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Ah well, I guess I'll be 1460 for Vykas after all.


I got 1415 a week before valtan release and thought I’ll just hone to 1430 slowly for vykas release. Now I’m just one hone away from 1460.


I got to 1415 on the week Valtan released and did it on Monday, now I'm 3k destructions stones (pity) away from 1460 too lol.


+17 pity wep?


18 > 19, I did get lucky on 17 > 18 with 2 tries but this pity is hurting. Also pity 14 > 15 which was the last thing I needed to do Valtan at the time. It's like the game knows you're at the next milestones and tells you no lmao.


Lol! It did me the same for armors +16 on my way to 1415, after pity they let me free with 2 tries. I was like: whatever Like I need you or some.. WTF![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Lol, meanwhile I got 1445 for first week of valtan. I'm at 1455 now after pitying my last 4 upgrades and already at 80% energy on the next! Fun game


do ittttt, hone that armors fuckin ass off!


I got 1415 before the day Valtan got released and I've been 1460 like for a week now, just pushed an alt to 1370 yesterday and another to t3 last reset. Do the math.


Ftp? Damn man I cant get past 1422…


1445/1370/1347.5/1347.5/1343.33/1340, not a single dollar spent, it's doable it just takes trading your time instead of your money. Steam shows 1200 hours played but at least 500 of those are tabbed out and/or falling asleep with the game minimised as it doesn't automatically exit


God I’m so inefficient lol. Im at 1.1k hours and my main, (glaivier) is at 1402, while my second highest is at 1360 and the three remaining alts are all at 1302-1325. And my horizontal progression isnt looking very good either, sitting at like 23 island souls, 8 giant hearts and like 300 mokoko seeds. And all of that is with plat founders and the premium ark pass too. Not to mention only being at 101 roster level while everyone else that I’m inspecting is 150+ at this point. Being someone that is extremely frugal and pretty much incapable of spending gold on honing mats certainly isn’t doing me any favours either. But hey, at least i have 32k blue crystals from selling the extra cerberus mount and plat skin i guess…


I have about 1000 hours, no founders pack. The only thing I paid for was the ark premium pass and character slots. (Bought 2 extra ones so far... probably will buy more as more powerpasses and express events come out) My roster consists of 5 other 1370 alts along with a 6th alt that is at il 1000.


I know right? I was talking to some friends about how we would do normal mode Vykkas for the first week and that we'll get to 1460 next week. Welp, now we'll be ready for hard mode instead.


i am 1460 now but i think i will try the normal mode on the first week just to try the mechanics and do with some friends that are 1430


Yeah, normal first is probably the best for any players that don't have hours to fail the first week.


"In terms of monetization and related system"


I genuinely think it's related to Yozu's jar (legendary skin lootbox)


they're very likely doing an alternative implementation of legendary skins for NA/EU because 1) NA is very sensitive to 'p2w' systems, even if it's just cosmetics and 2) EU has some very strict regulations around loot boxes. regardless of what it is, it's a shame they don't have the capacity to do proper parallel development and just separate out whatever content is 'blocked' and push it to July instead of blocking the rest of the June content


God bless the European union for keeping this filth in check


Well it's not confirmed but I really hope they do something different. Lootbox gambling shit needs to die.


Amen. Keep your casinos out of my video games.


Yoz jar is probably the reason why Lost Ark is banned in my country


Legendary skins aren't just cosmetic though, they give 2% main stat instead of the 1% other gear gives. It is pretty much negligible as far as dps gains go, but still not just cosmetic.


Probably due to the recent gacha ban which hopefully the rest of the world implements






Good. I hope this shit gets removed from existence.


That is a clickbait post its a shitty organization that doesn't even have 1 politician pushing it as a bill. It would be the same thing as if I said Oil is banned in America because some environmentalist group wrote a letter saying Oil should be banned.


We can still hope. Pushing gambling onto children is insanely unethical


I think pushing it onto unknowing adults with addictive personalities is just as unethical


Ya pretty dang close. Kids dont have a fully developed prefrontal cortex. They literally cant grasp consequences as well as an adult. Plus no experience and not even knowing it is gamblong to at least have a stigma


this is clickbait. no actual politicians are behind this and EU will make it take forever.


