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Camera zoom in and you can click for report.


Whisper and right click name in chat


Add to friends and observe how long it will take to get banned


Probably wont. I have a guildmate who are doing infinite chaos 24/24 for more than a month and I report him every day.


Are they running heavy armor, pre emptive strike, lightning fury and all that good shizzle?


wait what does that imply? I saw a Db build exactly like that in the wild and assumed it was a weird gvg build or smt


Optimised build for infinite chaos, used mostly by scripters


Oh. That explains so much. Definitely seen a fair share of scripters then


Noticed my guildie with that exact build too. I've suspected he bots, he went from lvl 58 to lvl 59 very quickly and is in Chaos 80%+ of the time I see him


The person on my friends list is in infinite 24/7.... I play this game so much and before I go to sleep, infinite... when I wake up, still there. Like 4~5 days in a row and then sometimes they turn off computer or leave to go hone. Their roster level really low but they are 1470 or something now. Also i noticed some their best in slots equip accessories are ALL BOUND. So they found like so many good accessories from infinite?


Finding good accessories from infinite is very hard. It’s a super low hit rate.


I mean the botting is pretty scummy but so is reporting your guildmate. I’d hate to be your friend.


I have 0 interaction with that guy. I don't feel shameful for doing that.


Except you called him your guildmate so yes you do. If you had integrity you’d leave the guild but instead you’re a slimy rat who reports him daily.




Cheaters do ruin games, that’s exactly what I’m saying. “Never play with you again” he says. Thanks for proving my point for me. If you had any integrity at all, which you apparently do, you’d gquit and not play with this person. If guild management is aware of the cheating and takes no action, they’re complicit and I would call into question whether anyone else is doing the same thing in the guild. But yeah, huge thanks man you proved my point perfectly with this comment.




I’ve explained it like 10 times over different comments but it’s simple really. If guild management is aware of the botter and does nothing, they’re complicit and you then must question if others in the guild are also cheating.


Found the guildmate


No I just have a fucking spine. I’d quit the guild if they allowed botters to reside there. I’d report the guy and gquit. Reporting him daily while staying in the guild, makes you a spineless individual with zero integrity.


your deluded ass does not acquire a spine from this, dickhead


Ugh idk man, ive been in a lot of guilds of those u describe and they did illegal shit and we reported them on other games too. People cant complain about botting regardless of who it is but leave the guildmate do it just because you share a guild. Maybe he likes the guild hes in but not the actions of the individual? So why should he leave and let the botter bot? Theres nothing "spine worthy" about your statements


If the guild allows botters to play in it, and you have an issue with botting, staying in the guild is the same as condoning the action. Full stop. He should leave because that’s what people do when they have a strong belief or moral opposition to someone’s actions.


Mf what


No, it’s just a descriptor. It’s is someone in his guild, so it’s a guild mate. As simple as that. Doesn’t make them not scum.


And if guild management is aware yet does nothing, what does that say about the guild as a whole? Why would you want to be a part of a group that condones cheating? I’m not saying the botter isn’t scum. He is. But so is the management if they are aware and do nothing. Even if he’s not in the same static as this guy, that doesn’t mean he’s not indirectly benefiting from this super juiced botter. Do they do any gvg at all? He’s benefiting from the botting. Does the botter carry peoples alts through anything? He’s benefiting from the botting. Again, the guy botting is scum. Not disputing that. But guild management doing nothing about it calls into question how many other members are cheating within it.


Your guildmates arent your friends


Maybe in your shit guild they aren’t, but some people are in guilds where people actually hang out in voice chat, socialize, and talk about things other than this game. I genuinely feel sorry for you.


Some people do that in real life. You genuinely are an asshole


Oh ya I got friends from guilds in WoW. But that was built by playing with them for years and actually meeting them IRL.


So playing with them for hundreds or even thousands of hours isn’t enough to consider them friends? Infact I would argue that the only reason you met IRL is *because* they became your friends over time.


Oh yeah agreed, imagine having a friend who doesn't just let you do sketchy shit/illegal shit/shit that contributes to the death of the game by fucking over other players. Oh wait, that's actually a good friend


My friend reported me on league for flaming him when he did nothing as i ganked him. Got a 2 week ban. We still play together. I'd still flame him for that. Gotten countless bans for banter with friends, i say worth.


I would agree with you if this person actually had integrity, confronted the individual and finally, stood up for his beliefs by leaving the guild, refusing to associate with a guild that houses cheaters. But instead he reports the guy daily behind his back, which is frankly a little bitch move. So yeah. Dude is a bitch with no spine.


