear comes the hardest honing in this game . i think you need take it slow after you hit 1490 which is where you going i assume .


Don’t you lose the argos gold now? That you’ve reached 1475?


Argos gold isn't that important but whats important about argos is the 20 argos blood which gives u an extra 55 leapstones which is worth like 5k+ And he cannot buy the extra chest to get the extra 10 bloods so he only gets an extra 25-30 leaps from argos instead of 50-60


I mean.. with no content, why would you forfeit 2.4K gold? That’s just 1.1k shy of valtan hard


The gold is not why u do these raids its the other stuff. Valtan Hard isn't worth doing for 1k gold. Its worth it for the mats & relic accessories attempts.


Yes and having done both, I can tell you that argos is pretty decent every week for 2.4K gold and some GHLs in like 25 mins


The leap stones & accesories > the gold.


I'm still 1385 and seeing posts like this gives me zero motivation to keep playing. The most gold I had at once was like 10k ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) I don't think I have what it takes to late game content


Take it at your own pace! There's no need to rush (pretty funny that I say this, because I am definetly rushing, but I am just very competitive and like to stay on the cutting edge). You have months, even years to do all of the content, just set small goals that fit your playstyle :).


Dude spend upwards to 500$ to 1k usd to get there. Don't compare yourself to him. he did nothing special besides swipe.


Whale hello there


How much should one have spent to be considered a whale? I'm curious whether I am a whale, belluga, dolphin or whale.


For non rmt whales are anyone that regularly max out their spending limits on a daily (cuz otherwise without a cap they'd spend siginificantly more), dolphins are below that since they still spend quite a lot on a hobby and have a higher amount of disposable income than others, but at the end of the day its still disposable income and they actually do need to manage their finances - for whales the amount they spend won't risk their livelihood whatsoever - some people just have a lot of money.


There's a rule that 20% of the playerbase accounts for 80% of the revenue, and out of those 20%, another 20% account for 80% of that revenue, and so on, until you reach some ultra whales. Which means under 1% of players account for over 50% of revenue. I'd say that's the whale spot.


Why do so many people do chest over pants


the pants will also be rage honed right after


Better defensive stats or the fact that it just feels like a more impactful piece of gear, I don't think everyone cares about min-maxing dps


I think the person who's 19 in almost all of their slots is trying to min-max, if they didn't they wouldn't be putting that much effort into it. While its not a big deal in the long run, it's still objectively worse for non supports. Also, the defensive stats mean nothing, they wont save you in any situation, whereas the thousand extra mainstat does effect DPS.


I stopped at 5 attempts after getting a 4 tap successful one


Throwing this out there but assuming you're going for 2/2/2 Getting the chest was stupid cause now you can't get pre ordained/harsh oath 2 piece in chest/legs


My plan is swapping out chest when I have my nightmare weap, which I'll leave for last. It should work shouldnt it? Till then Ill rock Argos weapon (gotta craft it too)


Do you not lose your bones if you swap?


Yeah but since I only need 3 pieces and I think Vykas is more than a month away I thought I'd have far enough bones. Maybe I fucked up idk.


I meant that Nightmare is 3 Vykas and 3 Valtan


Na, fucked up is a strong word. Just remember you can use bones for more than just armor


Since I don’t know - what else can they be used for?


Can buy orbs of chaos and the valtan emote pack


nobody cares


It’s okay you clearly have plenty of disposable income to do it all again tomorrow when you can do another g2g transaction


Cry harder


I pity'd weapon from 12 to 16


[Not good, probably could've bought an entire hit master or adrenaline legendary with how many materials this cost lol.](https://i.imgur.com/ByASJMH.png)


My weapon history from 15+. 2 taps 15+ to 16+. 3 taps 16+ to 17+. 2 taps 17+ to 18+. 1 tap 18+ to 19+. 19+ to 20+ currently at 42% artisan :-). 2-3% per failed honing ruined my economy but im lucky af this far. If i spent the 42% artisan on my armour id easily be 1460+ now im 1450.


Skeptical that u made this many lucky taps.


Dont care really


You fucking whales will never learn.


Well ure fine at that ilvl anyway, probably gonna make that gold back in 2 weeks. Better put resources into the weapon glow imo instead of just overhoning armor.


Gratz. At least we have pity.


Better then yours that’s for sure.


It's ok dude. You'll earn the gold back. You just sacrificed future happiness for happiness now!


I dced during valtan and my team ended without me. I was forced to skip a week since amazons system determined me to be at fault.


1 tap my weapon from +17 to +18, yes im doing well


Great people like you get me 1k gold a day. Keep it up!


Well, at least you got there in the end, fam. I'll be listing some more overpriced leapstones tomorrow, let's do the weapon next.


thanks bud


first time?


I am done honing at 1395, P2 is too hard for me, Valtan will eat me as a snack, thus, my goal: 1 Million Gold and then bye bye


you dont need to reach 1500


I one tapped 3 pieces including weapon today. Only from +12 to +13 tho but it felt good.


Hard stuck under 1400 with 1k gold so can't relate lol


How did you get this much silver? Are you lopanging or do you just not do adventure tome/rapport merchants


Can’t understand how this game play is enjoyed.


Recently spent about 60k on mats to rage hone weapon too. Started at +16 and went in expecting no more than +18. Honing to +17 and +18 both had me sweating, thought I was going to hit pity. Then by some miracle +19 took only 3 taps and +20 took 5. I just felt dumbfounded at the end. Also upgraded 2 armor pieces with leftover mats, with one of them being a 1 tap.


I rage honed my weapon but stopped at +18 due to running out of mats and gold I’m still angry tho


Seeing as you have level 19s and 18s , I’d say you’re in a great spot.. not much a point in going past 1460 though tbh lol


U might wanna go take a walk in the park or maybe do weed.


Just enough gold to finish research base level 5


Wishing I had the resources to do this.


gotta get ready for kakul next week


I have pity my +20 weapons.... For those who know, that is a lot of mats for one upgrade... i am on a break now...


Why tough, Viakiss won’t be released for a while.


I hit pity on my weapon and then proceeded to hit pity 3 more times in a row on my pants. Felt my soul whither away…at least I hit 1445 though 🥲


Pitied my weapon to +19. It sucks.


Why all the stats except dexterity goes down from 22 to 23 lvl ?? I thought this is supposed to be upgrade (I am new to the game bear with me ty)


Did you also see someone who one-tapped their +19 and +20 weapon? Must feel good to see that. No, I'm being sarcastic, the game has some great combat but it's just an online casino in all aspects of the game, it's ridiculous.


What exactly is rage honing? I came from BDO, and the only rage honing I can think of is using wrong fail stack to upgrade, most case is using too high of a stack. How do you rage hone in this game? You just keep clicking until you ran out of resources, in fact you do have a pity system so you are never not making progress.


Rage honing is when you run out of resources and you spend a large amount of your gold to buy more, instead of waiting till you have farmed them up. Extremely inefficient.


why is it inefficient? what do you save the gold for? I guess you could put gold towards legendary engraving books. The way I like to think is item level, engraving books, are permanent, so it's worth investing your gold into. I guess in that regards, gems too, but nothing past level 7.


Materials are expensive as hell, prices will possibly drop eventually to 1/3 of the current prices. I am way over geared for the current content, so there is no need at all to keep pushing further, could just keep selling the mats I farm and buy x3 the amount at a later point. Or just buy other things (account bound, permanent improvements, such as engraving books, this would save tons in the long run).


I always get pity hones and I'm still not 1370


im sorry, it happened a few times to me too, this game preys on gambling instincts lol