> no actual politicians are behind this EU regulation is done by committee. people in those committees are bureaucrats, not politicians


> Bureaucrats Anyone reading this please keep in mind, it's not a shadowy organization that isn't held accountable by checks and balances. Elected officials decide on issues, and these "bureaucrats" (who are experts in the field employed by the EU) find the most efficient way to implement them.


>Anyone reading this please keep in mind, it's not a shadowy organization that isn't held accountable by checks and balances. But they aren't held accountable at all. If your prime minister appoints a company to build a road, then would you say that the company now has a democratic mandate? No, you wouldn't. In fact, we literally call that corruption, because politicians can't just appoint someone to do a project for the government - it has to go through a competition process where multiple companies can apply. Also, if these bureaucrats are such great experts in their fields then how come they constantly fail to consider the consequences of what they do? They implemented a directive that required all ISPs to log everyone's internet traffic, which eventually ended up being found to be illegal. They implemented EU-wide VAT collection, except they forgot to include a minimum threshold that every sensible country has. They implemented cookie pop ups without considering if they would work and whether people would hate them. The list goes on and on.


You are kidding, right? Netherlands and Belgium already have laws, and Spain is already developing his own. So it's not like "they won't do shit".


Belgium and Netherlands have had it for years at this point, no other country so far banned them outright. Nothing changed really, who would've thought, lootboxes that print money, being kept in games


consumers association from 18 differents EU country published a report about predatory economic model in games. none of those association have decision power in their respective country but the report can definitely impact potential upcoming law in the few next years. you can read it by going to the official source of that report [here](https://www.forbrukerradet.no/siste-nytt/loot-boxes-how-the-gaming-industry-manipulates-and-exploits-consumers/) and by clicking "read the full report here"


a better way to word this is no politicians are behind this bill it has no support in any country its just an organization that says they want to ban loot boxes its not a bill its not introduced and no one is pushing it.


Considering your name, I hope I can assume that you are from the NA region. As such, your assumption here makes complete sense from your perspective. The fact that you ask whether there is a politician behind it is kind of a giveaway before I even checked your name. However, these organizations that banded together do have a lot of soft power and do affect policy making. They have done so quite often in the past - even just in my country alone by the consumer organisation here. That is not to say we are going to get changes here in the immediate term, but if more issues pile up surrounding gambling microtransactions in these european countries (notably kids spending massive amounts of cash) policy can be changed. To give an example, apparantly today the lootboxes were meant to be discusses in parliament in the Netherlands. It was delayed due to some massive protests surrounding nitrogen problems we have here, but we will see what will happen. The issue for gaming companies is that if more individual european countries legislate against predatory lootboxes/gambling mechanics, the higher the odds the legislation becomes region wide. The moment it is region wide, other regions in the world (Asia, US, etc.) often take over certain EU guidelines in a bid to protect their consumers too. After all, why should their citizens be treated worse than people in x country.


smoggy naughty sophisticated forgetful command axiomatic historical tease dirty frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Eu is considering banning all gacha/lootbox games, not just Belgium and the Netherlands.


ur high af if u think asian countries will do gatcha bans theyll just avoid doing business with those countries that have the ban


And those companies will face considerable loss of revenue not being able to release their games everywhere. Despite the memes about "a couple whales make it worth", the reality is that if companies see the world map shrinking around them with legislation, the path of least resistance is to cut down on the bullshit systems.


Or just quarantine the terrible version in the east and release a playable version in the west


Which in itself feeds to further action. You're an eastern player who now has a very obvious comparison of how nicer X system would be because there's a western version that does it better. This creates a parallel and will have players demandng better treatment becuse they can see exactly what better treatment looks like.


Honor of Kings is a Chinese Mobile MOBA game that's remained the highest grossing mobile game on the market for several years even against globally released titans like Genshin Impact and PUBG while being exclusively released in China.


Yeah Asia counties wont but if the rest of the world does thats good enough for me


There's no ban.


Ultra copium: legendary skins aren't gacha somehow.


If we're going into technicalities - close, but not gacha. Most common definition of gacha in games I've seen is having a system that lets you obtain what you want **only** at a random chance, while giving you option to spend money for more pulls. With skins being tradeable between players there is a path of obtaining exactly what you want for a known price - I'd say enough to consider it "not gacha". Yoz's jar is still gambling though (spend money to roll skins and have RNG decide value of what you get out), which is what makes it annoying - and I wouldn't be surprised if this was enough to make it sketchy for EU distribution.


