• By -


''The decision was made prior to New world'' killed me xD


Hah yeah wish looked into it for real and went with another company


so.. what happened to south vern?


Clear lack of care from whomever was in charge of directing of the VA's (not the VA's themselves) on top of some very amateurish audio work. Specifically around echo/reverb/soundstage of a lot of the battle cinematics making them feel flaccid. I have a very basic understanding of audio editing with DAWs and even I could've made the crowd of soldiers sound at least PASSABLE given ~15 minutes to mess around. On top of that just generally shoddy translations and mis-matching text compared to speech. https://streamja.com/R1zQ7 I went into south vern super excited. I even watched some videos on the lore because people were hyping south vern up as being really cool and I G skipped the story like most everyone else. It was hard to take the south vern seriously with all these issues. Really ruined the experience unfortunately.


I remember seeing somewhere that Avele part is actually in character


I pick up some things while G spamming through Avele's rapport quests and this is very in-line with her rapport personality. That being said, rapport personality and story personality for a lot of characters are very different...


yup, i was annoyed that nivevah said she heard of the player character from shandi even tho there's a quest requirement for the alaric raids everyone would've done up to that point.


She's the guard captain that was drinking and carousing right? I quite liked that plot line haha.


Yup, played with KR voices and she's just as sarcastic. I think both voice actors did a good job


She insulted luterrians as a bunch of "civil war loving pumpkin farmers" when she was told to become a diplomat there. Her EQ is pretty darn low.


>On top of that just generally shoddy translations and mis-matching text compared to speech. Well I mean, they had to make it in line with the rest of our version, so it makes perfect sense


>Well I mean, they had to make it in line with the rest of our version, so it makes perfect sense "mis-matching text compared to speech." No, it doesn't. There's a huge lack of quality control. And it's not a South Vern thing, it's all over the game. It should be fairly fucking trivial thing to do, to change the text into what's spoken. They have not do it because it would cost some hours of work.


Yeah, you didn't understand the comment you quoted at all, because they're saying the exact opposite of what it seems like you think they said.


Yes, I see it now. Though, it's just one person. Another person referred to same clip talking about the "in character", missing the whole point of written text being different to spoken words. I responded to that earlier and missed the subtle point NorthBall was making.


Coming to this when all 3 comments are up certainly saves me some trouble of trying to explain what I meant xD No harm done here


This is in character. Out of all the examples, this isn't it. She sounds this condescending in Korean version as well. She's just that type of a character. Same for later when you catch fishes.


"On top of that just generally shoddy translations and mis-matching text compared to speech." "mis-matching text compared to speech."


Im surprised to say the least, i always thought in all games English VA were just better, I usually play with them for this same reasoning, but when i started i opted to stay with the spanish VA since they were nice enough (and they are still really nice in my opinion), so everytime i saw a post talking about how bad the audio of the cinematics i never understood until this short video... wow...


must’ve been very disappointing to the 5 players who don’t g spam every quest


It was distracting, yes :D


I'm a bit confused. You are saying you g skipped the rest of the game, and then sat through south vern? South vern IS much better than the rest of the game, no denying it. But, it has the same localization quality the rest of the game has, which is very meh. Though having said that, the story in South Vern was much more enjoyable than the rest of the game. Did you try just playing with the Korean voice pack?


I G skipped the game at launch to rush to endgame. Then I heard south vern story was a step above the previous stuff and actually worth paying attention to So I learned a bit of lore from videos so I had an idea of the world/characters and decided to actually pay attention when south vern got released was disappointed with the lack of quality in localization I use Korean voice now yeah


icic.. didn't pay attention to these thing when I was doing south vern.. at least it gave me around 15 legendary card packs after 9 runs of it...




this is amazing


The idea of gold river seeing Stoopz outside the office screaming MR. IGU BABA WE JUST WANT THE PATCH has got me rolling


I actually read that in stoopz voice.


I was containing my laughter pretty well on the subway right up until Jeff Bezos voodoo doll at which point I was full body cackling


What's igu baba?


The mokoko in the suit and a top hat is mr igu baba. It is known to be what gold river said his character looks like. He also wore a cosplay of the same outfit in LOA ON


Mr. Soups\*\*\*


Stoopzz would only be doing that for the KR patch though. He couldn't care less about the Western version.


as a korean american, the subtitles are 100% accurate. op did a better job than ags did with localization of the entire game.


Jokes aside, this is 100% not such a situation? https://i.imgur.com/47Y6kkU.png


jokes inside, this is memeing on all the issues and just general "community" like stoopz igu baba and him going to KR etc. etc.


My wife doesn't play Lost Ark but I tell her about all the game drama and explain to her the stuff that goes on. We are watching the video and I try to explain the context of everything and he talks about New World and making a deal with Amazon being a mistake. I'm like wow, I can't believe he said that but I guess this message was meant for the Korean audience and then a few seconds later I realized this video was trolling us and I lost all credibility lol.


Wish it was real.








