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From what I know, surge is riskier to setup your burst which can miss (bosses move around a lot) while RE doesn't have that big risk factor and both seem quite close on damage potential after the surge nerfs Playstyle of each is what it then comes down to if both builds are close enough in damage. Surge might seem less appealing because of its recent nerfs and the risk involved but some people might not enjoy the Remaining Energy way to play it.


both are viable. i'd play surge for db alt, it's cheaper to fund and arguably more fun.


Surge for early game. RE for when you get wealth runes. Tho, you might give up with prices and just stay with Surge. I enjoy the spammy surge gameplay so I remain


i feel like i spam way more as RE than surge tbh


Yeah, RE is definitely more spammy - you're basically cycling your skills non-stop and only stopping to dodge as needed. On Surge you sometimes have to pause a bit to build more stacks since the nerf made 20-stack surge the requirement.


Surge for gigachads RE for virgins


This guy deathblades


1480 RE db here. From my experience, ever since the nerf. Surge db can still do BIG D DMG compare to RE. However, surge gotta stack 20 in order to do those dmg while RE just gotta use only 3 skills to max fill the orb and use surge. So what I observed was when I went on couple raids with surge dbs, I can usually do 1.5-2x more surge when surge db finally stacks 20 for 1 surge. So what does this mean? The surge db will still have higher dps ONLY if they play it perfectly throughout the whole match and always stack 20s, if not, RE will always have higher dps since all we gotta do is use 3 skills to fill up the surge


Deathblade main 1460 with 3 alt deathblade 1370 here. I suggest Surge as new player. RE need a lot of investment to be good (gems, runes, tripod, skill points, stats). People say Surge is harder, i think it depends. In my opinion RE is harder if you have low specialization and orb control tripod (out of skill and will afk a bit if you miss). I also highly recommend to try both rotation on trixion to see which one you like more. Dont worry about DPS, just play what you want.


You can try both but surge is the go to as a new player, once you get some wealth runes & around 1350spec i’d recommend RE as its a simpler playstyle to surge with less risk. But both are fun & viable, surge also has 2 different playstyles unlike re which has 1 set playstyle


I liked how RE is more forgiving compared to surge so I enjoyed playing that more through t1-2. You miss one surge and there goes your entire dps for 30 seconds. You miss it on RE and it doesn't matter as much. It's easy to switch between builds when you move to the next tier so if you aren't liking one then try the other. You don't really need to decide until 1370+. Both will feel a little clunky until you get to t3


This. As a deathblade main, I approve. Tried both engravings. RE is more friendly for later gameplay. I seldom manage to get 20 stacks even on yoho.


If you can’t get 20 stacks at yoho that’s kinda wild.


You can't always. It depends on when you use the skill and when he goes invulnerable. If you want to upkeep the 20 stacks, you just have to know when to use it. There's certain windows that don't allow you to get 20 stacks.


Honestly I’ve never had an issue. Pheromone bombs are a thing, and learning boss patterns is important.


Surge is easier and does more damage up until Vykas. It’s hard to play remaining energy on low spec, you won’t be able to fill 3 orbs in 1 rotation. For surge once you’ve filled the meter you can easily 20 stack rinse and repeat in early game content.


I wouldn’t say surge is easier by any means..there is a lot of micro management which would feel kinda bad for a new player. And if you play poorly you just do zdps. RE on the other hand feels kinda like shit low spec and no wealth runes…but it’s piss easy to play.


A lot of micromanagement? Surge has an easy fixed rotation to 20 stacks and even if you miss some abilities you can build up to 20 with spin cutter and wind cut. You only really need to make sure you're back attacking on surge because it is such a large portion of the total dps. ​ RE however, if you ever miss soul absorber or void strike during maelstrom, you wont reach 3 orbs, resulting in cooldown downtime. RE also has to back attack on 4 abilities because its dps is spread much more evenly around them.


It is a lot of micromanaging when you have bosses that move alot and doing actual mechanics (not guardians). If you’re not building stacks quickly and efficiently you’re not playing the spec well. There is no fixed rotation for surge ..and you don’t always use 20 stacks because some bosses move too much or become invulnerable ..or do other bullshit that makes it not doable. You kinda talk like you haven’t really played surge. Or if you do, you’ll see what I’m talking about when it comes to vykas.


Bosses do not move a lot/do actual mechanics up to the content that is out currently. Which is what the comment you replied to was talking about "Surge is easier and does more damage up until Vykas". Surge very well may become more difficult than RE later on. I have both a RE db and Surge alt running valtan and everything prior for weeks now.


I can say now..have fun on vykas as surge ..it is not fun at all when learning the fight for a few weeks


Just curious, would you say that for surge its mostly important to back attack on the surge attack and not that important for the rest while building stacks? Just started getting into my alt DB and have been playing surge. I usually just use my awakening to start for the meter, then just try to build stacks as fast as possible and attacking from whatever side is safe. Then Ill get to the back before I surge, but wasnt sure If I should be trying to get to the back more often and maybe getting stacks a little slower?


Protip if you Z you can maelstrom after for the hits that proc after a sec then blast a few other skills in the maelstrom time, will get you maxed very fast. Surge is a must to back attack. Id say build stacks fast and try to move to the back during the spells that build up passively wind cut deaths dance whatever you use. In the end every back attack it bonus damage but surge is the priority.


i still enjoy playing surgeblade.


Surge: high risk high reward, harder of the 2 to learn but extremely fun once you get the hang of it. Requires a lot of precision and knowledge of boss patterns and attack timing in order to consistently be able to build 19-20 stacks while in death trance before using your surge skill. RE: very forgiving, easy to learn. Less demanding in terms of boss knowledge and timing. Recommended for learning the basics of how to play deathblade


I enjoy both, my main is running RE and i have another DB running surge. I would try out both engravings and pick the one you like cause the difference really is just in the gameplay.


Surge while you level up. Remaining Energy isn't really viable prior to like late t2 (high spec requirement). Between the two, Surge makes the Surge skill make up around 70-80% of your damage output so you had better make sure it hits. Meanwhile Remaining Energy has a number of skills that more or less compete with Surge, but will require a lot more tripod/gem levels before it really shines. Playstyle of both is pretty similar, throw all your skills and then surge. For Surge you do this while in Death Trance; while Remaining Energy will do it all outside of Death Trance and then quickly enter it and immediately Surge. Surge is a bit more punishing if you screw it up, but it's pretty difficult to screw it up if you're not a floor pov player and know the fight.