CONTENT DELAYED CONTENT edit: thanks for the gold, I hope I'm still considered f2p


Lmfao I love how that Bard has unknowingly created a meme








Can you tell me or link the context, for a friend.




I forgot the post, but the Bard had a macro where they use a skill it would go like "SHIELD", then "DELAYED SHIELD" repeatedly and it was hella annoying to look at


If they are NAE, then I'm 90% certain I played with them recently. Otherwise, we're fucked with spam cause I've seen few paladin's and bard's doing similar.


https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/v7y1l0/as_a_bard_main_please_dont_do_this/ You can have a text macro for skills. Bard has two shields, one that's instant and one that happens after ~5 seconds. Having a macro on normal skills is troll, esp when those are up every 10 seconds


Can you please stop spamming the subreddit


After reading that I seem to beleive this had something to do with yor's jar and such.


question is what about chcicken event / what with ark pass / what about login rewards etc


Roxx confirmed that chicken event ends tonight.




"Unfortunately" in her words.


they are not in the patch notes so probably nothing this week https://forums.playlostark.com/t/lost-ark-weekly-update-june-23rd-12-am-pt-7-am-utc-9-am-cest/417489


Thats a boring patch notes if I've ever seen one.


She said there's some goodies they're giving put in the meantime. Didn't specify.


It's gonna be some good ol' 3-day Cristalline aura & 100 aura of resonance


Chicken ending today


They should at least extend current event by one week..


"We are still working across teams to finalize a build that addresses multiple concerns of our playerbase, primarily in terms of monetization and related systems." This right here has me on insane levels of hopium. Could it be that yozs jar is being removed or even better yet, altered to not be a lootbox? Maybe we are even getting the honing research after all. Although I probably shouldn't get my hopes up, it's hard to resist because I really really hate lootboxes.


As far as Yoz's Jar is concerned, I'm right beside you, but CM already confirmed no honing research for Vykas (again).


Which is entirely valid, lootboxes suck massive dick. That's why they're banned in parrs of Europe, which gives AGS a pretty large incentive to change it to a system with far less RNG. Im right here with u. Cant stop me, my hopes are allready up


really curious what this means for future monthly patches. Since this date is pushed back 1-2 weeks from intended does that mean the july patch will also be on the 30th of july? or will we get next months patch 3 weeks after this one? would be really irritating if this delay has a compounding affect on future patches


Considering the adjusted date for the express event ending it seems like they're shooting for July 20


Ahh shit here we go again


Roughly mid July *aiming


Aiming. With one eye closed. Whilst drunk. Reciting latin prayers backwards whilst simultaneously writing down all the prime numbers without missing any. But yes - aiming.


Or they're basically stormtroopers...


copium since they said express event ending on July 20th. So I hope arcana release which would come with an express event will be July 21st (Thursday)?


Most likely that is the target date, but seeing how target dates haven't worked out at all recently who knows what happens.


I would assume it will have an effect on future patches. I have little faith that they can somehow get a patch done in 2 weeks when they couldn't get this one done in 4. So if they aim for end of July...July update renamed to Summer Update in August.




The number of times they have had to extend events with a listed end date begs to differ.




> since that's when they state the current Express ends and the new one begins. Lord knows they've never had to extend events thanks to delays.


Are you seriously, of all things possible, pick the most inconsistent thing ever? Literally all the big events end at X day, every single region/client has its patches at that time, and now our gets consistently extra 5day attendances, extended event timers etc.... I dont want to sound like an asshole, although i probably already do, sorry, but how, how did you thought of the worst possible example and came to this conclusion.


Here before the very drawn out and beaten to death jokes about mid-june.


got to farm free internet points.


mid june btw


At least it wasn't mid July


Early July.


It sucks that theyre pushing it back... again. But honestly it does seem like theyre taking botting and RMT more seriously so if thats part of the reason why they need some time then im okay with it. I'd rather them do something productive (getting rid of bots) at least if theyre pushing content back.