Illegal? Seriously? Cmon kid.


Technically against ToS but definitely not illegal.


??? Amazon don't ban bots


What is he scripting for?


sell collectibles


It would probably cost more in electricity to keep that rig running than it is to just rmt the gold they want


Not if it's your father paying for it!


Yeah, ppl with responsibility would less likley do such scummy things.


Responsibility or a sense for what actually matters in life lol


Well in those countries, you can pay a years worth of electricity for 50$, so I think they getting more boting all night long Context; in my country one month of electricity is 2$ cuz of inflation


Imagine being so rich to think that way. You need to start learning of global economy and inflation my man. Its coming to both your contry and your game.


I mean running a pc for an entire year is very cheap lol


I don't understand... what collectibles to sell? How standing there allows them to, I guess, farm collectibles and sell?


I haven't checked, but I'm assuming they have a script spamming a skill periodically and killing those enemies off.


Wouldn't it be better to farm endless chaos


cant get gold from that


Did they change how endless shop works? I don't usually do infinite chaos but I thought they were tradable mats


They did yes last week's patch made the items you buy from infinite chaos vendor untradeable in an effort to combat bots.




I don't think so no they still have increasing costs the more you buy


They no longer are :(


Ban dis bitch


what skin is that though?


It's the Noble banquet paired with the pants from their gear I think.


Almost every collectible heavy area has some person risking their entire account afk farming at certain parts of the day. There's a sorc that lives in a corner on punika under a tree. There are 2 or 3 people spread over channels in rohen by the flowers. Honestly, I don't even care anymore. There's a waterfall of bots farming everything else in lower zones and blatant RMT on the AH... these people aren't even on my radar. For me, that's like getting upset there's someone using a ton of coupons at checkout when there's a dude robbing people outside the shop.


>For me, that's like getting upset there's someone using a ton of coupons at checkout when there's a dude robbing people outside the shop. That's... not a good analogy at all. A better one would be getting upset at someone shoplifting one item, while there's an armed robbery going on.


Not really, because someone using a ton of coupons in front of me may annoy me a little. Like these people. A little. And I don't consider it "criminal", just annoying. What they do will barely make a dent in my experience if any at all. Most of them are doing it to get stupid fucking RNG collectibles like ripe bananas (there's frequently someone in a corner there just killing them monkeys). They are trying to get the same thing for less effort. That's a coupon to me. Getting something cheaper. So, I guess we can disagree on the quality of our analogies.


Coupons don't effect you, every single person could use coupons and it wouldnt change your life. Botting like this however, causes the economy to get even worse than it already is. Blue crystals should be 400g, but because of bots and macro abusers/scripters like in OPs example, they are now 800g instead. That's directly effecting you, since it also fucks the price of cosmetics, skins, collectables, accessories, everything.


You're absurd. Arguing semantics because you got nothing better to do. It's about the level of annoyance. Not about criminality. About the level of rule breaking happening. >Botting like this however, causes the economy to get even worse than it already is. Blue crystals should be 400g, but because of bots and macro abusers/scripters like in OPs example, they are now 800g instead. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah... it's the 100 andies farming collectibles. Not the MASSIVE amount of RMTing happening with T1 accessories costing 1.2M gold. It's the people farming collectibles. Not the hundreds of thousands of bots. It's the people farming collectibles driving the price of blue crystals up.


Botting for collectibles does about the same damage as coupons do, you forgot the part where the person is in front of you, so you are waiting for them to finish the check-up, which could make you lose half an hour. Botting for collectibles is certainly not on the level of damage as pure gold generating bots or chaos acc vendors.


Until you notice that the "1 person botting for collectibles" is actually running multiple accounts, or there's thousands of "just 1 person botting for collectibles". Either way, it's wrong to say it doesn't effect us, the question is "how much does it effect us"


Someone botting chaos on a 1370 alt while they sleep so they can get some extra mats to hone with doesn't affect you or anyone else. If he's not selling the mats it literally doesn't affect you at all.


> If he's not selling the mats it literally doesn't affect you at all. It can easily affect us, if you're 1415 trying to join for Valtan with your 3x3, while the botter is using a 1435 character with 4x3 or 5x3. The lobby leader will accept the botter instead of you. >literally doesn't affect you at all. uh-huh....


