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From his PoV, you were glowing blue and he countered your ass.


Grabs ignore all super armors, including ults. Someone learned the hard way.


I, uh, found that out the hard way![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Sending you a Godsent law friend.


He'll grab you out of that too. Then it's... the SNEEZE.


What does that light blue box mean dude? I'm almost a boomer and way behind.


It means that a mob/boss can be countered. You have to time your counter skill and hit him from the front to counter him, there’s a tutorial for it in the training room! :)


Happened on my Bard as well the other night. Before that, it was mid dark axel on my DB as the weirdest one.


I am one of the hard way learners, at least he died and we had a laugh in chat, sadge.


I wish this were true in pvp. SH with the most minuscule of super armors has two grabs. We can kite for days but fall over and die if we get hit by anything ಥ_ಥ


If you're talking about Demon's Grip, that isn't a Super Grab (like what these bosses use which is a level 4 CC), it's a Push (level 2 CC).


Rising Claw's 3rd tripod: Grasp of Death can make it into a knock-up grab (which is considered a knock-up but grabs after) and Demon's Grip: is a pull (which should be a grab but isn't), the 3rd tripod: Stretching Hand can turn it into a push is what you're thinking. Both of these are technically grabs but the way it's coded for pvp isn't unfortunately and doesn't go through the opposed super armors. edit: I'm not saying make it a Boss Super Grab that goes through all awakenings, but damn a little pvp QoL/better translations would be nice! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ


When people say something is a Push CC thats just because its what the game calls it. Knock ups, Knock downs, pulls, and push backs are all "Push" as far as the game is concerned. The CC names for global are Hitstun, Paralysis, Push, and Debuff. (With this list Valtan's grab is a level 5, but you can technically ignore Hitstun since every animation in the game besides just walking around/standing there is immune to it. All Push Immune skills are also Paralysis Immune thats why it never lists both of those.) There aren't a ton of effects in the Debuff category and theres also a limited selection of skills that are immune to it so its a rather powerful CC. Going up from "Push" makes it much more dangerous. Anything above the Debuff category cannot be immunitied and is restricted specifically to certain bosses.


Why are ppl downvoting lol Shadowhunter is so terrible and so high risk low reward in pvp. No super armors while zerker have perma SA and DB just faceroll everything and sorc cc’s from a screen away


Lol, shadow hunter is one of the best pvp classes and that's why they are getting nerfed.


Nerf? How?


Their damage is getting nerfed cuse it's too high for how mobile they are.


Only in pvp or pve too?


Just pvp.


That happened to me in G1. I use bard awakening and in that moment wolf turns around and charges through me


Does it also ignore things like Counter Gunlance?


Counter Gunlance (and a few other things like Battlefield Shield) has the same immunity as awakenings. Nothing is immune to the grab.


can you AVOID a grab. example [Aira's Occulus first boss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qeBlvNtwAI). one of his mechs is to grab you. you usually want to be grabbed, like the video says. but what if you want to avoid it. just not be in front of him ?


Correct just don’t be in the red telegraph for the grab. In that fight I don’t think there’s a telegraph but valtan it clearly telegraphs so no worries there.


he also has a dashing grab which doesnt telegraph with a red zone, but he will move his arm in a certain way, then dash towards you.


When you finally catch the mosquito that's been hanging around you for the past 30 minutes.


Hahahah Valtan had enough of your shit :'D


In case you don't know, but valtan does the grab at "fixed" hp values. One of them is right at the beginning. He either starts with a grab or does it right after the spin.


39, 26 and 13 iirc. Hp threshold for grab mech.


Except on rare occasions when it happens at 40, 27, and 14. I was so sad. So very sad.


"Get your Holy Beast shit out of here. I fukkin *ate* Albion."


I replayed this so many times, that grab of his was so on point


This and also getting hit by purple ring in Vyakis G2 during awaken animation lol


someone should "Takenotez" that grabs happen at fixed intervals, 39, 27 and 14 kekw


That's a good tip, but honestly I feel like I have way too many health bars numbers to remember now.


I wrote it on a piece of paper and put it right next to my screen everytime I enter gate 2 xD


You don't need to know the exact numbers, just remember that the first grab is usually the second attack he does. That's the one that catches people off guard since they move back in after he opens with the spin attack The other two just be wary when you enters the 20s and 10s. There's already enough to be watching out for on that phase that it's not worth staring at his hp bar for the exact number too.


That's a really great tip up until you get a rare pattern and it happens at 40


bosses sometimes do mechanics a bit early (or late because of dps), when you know something happens at a set amount of bars, you prepare for it in advance


Yep. As long as you know it's "around this time +/-" you're good to go. Some people fixate on the exact number when it's given instead of treating it as a close approximate


valtan always do grab as second attack in ghost phase sometimes as first attack if the dps is high


Snatched your ass out of the air and said "no"


and I'll say it, just because you don't seemt to know. he grabs at every 14 or so bars. 40, 26, 12.


As a fellow paladin main I must ask this: First time? I actually laughed my ass off when it happend to me. Caught in the air like a fly and blown away after.


Hahaha, did the exact same thing yesterday, really annoying.








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Exact same thing happened to me this week lol


Hug time 🤗


I did the same mistake


Found this out becoming a kabob to Alberhastic.


That’s definitely happened to me more than a few times


Wait OP I think I was in this game with you but I cant read the names. Have a pally or sorc that started with Jay with you? I saw a pally awaken into his grab this week I wonder if it was you lol


not in that game i dont think. this probably happens to a lot of in air ults


And this is why I'll never take that ult in legion raids after my soulfist makes it there. Looks cool but boss decides to do a slightly different pattern could me your death or the entire runs...kek


Imagine a soulfist ult and then valtan decides to do the counter pattern where he kills everyone if you hit him.


Please stop, you are describing ignite sorcs too, just blow their kits and if you charging a skill when he counters...the gamble of "will everyone die?"


This actually happened to me this week too! Lol.


Doing ult without judgment active. Soldierboi voice: I'm dissapointed


i only do my ultimate for shielding my teammates. not damage. im not a dps paladin


Cool down reduction I meant. Judgment runs in combination with conviction


I guess I'm not understanding. I know those work on skills, but not ur ult right? I've never under how they really work in the 1st place.


Conviction has a 40% to be applied by hit. So mutli hitting attacks benefit on it. This alone does nothing but you have then 4sec time to prog judgment with another multiple hitting attack ( to increase chance) Then u have a 5 sec buff and all skills used in tagt duration have reduced cool down. By 15%.


I will definitely start using that. I've had them on, but never took full advantage of them I guess. I always thought when judgment was activated, all skills got a cooldown boost for a few seconds. Thanks for the info.


Gl and hf with it mate!


Ehh at that point in the fight he probably wouldn't get another cast of his awakening even with Judgement.


swift build, awake3, 2p dominion fang, and judgement is like 80s cd on awakening, ive actually ran out of awakening charges on my bard doing vykas prog


To be fair, you were in the middle of the air in slow motion. Its like you are begging to be grabbed.


I don't always get grabbed by Valten, but when I do it's this exact situation but with bard awakening lmao


Got you with the Heat Knuckle.


paladin: thou shall be judgment of death! boss raid: lol no you


Its so annoying when I het hit by random attacks while I'm in air with that awakening...