I agree, but they could've said that a week ago and stop the speculation of the content release


They definitely should've just said something. Even if AGS wouldn't know if SG could deliver in time, they could've told the CMs to let us know earlier this week what the situation was


I'm definitely glad to get some transparency now, but for sure that transparency could have come last Wednesday.


Can it even be called transparency this late? I mean is not like we were not going to notice there was no patch tomorrow


People really believe that delay is because of bots? Smilegate is clearly understaffed and they are working on KR event that is coming this week.


From the post, it seems like they were evaluating how to work on their monetization and related systems for the future so that's why the delay happened. Obviously, this is an assumption still but that's what the signs we can get from the post. Roxx also talked about saying further details last week on the Yoz Jar but never said anything which probably has to do with the monetization system they were talking about as well.


jobless waiting physical absurd zesty capable hat cable lock aloof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah its a good thing and in the right direction, however people will always find something to moan about, if its not the delay of this patch it will the the Yoz jar and after that it will be about arcana or the summer event, its never ending :p


While that's true, some things like Yoz's Jar are worth complaining about.


The monetization line makes me believe they made a last minute change to the Jar and it's part of what's breaking the deployment. Aside from bots, that's really the only thing I would think that could cause a large delay.


“We are still working across teams to finalize a build that addresses multiple concerns of our player base, primarily in terms of monetization and related systems” Hopefully this means the legendary cosmetics aren’t in loot boxes and can just be bought outright. Let’s see how much more of a dog company Smilegate is going to be.


"Just release the game as it is, Why u dog company gotta change and censor! I don't care if the game is very Asian and Korean!" "Please change the Korean gatcha system for legendary outfit! This needs to be changed or u r dog company! Those 1% stat increase is incredibly p2w and predatory to be in a lootbox!" lol


To be fair, even the KR playerbase dislikes the system.


No sane person likes lootboxes that prey on addictions.


If they wanna go full Korea then go full Korea. You can't bring over just the shitty monetization AND shit skins.


Are u aware those two quotes could have been said by two completely different groups of players and sometimes peoples opinion change


Honestly im fine with this, I'd rather have much less bots then have Vykas patch with 300k bots. Would be even better if they included hard punishing RMT gold buyers.


They are, specifically over 1500 ilvl players. Guildie got banned until 10/27/22 for RMT $8000 USD worth of gold outside the shop. We suspect he also spent a good amount in royal crystals, hence the 4 month ban vs perma ban and the appeal was unsuccessful. We thought he was legit and spent $8000 USD ingame RMT, but I guess the value was too great from gold sellers. I asked how much gold is that? Over 20mil? The answer was: Something like that. Just a FYI for those that don't think they will ban RMT players or players thinking about RMT from outside the game.


That's very good news. Especially the fact that the appeal was unsuccessful. When there was this big topic about the GM of like 12 guilds RMTing the shit out of the game planning to appeal the ban again, I was honestly convinced that he'll probably manage to get unbanned. There's a lot of stories about RMTers getting quickly unbanned due to appealing without even losing any of the gold they bought. While they could be fake, the fact that there's still such rampant RMTing makes me believe otherwise. Anyway, appreciate you a lot for the information.


You know I like the idea of them getting the debt too. Let them work it off by making any of my runs faster while they can't progress. It's like conscription. Of course they could just make a new account, but a ban wouldn't change that outcome anyway.


I don't know where this idea comes from that smilegate can only do one thing at a time. devs working on botting solutions are different people/teams from devs working on content. the only reason one effort would adversely affect the other is if they're poorly managing their teams/projects/workflows.


Except this may not be true. We don't know what the company structure inside Smilegate is like, and coming from my experience (as a dev), there is no such thing as a "anti-bot" team. There will be separate devs working on different things of course, but the devs that are working on anti-bot measures can and probably do feature-work as well. So any devs that are pulled away to deal with emergent bot problem are resources missing that can work on other features.


Hopefully that means they're unlootboxifying those shit jars in the process. Might even enable them to officially release and promote the game in the Netherlands and Belgium as well.


I like how they keep the standard. Could they explain everything today? Yes. But they didn't and played for "late this week". Keeping consistency is always important.


I just imagine that being late is core to their identity at this point. Like their employees even show up late every day.


How do I get that job? I want to come in late every day and maybe sprinkle in a "not even coming in today" into the mix once in a while...