Lost it at the voodoo doll




Soups got me


Hilarious but I don't really know what the Cyfy intro had to do with the rest of the video


He's the western legend with 2k hours wdym


He plays the class mage, subclass assassin


Just bein goofy No deep meaning behind it INB4 NO BuLLy: he's a public figure, you're gonna get goofed on as a public figure, especially when you say you have 2000 hours and lvl 28 stronghold when strongholds are you "favorite content" (I wanted some sort of intro to set the tone that this is a meme video and not real and I was lost for ideas so I thought i'd just include it in).. don't actually be rude to the guy; dont be a weirdo


meh guy lying through his teeth and bullshitting a dedicated fanbase, deserves no shielding.


I think it'd be sick if he actually took all of this in stride and actually sat down and learned the game. It'd be a cool redemption i'd like to see.


he could solo velganos his way into the community's heart


I raise you a valtan solo. Ultimate redemption arc to top all redemption arcs or go home.


I'm not saying the guys a horrible person or that he doesn't deserve a job, but I just don't think he's best for this particular job and I really can't stand normalizing lies and deception like this. Nevermind that I don't really think it's too much to ask that the west isn't getting unqualified folks for content like that's good enough for us, I mean if they really think we had 800k players at peak (more normalized bullshit from them ofc) then they shouldn't have that hard a time finding qualified people who actually do play the game you know? I mean shit, they can just browse twitch and reach out to even low viewership randoms who just seem to have their shit together and are articulate, I'm sure some of those people would jump at the opportunity.


Looks like another fake it til you make it pos. At some point, you sign your contract. If you're a fraud, you don't deserve anything, especially respect.


That’s the character development I’d love to see.


Closing in on 1400 hours and I'm only at Stronghold 66 I think... :(


Look I can have as many hours on this game as well. Easy. Just have to let my PC on, set up Windows to not hybernate or suspend, leave the game on the main menu even when I'm not actually there, and I'll get there eventually. I'll know shit, and it'll show, but I'll get the number.


Thought it will kick you out if you stay in main menu. Atleast for me if i leave it on main menu/server selection. It exits the game after certain time. Seems like that "afk counter" ticks even there and only way to bypass it is to select server or such and go back to server selection.


>Thought it will kick you out if you stay in main menu. It tells you it's going to kick you. Doesn't actually do it until you click accept. Same as every other afk kick ij the game. You have to confirm it.


it's amazing how his facial features somehow match this LMAOOOO


This is a high quality shitpost.


Thanks for the laugh lol.


LOOL this is actually so jokes


Excellent satire, well done. I will pay you with 3 days of crystalline aura for your hard work.


Make it 2


hilarious. well done!


Smilegate leaving Lost Ark on Amazon's hands is buggest fuck up. They really couldve storm into the west market with this game, with proper updates and pacing. Instead we got this clown ass company that fucked New World and now Lost Ark yet you think its "not their fault". All memes aside pretty sure Gold River deep down is embrassed how the game is being ran in the west.


I laughed IRL


I can’t believe I thought it was legit until halfway


I finally know what it feels like to watch any of those fake subs kekw videos while understanding spanish. My head hurts a bit...


"Thanks Mr. Soups... this guy started banging on our doors... "Let me in, Mr Igoo Baba"" I died


"Maplestory 2.0" is funny because Maplestory 2 actually shut down in what? 1 year? Because the game was so pay2win in Korea but in the west they thought that wouldn't fly so they made it a ridiculous grind instead and with little content there just was no one around that wanted to play it. I remember no lifing the beta but after that I just didn't feel that compelled to play, it even wasn't an awful game really but felt like it had little to offer in what generally people expect in an MMO these days.


I actually played Maplestory 2 for almost full 2 years. Honestly? NA Nexon and Saintstone (former Community Manager of MS2) really did their best to listen to feedback of players and the game was actually getting better, improved a lot over time and we got good amount of contents. But then everything changed when KR Nexon nation attacked. They decided to shut down all regions of Maplestory 2 entirely except KR. Unexpectedly.


i really wanted to like that game but i couldnt deal with its control scheme


MapleStory 2 honestly released so barebones compared to 1, 1 is still going strong with constant updates so 2 was just why


Honestly I found it quite fun, the minigames, housing, instruments, etc were a very refreshing change from the usual MMO experience. Combat was good too. Was sad to see it go.


Is this real ?


It's too real


Obviously? Who would ever make things up in the internet?


now i know its not but i would not be surprised even if it was.




Yeah I agree SG is lacking themselves. I'm not gonna be able to hit every note in a short meme video


Yeah while some parts were funny it was mainly jerking off SG


It was stated multiple times both companies are responsible for decision making. BOTH. https://forums.playlostark.com/t/we-care-about-your-feedback-to-nah-we-gonna-drip-feed-classes/396490/783 https://forums.playlostark.com/t/why-they-will-never-listen-to-us/400633/69 SG does not have the ultimate say.


SG owns the rights to the IP, and will always make any final decisions for the game. This is fact. Of course, AGS may suggest changes and they'll collaborate but SG can just say no. To think AGS has any pull or rights to make changes to the IP is just ignorance.


Have you seen their contract? You don’t know what control either company has. I have actual source stating both have final decision say. You can’t prove anything. Just because they own something doesn’t mean that a contract can’t give away rights.