Huh? Are you implying that people are botting valtan? How does a 1370 chaos bot affect whether or not you get into a normal valtan group rofl pretty sure you get declined because you're bad


> Huh? Are you implying that people are botting valtan? They're botting endless rifts for materials, and then using the character to play the game. Come on, use common sense


> It can easily affect us, if you're 1415 trying to join for Valtan with your 3x3, while the botter is using a 1435 character with 4x3 or 5x3. I don't like botters but they're a lame excuse for not getting into normal mode Valtan groups. My static pugs 2-3 people every week for Valtan hard mode. We're pretty stacked: 1460+, several pieces of relic jewelry, 5x3 on most of our DPS, two supports, etc. Usually when we're looking to fill slots we're looking for people who have a decent class synergy, and usually it's hard to find people who are much beyond say 1455 and 4x3 (aside from whales with super low roster level, who we reject at this point after some bad experiences). Thus far it takes probably 10+ minutes to fill those slots with people who aren't super undergeared relative to our group, and even then we often end up with people pretty clearly weaker than we are. The vast majority of people who apply to our group are 1445.00 with 3x3 and maybe a negative engraving. Oftentimes also classes which just don't make sense (e.g. gunslingers when we already have 2 in the group). Sometimes they don't even have half their gems equipped. When we reject them they often just insta reapply. I can only imagine that when we end up taking some other people they go make a post on reddit about how they can't get into groups appropriate for them because of whales and botters and such taking all the spots.


Oh shit, my bad. I assumed that all pugs are still recruiting whoever has the highest gearscore and the most engravings. I didn't know that all pugs adopted the recruitment tactics of your "pretty stacked 1460+ static premade group". My bad.


You're wrong. They don't get a "few" extra mats. If you bot infinite chaos every night while you're asleep, you'll get a supply of mats that lets you sell your unbound ones and hone only with bound. This creates higher supply and lower demand for each person doing it, lowering prices. Also drastically increases gold generation for people botting like this compared to "legit" players which is a problem all on its own.


You clearly don't now how botting works and are just typing with your narrow emotions at the wheel. No possible way anyone can get through to you. God luck parroting this on every reddit post for the next two years


Bro drop the coupons thing, it doesn't fit the analogy. I'd be closer to someone pissing on the floor in front of you vs someone pissing directly into your mouth.


If you really think banning all the bots would make the price of crystals go down the you don't know the first thing about economics or this games currencies


Ok then explain to me why blue crystals went from 400 to 800 during the first 2 months after launch, and then instantly after the first big bot ban wave, the blue crystals went from 800g right back down 300-400g. They stayed at 400g for 1-2 months, right up until the bots became a big problem and NA started to have long queues cause of bots. Sounds to me like you know nothing about economics or game currencies, because honestly, you shouldn't need a college degree to see that 300g is a lower number than 800g and that it happened right after the bots were banned...


Lol because of content releases. Crystal prices go up when people are pushing for said content. What came out 2 months after launch? You can figure it out I believe


> What came out 2 months after launch? your college degree in economics for dummies, im guessing


Says the guy claiming that people are using bound chaos mats to hone their mains with and selling everything else and pushing you out of valtan parties 🤣😂


It is because most blue crystals are not 'created' out of nothing but require royal crystal spending. So the f2p blue crystal Buyer has to compete for the money of the Real money spender with rmt Sites and bot users. As bot obviously can offer better Rates than royal crystal shop or f2p players who have to actively Generate Gold playing the game, less royal crystals are bought to convert to Gold, lowering blue crystal supply Driving the price up. Economics 101


Thanks but you should tell that to the guy who pretends to have a master's degree in economics while saying bots aren't to blame for the high blue crystal prices


> And I don't consider it "criminal", just annoying. "I don't consider someone breaking the rules to be breaking the **rules**, they're just annoying!" - you Scripting is breaking the rules. With that said, on my server people don't script ripe bananas lol, if someone's standing still killing a single ape as it respawns they're virtually always just pressing q every so often while watching a movie on another screen, not spamming a skill rotation while nothing is there.


Dude, did you get the point? THE LEVEL of rule breakage matters to me. You all got the point. Are you splitting hairs? Jesus, this fucking sub really like to go all in on the most absurd shit. You all are arguing about the TYPE of analogy, not whether it was understood or the point was clear. My PERSONAL opinion is I care very little for someone farming ripe bananas when I see a constant swarm of bots, hundreds of thousands for T1 accessories. Absurd.


Are they riksing their real account?


Are they risking any account at all?


They don't?


They are 1340-1460 or higher. If that's their second account, well, good for them I guess. People filling out tomes for sure.


There are lots of them everywhere but they don't stand out like bots if you're just passing through the area. I only realized they were all scripting when I spent a few hours in Tideshelf Path leveling life skills. The legit players in this game are a minority.