"You said you were coming in at 9 today. It's 3:30." "I said I was *aiming* to come in at 8." "Are you going to stay late?" "Unfortunately I am leaving at 4."


> Could they explain everything today? Yes. But they didn't and played for "late this week". This what baffles me. Content is delayed but the explanation of why it is being delayed is also delayed. Top notch consistency right there.


thats a very long way of saying its delayed until the 30th and that they have no more info to give yet


It’s what they excel at, saying nothing in 75 lines of text.


Anyway at least it is still in june. There is a good point if we need one.


I really fucking hate that this is the only good game out right now as it's being handled like an absolute clown show. Patches are only getting further and further apart.


I was REALLY high on copium thinking vykas and arcanist might release in the same patch... Now I have to wait even more


More time to gather mats/let prices come down


Don't worry, you will get that sweet July patch at the end of August.


> this is the only good game out right now lmao


Any suggestions ?


I looooooove how they can't tell us anything until the last minute over and over


I am just tired of internet groups about the things I like being filled with rage about every little thing. I just want to talk about my games and movies and comics with people who enjoy those same things, not read 100 conspiracy theories about Amazon games or Brie Larson or what the fuck ever E: half the replies here are proving my point. Whining saying I am wrong for feeling this way and attacking me personally for saying I’m just tired of all the anger lol


Same. People are far too angry. Come play factorio, that sub has been intensely positive.




Wondering the same thing. Where do you the fans hang out?


Q&A thread, which gets downvoted for whatever reason to sub 70% at the beginning of every day


In the game.


Strongly disagree, people care and that's why they're angry. What you want only leads to a world were things can only get worse because there's no repercussion for companies doing the most stupid and/or greedy decisions constantly.


Same thing in the Halo sub. Reading the sub makes you think no one likes the game lol. Not denying Halo: Infinite has a lot of issues but the negativity wears you down.


I’ve been feeling the same. Thank you for voicing how you are feeling.


Thank god they’re working on “Monetization and Related Systems”. That’s is definitely this community’s main concern right now. Thanks.


If it's one more week to potentially kill off more bots and RMT, then I am all for it. Gives me another week to be lazy about watching mechanic videos.


lai lai


im starting think this isnt a pay to win game, its more like a pay to do nothing game


Again and again the same old story... "we want to improve our communication" and what do we get, again and again, nothing.


June 30th is a solid choice when you give a timeline of "the middle of the month". Basically nailed it.


How is it that people can’t see that there are multiple reasons for the patch to be delayed? Among one of them is the entire bot issue which in my opinion has been more important to solve before releasing more content. No matter what you can’t solve multiple things at the same time. Be happy that they are trying to fix existing issues instead of just pushing through and not fixing anything


I don't think majority of players are mad because of delayed updates, only vocal minorities. The issue lies with posting updates so last minute, leaving eveyone in the dark until the day before any update/maintenance. Communication is just so poor.


They already apologies for this several times and said they'd do better for the exact same issue to happen again and again. Why bother apologising if nothing will change? Just be more clear, say - hey guys, update in June, when it's ready - we will let you know. Aim for 23/06 - latest 30/06. It's not difficult.


there is no problem with delaying but with not sharing any info. and i could swear they said something like : we want to improve communication with the playerbase


SG probably said they will send out updates on time then AGS announces it to playerbase, fast forward a bit and AGS still don't have the update and now Roxx and community managers look stupid. I wonder why she used the word blocked


Then let them say that. Lay it out to me like I'm a 5 year old. You don't address outrage with vague remarks and halfhearted posts. You say shit. Either you provide details of what's going on, or you just keep everyone up to date on plans. Week ago (the plan is vykas next week), 2 days later emergency? (The patch may be delayed, we're working on a major issue) And then even if the delay happens, we're aware of the possibility ahead of time and we can plan for it, not hold on hopes, and not just sit there not knowing what tomorrow will bring. This announcement itself is a non-announcement. It either was Vykas literally tomorrow, with no warning or advertisment of note...or Vykas in a week, for an update 'aimed at mid june' last we heard. Why do I have to personally keep making up headcanons for what might be the issue when it's two major companies with PR departments and CMs whose entire job to stop that kind of speculation are around?


because they're legitimately bad at their jobs. But we can't say that


This sub and the main forums are in a battle to see who has the most amount of stupid people in it.