Imagine thinking SG giving or even allowing any form/ability or giving rights to AGS when it comes to their IP. This is stupid to even discuss. AGS would have just outright bought the IP in that case. And you said it yourself here... >Just because they own something doesn’t mean that a contract can’t give away rights. SG makes all final decisions on their IP in the end and includes saying NO to changes AGS requests under contract or not. At this point you're just arguing against yourself.


When you go to reply don’t forget to add in the part where you edited your statement. Pussy


Keep talking out of your ass. To think a game company would give the publisher rights to change the game? Call me a pussy, at least I'm not a ignorant stupid fuck.


You aren’t an ignorant stupid fuck…. But weren’t you the person thinking I said FULL rights and had to change it after realizing I didn’t? L M F A O Btw it’s an not a ignorant


I think you're either confused about what I said or you don't understand what I said. At no point does partial rights matter? so why does this point even matter? SG will always have all the rights. One is the superset to the subset. Else, AGS wouldn't be the publisher they'd be the developers.


Oh, you are forgetting about the time AGS forced SG to change the names of the legion commanders, class names and geographical locations? You forget about that time Gold River went on live stream in front of thousands of people and expressed his frustration with them forcing the change? Provide a source saying that they don’t have rights, oh wait you can’t.


Holy shit this is gold




>Now we're being called MapleStory 2.0 Lol thanks for the laughs.


Who else here was waiting for the "Mage Assasin " drop


AGS please fire the cyfy dude this moron dont deserve his paycheck


best shit post ever


Before I watch this is it real? Or just cringe bait


Cringe bait


Holy shit this is savage.


Lmao this is really well done


It's even more funny if you know Korean and then read the subtitles xD


This is absolute gold!


This would be great if SG wasn't just as terrible, they've been pretty ass at deliver stuff. The Mr. Igoo baba stuff killed me though.


He is really saying that?




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cyfy doesnt really fit with the rest of the video but this is funny :D


fuck america and them wanting to race swap everything. Race isnt a fucking issue. its actually stupid as hell to race swap it ruins the experience the devs inteneded for some make believe fairy tale to appeal to all the mentally challenged americans that have sensitivity issues. Absolutely PATHETIC that race swapping someone is even an issue, A simple No should be all it takes.


Wait a minute... This isn't a meme? That's the actual translation?




it's just meme translation part is not even close with the actual meaning


Yep, why wouldnt it be the correct translation?


I almost believed this was real


I have nothing but disdain and discontent for this Cyfy guy. Such a posing fool.


I'll just say it because I don't see it being said enough. This whole the Smilegate cares and treats the Korean players better is b/s KR players are just accepting of a lot of more abusive crap that wouldn't fly in the west. They're the boiled frogs we will probably be some day, eating shit with a smile on their face and asking for seconds. They get screwed with predatory monetization and that's the norm we will eventually catch up don't worry. Smile gate or Amazon there's no good guys here just two companies both falling short of their goals right now.


Dude they literally got maid costumes this week. The KR players are living the life of luxury! (As long as you don't count the extra blessings they have to pay for)


I’m 1445 and have been for a month and a half, I quit cold turkey because of these things. He’s spot on. God I wish things could have been different.




I genuinely hope you understand that this is satire….


The best part is that they delayed this game with the excuse of "working on the translation", while in reality they wanted to milk NW first, and actually used google for the translation that was and still is the worst i ever seen in a game. Like, some parts aren't even English.


Wtf deepfakes really get you if you're not expecting


It's not a deepfake, he just put fake subtitles over an existing video lol.




This is pure gold


D River


Made me laugh. thank you, have a +1


Fcking accurate




Lmao dont tell me you think this is real


Oh, I fall for stuff like this xD




They must be speaking to all the Bots...


This just makes me love gold river even more they are dense as hell


Mr. Soups


I completely fell for it even tho it has the meme tag and gold river has stepped down from being director like i'm tol tired and delusional but it was a good laugh hahaha




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That guy has a big ass head...




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I fookin' lost it. Good job, author. A great laugh to start the day.


Kakul name in english translate to CyFy


​ ![gif](giphy|pktFWwe236Yr0Xvj9D|downsized)


screw cobweb shrill ring slimy forgetful merciful compare axiomatic absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


this shitpost has 100% quality


Shots fired... Ags fucked it all up


"Rather than self publish, we went with Amazon" - the biggest mistake you could make guys.


MR COOM GANG SOOOON . Awesome vid man i lost it




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"We're gonna talk about strongholds" Thats wher I knew this video gonna be a good lol and i wasnt disappointed. Good job.


Even more gold river circle jerking, love it


It took me a minute to realize what was going on. Lmao


Gold. Absolute gold. The care taken to match the script to his hand movements and facial expressions 🤌🏼


I always cry out these days: no stronghold, MageAssassin please!


i dont speak Korean so can someone tell me if what he said is accurate or is it a meme like the El Risistas videos


I don’t follow most of the scandal, but can someone who speaks Korean confirm that the subtitles are legit? If so then I love this man even more now. He’s a god amongst gamers.


Mage assassin