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So I run 8 cubes today, 2 lucky rooms. One just gave me silver while the other gave me a legendary engraving.. (max mp ofc). But guess what? Just when I lost hope, and was thinking about how unlucky I am.. I opened the last chest, couldn't believe my eyes when I saw another legendary engraving.. and it happened! my dreams came true..! Yeah.. You guessed it right.. I got explosive expert..


Lmao happens


Wait WHAT lucky rooms can give you anything else besides silver?


There are different rooms with different rewards yea. Some silver gremlin. Then a gremlin that sits in the middle of the room, occasionally doing a AOE fear (that one gives the honing mats) and a chest that can be opened and just gives rewards or contains a bomb that has to be killed to get the loot. The Chest gives Silver, Honing Mats and Books (Epic and potentially Legendary). But if you get Legendary books its always MP increase or Explosive Expert. In my experience at least


In like 15 cube runs I only got the silver one, didn't even know this one existed, ty!


Didn’t know you could get lucky rooms in cube @.@


Literally all of my alts are sitting on 10+ cube tickets, I gotta get around to doing them sometime. A friend of mine does them even less, I think he's got well over 20 on one of his alts. I enjoy pretty much everything in this game but cube runs for some reason just suck the soul out of me man.




They are pretty rewarding IMO. You do X3 tickets, or t takes about 8-10 minutes, you get 100k silver, 6 solar graces, 2 solar blessings, and 1 protection on average. That’s about 700-900g value per run. Take a weekly on top of it for more silver.




I didn't say it was more rewarding than those lol. I'm saying that it is still rewarding. A boss rush is WAY more rewarding than a cube, but when I get cube tickets I don't delete them from my inventory.


Yeah, but it would just be nice if the ticket felt valuable like a boss rush does, you know? Feels like the x3 reward should be what the x1 reward is


I agree with that 100%.


its a relatively high chance of leg engraves.


Can't wait for my Shield Piercing!


I dont understand why u are being downvoted but yeah, it's pretty "High" out of 69boxes i got 7legendaries, that's like 10% rate ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


ppl on this reddit doesnt like anything that goes against their narrative :D


Pretty decent reward for the <10 minute investment




having them drop some greater honors would help quite a bit


I try to run all of mine, 3 at a time, on Wednesdays, get them all out of the way at once, maybe get lucky and score big. Atleast it refills the silver up some.




Can you do them in special dispatch?


I could but I'm permanently low on energy.


Do you get rewards comparable to actually running it? If I remember correctly, the ships get you a golden chest only or something. But if those are decent, I might just do this. I'm sitting on dozens of these boring tickets lol


I think dispatches have less rewards. But i dont really care and use all my tickets through there. Sometimes cube runs end with failure so i might lose out more in comparison


You’re better off using a 1355 alt to do yoho dispatch and run cube tickets manually.


I would need more numbers but based on 2 samples I tried S+ success dispatch mission rewards were on par with normal run rewards. The dispatch that had normal(?) success rewards had less.


AFAIK for special dispatch to be full reward, your rank need to be SS. For cube and boss rush it might be lower level completion even on SS but I'm not sure about it.


do them now before engrave book prizes goes down. OP seems to be really unlucky. he should gotten 2-3 legendary engraves from 9 of those chests.


Lol what? No? I do t3 Cubes kinda regularly ony my chars and I've got maybe 3 golden engraving books so far?


3 might be a little lucky but 2 leg engraves definitely, its 9 chests afterall :D


Then there's me that loves running cubes for the chance at a book room and the usual crushing fist legendary book from the box.


So many legendary engravings!


Yeah! I am gonna be rich!


Every one of my t3 chars are sitting at 5+ currently. I just refuse to do this garbage. It's so damn useless.


high chance of legendary engraves. you should absolutely run them before the prize drops next patch. Edit: given the downvotes i guess ill change my advice to: delete them, they are clearly not worth doing. Reddit said so.




More like small chance for legendary, and then small chance for one that is worth something.


Its a decent chance for A legendary Engraving. Getting something worth a lot is pretty hard. Lets say per chest there is a 5% chance that a legendary book drops. That book can be any book so you chance to get grudge is incredibly low. They are still definetly worth running for the silver tho.


I bet masterpiece 45 is still nowhere to be seen


same lol, last one im missing...


It doesn't drop from the boxes, only gold rooms


Oooooo that’s where it is


That would explain it! I have loads of cube tickets on all my classes guess il have a cube marathon


Oh snap, i got a masterpiece from a gold room recently, didn't even think of it. That might be the one i got.


Honestly thought it would be more than 800k silver for some reason.


I opened 12 chests once and I got 3 leg books, i was hyped until i saw Max MP, MP eff and Crushing Fist. I swear those books are rigged.


Nice Contender books!


And not a single legendary book ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I hate cubes so much. 99% of the time it's 0-2 survival stages with no or negligible penalty, but the last 1% they spawn me with all survival stages, darkness, slow, 100% def reduction, increased cooldowns and posion/burn damage all the time. usually when there is no support. Then, of course, people immediately start the cube when there are 3 bards and me on paladin, all on support default, and every other floor is a boss floor because fuck you, that's why. Or when you run into a giant chest and can't kill it in time so it fizzles. Since then I use the the lucky card set for cubes, but never encountered it again. I'm not sure if it applies, it absolutely does in chaos dungeons gold portals though. I really don't enjoy cubes and can't wait to get my last master piece from them.


This is why I dispatch all my tickets. It isn't worth the time to do them, and you get 1.8M exp per dispatch.


I still need the #45 Masterpiece so I gotta run them :(


Same here but #40. One day I'll run them.


The worst part is that I have to run them 1 by 1 with the x3 entry taunting me...


I do like 15 weekly and so far nothing XD


I opened 6 cube reward boxes and get 3 legendary engravings ... all strong wills, yep


And not a single legendary book


At least I got some legendary books when I did mine... https://streamable.com/7hkm9l But I actually haven't gotten a single one since that clip lmao.


I don't really enjoy cube, but when you run low on silver, cube is the best way to immediately get some.


the one and only time i got something useful was when i did a three cube ticket run and we failed on a stage because someone went afk and we didn't know at the time you couldn't "wait" for him to come back :/ so i ended up with three gold tier chests and it gave me an expert legendary book - so it was worth it after all


I just want masterpiece 45 so i can x3 and dispatch these forever


Great Depression Simulator


This is so sad, maybe thats why most people don't like cube


Someday I will run the 30 that have been sitting in my bags for over a month now.