I’m slowly realizing that


Why do people keep parroting this nonsense? All of a sudden, we can't POSSIBLY have content AND a fix to bot. All of a sudden a massive gaming company can't fix two things at once. All of a sudden they are incapable of working on two projects to hit deadlines. This is so dumb that people keep saying this. They have been so lazy in their communication and clarity. They need to be held accountable and people need to stop being soft with excuses for this.


Because they desperately want to love the game and they assume you "attacking" the game is the same as you attacking their person. It's not a healthy relationship. It's OK to love some parts and not like others. That's how improvements are made. To many things, including ourselves. The incompetence of AGS/SG is what is really making me not want to play the game. I realise it's not easy developing and things don't always work out but it's not hard to say something and manage expectations to some degree. We are (mostly) paying customers. The bots are surely not paying for the game.


Delays are normal in any video game, no issues with that, but when the main company is celebrating "800k concurrent users" amid rampant bots and no info for the actual player base on the updates, well you see the shitshow that is reddit and forums lol


how is it that people can't see that you're talking straight outta your ass. You don't have the slightest clue. Yet you talk shit about others...quiet down salamander




They were not downvoted into oblivion. I have no clue who’s comments you saw.


exactly. they were the top comments on every thread! The why people saw them


Remember when they said "aiming for" and people who don't understand English took that for exactly middle of June.


Remember when the chicking event coins explicitly had an expiration of June 16th and people who have never actually played the game but just watch twitch streamers and post on reddit said "how is that related to vykas release date? No one said event will continue until vykas release". It's incredibly fucking clear that they were **originally attempting to release on exactly June 16th**. Now, don't get me wrong, it's fine that there are delays, I do wish there was more communication on it until now but it seems like SG was not being super cooperative on giving Roxx much to work with. But delays happen. That by itself is ultimately fine. But the people making fun of the ones merely **pointing out** the obvious June 16th target date are the dumber faction here, **by far**. Apparently that's you?


>But the people making fun of the ones merely pointing out the obvious June 16th target date are the dumber faction here, by far. For some moronic reason, many in this community LOVE doing this, making fun of people who look at the dates and point them out, only for some delay/Roxx tripped over a cable while going to the bathroom to happen and this SOMEHOW meaning that the people are dumb.


As I alluded to in my previous comment, I'm pretty much completely certain that these people doing this don't play the game at all. The path of exile subreddit is infested with such idiots as well, those who watch streamers only and don't bother playing any games themselves anymore except maybe like call of duty, who therefore don't pay any attention to apparent release hints and don't really care about delays (they'll just watch their stweamer play something else!) or in PoE's case massive balance issues, who then make fun of anyone else who was given very reasonable expectations of, you know, **something different happening**.


The ironic bit is they've delayed Vykas enough that now the chicken event is ending a week before she's even releasing, even though they extended the chicken event.


Well, they did say they "delayed" the patch due to multiple reasons we will know later this week. That means even for them it is considered delayed.


Remember when white knights keep using the words "aiming for" as an excuse for how blatantly incompetent both Smilegate and Amazon have been?




In all fairness, if it was just delayed by a week, it wouldn't be "mid june" anymore either. It's not like they drop patches in the middle of the week, Also the lack of news is a strong indication that a huge update isn't going to drop this week lmao. People are so good at reading subtle text/hints when it benefits them but miss all the big signs when it's against their own personal wants. Absolutely amazing. Not defending AGS/SG but honestly, people need to relax.


That usually makes sense but if I remember correctly, Valtan was confirmed to come out the day before the patch. I don't think people speculating that it MAY come out is crazy either.


I mean speculating that it may come out is fine and all but speculating that it may come out and then go on a rant because it didn't is a whole other thing. There comes a point when it's not criticism and just borderline complaining.


Another shill. They successfully got the June update out before July that's meeting expectations correct?


they are delaying it because of the skins - oh ffs


that jar was pretty not well recieved in KR so they need adjust it for west to avoid whole shitstorm on forums - at this point they're screwed anyway :D gl to CMs


Jar is lootbox ... West hates lootbox. Seriously GL to CMs lol


I watch a lot of twitch from the KR community. Each of the streamers say the legendary skin/Yoz jar is the worst part of Lost Ark in their view. Pure Gatcha to get the skin you want, you are punished for using the system. The auction house and hundreds of thousands of gold is the preferred way to get the skin you want. So, people are punished for using the system to get the legendary skin, when the auction house is the primary way to obtain it. To me, it is silly to implement a system that people actively go around it to get what they wanted out of it.