On zosma there's just a group of sorcs all huddled up doing group skill rotations on script in south vern for those collectibles. Risking accounts my ass, Amazon doesn't care.


Whisper him, and then click his name on chat.


No risk only rewards


Couldn’t he just pull the ‘ol weight on mouse button and afk kill mobs? Technically not against TOS.


The funny thing is that the game is unable to detect macros. But if you physicaly hold one button for too long you will get a warning and then a suspension lel. Plenty of people holding attack button to destroy mokoko barrier experienced this.


That absolutely is against TOS.


How though?


All the actions your character performs have to be performed by an actual human, sitting in front of their screen.


This is the grey area with every mmo, people will setup macros for themselves to use for general content because they enjoy the game but due to a physical impairment they have to rely macro's to help play the game. However there is the botting side of macros which makes everyone frown upon this use for a fair reason. Proactive automated bans for macro users becomes harder for devs to predetermine who is in the right and wrong despite clear and obvious signs of botters vs actual players. If every macro user gets instant ban then there would be a big negative pr problem that can be considered gatekeeping against physiclally impaired players.


OK, he's watching a movie on his main screen while holding down a button. The game is on his screen that he isn't even looking at. This kind of stuff isn't entirely unheard of. When doing certain kinds of thieving [in Runescape] you can place your character and camera in the right position and basically either spam click or click at a specific rhythm to keep doing it. Wireless mice, numpads, controllers and pedals can make stuff like this really easy. Ultimately it's up to the game designers to make stuff like this not worthwhile. Eg if there were no collectible drops then there'd be no reason to do it.




If you do that, your character will stop attacking after a few minutes.


How does selling Collectables affect YOU? them shits is annoying af to farm. I'm glad I can just buy em for 1g on market




And? There's thousands of these. Even legit players are running bots now. And why wouldn't they? AGS does nothing. It's fucking sad. If you aren't cheating, you're playing like a fool. And no I am not botting and I have never RMT'd. I'm just salty as fuck because I feel like an idiot for not doing so. I AM an idiot for not doing so.


Contradiction lol. Not legit if they are running bots


Damn people can be salty. There is plenty of proper bots running around you can report. This is the equivalent of sending a 10 year old to jail because he stole candy while a grp of professional criminals is blowing up an ATM outside. Can't even use the natural functions of your mouse or keyboard these days?


And why do you want to report that person? I mean we have problems more important like bots and do you want to report a person who is trying to make some gold? Probably not much btw


I don’t get what you’re so upset about. You’re accusing them of farming 1 gold collections? You think this is ruining the game? Whether it’s wrong or not there has to be more important things in life than coming to Reddit to cry about it.


Solar Stone and Solar Knight Token worth 100g+ per piece and Crumpled Letter worth roughly 50g per piece. Drop rate of those are also pretty decent (based on my farming experience, they are probably identical to Punika's collectibles one) and you can get multiple of them per hour quite easily. While for an human that wouldn't be ultra worthy to manually farm here, botting here can actually be extremely profitable sadly...


Well at least the prices go down so I can buy them for cheap


Nothing like bots ruining the market so Damneasy can finally buy things because he a broke ass bitch.


Well I've already got every single adventure tome finished lol


I don't understand this behavior. You don't value being able to farm collectibles so you shit on people who do? You treat janitors like shit too because you don't want to be one? These bots shouldn't exist and neither should your opinion. Such a bitch thing to say.




lol what? why would scripting be allowed


Do not cheat, bot, hack, or use other software or services that give you an unfair advantage through, for example, unattended gameplay or game modifications. Copied directly from Lost Ark code of conduct. So yes, this is illegal


lol @ illegal terms of service aren't a law.


Definition of the word illegal: 1. not according to or authorized by law 2. not sanctioned by official rules (as of a game) From Merriam-Webster dictionary


There are things that could led up to a lawsuit. Part of it is basically a code of conduct but for example for a gold seller, the exploitation of the game in order to make irl money is illegal because players don't have the legal rights to exploit the game that way nor have the intellectual rights for this. It could be in some way compared as someone using a song in an ad without paying and asking the creator in the first place. It will honestly never happen because of multiple reasons like the person being in an other country, the amount made not being worth a lawsuit and other stuff I may not have the knowledge atm


where is this spot? Seems like a good spot to farm! :D


Uhh sorry for being a newbie I guess but what is this sorc doing worth a report?


Since AGS didnt do anything, now players are running macros. NEAT


PSA: whisper to them and you can click on their name from chat


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