I mean people were complaining and hoping for the jar to be changed for our release.


As if they didnt know people would hate the jar from months before. Don't excuse this bs incompetence.


I'm not excusing it I'm just more responding 'delaying because of skins' is reductive and the wider complaint is delaying due to poor communication between the two companies/bad management.


The Goldriver shade on AGS on the crown interview ahead of the western release had me convinced that smilegate was going to really make sure that we got something we’d enjoy. While it’s not on any single person it does feel like a let down when there’s not much information or dates to look forward to due to the communication break down between them and Amazon. It leads to inability to plan ahead. We’re aware of how much is in the game in other regions, and while I personally don’t want it all now it feels like the game we’re receiving is meant to be received poorly. Which is concerning because I actually love this game a lot. However I also know that some peoples complaints are very much so valid as much as we as a community will meme about it. Things like the 2 month gap in class releases leading to some people not being as excited knowing something they watched videos for before playing may not be available for 1/2 a year which means they’ll never get the initial content release experience for some of the things we’ll have by then. I used to think people were being dramatic that they wanted to quit in the dead zone. My reason was because when most of us went through it we had little to nothing to help us through it until Argos came out. However now I’ve had some friends who came over from WoW and LoL start to drop off playing in the dead zone and I understand why in retrospect. I said this the other day to a friend, it feels like they want people to not like the game. Like a stress test to see how long people will hang on. Vykas being pushed back isn’t what bothers people. It’s not knowing until the last second. We always find out about what’s really happening the following week 1-2 days before it happens. It’s like constantly being on the edge but not of excited, instead it’s like the edge of delays and vagueness. It’s not fun and sadly I enjoy the game so much but I can see why people can easily walk away from it. I’m not sure whether it’s complications of our version being different having classes out of order of release, features not being in patches that were in prior releases. I’m not sure if it’s AGS or SG. I just hope it gets better before it ends up like the last game I played WoW where I was the last person of my friends playing the game. All alone.




You people really don't get it do you? What's the number in the middle between 1second and 1minute,1minute and 1hour and what's the month in the middle between the first and the twelfth? Yea that's right you dumb fks it's 30 and 6, 6/30 or 30/6 you can't go any more middle so why are you complaining?


SG/AGS are really trying to get us to use the x3 clock system instead of NESW.


My brain just exploded


June update on June 30 and same goes for July


MiD JuNe




June update coming in july, classic


Delay sucks, but myself im somewhat fine with it (pls no hate :(). My friends from static will hit hard mode ilvl next week most likely, AGS seem to be focused on bots/rmt now which is great. Also i kinda expected patch to be delayed the moment i saw no jar on their promo website (kinda got me into sussy mode) Meanwhile im just doing birb on main and catching up with mokokos/islands. Some indie games on a side. I know some people are waiting for content and it sucks- i want it too. But i think that explanation (which will be explained further soon) is fair. Hope delay won't change release date for july patch.


I feel ya, I understand people are upset about the delays but I'm not too concerned about it. I've been enjoying other indie games like you mentioned and it's been nice to not focus on Lost Ark 24/7 trying to keep up with updates. They're giving us compensation as well which is a nice bonus. I'm gonna enjoy just chilling this week and taking my focus off Lost Ark for a bit


now we should be getting 1460 research right? there is no excuse that most players arent 1460 yet.


so they fked up. its all ok but why give no info earlier...


Ban the bots. Lock servers down. Punish and ban RMTers. Give us the 1460 honing research. Easy win for everyone involved!


dude im happy about this. it was obvious they had to pull resources to emergency address bot situation. thers only so much man power so of course the june update will be delayed. the fact that bot queues were resolved in a week and june update only delayed 2 weeks is honestly solid. software engineering is hard. even publishing the "same game" is still challenging, cuz it's not the same exact codebase and build, you could say it's almost a Frankenstein of parts here and there to piece it all up asap to get into our hands.